Do You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Taking care of one’s health is the best thing that one can do to avoid all the physical illnesses. It may be painful to some to do it but it is in fact the simplest way if you don’t want to be affected with health disturbances. One of the most common illnesses that people complain about is the CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is sometimes called post-viral fatigue, Epstein-Barr or myalgic encephalomyelitis disease. At other times, this is referred to as the chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, or simply CFIDS. This CFS illness is often considered yuppie flu, or hypochondriacal behavior. Recently, health experts agreed that the illness is distinct and has physical symptoms.

The most common symptom is an unexplained fatigue feeling, in which it can not be easily relieved by some rest. Other physical symptoms are:

Muscle or joint pains or weakness
Unexplained headaches
Bowel problems
Poor concentration
Difficulty in sleeping
Poor temperature control

Some Causes

It was never understood what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. However, there are conditions which believed to trigger chronic fatigue syndrome such as toxins and virus infection. In some studies, the disease can be related to physical inactivity, immune system problems, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, overwork, stress, hormonal imbalance, brucellosis, and colitis. Regardless, chronic fatigue syndrome is not a simple health case that can be ignored as it can provide major disturbance on the patient’s quality of life.

Not Easy to Diagnose

It is often hard to detect if one is suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome. In many cases, it would go for years before a patient is found to have the illness. The reason is there are not any laboratory tests that can confirm or diagnose such illness. The diagnosis can only be made if the patient exhibits no other causes, including drugs’ side effects.

If the patient suffers four from the eight symptoms stated below, they can be diagnosed with chronic fatigue illness.

Short-term memory impairment or difficulty in concentration
Tender lymph node
Sore throat
Multi-joint pains
Muscle pains
Un-refreshing sleep; and
Fatigue that lasts more than a day.

If four, or more, of the above symptoms are suffered by the patient for six consecutive months, they will be officially and medically diagnosed with the syndrome. Otherwise, the condition will be most diagnosed as another illness, the idiopathic chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome may not sound serious to others, but this can be frustrating illness to others as the effects can be so much troublesome to most especially it entails daily life style. What is worse about is it can affect people of all walks of life, whether children or adult.

The problem with diagnosis is also the reason why there is no known exact number of people suffering from the syndrome. Only an estimation of half million Americans were suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Women are found to suffer more than men, though the statistic is not clear whether the illness affects more women due to a different condition and lifestyle or if only that women report their condition more than men do.

Regardless of which, it is always advised that proper health care is practiced all the time as it is one way to avoid CFS, or any illness, for that matter.


Having originated on the exotic island of Bali, the Balinese massage therapy is one of a number of ancient traditional massage techniques of Indonesia which had been carried down from one generation to another as a method of curing a wide variety of complaints. The Balinese massage is extraordinarily unique in that it brings together several alternative medicine practices such as massage therapy, acupressure, reflexology and aromatherapy with the use of essential oils scented with striking aromas of jasmine, rose, sandalwood, coconut, cempaka, sandat or frangipani into a single massage session. As it is true with most massage techniques, the Balinese massage strives to reach the ultimate state of relaxation of the body and the mind. What sets it apart is that the Balinese believe that, in order to attain that heightened state of relaxation, blood and oxygen must flow freely and only then will the gi or energy flow without restraints as well.

The Balinese massage therapy is performed on a conventional massage table or on a soft mat on the floor and a great deal of attention is paid to the scented oils which are generally applied at room temperature. For restorative purposes of an ailing or painful body part, warmed oil with an added mixture of lemon grass, cloves or ginger is applied. Overall, the bouquet of fragrances used in the Balinese massage therapy is intended to induce relaxation, to promote indulgence of the body and to drive away nervousness and unhealthful tension.

To reach the deeper tissues of the muscles, the Balinese massage therapist alternately applies vigorous kneading, cross fiber mobilization as well as skin rolling with gentle motions to every muscle of the body. To enhance results with long lasting effects, robust acupressure movements such as hardy press point and strong palm pressure are generously applies in addition to the prevailing massage techniques such as sliding, long and short exploration and manipulating.

The Balinese massage therapy is far from being gentle or delicate and it is, therefore, time and time again compared to Ayurveda, an Indian holistic medicinal method which is considered by most as being extremely intense. And it is due to the inherent intensity of the Balinese massage, that this therapy is so successful in reaching deep into tense and strained muscles to sooth and calm their spasms. As a matter of fact, the Balinese massage therapy is quite frequently prescribed for sports injuries as well as for stiff and achy joints due to various injuries or ailments, for easing migraines and other kinds of headaches, for relieving sleep deprivation and insomnia, for mitigating chronic and acute breathing maladies due to allergies and asthma, for boosting blood circulation and the lymphatic system, as well as for alleviating stress and easing anxiety and depression. In essence, the Balinese massage is a rigorous yet lavish therapeutic system that aims to bring the body and mind in full synchronization of optimal health, well being, tranquility and spiritual renewal.

In preparation for a Balinese massage treatment, you should give yourself plenty of time to savor the entire experience and its afterglow. Under certain circumstances, your massage therapist may need to modify the treatment or the oils which are used and you should, for that reason, let him or her know if you:

* Know that you are pregnant or think you might be.
* Have any pains or stiffness in your joints or limbs.
* Have had a recent injury or underwent surgery.
* Are suffering from high or low blood pressure.
* Have any kind of heart problems or any other medical condition and are going through some form of treatment.

Bali is just one island out of the 17,508 islands which comprise the Republic of Indonesia, a nation located in Southeast Asia and the worlds largest archipelagic state. Many of the other Indonesian islands adopted their own massage techniques which are similar to the Balinese massage in their endeavor to heal the physical body and the spiritual mind, yet they are also distinct and bear their own unique characteristics. And they are:

* Sasak massage.
* Lombok massage.
* Urat massage.
* Balinese Boreh. A paste of ground spices is used to relieve pain and this massage technique was conceived by local rice farmers.
* Javenese Lulur Ritual. This is customarily executed on brides in preparation of their wedding day.

Have you decided to give the Balinese massage a try? Good choice! Relax, enjoy the process and come out smelling heavenly.


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Detox Diets 101: Keeping Your body in Shape through Proper

Detox Diets 101: Keeping Your body in Shape through Proper eating

If youre feeling sluggish, or you think youre always full and the food has settled in your stomach, undigested. If you think youre fat and need to lose weight. And if you think that youve ingested more than the allowed preservatives and additives into your body and your livers starting to show symptoms of abuse, then its time for you to go on a Detox program.

Detox or detoxification is the process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Detox plans may be in different forms and ways from regular exercise to body scrubs and spa massages, to yoga and meditation. But the simplest and the most common perhaps is to go on a detox diet.

A detox diet is a program that minimizes the chemicals ingested into the body by going for organic food. It highlights food like vitamins and antioxidants that the body needs for detoxification. It also involves taking in of food that will aid in the elimination of toxins like high fiber food and water. It generally suggests a high intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and lots of fluids, while cutting down on caffeine, alcohol, yeast and sugars.

So why go for a detox diet? If youre a regular fast food chain eater, youve probably ingested many fat-soluble chemicals contained in the French fries, cheeseburgers, twisters and soft drinks youve consumed. An overload of these chemicals in the body can lead to illness and conditions like liver malfunction, kidney problems, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies and inefficient metabolism. And the most common symptoms of these illnesses are the usual fatigue, poor skin and low tolerance to pain.

By going on a detox diet, people would have improved energy, clearer and fairer skin, a regular bowel movement, improved metabolism and digestion, increased concentration. Generally, it spells wellness and a better well-being.

A word of cautionthough anyone is allowed to take on a detox diet, pregnant women or those who are nursing are cautioned not to go on such plans as they need the necessary nutrient for nursing. And unless recommended by a doctor, people with anemia, eating disorders, heart disease, low immunity, low blood pressure, ulcers, cancer, the underweight or those suffering from alcohol or drug dependency should try on a detox diet. Furthermore, such detox diet programs should be properly planned with the doctor and a nutritionist.

Other Things You Need to Know

Side effects may occur within the first few days of starting the detox diet. Theres headache and a general feeling of weakness as the body is adjusting to the change in food intake. So it is recommended to start your diet plan gradually or on Fridays when you wont be doing much physical activity or requiring much energy. Others may experience diarrhea as the body eliminates the toxins, so take care not to be dehydrated. Drink plenty of water.

Take note that such detox diet programs should not be done for a long time. They are normally recommended to be done at least one to two times a year, and should be done during the warm months.

If youre thinking of getting started, make sure you consult a doctor or a nutritionist. Read up on detox diets and seek advice from the experts. Remember: Too much is bad. After all, youre doing it to improve your health, not ruin it!