How kidney stones are diagnosed

To avoid the pain brought by the development of kidney stones and its risks to your health, it is a must that you undergo immediate diagnosis once you suspect that there’s something wrong. The following are some of the steps to help you get diagnosis for kidney stones:

1. Go to a specialist. If you think that you are suffering from it, the first thing that you need to know is to consult a kidney specialist. He or she should administer diagnosis for kidney stones. Usually, the doctor will make a diagnosis of kidney stones using an assessment of the person’s clinical history. Here, he or she will ask a couple of questions that involve the person’s lifestyle, diet, fluid intake, past experience with kidney stones, and if there is possible family history of kidney stones.

This is very effective in the initial assessment of kidney stones in a person because it provides the doctor with information on what caused the stone formation. From here, the specialist can make a hypothesis or and “educated guess” and will refer you to undergo the needed medical procedures.

2. Undergo a thorough physical examination exam. Another effective means of diagnosing kidney stones is a thorough physical examination. Here, the specialist will run a series of physical tests that can help him or her determines conditions, which can put an individual at higher risk for kidney stone formation. Through a thorough physical examination, the doctor can discovers risks such as specific diseases and medical conditions, certain injuries, recent immobilization, and abdominal scars that might be effects of any previous medical procedure or surgery.

3. Opt for a laboratory study of your blood and urine. This is also another effective means of diagnosing kidney stones. During a laboratory evaluation, the person’s blood and urine samples will undergo thorough observation and studies. Collecting a sample of urine to be analyzed is called “urinalysis”. Urinalysis is one of the simplest tests to detect the presence of blood and bacteria present in the urine.

This is also done by the specialist or the attending assistant to accurately measure the levels and amount calciumwhich is the primary component of common kidney stoneselectrolytes, and uric acid as well as the other components in the samples. Aside from the acidity of the person’s urine, other components in the blood is also paid attention to ensure that there will be not further complications.

Other significant laboratory tests include blood tests for “creatinine” which evaluates the proper function of the kidney, the “BUN” and “electrolytes” which is used to detect levels of dehydration, “calcium” which is done to detect hyperparathyroidism, and a complete “blood count” which is primarily done to detect any infection in the person’s system. During the laboratory evaluation, the kidney stone sample is also collected to analyze and determine what type of is it stone. Knowing the type of kidney stone is important so the physician can plot the appropriate treatment for it as soon as possible.

4. Follow up the diagnosis with X-ray. Kidney stones can also be diagnosed through a possible follow-up with an X-ray evaluation. Here, the specialist or the assistant will use x-rays to identify the location of the kidney stone. Through x-ray, the size of stones and its number can be seen.

It may also help the doctor to identify which type of kidney stones is present in the person’s kidney.

How can Kidney Stones Affect your Life

Unknown to many people, kidney stones is the most common complication that involves the kidney, uterer, and bladder. They also dont realize the importance of the role that kidneys play in the person’s system. Most people dont realize it but kidneys are very important because they act as the ultimate “filter” for blood. When the kidney functions well, it can remove the waste products and substance from the body. This will help a person to regulate the proper level of chemicals and enables the body to function properly.

Today, more and more peoplebecause of unhealthy diet and laid back living and minimal physical movementssuffer from kidney stones and they have yet to realize how can it affect their overall health. Many experts agree that any person has great chances of encountering kidney stones in one point of his or her life.

But, with early diagnosis, healthy lifestyle, diet to prevent the condition, and regular exercise, one can recover from it. However, recovering might be easy but if people would not religiously follow the keys to avoiding kidney stones, chance are, they will have it again probably in the next 10 or 15 years of his or her life.

What you need to know

Many people tend to neglect kidney stones because they think that they can easily recover from it with all the medications and medical procedures available today. One thing that they dont realize is that if they continue to have their kidney stones unchecked or undiagnosed, they are more prone to develop related diseases which will make their health conditions more complicated.

To avoid further complications when it comes to kidney stones, it is best that you arm yourself with all the knowledge that you can getespecially if you think that you are prone to the condition.

The first thing that you need to know about kidney stones is what it really is. Kidney stones are made up of minerals and other excess substances in body. It is the product when these substances and minerals are formed in the person’s urine. The process of developing kidney stones involved the crystallization of minerals and other elated substances then form a “lumps” which can be hard as a real stone.

Experts say that people who have kidney stones don’t have to worry so much about its size but should more focus on where its is located. The location of the kidney stones matter that much because it can cause the kidney and other related organs not to function very well.

Doctors agree that kidney stones that sit in the kidney itself are not much of a problem. But if it’s located it the utererthe tube that connects to the bladderit is a very big problem. This is because the stoneregardless of its sizecan block the path where the urine should pass. When this happens, it will cause the person a great deal of pain because it will stretch the kidney so much.

Another thing that you should also pay attention to is the possible causes of the condition. Experts say that there are a number of factors that may cause the development of kidney stones.

These factors may include the Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) that the person has developed, kidney failure, diseases that may have been inherited that involves the kidney, foods that contain high levels of calcium, sodium, oxalates, and others, as well as lack of regular movement or exercise.

The Natural Way of Fighting Kidney Stones

For those people who are suffering from kidney stones, experts say that the easiest means for them to deal with the condition is to flush it out from one’s system. Although this can be done by using medication or through simple medical procedures, it is always best to do it the natural way. Some of the natural means in dissolving kidney stones and flushing it out from person’s system is by drinking tea. Since time immemorial, tea has been giving people a lot of benefits. And one of which is helping the body’s system to flush out waste products that could bring health complications.

More and more individuals who have suffered from kidney stones would agree that teathose that contain Chinese herbs such as plantain leaf, meadowsweet, Joe-pye weed, and sarsaparillacan help dissolve kidney stones because these contain natural properties, which are good in eliminating excess uric acid in the body.

People in China are known to use the mentioned herbsin the form of teato treat kidney stones. Combined with other herbs such as corn silk, wild yam root, hydrangea root, yarrow leaf, and cramp bark, tea preparation can be an effective means of dissolving small kidney stones in no time. To make the tea more effective, longer time in preparation is a must. This is done to ensure that all the natural properties will be intact. Although many people attest to its effectiveness, this may not work for everyone especially to those who bleed easily.

Another means of dissolving kidney stones the natural way is through diuretic tea. For this type of tea, you can choose either dandelion or corn silk. Many people say that these herbs are the two most popular choices of diuretic that can produce early results. When combined with other herbs such as nettle leaf, fennel seed, and oat straw, diuretic tea can be more effective in dissolving even medium-sized kidney stones.

If you are not the type of using herbs as a natural means of fighting kidney stones, there are much simpler ways such as:

1. Taking in lots of fluid. People with kidney stones must drink at least 8 glasses of water to flush out body waste.

2. Opting for lemonade preparation. With the properties present in lemons, it can delay the development of stones in the person’s body.

3. Eating foods that are rich in fiber but low in protein, calcium, and salt. By doing this, you will have lesser risk for kidney stones because you are veering away from the major causes of kidney stones.

4. Engaging on a regular physical exercise. Experts say that one of the reasons why people become prone to kidney stones is due to lack of movements. By veering away from a sedentary living, you can delay and even postpone the formation kidney stones.

Today, many studies show that the most common problems of people involving their kidney is the presence of kidney stones which, are pieces and clumps of waste products formed in this specific body organ. People may not know this but kidney stones can be literally compared to the real stone because they are hard and can be painful specially when they grow in terms of numbers.

But, unlike the real stones, kidney stones can be dissolved once they are diagnosed early.

An Overview about Spider Vein Treatment and Development of Other

An Overview about Spider Vein Treatment and Development of Other Veins

The sight of those unwanted veins on your face and on your legs can make you want to rush to your trusted doctors for varicose and spider vein treatment. Although the technology with regards to the cure for such occurrence is continuously developing, people also remain in constant search for some permanent solutions to what they deem as a problem.

Finding a solution to the perceived problem cannot be categorized as mere vanity. Maybe you just want to feel good and you are also concerned about the health risks that these cases may bring forth. It is when you can no longer perform your daily tasks and your life and job is affected by your ultimate goal of concealing the veins that this becomes a personal issue.

Women are more prone to spider veins. The reason for this is the hormonal change that they go through especially during the menopausal period. But men also suffer from the situation.

The Development of the Veins
Who ever likes the emergence of the unwanted veins in their faces and legs? But you cannot do anything about it. You may slow down the process, but as you age, you will have to face the truth that the veins are there to stay. It is of course not unless you are willing to pay the price for these veins to be removed through medical procedures.

If you are wondering how these veins develop, here’s a brief overview to give you an idea.

Do you know how the veins work in the circulation of the blood throughout your body? First off, the heart pumps the blood to be able to supply the needed nutrients and oxygen on the different parts of the body. The arteries are responsible to carry the blood from the heart to your body parts. The veins, on the other hand, carry the blood from various parts of the body and bring it back to the heart.

It is amazing how the body works. But just like machines, the body gets old and rusty as it ages, thus the emergence of sickness, weakness and other signs of aging.

The veins act as the one-way valves. They aim to prevent the blood from flowing back to where they’ve been before it can reach the heart. Through time, these valves weaken. As a result, the blood can leak back to the vein. If the vein has collected enormous amount of blood, this can cause decongestion and the vein will be clogged. This is why the vein expands and becomes enlarged and swollen. The result will be either varicose or spider veins.

What’s the difference?

Spider veins are nearer on the surface of the skin. These are smaller and they appear in red or bluish colors. Varicose, on the other hand, looks more swollen. It appears like the veins will pop out of the skin any time, although it can be found deeper than the spider veins. This appears in the colors blue and deep purple. When a woman is pregnant, she’s prone to develop varicose veins around the vaginal area. These are more known as hemorrhoids.

You can consult your trusted dermatologists for any vein problems. Spider vein treatment is easier than curing varicose and hemorrhoids. It doesnt pose much health risks than the two.