Connecting Liver Disease And Gilbert’s Disease

The human liver is one of the most important organs of the body. It is responsible for cleaning our internal organs of the entire gunk and bile that is deposited by a person on a regular basis. But conditions like Gilberts disease and other forms of liver disease makes our livers weak and prone to breaking down.

To understand better how the liver is affected by different kinds of diseases and the impact of these conditions to our body. Liver disease is a general term used in describing any kind of sickness affecting the liver. Many of theses conditions are accompanied by jaundice caused by the heightened levels of bilirubin in the system. The bilirubin is the product of the breakup of the hemoglobin of dead red blood cells; usually, the liver takes away bilirubin from the blood and excretes it through bile.

The following are some of the known conditions that are considered as liver diseases:

– Hepatitis. This is the inflammation of the liver. This caused mainly by different kinds of viruses, there are also times that it is caused by some poisons, even hereditary conditions.

– Cirrhosis. This is the formation of fibrous tissue in the liver, the fibrous tissue takes the place of dead liver cells.

– Haemochromatosis. This is a hereditary disease caused by too much iron in the body causing liver damage.

– Cancer of the liver. This is usually coming from other parts of the body that is also affected by cancer. Usually, when cancer cells metastasis, it reaches the liver and it starts spreading from there.

– Wilsons disease. This condition is hereditary and copper deposits in the body cause it.

– Budd-Chiari syndrome. This is caused by the obstruction of the persons hepatic vein.

– Gilberts syndrome. This is a genetic disorder of bilirubin metabolism, found in about 5 percent of the population.

– Glycogen storage disease type II. Here, the build-up of glycogen causes progressive tissue weakness (myopathy) throughout the body and affects various body tissues, particularly in the heart, skeletal muscles, liver and nervous system.

There are also many pediatric liver diseases, including biliary atresia, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, alagille syndrome, and progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, to name but a few.

A number of liver function tests are available to test the proper function of the liver. These test for the presence of enzymes in blood that are normally most abundant in liver tissue, metabolites or products.

Symptoms of a diseased liver

There are a few external signs that we could include to determine a diseased liver, some of those external signs are a coated tongue, bad breath, skin rashes, itchy skin, excessive sweating, offensive body odor, dark circles under the eyes, red swollen and itchy eyes, acne rosacea, brownish spots and blemishes on the skin, flushed facial appearance or excessive facial blood vessels.

There are other symptoms to look out for and they include jaundice, dark urine, pale stool, bone loss, easy bleeding, itching, small, spider-like blood vessels visible in the skin, enlarged spleen, fluid in the abdominal cavity, chills, pain from the biliary tract or pancrea, and an enlarged gallbladder.

The improper digestion and absorption of fats may lead to symptoms that include indigestion, reflux, hemorrhoids, gall stones, intolerance to fatty foods, intolerance to alcohol, nausea and vomiting attacks, abdominal bloating, and constipation. Unfortunately, some liver diseases like Gilberts disease are known to share symptoms with other liver diseases. So its better to consult a professional.

Alternative Spider Vein Treatment

Laser treatment and sclerotherapy are just two of the options if you want to undergo spider vein treatment. If these do not suit you, there are alternative forms available.

The first option will be to take herbs. One of the most widely used happens to be horse chestnut. The active ingredient here is aescin. Studies have shown that this blocks the release of enzymes that damage capillary walls.

In order for people to take it, manufacturers have to remove the toxic component known as esculin. If this is not done properly, those who take it may experience convulsions, diarrhea, headache, nausea or vomiting.

Not everybody can take horse chestnut especially those who have kidney or liver disease. Does it have adverse effects on women who are pregnant or nursing has yet to be established.

To avoid complications, doctors advise patients not to combine horse chestnut with certain medications. These include aspirin, coumadin, plavix, ticlid and trental as well as other anticoagulant drugs unless these are deemed to be safe for you by your doctor.

Spider veins can also be treated with grape seed and pine bark extracts because both contain oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). These are antioxidants that appear to strengthen the connective tissue structure of blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

People should not confuse grape seed extract with grapefruit seed extract because these are two different things. Unfortunately, there are also side effects if you decide to take it such as nausea and upset stomach.

Those who have autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis should not take this herb. Just like the first herb, doctors have not studied if there are any side effects for nursing mothers or pregnant women.

Another herb is butchers broom. This plant is also known as box holly or knee holly and contains ruscogenins, which strengthen collagen in blood vessel walls and improve circulation. At one point, some doctors believed that it tightens weak, stretched vessels such as those associated with varicose veins.

The side effects of this herb include indigestion and nausea. Those who have high blood pressure or benign prostate hyperplasia should not take butcher’s broom unless they first consult with their doctor.

Aside from taking herbs, there is a form of therapy that focuses primarily on your feet namely reflexology. Studies have shown that massaging the feet helps reduce leg swelling. The best part is that there are no side effects unlike those mentioned when you take any of these herbs.

Alternative forms of spider vein treatment are cheaper than laser treatment or sclerotherapy. It should be pointed out though that taking these herbs or getting a massage should not replace what medical science can do for the patient.

But before you try any form of spider vein treatment, you should see if wearing compression stockings will improve the situation. This has to be worn the whole day so it can help improve blood flow within the veins and leg muscles.

It should be pointed out that the amount of compression varies by type and brand. It also comes in different colors and types so you should check them out before using it daily.

Spider vein treatment is available. You can check with your doctor what options are available and also inquire about alternative medicine.