Symptoms of Arthritis

Symptoms of Arthritis
John Robben

Symptoms of Arthritis

In a previous article, we discussed what Arthritis is and its
many forms, now it is time to take a look at the symptoms of
Arthritis. Arthritis shows up in various ways. Some of the first
symptoms include things like knees cracking when you stand up,
general pain or swelling around joints that lasts for more than
two weeks, you may also notice that pain in your joints
increases as you move, also you may notice increased stiffness
in your joints when you wake up in the morning, and your joints
may appear red and feel warm to the touch.

Some other symptoms of Arthritis include fever, a sense of
feeling tired all the time, even a feeling that you have the
flu. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is imperative
that you see your doctor or physician at once. Only a doctor can
truly diagnose whether you have Arthritis, and because there are
over 100 forms of Arthritis, it is also important to determine
which form of Arthritis you have. The different forms of
Arthritis have different symptoms as well. It is also important
to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, since Arthritis
has no known cure, the sooner you seek treatment and begin a
regimen of care, and the better your results of managing your
Arthritis will be. Your treatment plan may include things such
as a specific course of medicine, plenty of rest, adequate diet,
and proper nutrition, losing weight if you are overweight, and
in severe cases, surgery may be required. In future articles we
will look at treatment options, from Acupuncture to Zinc.

Is it Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis?

We’ve discussed that there are over 100 forms of Arthritis. The
most common forms are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and
Gout. All of these forms have different symptoms and require
testing by your physician for an accurate diagnosis. Here are
some of the symptoms and differences between Rheumatoid
Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis Typically begins in one Joint Osteoarthritis
Typically affects only the Joints Osteoarthritis does not
affect Internal Organs Osteoarthritis affects Cartilage
Osteoarthritis causes Stiffness in the Joints when waking in the
Morning Osteoarthritis is a Result of Wear and Tear on the body

Osteoarthritis is a result of cartilage being broke down. As
this takes place, the bones rub together. This typically happens
in the knees, hips, hands, and spine. Unfortunately, when the
pain sets in there has already been a substantial loss and
damage to the cartilage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis has different symptoms than Osteoarthritis.
Here are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Symptoms of
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue Low Grade Fever Muscle Pain
and Aches Appetite Loss Painful and Swollen Joints Redness
and Heat at the Joint Site

Typically, Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the joint of the body in
a symmetrical fashion. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systematic
disease and it often affects other organs in the body, and not
just joints.

The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis often appear, and then
enter a state of remission. There is no proven reason as to the
exact cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis, however it has been
suspected that bacteria, fungi, and infections may cause it.
There has also been evidence that Rheumatoid Arthritis is a
hereditary condition. It is also believed that certain triggers,
such as poor nutrition, stress, and infection can bring on
Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Stay tuned for our next article, “Osteoarthritis: Cause and

About the author:
Written by John
Robben of Ultimate Water Massage, Inc. Providing Massage
Services and Pain Relief products. Visit our
Arthritis Information

Arthritis – Home remedies for Arthritis

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about alternative medicine to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from alternative medicine experts.
Arthritis – Home remedies for Arthritis

Chitchat Take in:

Arthritis refers to inflammation of joints. It is one of a number of diseases commonly called rheumatism. Arthritis arises from many causes and it is treated in many different ways.

arthritis, arthritis symptoms, arthritis home remedies

Article Body:
It refers to inflammation of joints. Honest is one of a number of diseases commonly called rheumatism. Arthritis arises from many causes and it is treated in sundry particular ways.

Arthritis has been classified as follows: –

* Arthritis caused by infection.

* Arthritis resulting from rheumatic fever.

* Rheumatoid arthritis.

* Degenerative arthritis.

* Arthritis just to joint injuries.

* Arthritis caused by gout.

* Arthritis originating from the nervous system. Rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis caused by rheumatic fever are classified as collagen ailment.

* Rheumatoid arthritis again degenerative arthritis are the two most common types. Millions of men and women are stricken with them. But good medical treatment begun early and continued faithfully amenability often accomplish much to alleviate the pain, crippling and disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis

It is a disease not of the joints but of the entire body, i. e. the connective tissues. This tissue reacts sensitively to substances in the body. Stress and worry make it worse. During damp season and winter months, pains in the joints become most severe.

Rheumatoid arthritis may appear suddenly or gradually. Fatigue, loss of weight, also poor weight can be early symbols. Sometimes it may cause an acute fever again pain, swelling again disability in many joints. Any shanty can be involved including those of the spine, but the hands and feet are most commonly affected. There may be vague or fleeting pains in early stages; it may rise in the morning and at the end of the day.

Women appear to be afflicated greater than men. Children too can be afflicted. Rheumatoid arthritis usually strikes at early ages unlike other types of arthritis. It appears during winter months. Americans are chronic sufferers from this disease.

Fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices offer an excellent treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that garlic, musumbi, orange, carrot and beet juice consumed in plenty may give early cure.

Signs and symptoms of Arthritis

* Severe pain in the affected joints.

* Muscles, ligaments and cartilage change into inflamed.

* Movement of the joint becomes extremely painful, especially in cutting, windy and irrigate weather.

Central Remedies for Arthritis

* Drinking water kept overnight in a copper container accumulates traces of copper, which is said to strengthen the muscular system. A copper ring or bracelet is blase for the same reason.

* Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis.

* Captivating alfalfa tea twice a day makes a tip-top cure.

* Lime has also been found beneficial as a home avail for arthritis. The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of uric acid which is the primary cause of some types of arthritis. The juice of one lime, diluted with water, may be taken once a day, preferably first thing in the morning.

* Exercise the afflicted joints in tub bulky of boiling water.

Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of alternative medicine. Share your new understanding about alternative medicine with others. They’ll thank you for it.

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Were you in a car accident? You feel fine, but are you? You may not know. That is why you should see a chiropractor. Do you need more reasons?

1 You May Have an Injury and Not Know It

Most individuals mistakenly believe that they will be in pain if they have an injury. This is not always true. Damage to the body, muscles, joints, and spine typically hurts, but there are no guarantees. Some damage is just minor enough that there is no pain. However, a smaller injury or just time can lead to aggravation and then pain. Why not prevent this from happening? You can with chiropractic care.

After a car accident, a chiropractor will meet with you. They will gather your medical history, perform a quick physical exam, and ask questions about your car accident. They will diagnose any problems and decide on a course of treatment. This treatment can include joint adjustments or therapeutic massages to relieve pain that will go away on its own overtime.

2 It Is Less Invasive

With chiropractic care, surgery is a last resort. Even then, you are referred to a specialty surgeon. No surgical tools or invasive medical procedures are needed for treatment. Chiropractors rely on manual therapy, which is therapy of the hands. As previously stated, a joint adjustment may be necessarily to properly realign a joint. This is done with precision force of the hands. There is no cutting of the skin or drawing of blood.

After a car accident, many accident victims fear seeking medical treatment. They worry about surgery or being loaded up on prescription medications that have many side effects. Although you may fear the hospital or your primary care physician, you have no reason to fear a chiropractor. Although you are seeking medical care, a trip to the chiropractor may actually feel more like a trip the spa than a doctors visit.

3 No Medications

As previously stated, chiropractic care involves the use of manual therapy. This is 100% all natural. If a chiropractor cannot see a patient right away, they may suggest the use of over-the-counter pain medications. After treatment, they are no longer needed. Pain relievers do provide relief, but that relief is short-lived and it only masks the problem. Chiropractors want to eliminate your pain, but they do so by going directly to the source.

Whiplash victims may receive ongoing massages to treat the pain and discomfort. Whiplash corrects itself overtime, but not all corrections are proper. A patient who does not wear a neck brace or does not limit their activities can experience complications. In these instances, neck adjustments or vertebrae realignment are preformed. Once again, this is done with the hands and not with medications or surgical tools.

4 It Is Safe

Although chiropractic care is 100% natural, is there is some concern about the force used in adjustments. What if a chiropractor slips? Will more damage occur? These are legitimate questions, but you do not need to worry. Chiropractors are medical professionals. They are educated and trained as such. Not anyone can be a chiropractor. It requires training, education, the passing of many tests, and a state license. If your chiropractor is a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), you can rest assure knowing you are safe in their hands.

Not only is chiropractor a safe form of healthcare, but it is ideal for individuals of all ages. In fact, some parents bring their newborns in for examination following birth! Yes, they really do and it is perfectly safe. If your child is in the car with you during an accident, their primary care physician may prescribe pain medication. It is very dangerous, especially for small children. The 100% natural relief of chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages and even pregnant women.

5 It Is Sometimes Covered by Insurance

Following a car accident, your focus may be on costs. After all, your car is damaged. You may have to pay for a new method of transportation, but now healthcare too. As previously stated, some injuries are hard to spot immediately following an automobile accident. Dont wait to get diagnosed until after the incident and after all insurance claims have been filed. Know now.

Luckily, many insurance providers extend coverage for chiropractic care. Many realize that it can lower their operating costs. The onetime cost of neck realignment is much cheaper than 10 years of prescribed pain medications or surgery.


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How to Lessen Your Fear of Going to the Chiropractor

How to Lessen Your Fear of Going to the Chiropractor

Do you need to seek pain relief from a chiropractor? If this is your first time seeking chiropractic care, you may be both excited and overwhelmed. You want a pain-free life, but any new medical treatment is scary. You have nothing to fear about this natural healthcare, but it may be difficult to stop your mind from wandering. So, how can you lessen your fear of going to the chiropractor?

Know that they are real medical professionals. It is widely accepted now, but in the past it was touted as a form of alterative medicine. These are real medical professionals, just like your primary care physician. They just specialize in all-natural pain relief with manual therapy. Someone cannot just wake up and decide to be a chiropractor. Years of schooling, training, and testing is required.

Think about the pain. Most experts suggest not concentrating on pain. For many, it just makes the pain worse. You want to think about the pain. Think about it a lot. Consider where it hurts, how much it hurts, and how it is negatively influencing your life. Does your neck pain prevent you from playing with your kids or enjoying a game of golf? Once again, focus on your pain and the limitations it imposes.

Next, think about the relief. You just realized how your pain is influencing your life and it is never good. Now, focus on the relief. What would you do if you didnt feel pain? You would feel less depression, be able to play with your kids, and enjoy some of your favorite hobbies. A life without pain sounds nice doesnt it? You have no reason to fear a chiropractor, but focus on your life without pain. It should give you that extra push you need to attend your appointment and with confidence.

Ask those you know about their experiences. Chances are, you know at least one person who has undergone chiropractic care. Talk to them. Whether it be a family member, friend, neighbor, or coworker, ask about their experiences. What type of treatment did they undergo? Ask them to explain in detail. Ask about pain. Did they feel any during treatment and did the pain subside afterwards? If your acquaintance has nothing but good things to say about a certain chiropractor, consider seeking treatment from that same practitioner.

Ask to meet with the doctor beforehand. One of the fears people have isnt necessarily related to the practice of chiropractic, but their new provider. It is always nerve-racking meeting with a new medical professional. You are entrusting that person with your life and to cure your pain. A positive working relationship is a must. See if you can meet with your new chiropractor before your first appointment, even if just for five minutes. Gauge their personality and their passion. Pickup forms while there, so you can fill them out at home and not in the waiting room at your first appointment.

While at your appointment, ask questions. With primary care physicians, some patients are so worked up about the blood-drawing needle that they dont even know why samples are taken. Dont let this happen to you. Ask your chiropractor to explain each action. It will ease your fears, as you are not unaware or left wondering. You always know what is going on.


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