What Can You Do to Stop Anxiety Attacks

Episodes of anxiety attacks can be uncomfortable, unpleasant and unhealthy. Because of this, most people head to the medicine cabinet for a quick relief. While some may find medications as an effective way to battle anxiety, there are more natural and equally effective ways of dealing your excessive emotion without subjecting the body to different negative side-effects.

Exercise Exercise improves the health of the body and mind, and improves the overall well-being of a person. A 30-minute exercise, 3-5 times a week is enough to provide anxiety relief. Increasing to at least an hour of aerobic exercise each day provides maximum benefits for relieving stress and anxiety.

Sleep A popular adage, “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” speaks of the importance of sleep in the overall health of a person. Qualitative sleep for 8 hours a day is a proven and effective technique to battle stress as well as anxiety attacks.

Healthy diet Along with exercise, diet plays an important role in the overall health of the body. Eating healthy food maintains the normal chemistry and hormones of the body as well has provides resistance to common ailments that increases the risk of anxiety attacks.

Avoid unnecessary stressors Most stressors are unavoidable and it is also unhealthy to turn your back to certain situations that need to be addressed. Still, some situations and people cause unnecessary stress that result to anxiety attacks. Avoid people that stress you out, learn how to say ‘no’, trim down your to-do-list, avoid sensitive topics such as politics and religion, etc.

Relaxation techniques Yoga, meditation, Taiji, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization and breathing exercises can reduce anxiety and promote the feeling of relaxation and emotional well-being.

Keep a positive outlook While it is very difficult to maintain a good attitude when experiencing an anxiety attack, it is very crucial to be more conscious and help stay in control over the situation to effectively battle your condition. Do not think “Oh no, not again!” or “I’m screwed” when an episode hits you. Think that it will be over soon and control your emotions so that your anxiety will now get worse.

If the abovementioned techniques do not work for you, it is probably time to consult a health professional about your health. Since symptoms of anxiety attacks may be a result of other psychological and physical conditions, you need to see your medical doctor first and get a complete physical in order to rule out any other possible causes.

If anxiety prevails and symptoms last for more than 1 to 2 weeks, especially if you have no idea why, see a trained therapist.

A person with anxiety disorder usually goes under medication, therapy or both. Prescription drugs for anxiety are usually antidepressants and benzodiazepines. However, they provide short-term relief and thus, other therapy is often recommended. Therapies given are cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. They are both effective (especially when combined with medication) to treat anxiety disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Exposure therapy, on the other hand, helps treat anxiety attacks by subjecting the patients to control fear in a safe and controlled environment. Through repeated exposure, patients gain greater self control and more confidence in facing fearful situation.

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

Do you suffer from constant or severe headaches? If so, you may do what most Americans do. That is simply just reach for the medicine cabinet. Yes, most over-the-counter products can relieve headache pains, but that relief is short-lived. Instead of masking the pain with over-the-counter products, seek a proper diagnosis and long-term relief. You can do so with chiropractic care.

What is chiropractic care? It is a field of medicine. Some classify it as alternative medicine. It all depends on who you ask and their openness towards the subject. Traditional physicians rely on their knowledge, medical tools, and medication to treat pain. Chiropractors focus on manual therapy. The hands and usually the hands alone provide it. Common treatments offered by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and manipulative realignments.

Doesnt a chiropractor only specialize in back pains? This is a common misconception. Chiropractors tend to focus on the spine, but you may be surprised how many ways the spine and its condition impacts our body. Many chiropractors have years of experience helping patients diagnose, treat, and manage all types of pain, including headache pain.

Why should you see a chiropractor if you suffer from severe or constant headaches? Headaches have many causes. Daily stress cause most, but there may be a more serious underlying problem. For example, those who have chronic muscle contractions may experience a spinal distortion, a cause of headaches. Car accident victims commonly suffer from whiplash. If improperly treated, this can also lead to headaches. Without treatment, the pain will continue and it may get worse overtime.

How does chiropractic care help headaches? It all depends on their cause. If everyday stress is to blame, a chiropractor may suggest relaxing exercises at home or regular in-office therapeutic massages. If headaches are caused by spinal distortion, a vertebrae alignment may be performed. This alleviates the pressure from nerves, which should reduce headache pain and frequency.

Will the headaches stop after seeking chiropractic care? Yes and no. First, it is important to remember that headaches are caused by many factors. If your cause is due to spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment will help. This will reduce the frequency of headaches caused by this specific problem. But, you may get another headache from just having a bad day at work. You and your chiropractor will work together to achieve long-term pain relief. In addition to therapeutic massages, trigger factors will be discussed. You will later need to avoid these triggers.

What should you ask your chiropractor after treatment? Many patients mistakenly believe they are treated and no longer need to seek treatment. Chiropractic care does not mean long-term care. Before parting ways, however, pick your chiropractors brain for suggestions to later prevent headache pain or lessens the severity. As previously stated, trigger factors need to be eliminated. Not only that, proper posture is important. This is a chiropractors specialty. Ask them about natural ways to prevent pain, including relaxation and proper posture.

In short, headaches have many causes. Daily stress is not the only cause. Dont mask the pain. See what you can do to get long-term and long-lasting relief. So, the next time you get a severe, long-lasting, or recurring headache, dont head to the medicine cabinet. Instead, head to your local phone book. Find the contact information for a local chiropractic care specialist and see what they can do for you.


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How to Find a Chiropractor

Do you suffer from painful recurring headaches, arthritis, were you in a car accident, or are you just experiencing pain and discomfort? Most Americans head to their medicine cabinet or their primary care physician. These provide you with temporary relief, but dont you want more? If so, schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor.

What makes chiropractors better than over-the-counter pain relievers and primary care physicians? They believe in natural medical care. A chiropractor may use x-rays and MRIs to diagnose a problem, especially after a car accident. The treatment, however, is hands on, literally. It is known as manual therapy. Chiropractors commonly perform alignments and adjustments. Precision force is used with the hands to thrust joints into their proper position. For most, this results in a reduction or elimination in pain, as well as increased mobility.

If you like the sound of chiropractic care, you may be ready to schedule an appointment. First, you need to familiarize yourself with chiropractors in and around your area. How?

Your local phone book. In the back of your phone book, you will find the yellow pages or the business directory section. Chiropractors may be listed under the headings of physicians, or chiropractic care. Your phone book will give you the names, addresses, and phone numbers of chiropractors.

A standard internet search. When performing a standard internet search, search with your city and state. You will be linked to a number of websites. Some of those are directories, where many chiropractors are listed. These websites are similar to phone books; they provide you with just the names, address, and telephone numbers of local care providers. What you want to look for is chiropractor websites. In addition to getting the contact information, you should get in-depth information about the provider, such as specialties, background, and see pictures of the office.

An online business directory. Many websites serve as online business directories. From Yahoo.com, select Local, from the main heading. Enter in your city and state and the phrase chiropractor. You will see local listings for nearby chiropractors. Most only include your specific city, but you can expand the search to nearby communities. Some online business directories link to you to provider websites, if they exist. Many also enable ratings and reviews.

From your insurance provider. If you are covered by health insurance, see if chiropractic care is covered. Although some still classify this natural form of healthcare as alterative medicine, many are now embracing the benefits. There is a good chance your insurance provider extends coverage for care. When calling to ask, inquire about providers in their network or known providers that accept your insurance. Your insurance company can provide you with names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Recommendations from those you know. Since many Americans, insurance providers, and employers are now embracing chiropractic care and realizing the many benefits, its popularity continues to increase. You may know someone who has seen or uses the services of a chiropractor. Ask those that you know, such as friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Ask for the name, address, and phone number. Be sure to ask for feedback too.

As you can see, there are many ways to find chiropractic care providers in or around your community. Once you familiarize yourself with your options, the next step is to choose a care provider. When doing so, consider reputation, feedback, costs, and the wait until you can get a first appointment.


Word Count 572

How to Choose a Chiropractor

If you suffer from pain, discomfort, and difficulty moving, you can head to your primary care physician or your medicine cabinet. These approaches do work, but only temporarily. You want to do more than just treat the symptoms of pain. You want to find its cause and fix it. This is where chiropractic care can and should come in.

What is chiropractic care? It is a natural form of medical care. Patients can seek relief from a wide range of aliments, including arthritis, sleep difficulties, allergies, headaches, joint pain, joint stiffness, and so forth. As for how it differs from traditional forms of medical care, chiropractors believe in an all-natural approach. Relief is sought though manual therapy, which involves use of the hands. Common treatments include realignments and adjustments. Chiropractors use precision and force to thrust a joint into its proper position.

Since chiropractic care has many benefits, you may want to seek treatment. When that time comes, you need to find chiropractors in your area. First, examine your options. You can do so by looking in the yellow pages of your local phone book, performing a standard internet search online, or using an online business directory. You now have the contact information for local chiropractors, but who will you choose? You need to do more than just find a chiropractor; you need to choose once. What should you consider?

Insurance coverage. If you have health insurance and if that coverage includes chiropractic care, contact your health insurance company. See who you can visit. Some insurance providers work with a network of physicians. You may receive extra discounts and other moneysaving benefits by opting for an in-network chiropractor. If you have the freedom to choose, opt for a one that accepts your insurance.

Costs. Whether you are insured or not, costs should be considered when choosing a chiropractor. It is important to seek natural pain relief, but you must be able to afford it. When uninsured, find a quality chiropractor who has flexible payment options. This may include monthly payment plans or credit card payments.

Recommendations from those you know. As previously stated it is easy to use the internet or a phone book to find a local chiropractor. Unfortunately, these options usually just provide you with a phone number and an address. All chiropractors ease your pain, but they have varying people skills, rates, and overall attitudes. You need a chiropractor you feel comfort with. This may involve trial and error and meeting with a number of professionals, or you can ask those that you know for recommendations and detailed feedback.

Read reviews online. Although it is best to ask those that you personally know for feedback on a local chiropractor, you may not know anyone. Chiropractic care has many benefits, but most wait until they are in pain or suffer an injury before seeking treatment. If you do not know someone who has undergone this natural medical care, turn to the internet. Many online business directories, such as the one operated by Yahoo, enable consumers to rate and review businesses, including chiropractors. Enter in the chiropractic care, your address and see what results popup. Reviews are shown as stars.

As mentioned above, you may need to rely on trial and error. If you are unable to find reviews online and do not know someone who as received chiropractic care, use your best judgment. Schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor. In most cases, the first appointment is similar to a consultation appointment. Make mental notes. Is he or she listening to you? Are they offering helpful suggestions for at home too? Do you feel comfortable with your chiropractor? If so, you made a good choice. If not, move on to the next. You can switch care providers at anytime and for any reason.

In short, you need to do more than just pick a chiropractor out a phone book. It is important to receive quality care, but start with costs. Ending your pain and discomfort is important, but make sure you can afford treatment.


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