Detox- Cleansing the Body Inside Out

Detoxification has been a lengthy discussion ever since. Whether to detox or not, is up to you.

Even though you are ‘healthy’ this does not mean that you don’t need to detox. Sure our body does this on a continual basis, our kidneys and livers are constantly working by cleaning out all the pollutants (smoke, caffeine, chemical-based products etc) in our body. Detox strengthen our organs back to optimal function.

Basically, this is done through fasting, therefore resting the organs and stimulating the liver by pushing away the toxins from the body. Nourishing the body with healthy nutrients is also done to maintain optimum health. It has been practiced for centuries around the world by different cultures.

Although a lot of people want whole body detoxification, some wants to have a detox on a particular organ only, such as the kidney, liver or colon. During kidney cleansing, herbal supplements and juices are used to dissolve and wash out kidney stones; particular foods are consumed in liver cleansing causing the gall bladder and liver to remove fatty deposits and toxins out of the body. Colon cleansing on the other hand, gently flushes the colon with water providing a pathway for the release of toxins.

There are also techniques used in whole body cleansing such as:

Fasting. Water or juice fasting is applied for a period of time to lessen toxic loads in the body causing the body to heal itself and nourish inside out.

Parasite cleaning. Right amount of pills or tinctures made out of bitter herbs are consumed to build an unreceptive environment for the parasites inside the body.

Contrast Shower. The contrast among hot and cold water enhances circulation, helps in detoxifying thus having a stronger immune system. This also helps by bringing oxygen, nutrients and immune cells towards damaged and stressed tissue and flushes metabolic waste and other toxins.

Sauna, yoga, exercise, raw food dieting and dry skin brushing also enhance the body’s natural cleansing process.

Other Detoxifying aids

There are a number of safe products that helps in the cleansing process such as cleansing supplement packages (with easy-to-follow instructions), detox foot patches, commercially prepared detox teas, Epsom salts, high-class multivitamins for daily intake and antioxidants like Q10 and E that can be found at health food stores.

Before and after side effects:

As the procedures differ, so do the benefits.

During the detox, you’ll most likely feel the side effects that take place during the first few days such as headaches, feeling weak, sore muscles, cranky moods and unable to sleep soundly.

There are also a number of positive side effects days after the cleansing process. You will feel energetic, mental clarity improved, skin is clearer, improved sleep, and have a positive attitude in life for a fresh start.

Detoxification is safe and beneficial for our health. It is suggested that each one should at least have a short detoxification program yearly. However, children, nursing mothers, and patients with cancer, chronic degenerative illness and tuberculosis should consult their physician first for approval and supervision or find someone who is familiar with detox.

If you decide to award your body with holiday, find a nutritional therapist who is familiar with detox.

Here’s how:

You can call your friends who are into health foods and alternative medicines, ask them for a person who they can refer. Another way is to search in the yellow pages under nutrition or by looking for ads in health publication in your locality. Get the name of someone you found whose name appears in more than one place and check for his profile, like from which school he/she attended the training and if it’s an accredited one. Also ask how long he’s been in practice.

Detox Diets 101: Keeping Your body in Shape through Proper

Detox Diets 101: Keeping Your body in Shape through Proper eating

If youre feeling sluggish, or you think youre always full and the food has settled in your stomach, undigested. If you think youre fat and need to lose weight. And if you think that youve ingested more than the allowed preservatives and additives into your body and your livers starting to show symptoms of abuse, then its time for you to go on a Detox program.

Detox or detoxification is the process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Detox plans may be in different forms and ways from regular exercise to body scrubs and spa massages, to yoga and meditation. But the simplest and the most common perhaps is to go on a detox diet.

A detox diet is a program that minimizes the chemicals ingested into the body by going for organic food. It highlights food like vitamins and antioxidants that the body needs for detoxification. It also involves taking in of food that will aid in the elimination of toxins like high fiber food and water. It generally suggests a high intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and lots of fluids, while cutting down on caffeine, alcohol, yeast and sugars.

So why go for a detox diet? If youre a regular fast food chain eater, youve probably ingested many fat-soluble chemicals contained in the French fries, cheeseburgers, twisters and soft drinks youve consumed. An overload of these chemicals in the body can lead to illness and conditions like liver malfunction, kidney problems, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies and inefficient metabolism. And the most common symptoms of these illnesses are the usual fatigue, poor skin and low tolerance to pain.

By going on a detox diet, people would have improved energy, clearer and fairer skin, a regular bowel movement, improved metabolism and digestion, increased concentration. Generally, it spells wellness and a better well-being.

A word of cautionthough anyone is allowed to take on a detox diet, pregnant women or those who are nursing are cautioned not to go on such plans as they need the necessary nutrient for nursing. And unless recommended by a doctor, people with anemia, eating disorders, heart disease, low immunity, low blood pressure, ulcers, cancer, the underweight or those suffering from alcohol or drug dependency should try on a detox diet. Furthermore, such detox diet programs should be properly planned with the doctor and a nutritionist.

Other Things You Need to Know

Side effects may occur within the first few days of starting the detox diet. Theres headache and a general feeling of weakness as the body is adjusting to the change in food intake. So it is recommended to start your diet plan gradually or on Fridays when you wont be doing much physical activity or requiring much energy. Others may experience diarrhea as the body eliminates the toxins, so take care not to be dehydrated. Drink plenty of water.

Take note that such detox diet programs should not be done for a long time. They are normally recommended to be done at least one to two times a year, and should be done during the warm months.

If youre thinking of getting started, make sure you consult a doctor or a nutritionist. Read up on detox diets and seek advice from the experts. Remember: Too much is bad. After all, youre doing it to improve your health, not ruin it!

The History of Fish Oil

A breakthrough in medicine practice happened 550 million years ago was brought about by single-cell algae. There was an explosion in biological diversity as multi-cell organisms started to evolve from single-cell algae. These new organisms had to develop a communication system to enable specialized cells to transmit messages to one another. The purpose of communication was two way; one was to build nerve connections between specialized cells and the other involved the use of hormones.

Eicosanoids were the first hormones product of these communications and they utilize fats in cell membranes as their building blocks. These eicosanoids dont just use any type of fat for their synthesis but they also require the long-chain highly-saturated fat (polyunsaturated) which is only found in algae-derived fats. And this is what many scientists of today believed to be the cause of breakthrough that separated smart man from average man.

Some 150,000 years ago our ancestors had discovered that fats or fish oil makes them smart. The healthy eicosanoids that are derived from those fats that control our health today the omega-3 rich fish oil.

The first recorded production of fish oil happened in 1775 in England. However, when the cod was brought back from America, the livers appeared to be disgusting as it were slapped onto the filthy streets of London, for the oil would ooze out. This was collected together with other stuffs on the streets and sold as cod liver oil.

Despite of its filthy beginnings for many people at that time the crude liver oil was considered a miracle oil for diseases like arthritis. The cod liver oil isn’t actually contaminated by street sewage but it’s still full of industrial contaminants like mercury and PCBs. These contaminants pollute the waters where cod live. Because of this the end products has some foul taste that turned the stomach of every child in America who took it two generations ago.

So while it’s true that 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil supplies 2.5 grams of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, it is also true that it supplies contaminants and a high dose of vitamin A, which is stored in the body’s fat tissues and can cause toxic effects like hair loss if taken in high enough doses.

The final breakthrough in fish oils happened when Ultra Refined EPA and DHA concentrate Omega-3 product was developed. EPA and DHA are almost found exclusively in sea foods. The process required advanced chemical engineering that starts with the removal of most of the saturated fat by fractional distillation and the removal of virtually all the PCBs (measured in parts per billion) by more sophisticated molecular distillation. In the process called polishing, impurities are removed through hot water. The fish oil are also added with anti-oxidants for longer life and added nutrients.

With these innovations, a new type of fish oil was developed. The end-product ensures you to have a concentrated amount of long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids without unwanted substances like chemical contaminants or harmful fatty acids that can harm your well-being.

It is only with the use of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil that you can get high enough levels of long-chain Omega-3 fats for your brain and body. The effect of the high-grade fish oil usually occurs after taking it everyday in 30 days.

Understanding Gilbert’s Disease

Many of us are afraid of having any kinds of diseases. This is because of the very hectic and fast paced lifestyle that people have today. Because of the kind of lifestyle that most people have, one can easily be left behind because of a minor setback like the flu or a cold. There are a lot of viruses that can affect us in all of our surroundings. You could be sitting quietly in your garden when a mosquito suddenly bit you and because of that bite you got infected with malaria. This is just on of the hundreds of real life scenarios that have caused illness to people. But with a little carefulness and a lot of prevention, these situations can be easily avoided. But for other conditions that are hereditary like the Gilberts disease a person can only do so much.

Hereditary medical conditions can be described as a disaster waiting to happen or a bomb waiting to explode. This is because the nature of most hereditary conditions is benign and dormant. A person can go on half their life without them knowing that in a few years they could be suffering horribly. The healing process takes years and it takes a lot of patience and understanding between the families and friends.

The real key to understanding the condition is by understanding the syndrome itself and putting yourself to the pinnacle of caring for your loved one. People with Gilberts disease and other hereditary diseases rarely fully recover from their conditions and some relatives just give up on their family members. Thats the reason why people should be really up to the task of taking care of the afflicted person for almost the rest of their lives.

To better understand the effects and the Gilberts disease a person must know the kind of condition a person afflicted with the disease feels. Commonly Gilberts disease is a common disorder passed down through each generation of families that attacks the way bilirubin is processed by the liver and this offensive against the livers processing may also lead to called jaundice.

Other names that we can call it

In the field of medicine, Gildberts disease comes in many names. Some of which in include Icterus intermittens juvenilis, low-grade chronic hyperbilirubinemia, familial non-hemolytic-non-obstructive jaundice, constitutional liver dysfunctions, unconjugated benign bilirubinemia among others. Although the names of the condition vary, they are all believed to have the same effect and symptoms as Gilberts disease.

Unveiling its causes

Gilberts disease affects up to 10% of some Caucasian populations this means that for every one hundred people ten of them suffer from the disease. The causes of the condition are still a bit of a mystery, one thing that is for sure is that it is hereditary. Signs and symptoms include mild jaundice (this is the yellowing of skin and whites of eyes), and fatigue.

It is really a trying and hard syndrome to over come, some people takes years to notice that they have Gilberts disease, and when they do find out sometimes its too late to be treated. Even though Gilberts disease can change a persons way of life the understanding and the commitment of the family should also be there. For those who might be suffering from this condition, it is best to consult a licensed physician before jumping to any conclusions or before taking in any form of treatment and medication.