How to cure kidney stones

As in any sickness, the key to the formation of kidney stones is in prevention especially since a person who had more than one kidney stone in her life will most likely develop kidney stones in the future. Regular check-up to the doctor is one way to ensure that all kinds of sickness are prevention. Paying extra for a regular set of tests like sugar, urine and blood tests will even better your chances of preventing certain conditions from developing. Think how less expensive that would be than when you actually become sick and you have to buy expensive medicines and pay a lot more for certain procedures.

Most kidney stones pass through the urinary system easily so drink lots and lots of water and do not mind going to the bathroom to urinate every now and then. Often times, people with kidney stones are only told to take lots of fluids and maybe some medication. Although the actual kidney stones are important in assessing the actual status so the patient may also be tasked to preserve their kidney stones and submit it for testing. Depending on the diagnosis, patients urine may also have to be analyzed for a whole day. Another day after initial medication or treatments are taken and done will also be set aside for another 24 hour urine analysis.

A change in lifestyle is also a very effective treatment. If you are not the type who drinks lots of fluids then it is high time that you learn to drink enough liquids in a day so that you will be able to produce at least 2 quarts of urine. While certain food are believed to contribute tot eh formation of kidney stones, moderation is really the key.

In the past, food high in calcium are shunned but recent studies have proven that calcium high foods including dairy products like milk can actually prevent formation of calcium stones. What should be watched out is the intake of calcium pills, food added with vitamin D and certain types of antacids that have a calcium base. A person who has a relatively high presence of acid in his urine is also advised to eat less meat, fish and poultry because eating these will further increase acid in urine.

There are medicines that maybe prescribed by doctors to somehow control the production of acid and alkali in urine. This is vital because acid or alkali are key factors in the forming of crystals. Allopurinol can be useful for cases of hyperuricosuria.

Hydrochlorothiazide favors calcium retention hence reducing the amount of calcium released by the kidneys which is in turn results to low or no formation of calcium tones. Sodium cellulose phosphate, on the other hand, secretes calcium in the intestines to prevent it from leaking to the urine.

As for surgical procedures in taking out kidney stones, the very popular procedure is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy or ESWL. This most frequently used procedure works when shock waves that are created outside the body travel into the skin and body tissues until they reach the denser stones. The shock causes the tones to break down in smaller particles so that they can easily pass through the urinary tract.

This sounds simple but potential risks and complications that may arise should always be discussed with the doctor before agreeing to go through the procedure.

The Natural Way of Fighting Kidney Stones

For those people who are suffering from kidney stones, experts say that the easiest means for them to deal with the condition is to flush it out from one’s system. Although this can be done by using medication or through simple medical procedures, it is always best to do it the natural way. Some of the natural means in dissolving kidney stones and flushing it out from person’s system is by drinking tea. Since time immemorial, tea has been giving people a lot of benefits. And one of which is helping the body’s system to flush out waste products that could bring health complications.

More and more individuals who have suffered from kidney stones would agree that teathose that contain Chinese herbs such as plantain leaf, meadowsweet, Joe-pye weed, and sarsaparillacan help dissolve kidney stones because these contain natural properties, which are good in eliminating excess uric acid in the body.

People in China are known to use the mentioned herbsin the form of teato treat kidney stones. Combined with other herbs such as corn silk, wild yam root, hydrangea root, yarrow leaf, and cramp bark, tea preparation can be an effective means of dissolving small kidney stones in no time. To make the tea more effective, longer time in preparation is a must. This is done to ensure that all the natural properties will be intact. Although many people attest to its effectiveness, this may not work for everyone especially to those who bleed easily.

Another means of dissolving kidney stones the natural way is through diuretic tea. For this type of tea, you can choose either dandelion or corn silk. Many people say that these herbs are the two most popular choices of diuretic that can produce early results. When combined with other herbs such as nettle leaf, fennel seed, and oat straw, diuretic tea can be more effective in dissolving even medium-sized kidney stones.

If you are not the type of using herbs as a natural means of fighting kidney stones, there are much simpler ways such as:

1. Taking in lots of fluid. People with kidney stones must drink at least 8 glasses of water to flush out body waste.

2. Opting for lemonade preparation. With the properties present in lemons, it can delay the development of stones in the person’s body.

3. Eating foods that are rich in fiber but low in protein, calcium, and salt. By doing this, you will have lesser risk for kidney stones because you are veering away from the major causes of kidney stones.

4. Engaging on a regular physical exercise. Experts say that one of the reasons why people become prone to kidney stones is due to lack of movements. By veering away from a sedentary living, you can delay and even postpone the formation kidney stones.

Today, many studies show that the most common problems of people involving their kidney is the presence of kidney stones which, are pieces and clumps of waste products formed in this specific body organ. People may not know this but kidney stones can be literally compared to the real stone because they are hard and can be painful specially when they grow in terms of numbers.

But, unlike the real stones, kidney stones can be dissolved once they are diagnosed early.

The Effective means of Treating Kidney Stones

Doctors say that are generally not harmful. It only becomes harmful and even life threatening when a person suffering from it feels discomforting pain and presence of blood in their urine. Many experts say that the problem why people who are suffering from kidney stones is that they always tend to be complacent in keeping up with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Theydeliberately or not deliberatelywithout realizing that they will suffer and spend more money once the condition gets worse over time.

Today, the most common types of kidney stones among people are the calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stone, which are caused by too much calcium and sodium intake. These types of stones are not really that harmful unless they increase in size fast and block the uteterthe tube that is connected to the bladder and will cause urination problems.

To avoid further complications, it is but natural for people to seek for treatments to spare them from too much pain and expenses. Today, there are so many types of treatments and medications available for people with kidney stones. These forms of treatments vary depending on the severity of the condition. Experts say that people who have mild kidney stones can sort to medication, which are usually prescribed for certain types.

Medication is considered, as the initial form of treatment especially for symptomatic kidney stones which is common among patients. This is used by people who show early signs of kidney stones such as pain with varying degrees. The most common medication includes the Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs ot NSAIDs like ibuprofen, naproxen, nifedipine, and tamsulosin, which are effective in speeding up the passage of ureteral stones along the uterer. These come in different brands, come in pill form and can be brought over the counter.

For extreme pains, medication can be through the vein to ensure that it will take effect faster. This process of medication is also ideal for people who have low tolerance in taking oral pills. If NSAIDs cannot be administered directly, fluids can also be given to the patient suffering from the pain of kidney stones through the mouth to ensure that there will be enough supply of fluid for the urine.

Other treatments options

Although medication can be administered at home, there will be times that the patient need to be brought to the hospitalized especially if the pain does not subside immediately. Once hospitalized, the patient will be asked to strain urine in order to cover the stone and collected for laboratory analysis. Here, the type of stone will be determined as well as its size and number through an imaging test. If your kidney stones are smaller than 5 millimeters, you’re safe to take medication.

But if the stone is about 10 millimeters, you will need to undergo a procedure such as: “Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL)” which is the most common option of procedure because it can easily remove stones in the renal pelvis and upper ureter.

The “Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PNL),” that is ideal for complex and extremely large kidney stones because it involves invasive surgical procedure in the process of removal which are small telescopic instruments passing through the person’s skin.

And the “Ureteroscopy” which is used for removing stones that are obstructed in the middle and lower portion of the person’s ureter with the aid of a tiny telescopic instrument passes through the urethra and bladder and into the ureter and kidney to remove the kidney stones.

Panic Attacks What Would Happen If You Do Not

Panic Attacks What Would Happen If You Do Not Get Treatment

At the onset of panic attacks or disorder, it is best to go see your doctor immediately and have it evaluated as this will not only give you a clear understanding of what condition you are undergoing but this could also prevent the aggravation of the disorder. Here are several possible scenarios if you do not get panic attacks intervention immediately:

Agoraphobia. Contrary to public belief, agoraphobia is not the fear of closed spaces. It is actually fear of public places basing from the Greek root word “agora” which means market or marketplace. Agoraphobics fear interaction with people especially in places where they expect to experience episodes of panic or anxiety. Panic attacks and agoraphobia are often closely connected as these disorders exhibit identical symptoms such as shortness of breath, the sensation of dying or going crazy, and the feeling of having heart attack.

Over-dependence on psychotherapeutic medications specifically anti-anxiety disorder medications. People suffering from panic attacks and could not get hold of themselves are often helped by medications to control their symptoms. But for those who cannot muster enough initiative to resolve their condition without having to rely on medications are often enclosed within the idea of medication as the ultimate solution against panic attacks.

While over-dependence on medication to control the symptoms of panic attacks is not the same as addiction to the medications, this behavior still poses serious possible problems since those people who become dependent on drugs oftentimes fail to utilize other more effective treatments. They can also become too dependent that they would fail to function properly without the necessary dosage of particular drugs.

Further, although dependence on medications is not an entirely negative solution, in fact for some people it is the most effective, it should be remembered that it is not the only solution. There are less intensive, less invasive, but equally appropriate and effective therapies and methods that are typically overlooked due to too much dependence on panic attack drugs.

Depression. 20% of panic attack patients are likely to commit suicide, a typical outcome of depression, at one time or another, says research. The connection between panic attacks and depression can be viewed from several different standpoints. According to an explanation for example, depression develops from a person’s exhaustion caused by chronic anxiety that typically accompany such attacks.

Another explanation purports to the fact that those people with panic attacks and also have developed serious cases of agoraphobia are prevented from socializing with other people and from doing the things that they previously enjoyed, leading to a general feeling of isolation and unhappiness. This further leads to the development of episodes of depression.

Diabetes. It is not uncommon to find people who are suffering from panic attacks and also have indications of comorbid disorders, an example of which is diabetes. Research shows that people with diabetes and who also experienced intermittent episodes of panic attacks are less likely to live quality lives and are also more likely to develop complications. Among people with diabetes, panic attacks as well as depression impede them from efficiently monitoring and controlling their blood glucose level.

Substance abuse. Chronic misuse of alcohol and other unhealthy substances is a coping mechanism against negative conditions such as behavioral disorders. So long as the condition that caused the chronic use of substances exists, in this case panic attacks, the negative resolution will persist.