Help Someone Having a Panic Attack

Panic attacks often occur to anyone without warning. So whenever someone had an attack, it is important that you know what to do.

Understand what a panic attack is. A panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming fear or anxiety. It is manifested by several signs and symptoms. During an attack, a person experiences increased heartbeat or palpitation, chest pain, hyperventilation or shortness of breath, stomach churning, upset stomach, trembling and shaking, muscle tension, sweating, dizziness and light-headedness, hot or cold flashes, tingling sensation or numbness, fear of dying, going crazy or losing control and feeling detached from the surroundings.

Seek for emergency medical help. It is important to call for a health professional especially if a person experiences an attack for the first time.

Identify the cause of the symptoms. The signs and symptoms of panic attack are similar to medical conditions. Hyperventilation or shortness of breath can be a sign of asthma. Chest pain, increased heartbeat or palpitation and sweating can be a heart attack. Talk to the person and determine if the symptoms are caused by other medical conditions. When in doubt, a health professional will be a great help.

While waiting for help, find the cause of attack. Once it is established that the cause of the symptoms is really a panic attack, find the source of the panic and take the person away from it. Do not make an assumption about what the person needs. A person who is suffering from the attack may know exactly what to do or has medications which will get him through the attack, so it is best to ask.

Don’t surprise the patient. Be predictable with your movements. Do not grab, hold or restrain. Keep him calm and stay calm yourself. Reassure the person that everything is going to be fine but do not dismiss his fear by saying “it’s all in your mind” or “don’t worry about it” or “you are overreacting.” Take note that the fear is very real to the victim so it dismissing the fear has no effect or can even make the matter worse.

Help the patient to control his breathing. Many patients breathe heavily during an attack; others hold their breath. Using deep breathing technique is a very effective way to purge the symptoms of a panic attack as well as calm the patient down. Guide the person and tell him to breathe in for 3 slow counts. Then ask him to hold his breath for 3 slow counts and breathe out for another 3 slow counts. Do this several times until the person is calm. You can also advice him to breathe into a paper bag. This way, he will re-breathe his carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide helps correct the blood acid level that had been disturbed by excessive breathing. But be careful when using paper bags since they may trigger another fear.

Stay with the person throughout his ordeal. Never leave a person especially if he is having difficulty in breathing. Be patient. They may act rude or unfriendly but remember that it is temporary and will go back to normal as soon as the attack is over.

Do not forget that for the patient, the thoughts are real. Reassure him the help is on the way. Never allow the patient to do things that will put his life at risk.

Understanding Panic Attacks

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is a sudden attack of exaggerated anxiety and fear. Often, attacks happen without warning and without any apparent reason. Some people may experience just one episode of panic attack, while others can have recurring episodes. Recurring episodes usually happen after a person is exposed to various events or situations that may “trigger” panic. While it is generally harmless, panic attacks can severely disable a person physically, emotionally and psychologically. In extreme cases, panic attacks can lead to panic disorder.

Who gets panic attacks?

The condition affects many people. It is believed that 10% of the total population is suffering from panic attacks, yet many are still undiagnosed or under-diagnosed. They tend to occur more on young adults. Female are twice as prone to have an attack as male. It is also said that the condition is genetically inherited so panic attacks may run in the family.

How do I know if I am having an attack?

A panic attack can be identified with different signs and symptoms. They include increased heartbeat or palpitation, chest pain, hyperventilation or shortness of breath, stomach churning, upset stomach, trembling and shaking, muscle tension, sweating, dizziness and light-headedness, hot or cold flashes, tingling sensation or numbness, fear of dying, going crazy or losing control and feeling detached from the surroundings.

The signs and symptoms of panic attacks are similar to a heart attack. The former is not dangerous, the latter can be deadly. It is best therefore to seek for emergency medical help, especially if the patient experiences it for the first time.

What cause an attack?

Many panic attacks happen without any apparent reason; they just come out of the blue. However, attacks may be caused by past traumatic experiences such as death of a loved one, family conflicts, bad relationships, divorce of parents, car accident, public humiliation, etc. An attack may occur when a person is exposed to various events or situations almost similar to the past that may “trigger” panic.

Stress is closely linked to panic attacks. Triggers include stressful life event as well as stressful working and living environment. Genetics is also believed to cause an attack.

What should I do during an attack?

Panic attacks peak from 5 to 10 minutes; it rarely lasts for more than half an hour. But during this time, you can experience discomfort such as those signs and symptoms mentioned above. Since the increased in heart rate is the main reason for experiencing other symptoms, it is important to take control of your breathing during an attack. Breathe slowly and deeply as you can. Breathe in slowly for 3 counts then hold your breath for the next 3 slow counts. Then, exhale for 3 slow counts.

Do this until you are calm. If you are able to stand, get up slowly and walk around. It is also helpful to breathe into a plastic or a paper bag. This allows you to re-breathe your carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide helps correct the blood acid level that had been disturbed by excessive breathing.

While practicing deep breathing, try to focus your attention away from the cause of panic. Replace your anxious thoughts with happy ones. If available, do something that will occupy your mind such as solving puzzles and playing word games.

Where To Get More Information About Warts

If you’ve discovered warts on your skin, or if you simply wish to learn about your personal risk factors and best means of prevention, you can visit your family physician. Your own doctor is the person who will be the most familiar with your healthcare needs and any known medical problems which you may have. He will be able to assess how much at risk you may be of contracting warts, and give you information on the steps you should take to prevent them. If you have already experienced an outbreak of warts, he will be able to advise you on what wart-removal methods will best suit your personal needs.

If you do not have a physician, or if you wish more detailed advice, you should consult with a dermatologist. A dermatologist, who specializes in the care of skin and treatment of skin conditions, can provide all of the same help that a family physician can, and will likely be more skilled at the various wart-removal procedures. He will probably have had experience in doing these procedures as well; so if you have any reservations about requesting medical help for wart removal, you should check with a dermatologist.

Perhaps your only concern on the subject of warts is that you would like more information. In that case, there is a wide variety of resources where you can find out everything you wish to know. You can check the medical section of your local public library. There is sure to be some reference-type materials which can answer your questions.

You will probably also be able to gain information at a college or university library if there is one in your locale. Most colleges and universities have no objections to allowing non-students to do research at their campus libraries. You can ask the reference librarians for assistance.

Some hospitals also have libraries where anyone who wishes to do so can do research. Basic information about warts is not difficult to find in most kinds of libraries. You will likely find someone who will help you find the information that you are looking for.

Regardless of what aspect of warts you are curious about, you can surely find whatever information you are looking for on the internet. Whether you want information on the causes of warts, prevention and treatment, or risk factors, you can find relevant information on many websites. If you know what type of information you are looking for, you will probably be able to find it.

Of all the possible sources of good, helpful information about warts, what generally is not the best source are your friends, family, co-workers, and other non-professionals. Through these people you will be more likely to gain a host of misinformation and opinions, as well as a host of home remedies that will not work. To find out whatever you need to know about warts, it is best to check with someone who has medical knowledge, or material which has been written by professionals.

Narcolepsy – A Rare Sleep Disorder

Narcolepsy, a relatively rare sleep disorder, causes people to fall asleep when they do not want to. This is caused by a neurological disorder. The brain sends signals to the body that are sleep inducing; however, they are sent at inappropriate and unpredictable times. Often it happens when a person is involved in a quiet activity, such as watching a movie or during a meeting. Sometimes a person with this sleep disorder falls asleep while driving, which is obviously extremely dangerous. Others fall asleep while they are eating or talking. The overwhelming need to sleep can come at any hour of the day during any activity.

People suffering with narcolepsy often do not realize how sleepy they are, nor how often they fall asleep. It is often a family member, friend or coworker that convinces them that they need to seek medical help for their sleep disorder.

Narcolepsy has five main symptoms. These are excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia and fragmented sleep, sleep paralysis, cataplexy and hypnagogic hallucinations. Some people with this sleep disorder experience only one symptom but others can experience all five.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is generally the first symptom to appear. Everyone with narcolepsy has this symptom. The feeling of needing to sleep is so strong that sufferers are unable to fend it off, regardless of how hard they try. These sleep attacks, as they are usually called, can happen several times and last for five to ten minutes.

Insomnia and fragmented sleep are a very common symptom of this sleep disorder. People with narcolepsey often have a very difficult time falling asleep at night, even though they fall asleep easily throughout the day. When they do fall asleep at night they wake up often and do not follow a typical REM / non REM sleep pattern.

Sleep paralysis occurs in about half of the people that suffer from this sleep disorder. For several minutes before falling to sleep or waking up, the person with this symptom cannot talk or move.

The loss of muscle function while awake is cataplexy. These episodes are usually very short in length. Over half of the people with narcolepsy experience this symptom of this sleep disorder. They are caused by a part of REM not functioning correctly. Often, episodes are brought on by anger, laughter or any other strong emotion. Sometimes knees buckle, necks and jaws become weak or the person may fall to the ground. Even though the person looks like they are asleep and cannot talk, they are fully awake and aware of what is happening.

A hypnagogic hallucination is experiencing very vivid and often frightening sounds, images or physical sensations. These occur from dreams just before the person is falling asleep or waking up. It is very difficult for a person with this sleep disorder to distinguish between the dream and reality. These hallucinations often have very dangerous themes and are extremely frightening. Often they are accompanied by sleep paralysis.

There are also several lesser symptoms of narcolepsy. These include blurred vision, migraine headaches, memory or concentration problems and automatic behavior. An apostate of automatic behavior can last for several minutes. During that time a person with this sleep disorder will perform a routine task. The task is often done incorrectly, such as placing a turkey in the dishwasher or writing past the end of a page.

Narcolepsy can be diagnosed and treated with various drugs. If left untreated this sleep disorder can ruin a person’s life.