Explore other Medical Fields as a Nursing Assistant

Employment as a Nursing Assistant offers you a unique opportunity to explore many avenues of the medical field. You will primarily be working with the patients, their families, and the Nursing staff. However, it is not uncommon that you will have interactions with many other areas including physicians, X-Ray, surgery, specialists, and emergency staff.

Since you will be working with so many types of individuals, having quality communication skills is a vital quality to have for being an effective Nursing Assistant. You will be responsible for meeting the basic needs of your patients including feedings, bathing, and dressing. They level of care with vary depending on the individual needs of the patient. In addition, you will be providing them and their family with emotional support.

Your position will involve working closely with the Nursing staff on a daily basis. This will be the medical professionals you deal with the most. From providing vitals for all patients to offering assistance with whatever comes up, the nursing staff needs to know they can rely on you. This means showing up as scheduled, completing your tasks to the best of your ability, paying attention to detail, and being willing to work as part of a time.

Depending on the type of medical facility you work in, physicians of the patients may be stopping in to check on them. They often as questions of the Nursing Assistant. For some, this is intimidating. If a physician is asking you for information on a patient, take it as a compliment. Physicians often recognize Nursing Assistants as having more one on one interactions with the patients. Therefore, things that you observe can help them with treating the patient.

For example, a doctor may prescribe a new medication. You will be able to let the physician know if the appetite of the patient has changed as well as if the patients level of being coherent has changed.

Working in the medical profession, you will be exposed to a variety of other staff from different medical fields. This is because of the changes in the needs of your patients. You may be asked to take patients to X-Rays or to help get them prepared to be moved to the surgery unit. There will be an array of specialists checking on patients, again based on the individual needs of those you are serving.

Working with emergency staff is very important. Their interactions can make all the different in some situations. It is vital that you are trained on when emergency staff should be called. You need to have detailed information of where to call, who to call, and what information to give them. This should all be secured prior to any event actually happening.

In this type of situation, you will need to work with emergency staff to provide information. Anything you can tell them about the events that occurred as well as the events before the incident took place can be of importance.

The role of a Nursing Assistant is one of many hats. You will have the opportunity to provide quality care for patients as well as be exposed to many other arenas of the medical field. The more you are able to effectively communicate with these other professionals, the better service you will be providing to those in your care.

Disadvantages of Being a Nursing Assistant

Being a Nursing Assistant can be a very rewarding career for those who are compassionate, hardworking, and who enjoy helping others. They are a necessary part of the medical field. Often, their work goes unappreciated by others in the medical profession. There are disadvantages to being a Nursing Assistant that can lead to someone no longer enjoying their job. The Nursing Assistant profession has one of the highest turn over rates in the medical field.

Most people who become certified as a Nursing Assistant dont do it for the pay. They are interested as a way of helping others and working with other medical professionals. The low cost of the program as well as the short amount of time it takes to complete it are also big motivators to enroll in such a program.

We all like to feel appreciated, both professionally and personally. Nursing Assistants who dont feel respected and appreciated by the other medical staff quickly come to dislike their job. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and resentment. In some cases, it can result in not performing duties to the best of your ability. In others, it can result in simply not performing the duties you dont enjoy doing.

While Nursing Assistants help keep things running smooth for everyone including patients, families, and other medical staff, they are often not paid very well. This type of position is considered entry level. The starting pay is generally a few dollars above minimum wage, but when compared to the earnings of Nursing staff, the pay is still considered to be very low.

Being a Nursing Assistant exposes you to a wide variety of patients. Meeting their needs including feeding, bathing, and dressing can often be difficult. Nursing Assistants are also required to be able to assist the Nursing staff with anything that arises during their shift. Nursing Assistants often find themselves running short on time to complete everything on the agenda for a given day.

One of the most difficult things for Nursing Assistants to deal with is the behaviors of patients. While most appreciate the help being offered, others become very angry and mean towards the Nursing Assistant. The risk of both physical and emotional abuse is very high in this profession. This can definitely take a toll of anyone.

As with any area of the medical field, Nursing Assistants are exposed to death and dying. There are times when feelings of hopelessness are felt by the Nursing Assistant as they see patients that they arent able to help as much as they would like to. While they understand that is part of the medical profession, it can still be very difficult to take.

Even the most dedicated and responsible Nursing Assistants can start to feel burnout in association with their job. This is when your job becomes so overwhelming that you lose interest in it, as well as other activities. It can be the result of working too many hours, working short staff, or a combination of other factors. Watch for the warning signs.

The decision to pursue employment as a Nursing Assistant lead to a wonderful career for you. However, it is important that you are fully aware of the disadvantages of the career choice as well. This way you can make an informed decision. You will need to ask yourself if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It will also help you prepare for signs of such disadvantages that you can overcome.

The Unknown Cause Of IBS

Not many people know about irritable bowel syndrome. Perhaps because not much is known about it despite the fact that it affects a lot of people. In fact, statistics in the United States have shown that one out of five people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. That is roughly about 20 percent of the population. That is pretty prevalent for a disease that is not so known.

In fact, most doctors believe that the numbers should be even higher. The lack of information has contributed to a lot of misdiagnosis and under diagnosis. Patients, it seems, do not even know that they have irritable bowel syndrome until after a few years when the symptoms are already getting out of hand.

With irritable bowel syndrome, the symptoms are often mild. In fact, among patients suffering from the disorder, about 70 percent of them only have mild symptoms at the onset. This is the reason why the problem is not detected early on.

Irritable bowel syndrome does not have a specific cause. Up until now, doctors cannot still pinpoint what causes the problem in the first place. Although much research has already been done about, there is still no clear cut answer as to what exactly starts off the problem. One existing theory in the medical profession is that people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have very sensitive large intestines or colon. Because of this increased sensitiveness, minor changes in the chemicals and substances that enter the chamber sets off a series of reactions that affect the movement of bowel in the body. Another possibility is the role of stress in the problem.

This happens when stress brings on changes with how the body responds and work internally. Although stress is not the cause, many still believe that easing stress can significantly improve the condition. This is true. In fact, some doctors also recommend undergoing some psychotherapy to help the patient deal with some of the stressors in his life. Another triggering factor that are being researched upon are milk and other milk products that are said to often trigger irritable bowel syndrome.

Because irritable bowel syndrome has no specific cause, diagnosis often relies on the account of symptoms that come from the patient was well as the medical history. There is no specific test that can detect the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome. The most that doctors do is to make sure that other problems are not causing the symptoms. Hence, they will give you a number of tests designed to test other diseases and not irritable bowel syndrome.

Naturopathic Remedies That Work In Harmony With Your Body

Naturopathic remedies are a reliance on natural remedies that work in conjunction with body’s own natural ability to cure and heal itself. Instead of focusing on the symptoms of a disease, the way that the medical profession will often do, naturopathy focuses on the cause of the condition. In this way the disease is seen as the body indicating that all is not well within the harmonious balance of the body and so some work must be done to rectify this.

The first step for a naturopath is to do a full and complete body physical followed by a detailed look at the lifestyle of the patient. They will also conduct tests for allergies and look closely at the diet and the choices that the patient makes regarding food and exercise.

The conditions that can be cured and managed using naturopathic remedies are as wide and varied as though that can be cured and managed using medicines from a traditional medical professional. These conditions range from colds and flus, through to pre-menstrual tension, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, mental conditions, acne and hypertension to name but a few.

Once you believe that the body does have the ability to heal and repair itself, then what must be done is for the body to be given the correct environment in which to do so. Therefore the basis of all good naturopathic remedies are founded on the belief that what goes into the body is important. Never was the saying you are what you eat! truer than in naturopathic healing.

Wholegrain foods, fruits and vegetables, backed up with the right balance of minerals and nutrients for each individual will undoubtedly help the body to heal and recondition. Processed and fatty foods should always be avoided as these types of foods have ingredients and additives that have been altered by man and these will disrupt the body’s natural processes and throw it out of harmony. Avoid also processed sugars, salts and stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and nicotine.

Without a doubt, perhaps one of the best known naturopathic remedies is acupuncture. Acupuncture has always been popular throughout the world and still today, the interest and use of this ancient Chinese treatment continues to grow. This is no surprise since the principles that underline acupuncture are based on the philosophy that our bodies work better when the energy within us can flow naturally and correctly. When our energy pathways become blocked, we become ill. Acupuncture works by clearing these energy pathways and so helps us to heal.

Above all these remedies are based on the specific needs and conditions of each individual. That means they can often produce a much more beneficial healing result than the more conventional medicines.