Parents: Is Your Child Suffering from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Parents: Is Your Child Suffering from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

All parents want the best for their children. No parent wants to see a child suffer. Unfortunately, some children are suffering. They are suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, arthritis does hurt more than the elderly. For many parents, arthritis is easy to spot. For others little to no signs are shown. If your child is experiencing pain and discomfort, how do you know the cause?

The most common symptom of arthritis is pain. This pain is felt in the joints. Any joint is susceptible to pain. With that said, parents should be on the lookout for pain in the fingers, toes, elbows, knees, and hips. Children suffer from three types of rheumatoid arthritis. They are Pauciarticular, Polyarticular, and Systemic. Pauciarticular is the most common, and thankfully, the mildest. Polyarticular and Systemic arthritis can lead to severe, if not unbearable pain.

Pain is the most noticeable sign that something is wrong. Children are unable to manage pain as well as adults. For parents, this means many signs. Older children will highlight their pain and even point you in the right direction. Young children may experience a change in temperament. For some, it is the only way to express their pain and frustration.

Additional symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis include joint swelling and stiffness, difficulty walking, and troubled sleep. In terms of walking, parents must watch and listen to their children. Older children still do not fully understand the importance of seeking medical care. For example, a 6th grader may fear discussing their joint pain, as it may cause them to miss their next basketball game. In this instance, parents need to look for signs. If your child not only has pain, but difficulty completing normal tasks, rheumatoid arthritis may be the cause.

If you are a parent who suspects your child may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, the next step is important. That step is seeking medical care. Many parents fear the unneeded medications their child will be required to take. Cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, it is important to get a proper diagnosis. The physician will ask why arthritis is suspected and perform their own tests. They will also determine which type of arthritis the child is suffering from.

If a child is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, pain medication is typically administered right away. This will not only assist with the pain, but the swelling too. Depending on the severity of your childs symptoms, pain medication may become a daily occurrence. As a parent, this may cause you some concern. Now is the time you can examine natural and home remedies. When doing so, you will find many options. For example, most recommend mixing one teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice, warm water, and drinking twice a day.

Parents are encouraged to proceed with caution with home remedies for arthritis. Most remedies are designed for adults. Do not dispense anything to your child that will result in an allergic reaction. Also, make the suggestion to their primary care provider. Most doctors are expanding their horizons, no longer writing off natural remedies as rubbish.

Pain medication and some natural remedies will assist with the pain. Although pain diminishes, the disease is still present. To reduce long-term complications, exercise is required. Most children undergo physical therapy. Parents are encouraged to attend to learn the moves for home practice. Parents with overweight children are encouraged to combine healthy eating with exercise. Weight loss, can lessen the pressure placed on joints.

As you can see, it is not the end of the world when a child is diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, no parent wants to see his or her child in pain, but with treatment that pain does not have to last. In fact, most children outgrow the disease. So, if you suspect your child is suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, seek medical treatment. Work with their primary care physician to develop the best treatment plan.


Word Count 662


Pregnancy Test – A Plus Or Minus Says It All

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A pregnancy test, as the name implies, is simply a test used to determine whether or not a woman is pregnant. Often used early in the form of a home pregnancy test, this process is helpful in making an early determination. An unborn child will require medical care even before they arrive and an early diagnosis is important so that the mom-to-be can learn the best types of food to consume, begin pregnancy classes and prepare for the familys new addition.

The most popular t…

pregnancy test

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A pregnancy test, as the name implies, is simply a test used to determine whether or not a woman is pregnant. Often used early in the form of a home pregnancy test, this process is helpful in making an early determination. An unborn child will require medical care even before they arrive and an early diagnosis is important so that the mom-to-be can learn the best types of food to consume, begin pregnancy classes and prepare for the familys new addition.

The most popular type of pregnancy test, which is used for early detection, is a home pregnancy test. These can be found at most major retail and/or drug stores and can provide quick results. Because these are amateur tests, meaning they are not performed by a licensed medical doctor, there is always the possibility of a false reading. If the directions are followed correctly, however, the accuracy rate is quite respectable. Before seeing a doctor, many women want to have an idea as to whether or not they are pregnant, which is why an at home pregnancy test is very popular.

Depending on the results of a home pregnancy test, a woman may still wish to consult a physician to ensure certainty. During the visit, a physician will relay the determination of pregnancy or the absence thereof and, if necessary, will provide additional information for expectant moms.

It can be difficult to realize the symptoms of pregnancy for first-time moms-to-be, which is why it is important to learn about the possible signs of an early pregnancy. Among them, an increased sensitivity to certain foods and/or smells, recurring morning sickness, fatigue, exhaustion and mood swings. It is important to have a pregnancy test following the onset of any or all of these symptoms because a positive result means that a new change in lifestyle may be in order. Pregnant women will likely be instructed to avoid air travel, smoking or being near secondhand smoke and the consumption of alcohol. Any and all of these can be harmful to a child and should therefore be avoided. It is very important that pregnant women speak with their doctor about the best ways to ensure the development of a healthy child.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. It is not designed to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice and/or recommendations. A woman who believes that she may be pregnant should consult a licensed medical doctor for a pregnancy test and the best method of ensuring the health of her unborn child.

Chiropractic Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you suffer from joint pain? Do you find it difficult to move or function from day-to-day? If so, you can benefit from chiropractic care. But wait! What is it? What are the benefits? What types of procedures are offered? If these are some of the questions you have, continue reading on for the answers.

Question: What is chiropractic care?

Answer: It is medical care that is deemed natural. Chiropractors will rely on the x-rays and MRIs to make proper diagnosis, but that is usually it in terms of medical tools and technology. They operate with a hands on approach. This approach is known as manual therapy. Often times, most physicians only treat the problem causing symptoms of pain and discomfort. Chiropractors want to treat these symptoms too, but they go directly to the source and fix it.

Questions: What type of problems can chiropractic care treat?

Answer: Just about anything. If you suffer from pain and discomfort, a chiropractor should be able to provide you with relief. This relief may not be immediate, as diagnosis and proper treatment plan must first happen. Chiropractic care typically involves therapeutic massages or realignment. It has been used to treat the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, whiplash, and sports injuries.

Question: Who can undergo chiropractic care?

Answer: Just about anyone. You will rarely find any restrictions or age requirements. If they do exist, they are the doctors own personal preferences. Chiropractic care, when properly performed, is safe for individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly. In fact, pregnant woman can benefit from it. For most, it makes birth easier and less painful.

Question: What type of schooling and experience must chiropractors have?

Answer: Requirements vary depending on state. What you want to look for, as a patient, is a doctor with a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree. There are various tests that one has to undergo and pass. Once again, these vary by state. To receive a state license, more testing is required. As for schooling, it is usually an ongoing practice. New techniques are developed each year and tips are regularly shared between professionals. Many chiropractors continue their schooling and attend yearly chiropractic conferences. This is not usually required, but done to better their skills and treatment.

Question: Does chiropractic care work?

Answer. Yes. Many individuals and some medical professionals write off chiropractic care as a questionable form of alternative medicine. This is not the truth. In fact, chiropractic care is very successful. Millions of men, women, and children have used the services of a chiropractor worldwide. Many opt for continued treatment and care. They wouldnt if they didnt notice an improvement in mobility and a reduction in pain.

Question: Can I do my own chiropractic care at home?

Answer: No, you shouldnt. Many mistakenly believe that since chiropractic care involves using the hands, it can be done at home. Yes, manual therapy does involve the use of the hands, but it is much more than that. Precision is required. Chiropractic adjustments are used to decrease pain and improve mobility in locked up joints. Yes, the hands apply force, but if you are not accurate more damage and pain is likely.

Question: Is chiropractic care long-term?

Answer: It depends. It all depends on the severity of your pain, the frequency, and your chiropractors choice of treatment. For example, if headaches are caused by spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment is performed. A chiropractor may suggest a few follow-up appointments, but treatment is usually short. On the other hand, those suffering from osteoarthritis deal with pain and daily. Therapeutic massages will reduce the pain, but continued treatment is best for long-lasting pain relief.

Question: What makes chiropractic care better than traditional forms of medicine?

Answer: A lot. For starters, it is important to note that chiropractors do not discourage seeing a primary care physician. Chiropractors specialize in alleviating pain and improving mobility, not curing cancer or treating the flu. As for the benefits, there are no drugs. Chiropractors are unable to perform surgery and write prescriptions. Your treatment is 100% natural. This is less intimidating and the recovery time is short. In fact, there rarely is a recovery period. Continued physical therapy or therapeutic massages may be suggested, but there is never any hospitalization.


Word Count 712

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Were you in a car accident? You feel fine, but are you? You may not know. That is why you should see a chiropractor. Do you need more reasons?

1 You May Have an Injury and Not Know It

Most individuals mistakenly believe that they will be in pain if they have an injury. This is not always true. Damage to the body, muscles, joints, and spine typically hurts, but there are no guarantees. Some damage is just minor enough that there is no pain. However, a smaller injury or just time can lead to aggravation and then pain. Why not prevent this from happening? You can with chiropractic care.

After a car accident, a chiropractor will meet with you. They will gather your medical history, perform a quick physical exam, and ask questions about your car accident. They will diagnose any problems and decide on a course of treatment. This treatment can include joint adjustments or therapeutic massages to relieve pain that will go away on its own overtime.

2 It Is Less Invasive

With chiropractic care, surgery is a last resort. Even then, you are referred to a specialty surgeon. No surgical tools or invasive medical procedures are needed for treatment. Chiropractors rely on manual therapy, which is therapy of the hands. As previously stated, a joint adjustment may be necessarily to properly realign a joint. This is done with precision force of the hands. There is no cutting of the skin or drawing of blood.

After a car accident, many accident victims fear seeking medical treatment. They worry about surgery or being loaded up on prescription medications that have many side effects. Although you may fear the hospital or your primary care physician, you have no reason to fear a chiropractor. Although you are seeking medical care, a trip to the chiropractor may actually feel more like a trip the spa than a doctors visit.

3 No Medications

As previously stated, chiropractic care involves the use of manual therapy. This is 100% all natural. If a chiropractor cannot see a patient right away, they may suggest the use of over-the-counter pain medications. After treatment, they are no longer needed. Pain relievers do provide relief, but that relief is short-lived and it only masks the problem. Chiropractors want to eliminate your pain, but they do so by going directly to the source.

Whiplash victims may receive ongoing massages to treat the pain and discomfort. Whiplash corrects itself overtime, but not all corrections are proper. A patient who does not wear a neck brace or does not limit their activities can experience complications. In these instances, neck adjustments or vertebrae realignment are preformed. Once again, this is done with the hands and not with medications or surgical tools.

4 It Is Safe

Although chiropractic care is 100% natural, is there is some concern about the force used in adjustments. What if a chiropractor slips? Will more damage occur? These are legitimate questions, but you do not need to worry. Chiropractors are medical professionals. They are educated and trained as such. Not anyone can be a chiropractor. It requires training, education, the passing of many tests, and a state license. If your chiropractor is a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), you can rest assure knowing you are safe in their hands.

Not only is chiropractor a safe form of healthcare, but it is ideal for individuals of all ages. In fact, some parents bring their newborns in for examination following birth! Yes, they really do and it is perfectly safe. If your child is in the car with you during an accident, their primary care physician may prescribe pain medication. It is very dangerous, especially for small children. The 100% natural relief of chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages and even pregnant women.

5 It Is Sometimes Covered by Insurance

Following a car accident, your focus may be on costs. After all, your car is damaged. You may have to pay for a new method of transportation, but now healthcare too. As previously stated, some injuries are hard to spot immediately following an automobile accident. Dont wait to get diagnosed until after the incident and after all insurance claims have been filed. Know now.

Luckily, many insurance providers extend coverage for chiropractic care. Many realize that it can lower their operating costs. The onetime cost of neck realignment is much cheaper than 10 years of prescribed pain medications or surgery.


Word Count 742