Weight Gain And Cholesterol

It’s really not a secret that there is a connection between weight gain and cholesterol levels. If you are overweight one of the best things you can do for your body is lose your excess body weight.

Weight gain and cholesterol is a common problem for many people as they age. When we age we often have slower metabolisms and just don’t get as much exercise.

Those factors can lead to an increase in the amount of excess body fat you put on.

Of course, sometimes having trouble with your cholesterol levels is a result of hereditary factors, but more often than not it is a result of lifestyle choices.

If we eat too many foods that are bad for us: high in fat and calories and generally lacking in any nutritional value, for example, we will most likely gain weight as well as increase the levels of bad cholesterol.

According to the American Heart Association, you should try to keep your overall cholesterol levels below 199mg/dl. Your bad cholesterol levels, LDL, should be less than 99mg/dl.

The higher your LDL levels the more fat you have in your bloodstream. This fat can clog your arteries and lead to many serious health related issues such as heart attack and stroke.

Of course, you do have many ways you can help control your cholesterol levels and you don’t have to (in many cases, ultimately you need to ask your doctor) rely solely on medication.

Eating right is your first line of defense. For many people, just eating a healthier diet will be enough to prevent developing any cholesterol problems in the first place.

Lean protein, vegetables, more fruits and lots of water can go a long way to ensure that your cholesterol levels are kept where they should be.

You can start small too. Just stop eating so much of the bad stuff. If you really love your burgers why not just cut back on the amount you have in a week?

Or, why not try a leaner ground beef or possibly even a turkey burger. It’s up to you but you can see that there are many simple things you can do to eat better and not eating as much bad stuff.

Another simple fix is to eat less sugar. For many people this can be accomplished just by cutting way back on some of the beverages they drink.

I had a friend who lost 10 lbs. in one month and the only thing she did was stop drinking pop. Most beverages are loaded with sugar and some of the worst offenders are energy drinks.

Getting less sugar in your diet can be a simple way for you to loss excess body fat and lose weight.

Weight gain and cholesterol do go hand in hand but you can lose weight with some simple changes to your diet and exercise program. Don’t give up and make sure you talk to your doctor before you start, but you really can have a positive impact on your cholesterol levels.

Inherit Bad Cholesterol-Dont Always Blame Your Parents

While it is possible to inherit bad cholesterol, a condition that is called familial hypercholesterolemia, it can also be caused by many lifestyle factors which you have more control over.

So, whether you inherit bad cholesterol or you have it from certain lifestyle choices you’ve made… or both, you have several options open to you to get your cholesterol levels back down to safer levels.

Your first stop needs to be your doctors office. Your doctor can not only do a blood test to let you know if your cholesterol levels are where they should be, he can also help guide you through the choices of treatment options if your levels aren’t where they should be.

Cholesterol can be both “good” and “bad”. Ideally, you want normal levels of both but many people have too little of the good (HDL) and too much of the bad (LDL).

If you are worried about taking too many medications you don’t need to, you may have other options when it comes to lowering your bad and raising your good cholesterol.

Here are the things you need to keep an eye on:

1. Eat better. Don’t eat a lot of foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Instead, start eating more foods that are low in fat and high in fiber like fruits and vegetables.

2. Get more exercise. It’s as simple going for a walk everyday. Eventually, as you get stronger and in better shape, you can add other forms of exercise to your routine.

You don’t ever have to start training for marathons, and you may even start to find that you actually like to workout. It may sound crazy now, but it is true.

Once you start seeing the results and start getting stronger you may find that you like it and can’t wait to workout.

3. Combine these things and you can accomplish another thing that can help you keep your cholesterol levels in check: get to the proper weight.

It’s no big secret that eating better and getting more exercise can really help you shed the pounds.

And, when you are at the proper weight, continuing with these good habits will help you maintain that healthy weight.

You do have other options than just taking medication to control your cholesterol. If, after talking to your doctor, you both decide that medication is your best course of action than that is what you must do.

But, if you can, you may want to try one or more of these other options to get and keep your cholesterol at the proper level.

You can use these things on their own or combine them with a medication. Since many medicines can have some possibly serious side effects, you may want to try to get the results you want without having to rely on prescription medications.

Even if you inherit bad cholesterol you can still live a healthy life and get and keep your cholesterol under control. Just be willing to talk to your doctor and work with him to get the best combination of medications and diet and exercise to get your ideal cholesterol level.