Child Anxiety Attacks

Just like adults, children experience fear, anxiety and apprehension. These are but normal emotional experiences that a person feels regardless of age. However, if anxiety becomes irrational, recurring and severe, and anxiety attacks happen without any apparent reason, and the reaction is disproportionate to the problem at hand, it can be a cause of concern. This is why on the first signs of problem, have your child get proper diagnosis by a health professional to be able to rule out any possible causes and determine the right treatment to be applied.

Since anxiety attack is a type of anxiety disorder, it is important to know what happens to a child who is suffering from such disorder. To be able to identify it, here are the following symptoms:

Frequent feeling of fear and panic
Bed wetting
Tantrums and excessive crying
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of getting embarrassed
Avoidance of certain activities such as school event and summer camps
Nightmares and night terrors
Compulsive behaviors
Resistance to any change
Low self-esteem, lack of confidence
Overly shy and difficulty making friends
Chronic physical symptoms such as stomach aches or headaches without any apparent reason

A child is under an anxiety attack if he shows the following symptoms:

Gush of overwhelming panic
Hot flashes or chills
Trouble breathing or choking sensation
Feeling of loosing control or going crazy
Feeling and fear of dying
Feeling unreal or detach
Nausea or stomach cramps
Shaking or trembling
Feeling like passing out
Chest pain or heart palpitation

Different children of different ages or even of the same age may manifest different symptoms. Moreover, some of the symptoms given may be considered as a normal behavior of a child. Thus it is a bit tricky to determine if he or she is really having an attack or not. What should be done is to recognize these symptoms and consider them as a reason of concern, then help your child deal with these symptoms through the following:

Seek help from health professional Effectively stopping anxiety attacks begins with recognition and followed by a compete diagnosis from your medical doctor. A full medical examination should be administered in order to rule out any other physical causes unrelated to anxiety.

Doctors usually give prescription medications to help relieve anxiety. If applicable, SSRI antidepressants may be needed for a long term solution. For a more severe case, doctors may refer the child to a psychologist.

Self-help techniques Parents may seek the help of books available for treating child anxiety. This is also very effective in teaching parents strategies for responsible parenting, which improve parent-child relationship and help build child self-confidence and self-esteem.

Play therapy is the child version of exposure therapy. As an effective child anxiety treatment, play therapy uses the power of play to simulate each fearful situation in a controlled environment, which then helps the child face the problem and come up with a solution.

Herbal medicines is proven and effective means of treating anxiety attacks and other types of anxiety disorder. Some of the commonly recommended remedies include passionflower, valerian, scuttelaria laterifolia (scullcap), California poppy, Melissa officinalis, hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort), hops and lavender.

Triggers and Causes of Panic Attacks

Here are the common triggers and causes of panic attacks:

Phobia People who are exposed to certain situation or objects they are afraid of will often experience a panic attack.

Passiveness Many think that excessive politeness, shyness, and respectfulness are a positive thing and it is normal for someone to possess these characteristics. Be that as it may, a growing number of evidence supports the idea that passiveness as a result of fear (sometimes unexplained), low self-esteem and self-confidence is consistent with a person experiencing episodes of panic attack.

Hyperventilation syndrome Mouth breathing and over-breathing or exhaling more carbon dioxide with respect to the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream can result to symptoms including dizziness, lightheadedness, and rapid heartbeat. These symptoms, in turn trigger panic attacks.

Benzodiazepines Drugs such as benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat the symptoms of panic attacks. These drugs have a very quick to take effect. Usually, the patient finds relief within 30 minutes. However, benzodiazepines are highly addictive and rebound effect is common (a panic attack triggered by withdrawing from the drug).

Medications There are certain drugs such as fluoroquinolone type antibiotics and Ritalin (methylphenidate) with panic attacks listed as a side effect. Attacks may be temporary, usually occurring when a patient begins medication but may continue occurring even if the patient is already accustomed to the drug. When this happens, change of dosage or type of drug is usually warranted. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs boost the level of serotonin in the brain which regulates and normalizes emotions. However, intake of SSRIs can increase anxiety at the beginning of use. Panic attacks may even be more frequent to patients who wean on and off the medications

Biological causes post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, Wilson’s disease, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, mitral valve prolapse and labyrinthitis (inner ear disturbances) can manifest through panic attack. Vitamin B deficiency from periodic depletion because of parasitic infection from tapeworm or due to inadequate diet can trigger panic attacks.

Heredity Children, whose parents have been found to suffer from panic disorder, are likely to experience or have panic attacks as well. In other words, inheritance plays an important role in determining who gets it. However, people with no family history can still develop panic disorder.

Environment factors and upbringing People who grew up overly cautious about their life and actions, and those who live in a very stressful environment, plus different traumatic experiences from the past are likely to have panic attacks.

Short-term triggering causes Significant life changes, emotional trauma from a failed relationship, life transition, stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine, psilocybin, marijuana, and drugs can trigger panic attacks.

Take note that these triggers and causes may have different effects to different people. One may only need one trigger to have an episode of panic attacks. Others may require several triggers in order to break down. Also, by simply being exposed to any of these triggers do not automatically result to panic attacks because some are emotionally stronger than others.

It is also important to note that some symptoms of panic attacks may also be a sign of other medical condition. Hence, it is important to precisely pinpoint the cause of the symptoms in order know what type of treatment is necessary.

Stress in Teens Causes Mental Health Dysfunction

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about mental health to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from mental health experts.

People are stressed all the present. Although, a lot of those stressful situations are felt by a teenager, proper management must be done to help the teenager tester up effectively. When stress enters the system and the mind can no longer handle the effects, mental health dysfunction can occur.

It doesnt necessarily mean that the brain will stop working. However, it will not work as normal over it can be. There are a lot of stress factors that causes a person to feel discouraged and misunderstood. It might be a loss of a loved one, a massive surprising change in his vivacity, being bullied or teased all the time, at ease problems and difficulties and school problems can bring so much stress to an adolescent.

What are the causes of stress?

It is a detail that most of the stressors in a childs life are those which cant be easily recognized by the guardian or the parent. These include:

First time or new time events like shifting from primary to secondary insight, moving to a room that makes the child uneasy, meeting a unknown teacher that makes the child pees his pants, or useful to another location are some examples.

Homework that takes away playtime and requires a lot of time to do. Sometimes, teens also need attention and help with their homework but theres no one around to lend a hand.

Unrealistic expectations regarding her performance in school despite the fact that she has already done well. This will invoke fear of not being better.

A loss in the family is particular of the upper factors that a teenager needs to cope up most. Loss also refers to losing a father or mother through divorce. This can raise an emotional fear that will bind him from the truth that tangible can happen to him when he has his own family.

Low self – esteem.

Watching stressful news, reading mindboggling articles like terrorists or natural disasters.

A long – term medical problem like diabetes or something short – term like a fractured bone.

A member of the family experiencing an acute or chronic medical problem.


Financial home problems which oftentimes becomes the reason to stop schooling.

Transitions like these can affect the entire mechanism of an individual. Even though your teenager seems to be very pint-sized to be stressed, they experience it too.

Dealing with stress can be difficult because it is the byproduct of everyday life and situations. One confusing thing regarding stress is that the symptoms connected to it dont always follow promptly the cause of it. Extended trouble about stress is that some may experience it and others do given the same kind of situation.

One ideal affair to do when faced with stress is to learn to cover. You have to teach your teens on how to cope with stress. These suggestions can also be useful with adults.

1. Letting your adolescent practice a healthy lifestyle which includes eating a healthy diet, having appropriate sleep and daily exercise.

2. Provide sufficient time to gibber to your child about his or her day and how he feels about it. Communication is always the best outlet for negativity.

3. Set goals that are realistic and achievable seeing your childs capability.

4. Talk to your child about decisions and options that can make voiced changes in your familys life.

Achieving mental health for your adolescent is possible only if you do your part as a parent.
Knowing enough about mental health to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you’ve just learned about mental health, you should have nothing to worry about.

You Can Use Hypnosis Training to Boost Self Esteem

Are you looking for some inside information on hypnosis? Here’s an up-to-date report from hypnosis experts who should know.

Are you a confident person? If you are, then you dont have any problems. But if you are not that confident, it is not too much late to change because all you need is someone who has had hypnosis training.

Hypnosis has been around for a very long time. If you think this is only for entertainment purposes, think again now studies have shown that it can help people with problems that are psychological in origin.

Examples of problems that are psychological in genesis are anxiety disorders. Part of that is PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder which occurs after the person has had a traumatic experience.

People with hypnosis training can also help those who are suffering from an addiction. Studies have shown that it can help people who smoke, take out or take felonious drugs.

To help someone with low self – esteem, the specialist has to talk with that anything and find out why he or she is like that. Did something happen before? Most of the time, this is the reason and once that has been identified, work can begin.

The session begins with the patient being told to sit on a chair or lie down on the floor and in consequence just relax. Once the specialist sees that the patient is very comfortable, the most important aspect of the session is implemented, which is the talent of hypnotic suggestion.

Hypnotic suggestion is implanted into the persons subconscious since this is what controls the conscious mind. To make sure that this works, this is repeated several times.

The session may lengthen from 30 minutes to an hour. It ends when the specialist instructs the patient to wake up with a clap of a hand, counting numbers backward or simply opening their eyes.

One session may not be enough to boost your self – esteem. You will have to attend several more because you wont feel anything yet.

If everything works out, then your hypnosis treatment is a success. You will now give thanks your life in that what it is and be optimistic about the future.

Having flying self – esteem makes it easier for you to mold new friends and interact with others. If you feel like down after some extent, recharge yourself by having another session with a specialist or get only of those CD recordings that are being sold in record stores.

For those who dont want to buy a Recording or pay a specialist, you can download this free from a website because what you hear someone say is more of less the same.

A person with hypnosis training will not be able to do much if you are not unlatched to hypnotic suggestion. This is because if you have to believe what it can do otherwise you are just wasting your time and money getting help from a specialist.

So, think solid before you decide to see a specialist. When you are ready, give one of them a call and then set an position.

Once you walk in the clinic, tell the specialist what is your disputed point and yak whatever questions they ask. Melancholy self – esteem is different from other illnesses because it does not go away after you swallow a pill. In fact, there is no medication for this complex of a problem. The only one that can help right now is someone who has had hypnosis training.

As your knowledge about hypnosis continues to grow, you will begin to see how hypnosis fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.