Signs And Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is perhaps one of the most difficult medical problems to diagnose. In addition to having no specific cause, irritable bowel syndrome cannot also be tested as there are no diagnostic tests that can confirm the condition.

What is IBS?
Irritable bowel syndrome is dysfunction in the large intestine, the part of the digestive system that is responsible for the storage and excretion of solid body wastes. According to experts, it seems that people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have large intestines that are very sensitive to stimulation, too much so that the slightest change in the bodily function can cause the whole system to go haywire.
Although there are no known causes of the problem, most doctors agree that food intake and the stress that the body experience may play a role in triggering the problem. Similar to allergic reactions, there are certain foods that may irritate the large intestine and lead to either constipation or diarrhea. Milk products for instance, can cause irritable bowel syndrome.

No direct cause
The lack of direct cause is also the reason why there is no diagnostic test that can confirm the diagnosis. Doctors have to rely on the accounts of the patients about their symptoms as well as the medical history. Diagnosis can only be achieved if the set of criteria is fulfilled. This means that the presence of only one symptom is not enough to make a diagnosis. The doctor must find a set of symptoms before drawing conclusions. Thus, it is called a syndrome and not just a disorder. This, however, can be rather confusing as most if not all of the symptoms under irritable bowel syndrome are those that are also present in other diseases.

What are its symptoms?
According to the Rome II Diagnostic Criteria System, often used in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders, a problem is diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome if there is a 12 month-period of abdominal pain accompanied by two of these three factors, pain is relieved when the person has already excreted the waste material; the onset is associated with a change in the frequency of defecating, either by constipation or diarrhea; or the onset is associated with a change in the appearance of the stool. Accompaniment of these factors must have a duration of at least 12 weeks and is not necessarily consecutive.

What You should Do if You Had a Panic Attack

What You should Do if You Had a Panic Attack

Experiencing a panic attack for the first time can be distressing not only because of the actual experience during the attack but also because you tend to develop fear of future attacks. Also known as anticipatory anxiety, fear of future attacks causes continuous fear and tension disabling you to relax. Often when the condition is not addressed, it will lead to phobic avoidance wherein you avoid places, situations, gatherings, and events where emergency help is not readily available or where having an attack can be embarrassing.

Take into extreme, this condition may lead to agoraphobia where you begin to avoid much of the activities you usually do. To avoid this, consider the following advices:

1. Consult your medical doctor. Symptoms attributed to panic attacks such racing heart, chest pain, heavy breathing, profuse sweating, agitation, etc., are also common to other physiological and psychological conditions. Seeking for proper diagnosis from your doctor, therefore, will rule out any cause unrelated to anxiety. Tell him your symptoms, when did the attack happen, and how intense the attack was. Your doctor will ask about your past medical history and may run some tests (e.g. urine test, blood test, drug screens, etc.).

2. See a therapist who is properly trained to handle such psychological condition. No, you are not crazy (people who go to a therapist are not crazy). The reason why you have to see a therapist is to process your emotion and prevent future attacks. Do not wait too long to seek help. Left untreated, a panic attack can lead to more severe conditions. Your therapist may subject you to cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy to process your thoughts.

3. Find the cause of the attack. Some cases of panic attacks may show a “pattern” certain activity, thoughts, time or person you are with at the time of the attack. These give you important clues to eliminate later symptoms.

4. Learn some relaxation techniques you can practice at home or while out. Music, meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques are not only helpful in reducing the symptoms during the actual attack but also in strengthening your body’s relaxation response.

5. Do not add more fear. Absorbing all the fears and other negative thoughts that come with anxiety attack only adds to more fear which worsen the negative impact even further. Instead, recognize that you are afraid and make it work to your advantage.

6. Practice healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, balanced diet, and enough sleep). Studies prove that at little as 30 minutes of physical activity 3 to 5 times a week is a great stress buster, helpful in preventing future attacks. Balanced diet keeps the supply of nutrients and maintains the balance of chemical in the body. Sleeping at least 8 hours each day recharges the body, refreshes the mind, and calms the muscles.

7. Remove all unnecessary stress. Since, panic attacks are closely linked to stress, avoiding things, people, and situations that stress you out help reduce the chance of future attacks.

8. Educate yourself about panic attacks. There are many resources where you can learn more about the condition. Reading books, health magazines and internet articles about panic attack will definitely equip you with the right information on how to combat any negative effects it brings.

Asthma Types

You can never really tell the onset of asthma. However, if your family has a history of asthma, you need to be extra careful because you might develop the condition as well.

Asthma is of different types extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic Asthma

So far, most of the asthma patients in the different parts of the world belong to the extrinsic asthma type. Children are very susceptible to certain allergies and so it is much easier to develop extrinsic asthma. Kids with allergy histories, eczema, and hay fever are prone to develop extrinsic asthma. But as they grow older, the allergies and asthma attacks disappear. There are times when these allergies return because of some triggering factors but this usually happens when the child has reached his or her adult stage.

Intrinsic Asthma

Intrinsic asthma is different from the extrinsic because this usually occurs among women in the late 20s or early 30s. This type of asthma is perennial and chronic, therefore, it is not associated with the childhood allergies.

You need to consult a doctor to determine if you have intrinsic asthma. The doctor will try to look and check at the patients medical history, especially that of the respiratory tract infections.

Doctors also try to classify or categorize the diseases intensity. Some patients have moderate attacks while others have severe asthma attacks. Almost 30% of asthma patients have mild attacks. In the western societies, air quality is decreasing and so asthma is quite prevalent.

According to many scientists, asthma has something to do with the genetic makeup of the individual. For instance, if your parents and siblings have asthma, youre at risk of developing the disease as well. So if you have a history of asthma in your family, you must prevent this condition from occurring. There are lots of preventive measures to avoid the attacks. Try to gather as much information about asthma so that you can be well-informed. If you know a lot about asthma, you can effectively prevent it from developing.

For asthma patients, the doctor can give you relievers but this can only provide short-term speedy relief. It prevents the attacks from becoming worse. Some doctors prescribe medications for asthma especially if the attacks are allergy-induced. By taking the medications, the immune system and the body will not react to the allergens.

Now that you know the two types of asthma, which type do you belong? Keep in mind that only a doctor can properly diagnose your condition. Even if you find a lot of information about asthma, you should still rely on the doctors findings. Several tests are conducted to diagnose the condition properly. If youre experiencing asthma-like symptoms, visit the doctor immediately. That way, you can treat asthma right away and the doctor will also give you treatment options which you can afford.

Talk to your doctor about the asthma symptoms youre experiencing. Dont wait until you have a severe asthma attack. You must do this especially if youre at risk of developing the disease.

So why wait until things get out of hand? Many people die because of asthma every year. You can prevent this disease and/or you can effectively manage and control such condition. Dont hesitate to call your doctor next time you experience asthma symptoms. Health conditions are addressed effectively when identified and treated early.

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Were you in a car accident? You feel fine, but are you? You may not know. That is why you should see a chiropractor. Do you need more reasons?

1 You May Have an Injury and Not Know It

Most individuals mistakenly believe that they will be in pain if they have an injury. This is not always true. Damage to the body, muscles, joints, and spine typically hurts, but there are no guarantees. Some damage is just minor enough that there is no pain. However, a smaller injury or just time can lead to aggravation and then pain. Why not prevent this from happening? You can with chiropractic care.

After a car accident, a chiropractor will meet with you. They will gather your medical history, perform a quick physical exam, and ask questions about your car accident. They will diagnose any problems and decide on a course of treatment. This treatment can include joint adjustments or therapeutic massages to relieve pain that will go away on its own overtime.

2 It Is Less Invasive

With chiropractic care, surgery is a last resort. Even then, you are referred to a specialty surgeon. No surgical tools or invasive medical procedures are needed for treatment. Chiropractors rely on manual therapy, which is therapy of the hands. As previously stated, a joint adjustment may be necessarily to properly realign a joint. This is done with precision force of the hands. There is no cutting of the skin or drawing of blood.

After a car accident, many accident victims fear seeking medical treatment. They worry about surgery or being loaded up on prescription medications that have many side effects. Although you may fear the hospital or your primary care physician, you have no reason to fear a chiropractor. Although you are seeking medical care, a trip to the chiropractor may actually feel more like a trip the spa than a doctors visit.

3 No Medications

As previously stated, chiropractic care involves the use of manual therapy. This is 100% all natural. If a chiropractor cannot see a patient right away, they may suggest the use of over-the-counter pain medications. After treatment, they are no longer needed. Pain relievers do provide relief, but that relief is short-lived and it only masks the problem. Chiropractors want to eliminate your pain, but they do so by going directly to the source.

Whiplash victims may receive ongoing massages to treat the pain and discomfort. Whiplash corrects itself overtime, but not all corrections are proper. A patient who does not wear a neck brace or does not limit their activities can experience complications. In these instances, neck adjustments or vertebrae realignment are preformed. Once again, this is done with the hands and not with medications or surgical tools.

4 It Is Safe

Although chiropractic care is 100% natural, is there is some concern about the force used in adjustments. What if a chiropractor slips? Will more damage occur? These are legitimate questions, but you do not need to worry. Chiropractors are medical professionals. They are educated and trained as such. Not anyone can be a chiropractor. It requires training, education, the passing of many tests, and a state license. If your chiropractor is a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), you can rest assure knowing you are safe in their hands.

Not only is chiropractor a safe form of healthcare, but it is ideal for individuals of all ages. In fact, some parents bring their newborns in for examination following birth! Yes, they really do and it is perfectly safe. If your child is in the car with you during an accident, their primary care physician may prescribe pain medication. It is very dangerous, especially for small children. The 100% natural relief of chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages and even pregnant women.

5 It Is Sometimes Covered by Insurance

Following a car accident, your focus may be on costs. After all, your car is damaged. You may have to pay for a new method of transportation, but now healthcare too. As previously stated, some injuries are hard to spot immediately following an automobile accident. Dont wait to get diagnosed until after the incident and after all insurance claims have been filed. Know now.

Luckily, many insurance providers extend coverage for chiropractic care. Many realize that it can lower their operating costs. The onetime cost of neck realignment is much cheaper than 10 years of prescribed pain medications or surgery.


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