Chiropractic Care versus Pain Medication

Do you suffer from mild to severe to unbearable pain? Regardless of its cause, you may turn to pain relievers. These are available over-the-counter and by prescription. Did you know they are not your only alternative? In fact, they are one of the worst. A better option is to seek chiropractic care.

As nice as it is to hear that chiropractic care is better than pain pills, you may be wondering why. What proof is there? Continue reading on for a detailed comparison. In the end, you will see why chiropractic care is better.

Fixing the Problem

Pain medication does not fix a problem. Yes, it does provide relief, but only short-term relief. Pain medication only masks the problem. It is still there. As soon as your pain pills wear off, the pain is likely to return. If you suffer from recurring headaches, it may be another day before the next headache returns, but it will.

Chiropractors fix the problem. Yes, they want to treat your pain. They just go about it differently. They dont want to mask the problem. Instead, they treat it and by going directly to the source. For many, this is the spine and connecting joints. By treating the problem at the source, you will get relief, but that relief should be long-lasting, if not permanent.

Side Effects

Pain relievers are full of side effects. This is particularly true with prescription pain relievers. Takers can experience upset stomachs, drowsiness, nausea, and more. Even the smallest side effects can negatively affect our lives. How can you work if your pain pills make you drowsy? It will be difficult, if not impossible. Pain relief should improve your life, not create a whole new set of problems to deal with.

Chiropractic care is all natural. It involves manual therapy. This is therapy of the hands. Temporary relief is sought with ongoing therapeutic massages. Overtime, they can lead to long-term relief. Another form of long-term relief is chiropractic adjustments or realignments. For example, a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can get less pain and improved movement with finger joint adjustments.


As previously stated, most pain relievers, even over-the-counter pills, have side effects. If it wasnt bad enough, there are many other additional risks. Certain medications can result in stomach ulcers and bleeding. This is common with continued and prolonged use. Some medications interact with others. Pain medications are risky for children, the elderly, and pregnant or nursing mothers. Still, people use them and doctors prescribe them. That however, does not mean they are safe.

Chiropractic care, as stated above, is natural. There is no medication given. The hands provide therapy. Since there is no medication and no invasive medical procedures, it is safe. In fact, chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages. The old, young, and even pregnant and nursing women can seek relief through this natural form of healthcare. All should, as it is safer.


With pain reliever, think long-term. They only mask the problem, so it is likely to return. This results in the consumption of more medication. Not only is this risky, but very costly. Even with insurance covering the cost of most prescription pain relievers, their costs add up over a period of time.

Many fear the cost of chiropractors. For starters, insurance does cover the cost of most treatment. Next, continued care is not required in all cases. Your chiropractor may perform a neck adjustment, have you comeback for a follow-up appointment, and return again to show you helpful at-home techniques to reduce pain. After that, you may be done. Three appointments with a chiropractor, even if you pay out-of-pocket, are cheaper than years worth of pain pills.

In short, chiropractic care is not only safer, but cheaper, less invasive, and long-lasting. So, the next time you find yourself reaching for pain relievers to treat you pain and discomfort, please stop. Make an appointment with a local chiropractor. You may be surprised how easy it is to seek long-lasting or permanent relief.


Word Count 671

Chiropractic Care: Payment Options

Are you experiencing pain, discomfort, or decreased mobility? Whatever the cause or if you are unsure, you should seek chiropractic care. This care is 100% natural and has many benefits. What are they?

As previously stated, chiropractic care is natural. It involves manual therapy, also known as hand therapy. A chiropractor may use an MRI or x-rays to diagnose a problem, but that is it. Therapeutic massages, fusions, alignments, and adjustments are done with the hands and precision force. Chiropractors believe that pain needs to stop, but they do more than just mask the pain with medication. In fact, they do not prescribe medication. Instead, they go directly to the source and fix the problem.

If you like the sound of chiropractic care, you may be ready to seek relief. You will want to call and schedule an appointment with a local care provider, but what about payment. How will you pay for treatment? It depends on the care center in question, but you should have a number of options.

Before worrying about how you intend to pay for a chiropractor, consider insurance. Do you have health insurance? If so, contact your insurance provider immediately. Many insurance providers are now embracing chiropractic care. They realize the benefits and decreased costs of natural relief. If your insurance coverage includes chiropractors, examine your options. Are you free to choose any provider that accepts your insurance or must you opt for a special in-network doctor?

If you have medical coverage, determine how much is covered. You may be required to pay 20% of the bill or have an affordable $10 co-pay. If you do not have medical coverage, you will need to cover the entire cost yourself and out-of-pocket. What are your options?

Personal checks. Most chiropractors do accept personal checks as a method of payment. They realize that consumers prefer these checks to carrying around cash. Checks are ideal, as you receive an additional receipt. There is record that you paid your bill.

Credit cards. Not all chiropractors accept credit cards as a method of payment. This is usually due to fees. Credit cards fees can be costly. If your care provider does accept credit cards, only use them as a last resort. The cost of treatment can significantly increase with high interest rates and late fees.

Debit cards. If a chiropractor accepts credit cards, they should also accept debit cards, also known as bank cards. These cards will need to be processed as credit, but the funds will be withdrawn from your bank immediately. If you rarely carry personal checks, a debit card is a quick and easy way to pay for treatment.

Cash. All chiropractors should accept cash. They are ideal for low amounts, such as when you are only responsible for an insurance co-pay. Most chiropractic treatments are affordable. Unless paying an overdue balance, you will not need to have thousands of dollars on hand. If you are unsure which methods of payment your provider accepts, always bring cash.

You now know what forms of payment most chiropractors accept, but you may have affordability concerns. How will you pay your bills?

In full. Most chiropractors require payment made in full after each appointment. As previously stated, this will not be high. A little bit of planning and preparation can do the trick. At your first appointment, your chiropractor may recommend a later appointment for a therapeutic massage or adjustment. Inquire about costs. You will only get an estimate, but you should have a week or two to save that money.

Payment plan. As previously stated, most chiropractors prefer payment in full after each appointment. This lowers their risk of losing money. There may be some exceptions, especially with long-term care. If you need treatment, like if you are in severe pain and your chiropractor knows this, they may be willing to make an exception. That exception could include monthly or weekly payment plans.


Word Count 654

Natural Health Herbal Medicine And Natural Healing

Are you looking for some inside information on natural health? Here’s an up-to-date report from natural health experts who should know.

What we do not understand we doctor to reject. Herbal medicines, acupressure, acupuncture, natural medication, and healing are some of those. And we dance along because if things cannot be explained by scientific methods, it cannot be true.

Definition of health varies from being to person. To some it means that nothing is fully serious, for some it means not getting any worse, for other bona fide is the visit to the doctor every year to get a nod of ” all clear “. Rarely did unfeigned mean zero health problems. And so we get by with taking aspirins and painkillers and live with aches and pains that we associate with certain infective bug, overwork, or ageing.

The problem with chemically formulated drugs and medicines is that, one; it remedies a part of the body but destroys another, often the liver. Two, it has questionable benefits that simple observation will divulge you that if the medication prescribed by the physician is not getting the desired settlement, an alternative prescription will be given ( a physician that has a reputation for having a higher batting average will be called as ” good ” and so will the physicians fees be ). Third, when a part of the body fails to normally function caused by the drug, it cede be termed as side effects. Fourth, when the body acclimatizes to the drug prescribed, we are in effect sentencing our body to a lifetime of medication. Fifth, behind all the advances claimed, heartfelt does not quite increase the average lifespan. Like the rest of the world, we still are satisfied if we challenge the magic mark of seventy years. Sixth, it is so expensive to be a sweat and miss thing which often it really is. Technical claims will be otherwise but everybody can claim. Result though will tell you differently.

For most of us, it has not been recognized that there is an alternative to a life sentence of medication. That there are medications not only to cure whatever ails but to build the reserves and boost the system thence that ailments are reversed naturally. When the system is false healthier and reserves are built, we could in part avoid the doctor whose typical remedy is give us drugs, when drugs will not work, chop parts of our body, and prescribe drugs more.

In the ancient world, our forebears have already recognized that there are only two kinds of plants, that which is good for food and that which is choice for healing. Even animals know this. Our house pets like dogs, cats, and chickens will forage for a particular grass of herb when they are not feeling well. Sooner this is vomited and the animal heals. In eastern cultures, these natural methods have been the basis for healing. Their life average expectancy is not longer than seventy years but ours is not longer either. The difference lies in the money, the trouble spent and for the most part, the absence of chronic pains and suffering.

Herbal medicines, natural medication and healing wrap up just that. Relieve the suffering and health anxiety naturally so we have time to eat up more of life without the drugs that gives temporary eight – contingency solutions until the hurt strikes again.
There’s a lot to understand about natural health. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

Eczema Treatment for Newbies

Have you been recently diagnosed with eczema? Are you having trouble dealing with it? Here are a few tips on eczema treatment and what they can do for you.

When diagnosed with eczema, your doctor will also most likely tell you what kind of eczema you have. He will also most likely tell you how bad your case of eczema is and prescribe you with medications and how to go about treating your condition. To do this you usually have to provide your doctor with your medical history to make sure hes not prescribing you with anything that can cause an allergic reaction.

Basically you treat eczema to control itchiness, avoid inflammation of the affected area of your skin, to clear infections, to decrease those scaly lesions and try to prevent or at least reduce new lesions. All of these things arent cured with just one type of treatment. It usually requires a combination of one or two treatments to relieve you from your eczema woes.

Treating your eczema isnt something that happens overnight. It usually takes a certain period to reduce the severity of your condition. It has also been proven more effective to keep a number of treatments working to complement each other to help ease irritation. This works for all cases of eczema. This usually entails changing your habits and routines that may be causing allergic reactions.

You either have to do really simple things like changing the things you keep around you, the types of soaps or lotions you use to even maybe changing your job or your whole environment. You have to be really careful about finding out what triggers flare-ups. If you can successfully identify it you will be able to increase the efficacy of your treatment and even lessen the side effects you may feel when youre on medication.

The kind of medication you might need will depend on a lot of things. These of course include what case of eczema you have, your medical history (which also includes the different kinds of treatments youve already had) and of course your preferences. Most often topical medications like lotions and creams are what are prescribed. However, for those with a much more severe case of eczema they give you options for phototherapy or systemic medication. Phototherapy is a procedure where light therapy is used while systemic therapy is a medication that circulates throughout your body.

Recently treatments for eczema have largely improved and there are a lot more choices to choose from. There are a number of very popular and effective treatments for all kinds of eczema and most cases can be controlled.

However, it has to be said again that eczema is a condition that will take a certain amount of time to relieve. Eczema treatment can be a pain in the pocket but if your symptoms do not go away you should consult your doctor to make sure you are using the right treatment. You also have to remember that relaxation is a key player when treating eczema. Avoid stress because this triggers your flare-ups.

Always take note of the things that may trigger your eczema problems. The best way to control these instances in a safe and fairly easy manner is to be on a healthy diet. It is also best to stay in a clean, relaxing and safe environment that wont cause you any stress that may worsen your condition.