Pain Relief Info

What is the definition of pain? According to medical experts, it is an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience. It is oftentimes associated with damaged body tissues. Pain is a personal experience and it varies from one individual to another. Pain management is a discipline used by medical professionals today in order to cope with pain. Trained physicians can help patients suffering from acute, chronic, and progressive pain in eliminating the unpleasant experience.

Trauma can lead to acute pain. It is reversible but there is a need to correct any underlying problem. Chronic pain is caused by certain conditions that cant be easily diagnosed. In this case, it will be quite difficult to reverse it; typical examples are referred pain, neuropathy, and cancer. If youre suffering from such conditions, pain management is introduced individually to meet the varying needs of the sufferer. Pain is already a symptom of the disease so it would be impossible to remove it at once.

Pain management is a multi disciplinary approach used by only qualified professionals. The approach is a combination of interventional procedures, narcotics, and analgesics. Aside from that, the approach also involves cognitive therapy and biofeedback, also known as psychological measures. Practitioners of pain management are considered experts in their own medical field. Medical professionals who practice pain management include psychiatrists, neurologists, anesthesiologists, and physiatrists. These individuals are experts in handling pain, whether in the use of drugs and in other interventional measures.

Nurses and doctors give particular attention to pain management because it is a major area in the medical field. When treating various kinds of diseases, pain management is already part of the treatment program especially in the case of serious accidents, tumors, and cancer.

With the help of the doctors, nurses, and other concerned personnel, the patient will better understand his or her condition. If they know what they are dealing with, it will be easier to address the pain problem.

Pain is not always physical. Some individuals tend to suffer from emotional pain. It is vital that pain sufferers consult the appropriate medical expert. In most cases, referrals are being utilized. If a certain medical practitioner cant handle the pain problem, the patient will be referred to the appropriate pain management expert.

Not all patients are willing to take drugs and other interventional measures provided by medical experts. Some say that they dont want to experience the side effects of such drugs or medications. For those individuals who are tired of using conventional medicines to handle pain, they can turn to alternative pain relief tools.

What are these alternative approaches? It includes yoga, Reiki, herbs, and other natural means of relieving pain. If you want to opt for these approaches, it would be best to consult the experts and experienced individuals. In the case of herbs, you can search the internet for local herbalists to help you with the herbal preparations. If you want to learn more about yoga or Reiki, you should contact the yoga practitioners in your area. Learning from the experts will ensure your safety and the effectiveness of such approach. There are also online resources that can help you finding videos, CDs or DVDs on meditation techniques.

Pain relief can be addressed using conventional medicine but the pain sufferer can also opt for the alternative methods. Its a good thing that people today can choose the best treatment that suits their needs.

Pain Relief and Arthritis

According to medical experts, when you have arthritis, youre likely to suffer other diseases. People who have arthritis often feel joint pains because it is accompanied by inflammation. Arthralgia is the medical term for the joint pain. There are over 40 million arthritis sufferers in the United States and they are all continuously looking for effective pain relief. The disease is considered debilitating because sufferers can hardly stand the inflammation and pain.

Arthritis can affect different parts of your body but in most cases, the pain and inflammation occurs on the tendinitis, fibromyalgia, sclerodermal, and joint types or articular. Tendinitis aims at the tendons; Sclerodermal refers to the thickening of the connective tissue and skin; when the muscles become tender and sore especially when touched, it is called fibromyalgia; and the articular refers to lupus or gout and it can be really painful.

You cant really tell when arthritis is going to hit you; whether youre young or old, you can suffer from arthritis. At present, a majority of arthritis sufferers have Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. People who have these conditions feel persistent back and joint pains. The causes of Osteo-arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are different, as well as the effects and risk factors. If youre also suffering from the same symptoms, you can choose among the different pain relief devices, drugs, and products sold in the market.

In the US, Osteo-arthritis affects more or less 21 million individuals in different age ranges. If you have this condition, its natural to have swollen limbs. Your joint cartilage is affected and it also results to stiffness. The condition is commonly called OA and it can affect different body parts like the spine, hips, knees, and fingers. Other parts like the ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists can also be affected but this seldom happens. According to medical experts, these parts are subject to OA if there is a history of unusual stress or injury. Physical trauma and repetitive injury during early age can also cause OA.

The common OA symptoms are intermittent or steady joint pain, stiffness especially an inactive period, tenderness or swelling of a joint/joints, and crunchy feeling when you use your joints.

The only way to determine if you have OA is through an x-ray test. If the symptoms are already present, the doctor will request an x-ray test. The x-ray results will reveal the cartilage deformation as well as the tissues around it. Joint Aspiration can also be performed by a qualified doctor. A synovial fluid will be taken from your affected joints with the use of a tiny needle.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another dreaded condition because it is characterized by chronic and progressive pain of the joints. The synovial tissues tend to increase in size and this is called hyperplasia. This condition provokes bone and cartilage destruction. Damaged cells will eventually die and it also promotes abnormal growth of the surrounding tissues.

Natural products like cod liver, olive oil, and ginger act as pain relievers. These are renowned and affordable products which can relieve pain effectively. Try them out now and see the pain relievers can also work for you. When you feel chronic and progressive joint pains, consult a doctor right away because you may be suffering from arthritis already. It would be best to address your condition at an early stage to prevent the onset of undesirable effects of the disease.

Bidding Good Gye to Ugly Acne Scars

Aside from the humiliation caused by full-grown acne to a patient, more depression is brought by the skin disorder once it gets healed or dried up the wrong way because it results to ugly traces or scars.

According to dermatologists, acne scars have resulted from inflamed and infected pimples or blackheads that werent treated properly. They have also categorized the types of acne scars into two: the pigmented scars and the ice pick scars. The former is known to leave behind purplish-brown marks once the pimple blemish goes away while the latter is known to leave small depressions on the skin after the lesions have dried up.

Studies show that women are more prone to acne scarring compared to men because of heredity or lighter skin color.

Research has also proved that pigmented acne scars are more prominent to darker colored women because it has resulted from the bigger collection of pigment cells already present in their skin.

Treating Traces of Acne

Since acne is a common skin disorder, it is expected to heal all by themselves after the proper medication has been given. But sometimes, cases occur that persistent blackheads or pimple become infected which results to acne scars and pockmarks. Because of this, dermatologists and some medical experts have taken precautions and developed treatments to exterminate acne scars:

1. Dermabrasion. One of most popular acne scar treatment is dermabrasion. The treatment involves scraping off the top layer of skin physically. After a series of deep dermabrasion treatments, the patient has to take a time off from work or from school for the recovery period. This is known to be one of the most effective methods that remove deep acne scars for good.

2. Micro-dermabrasion. If you have lighter acne scars, experts recommend microdermabrasion, a less invasive approach that scrapes off a very thin layer of skin and doesnt require long recovery period. This treatment involves a medical sand blasting technique that cleans the pores.

3. Laser resurfacing. While dermabrasion using scrapping off layers of skin, laser resurfacing uses a highly concentrated light beam or laser to burn off skin cells.

4. Acid peels. Another way to remove acne scars is by using acids peels. The method usually takes a week or two to heal the skin. Although this treatment is known to be effective, you might want to consider other acne scar treatment because it causes discomfort and reddening of the skin during the healing process.

5. Collagen injections. The collagen injection is also one of the most scar removal approached recommended by doctors. The treatment uses a protein called collagen, which is also known as a natural component of human tissue.

The collagen is injected underneath the scar to raise it to the level of the surrounding skin to restore its normal appearance. Since collagen breaks eventually, the scar treatment has to be repeated over time.

6. Chemical peels. This treatment involves the use of a chemical in order to remove the top layer of the scarred skin. It is also used to smooth depressed acne scars to give the skin an even color. Thirty to 40 percent glycolic acids are used in these peelings that are applied to the skin.

7. ClearLight. This treatment involves a new therapeutic light that uses the innovative Acne PhotoClearingTM – APCTM technology. This targets and destroys the surface of the acne that quickly and easily repairs it. It is also known to be effective in clearing inflamed acne in one month.

Other fast-reduction scar treatments include the use of copper-peptide products like copper peptide serum and tri-reduction protect to exfoliate the skin.

Vital Information That You Should Know About IBS

Irritable bowel movement is a dysfunction in the bodys food excretion system that is characterized by pain and cramps in the stomach as well as diarrhea and constipation. IBS largely affects the large intestine, a part of the digestive system of the body that regulates the storage and the excretion solid body wastes.

Irritable bowel syndrome is classified under syndrome because it has a number of symptoms that must all be present before a diagnosis can occur unlike other body dysfunctions that may only manifest one symptom.

IBS is not a disease. It is not caused by a bacteria or virus that we have accidentally ingested. Rather irritable bowel syndrome is caused by an internal problem in the body. There is actually no primary cause that medical experts can pinpoint. All they know is that muscles in the large intestines become too sensitive to stimulation that they are easily irritated when digestion is ongoing. Because of this irritation, the body reacts to it by holding off the waste material or over excreting them.

Although stress is not actually a main cause of irritable bowel syndrome, the presence of many stressors can affect or trigger an episode of IBS. There are also some kinds of food that may trigger the problem when eaten.

The severity of the problem is actually different with each person. For most people, irritable bowel syndrome is actually an unheard of problem. The symptoms are often so mild that few people even consider it as a serious problem. Often, they dont even think that they have the dysfunction as they will largely dismiss the symptoms something they might have gotten from the food that they ate. Still there are some cases that the pain is so severe that the person can no longer take it on. These are the people that seek medical help for treatment.

Unlike the treatment of other diseases that has a specific cause, treatment of IBS is wide-range. Some doctors will initially prescribed a diet that is full of fiber to help combat the problem. This however can be a problem as most patients do not actually abide by the regimented diet. This is why most recommend the taking in of medications that contain fibers or those that are formulated to help people suffering from constipation. That way, people will be able to better follow with the prescribed treatment.

There are also some doctors who prefer therapies as they believe that irritable bowel syndrome is largely caused by emotional problems and stress that are transmuted to physiological problems. Others also perform acupuncture on the patient.