When it comes to money, there are many Americans who

When it comes to money, there are many Americans who wish to save money, whenever they can. It seems as if nowadays prices are rising all across the board; therefore, there is nothing wrong with wanting to save money. In fact, you may even want to save money when it comes to removing your unpleasant or unwanted warts. If this is the case, you will find that you have a number of different low-cost wart removal options.

Before examining low-cost wart removal options, it is important to keep one thing in mind. What you consider low-cost someone else may not. That is why it is sometimes difficult to list products, services, or medical treatments that are low-cost because not every shares the same understanding of affordability. However, with that in mind, there are still a number of effective, low-cost wart removal options.

Perhaps, the best type of low-cost wart removal is one that is considered a home remedy. In fact, some home remedies are not only considered low-cost, but they are considered completely free. This is because many individuals have the ingredients needed already inside their home. If you do have these ingredients, you may be able to effectively remove your warts, without even having to spend a penny. If you are interested in finding some free or low-cost wart removal home remedies, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. That search should produce a number of different results.

Although home remedies are nice, there are some individuals who are uncomfortable with using them. If you are one of those individuals, you can seek assistance from over-the-counter products. On the market, there are a number of different over-the-counter wart removal products that are available for sale. Perhaps, the cheapest of those being medicated pads or bandages. Medicated pads or bandages come in a number of different sizes and styles. In most cases, these pads or bandages are able to stick to your wart for a number of days. This means that you do not have to purchase a large package of them. In fact, with these over-the-counter medicated pads or bandages, you may be able to have your warts removed for under five dollars.

Another popular, yet somewhat affordable, over-the-counter wart removal product is one that freezes your warts; thus resulting in them falling off. These products are sometimes referred to as freeze away or freeze-off wart removal products. As previously mentioned, these types of over-the-counter products are considered relatively affordable. This is because they tend to cost more than other over-the-counter wart removers. The cost of these freeze-off products mostly depends on the product manufacturer; however, you should be able to purchase a standard size package for around twenty or thirty dollars.

It is important to again focus on the fact that different individuals have different views when it comes to labeling a product or a service low-cost. For instance, for some individuals having their warts professionally removed is considered a low-cost wart removal option. Those individuals are likely ones that have health insurance. Depending on the type of health insurance plan you have, if you even have one, you may only be required to pay a small co-pay, if you are even required to pay one at all. Essentially, this means that depending on your situation, wart removal performed by your family physician or a local dermatologist may be considered low-cost.

If you are looking for the most effective, yet affordable way to remove your unwanted warts, it is advised that you take a minute and examine your needs, as well as your financial situation. For instance, it is quite possible that spending a few extra dollars will produce better results; however, you will not know this unless you thoroughly consider all of your options.


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Types of Warts

Warts are benign tumors of the skin, caused by viruses in the human papaloma virus family. They may take weeks or months to grow before they can become visible, and are contagious. In many cases, warts can be treated through home remedies and over the counter medications. However, in some cases warts must be treated by a professional.

There are four main types of warts: common warts, flat warts (also known as juvenile warts), plantar warts (warts on the feet), and genital warts. The first three types of warts are treated similarly. Genital warts typically require professional medical treatment, and can cause serious health problems if not treated quickly.

Most types of warts are not typically threatening to the overall health of the patient. When warts are bothersome or embarrassing they can be treated at home through over the counter medications. However, recurrences may happen later. If the warts continue to be bothersome, professional medical treatments may be sought.

Common Warts

Common warts appear as thickened bumps, sometimes called papules. They can appear somewhat like a mole, but are rougher on the surface. Small black dots also may appear due to clotted blood vessels.

Common warts often appear on the hands, knees, and elbows. Like all warts they are contagious, and can be spread to others with low immunity to the human papaloma virus family. Warts can also be spread to other areas of the body through touching or shaving.

Flat Warts (Juvenile Warts)

Flat warts are similar to common warts in that they appear on the hands, knees, arms, and face. They are also contagious, and can be spread to other areas of the body or other people. Flat warts are also called juvenile warts because they are most commonly found in children and young adults.

Flat warts appear as small bumps, about the size of a pin head, with a smooth flat top. They can be the color of the skin or may appear yellow or brown. They are not very large, but can form in clusters of as many as one hundred warts in one small area of the body.

Plantar Warts

Plantar warts occur on the bottoms of the feet. They are especially common in people with diabetes. Plantar warts can be very painful if left untreated, especially if they appear in a weight bearing area of the foot.

Plantar warts can sometimes be mistaken as corns or rough spots on the feet. They are typically rough and spongy in texture. Plantar warts are usually yellow, gray, or brown, causing the confusion with corns or other rough spots on the feet.

Genital Warts

Genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease. They appear as the color of the skin in most cases. They can be found anywhere in the genital area. In women they can actually spread to the walls of the vagina and the cervix itself.

Unlike other types of warts, genital warts can cause serious health conditions if left untreated. Treatment for genital warts must come from a professional. This type of warts cannot be treated at home.

The human papaloma virus has been found to actually cause cancer of the cervix. This is due to the rapid cell growth induced by the virus. There are over sixty strands of the virus, but only about four of them have been found to cause cervical cancer. However, the threat is very real, and should be addressed with professional medical attention as soon as they are noticed.

How To Get Rid Of Warts

There are many methods by which you can attempt to get rid of warts. There are home remedies, over-the-counter treatments, and medical treatments. Some may be more effective than others; but you may wish to consider some of the many possibilities.

The minor surgical procedure called curettage is one method that may be helpful. In this procedure, a surgical instrument called a curette is used to scrape away the tissue which makes up the wart. Curettage is a safe procedure when done by a medical professional in a manner which will lessen the risk of infection. Sterility of the surgical environment and of the wound itself is essential.

In cryosurgery, the wart is frozen to facilitate its removal. Most physicians will use liquid nitrogen for this procedure. The way it works is that the freezing kills the cells of the wart. This is often a preferred method of wart removal, as it is not invasive surgery. However, care must be taken to insure that the surrounding healthy skin cells are not damaged.

Laser surgery is one of the more recent treatments for warts. In addition to the risk of infection, and its effects on the immune system, this method is generally not recommended because it requires anesthesia. Laser surgery is usually only a suitable course of action if other methods have failed, and if removing the wart is absolutely necessary.

Injections of either cantharidin or candida are also used in wart removal. While their effectiveness varies, the warts often return after the skin has healed.

Imiquimod is a topical cream which aids in wart removal by helping in the production of interferon. This in turn assists the immune system in destroying the virus which caused the wart. It will also help in preventing the virus from spreading.

There are a number of over-the-counter methods being sold for the purpose of wart removal. Their effectiveness varies, but the primary concern is the possibility of destroying the healthy skin cells around the wart. Most over-the-counter methods use salicylic acid. There are many of these products available; they contain either adhesive pads or salicylic acid in small bottles or tubes.

Another over-the-counter method is a caustic pencil of silver nitrate. This method works by burning the wart. Cryosurgery kits are also sold over-the-counter. These kits are considerably more expensive than the other over-the-counter methods.

Although numerous studies have debated its effectiveness, a home-remedy treatment using standard duct tape has been shown to be helpful in some cases. In a process which takes up to two months, duct tape occlusion therapy simply consists of keeping clean duct tape on the wart for six days, carefully scraping the wart with a pumice stone, and continuing this cycle until the wart is gone. Although as of yet inconclusive, the theory of how this method works is that the specific type of rubber adhesive in the duct tape stimulates one’s immune system.

Although warts are caused by a virus, the theory that warts are also a sign of potassium deficiency has led many who prefer home-remedies to attempt wart removal by the use of banana peels. Some say it is often quite effective. As bananas are one of the most potassium-rich foods, keeping a fresh banana peel on the wart may cause the potassium to directly enter it. If one uses a fresh peel at least twice a day, the wart is supposed to shrink and fall off within a few days to a few weeks. Many people insist that this method does indeed work.

Do Essential Oils Really Work?

Creighton University Medical Center School of Medicine is out to determine if alternative therapies actually work. Aromatherapy has long been recognized for the treatment of minor ailments as well as the promotion of emotional stability. But how does it actually work? The Medical Center reports that while there is widespread use, there is still not much scientific evidence to support claims of the ability to treat these ailments.

What studies have been done? The school has tested the lavender, chamomile, marigold and peppermint essential oils in several studies to see if there was a reduction in the perception of pain. Placebo tests were also performed in these studies as well. The results showed that there positive effects through the use of the essential oils although they were not conclusive. Does that mean that essential oils do not work? Absolutely not! What the studies do show is that there are positive physiological effects when aromatherapy was used as a complementary form of treatment.

The use of aromatherapy is rooted in our history with its use dating back some one thousand years. The Egyptians used essential oils for embalming the dead, but they also used them as medicines, for perfumes and as cosmetics. Throughout the centuries following the use of essential oils in medical treatments were refined through the use of improved distillation equipment and additional studies of plants. While the term “aromatherapy” is new, the practice of using essential oils as medicines is not.

We do know that aromatherapy combines uses the sense of smell to regulate emotional behaviors. We know that certain essential oils are known to induce feelings of peace, harmony, reduce stress, anger or fatigue as well as other emotional facets. Essential oils can also reduce anxiety or feelings of loneliness. There is an essential oil that can aid in the treatment of just about every negative emotion and enhance the positive ones as well. But how it all works has still not been proven.

We also know that essential oils used as a topical treatment have been known to exhibit anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic responses. Topical treatments are normally diluted mixes of essential oils with carrier oils such as apricot kernel oil or almond sweet oil. Essential oils have been used in the treatment of acne, athlete’s foot, eczema and other skin ailments. Essential oils have also been noted to reduce scarring tissue and stretch marks. Citrus oils have also been used to treat insect bites as well as act as insect repellant. There are so many uses!

While there still might be little evidence to support or validate the scientific processes of healing or emotional balance that take place within the body, we are still seeing positive responses! We are still seeing and experiencing the benefits of what aromatherapy can do when we add this to our regimen. Whether or not the use of essential oils is right for you, only you can decide. Take some time to consult with your doctor or aroma therapist and see how you can add nature’s benefits to your life!