Beware of the Side Effects of Estrogen

Estrogen is considered a primary hormone for women. However, it is also present for men but the only difference is that Estrogen in women is of higher level than in males. Moreover, it is also an important component for the development and enhancement of the female secondary sex characteristics such as the breast and endometrioum.

During the menopausal cycle of the women estrogen plays a very vital role. This is the necessity of having an appropriate level of Estrogen to prevent the unnecessary disorders that may take place inside a womans body. Moreover, if the level of hormone is also imbalanced the risks of the menopausal symptoms will increase.

It is true that Estrogen is a natural body substance but it is coupled with side effects in the persons body. It can affect the growth of a person or the development of the reproductive system and the secondary reproductive systems.

Pregnant women are not advised to take medicines that are estrogen enhancer, because it is not good for the baby inside the womb of the mother. Usually, it leads to the miscarriage of the baby and may cause serious complications to the mother.

Estrogen medications are indeed helpful for women with menopausal disorders, but these are also risky, especially if not taken properly. One of the worst effects that it can bring to a person is the so-called endometrial cancer. This is often due to a prolonged intake of Estrogen. The risk will vary on the length of the treatment and the dosage of the Estrogen taken by a patient.

Since Estrogen therapy has the long term and the short term period, it must be noted that lower dose of medicine should be taken for the long term in order to reduce the risk. It is also necessary that you see your doctor at least twice a year while you are taking the medication to avoid complications.

Estrogen for post menopausal women can also lead to gall bladder disorder. You must be aware about the effects of estrogen medications while you are taking it. Consult your physician immediately if you notice that there is bleeding that takes place in your vaginal area.

In spite of the complications of estrogen, people also acknowledge its good effect such as lessening the risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure.

It always depends on you, if you want successful effect of your estrogen intake, be sure to follow the doctors advice properly.

Heres A Test To Fail

To diagnose an allergy, the first thing your doctor
does is talk with you. Hell discuss your symptoms,
any medications youre currently taking, and your
personal and family history. A physical examination is
also necessary.

The next step is the tests. There are 3 types of
tests. The skin test, patch test or blood test.

The skin test is the most common test used. Its
generally the most accurate and certainly the least
expensive. With the skin test, a small amount of an
allergen is put on your skin and then the spot is
pricked or scratched with a needle. You can also have
a little bit of the allergen injected into the outer
layer of your skin.

If you have an allergy to the substance that was used,
youll have swelling, redness and itching in the
tested spot within 20 minutes.

The patch test is used to diagnose contact dermatitis.
A small amount of allergen is put on your skin and
covered with a bandage. Your doctor will check the
spot in 48 hours to see if youve developed a rash.

The third type of test is the blood test. This may be
used if you have a skin condition or if youre taking
some type of medication that might interfere with a
skin test.

A blood sample is taken and sent to a laboratory.
There they add allergens to the sample and measure the
amount of antibodies that are produced to attack it.

Panic Attacks What Would Happen If You Do Not

Panic Attacks What Would Happen If You Do Not Get Treatment

At the onset of panic attacks or disorder, it is best to go see your doctor immediately and have it evaluated as this will not only give you a clear understanding of what condition you are undergoing but this could also prevent the aggravation of the disorder. Here are several possible scenarios if you do not get panic attacks intervention immediately:

Agoraphobia. Contrary to public belief, agoraphobia is not the fear of closed spaces. It is actually fear of public places basing from the Greek root word “agora” which means market or marketplace. Agoraphobics fear interaction with people especially in places where they expect to experience episodes of panic or anxiety. Panic attacks and agoraphobia are often closely connected as these disorders exhibit identical symptoms such as shortness of breath, the sensation of dying or going crazy, and the feeling of having heart attack.

Over-dependence on psychotherapeutic medications specifically anti-anxiety disorder medications. People suffering from panic attacks and could not get hold of themselves are often helped by medications to control their symptoms. But for those who cannot muster enough initiative to resolve their condition without having to rely on medications are often enclosed within the idea of medication as the ultimate solution against panic attacks.

While over-dependence on medication to control the symptoms of panic attacks is not the same as addiction to the medications, this behavior still poses serious possible problems since those people who become dependent on drugs oftentimes fail to utilize other more effective treatments. They can also become too dependent that they would fail to function properly without the necessary dosage of particular drugs.

Further, although dependence on medications is not an entirely negative solution, in fact for some people it is the most effective, it should be remembered that it is not the only solution. There are less intensive, less invasive, but equally appropriate and effective therapies and methods that are typically overlooked due to too much dependence on panic attack drugs.

Depression. 20% of panic attack patients are likely to commit suicide, a typical outcome of depression, at one time or another, says research. The connection between panic attacks and depression can be viewed from several different standpoints. According to an explanation for example, depression develops from a person’s exhaustion caused by chronic anxiety that typically accompany such attacks.

Another explanation purports to the fact that those people with panic attacks and also have developed serious cases of agoraphobia are prevented from socializing with other people and from doing the things that they previously enjoyed, leading to a general feeling of isolation and unhappiness. This further leads to the development of episodes of depression.

Diabetes. It is not uncommon to find people who are suffering from panic attacks and also have indications of comorbid disorders, an example of which is diabetes. Research shows that people with diabetes and who also experienced intermittent episodes of panic attacks are less likely to live quality lives and are also more likely to develop complications. Among people with diabetes, panic attacks as well as depression impede them from efficiently monitoring and controlling their blood glucose level.

Substance abuse. Chronic misuse of alcohol and other unhealthy substances is a coping mechanism against negative conditions such as behavioral disorders. So long as the condition that caused the chronic use of substances exists, in this case panic attacks, the negative resolution will persist.

Discover The Truth About Severe Lower Back Pain

Discover the Truth about Severe Lower Back Pain

Most people are accustomed to dealing with the occasional aches and pains that spring up in our lower backs from time to time. These minor pains can be caused from a wide variety of things: overdoing it at the gym, not picking up a box properly, sleeping in an odd position, even sitting for an extended length of time. Most of the time, these minor aches and pains can be treated with a heat wrap, some aspirin, and a little TLC. Sometimes, the problem isn’t as easily solved.
Sometimes, you can have severe lower back pain.

Severe lower back pain can be extremely depressing and debilitating. It’s been proven that people that deal with chronic pain are more likely to be suicidal or on antidepressants. People get depressed and upset when they can’t do the things they once enjoyed doing. It can easily color your entirely outlook on life in general.

There are many different causes of severe lower back pain. A slipped disc, pinched nerve, seriously sprained or torn muscle, even muscle spasms can cause pain so bad that all a person wants to do is take a handful of pain medication and curl up in bed. Even though severe back pain can be devastating there is good news. Once what’s causing the pain is identified, a treatment plan can then be put into effect.

Part of determining what’s causing the severe lower back pain is discovering whether it’s a nerve problem or muscle problem. The doctor will ask you to describe your pain. Nerve pain is often described as sharp, stabbing, or shooting. Muscle pain is an ache, throbbing, or tearing pain. While the differences may seem trivial to some, it will make all the difference in any tests the doctor decides to run and in the treatment plan prescribed.

Once it’s established whether it’s a nerve or muscle causing the severe lower back pain, the doctor might order a series of tests. MRIs are often used to identify if a muscle is torn. An EMG can also be performed to determine just how damaged various muscles might be. Nerve conduction studies or nerve biopsies can be done to determine if there is any nerve damage or to help locate where a pinched nerve might be.

As soon as the extent of the injury causing the severe lower back pain is figured out, the doctor can then work with you on a treatment plan. Often, a treatment plan will consist of physical therapy, medication to relieve pain and swelling, possible surgery, and follow-up appointments down the road to see how things are progressing. If, at any time, the treatment plan doesn’t appear to be working as well as it should, you and your doctor can sit down and discuss changes to your overall plan of care.

The truth about severe lower back pain is theres hope. Hope for a treatment. Hope for a cure. Hope that one day, the pain will be gone.