How to Treat Plantar Warts at Home

Plantar warts are warts of the feet. They can make walking very painful. As this cuts down on the amount of exercise a person gets, it can contribute to an overall decline in health. It is necessary to treat plantar warts, and sometimes you can do it at home.

First of all, many people with plantar warts also have diabetes. If this is the case, you should always seek professional consultation. People with diabetes can’t afford to take chances with their feet because of their particular health issues.

If you don’t have diabetes, though, you may be able to do something about your plantar warts at home. Just as with common warts, you can use salicylic acid liquids such as Dr. Scholl’s or medicated pads such as Mediplast,

With a plantar wart, it is especially important to protect the area surrounding the plantar wart. You may put a lot of weight on the wart. Any acid you put on healthy skin will soak in and eat away a circle of skin around the wart. To avoid this, you can put petroleum jelly around the circumference of the wart.

Keeping a plantar wart dry is crucial helping it to go away. Try putting on a drying medicated powder up to ten times a day. Change your socks at least three times a day. Some people have even used chlorine to thoroughly dry their feet. If the plantar wart is faithfully kept clean and dry, it doesn’t stand a chance.

On the other hand, some people recommend methods that keep moisture on the wart. As little as this makes sense given that warts thrive on moisture, some find these methods effective.

A remedy that is often referred to is the banana peel remedy. You tape the inner side of a banana peel down onto a plantar wart. This is supposed to draw out the wart. Some say it works well.

One method is to slice up lemons and use them in a remedy. Put them in apple cider and let them ferment for a couple of weeks. At the end of this time, rub the lemon slices on your plantar warts.

You can get Vitamin C tablets at a supermarket, health food store, or pharmacy. Crush tablets of it and apply it to the plantar wart. Cover it with a bandage. Again, bandages are usually not recommended by the experts because they hold in moisture. Moisture does nothing to help remove plantar warts, or any warts.

Another such treatment is applying grapefruit extract to the plantar wart a few times a day. Once more, the suggested treatment is to cover it with a bandage. If you do, make sure that you take the bandage off whenever you can. Let the area air out and dry up a bit.

Aside from genital warts, plantar warts probably require the most attention. Because they cause pain in the feet, they cut down on a person’s mobility. If you have diabetes, you need a physician’s help. If you can treat plantar warts, that’s great. If you can’t, go on to the doctor.

Learn a New Word Every Day to Exercise your Brain

Learn a New Word Every Day to Exercise your Brain

Most of us have to rely upon a calendar each day in order to keep ourselves organized. There are calendars out there that offer a new word each day on them. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to expand your vocabulary and to exercise your brain. Try to use the new word that you learn at least three times that day. It can be fun coming up with creative ways to insert it into conversations.

When you use these new words three times in a day, it will help with your memory. You will be able to remember what the word is and the meaning of it for a very long time. You want to be able to do more with it than just to use it that one day and then forget about it. You dont have to use words that are huge or that wont fit into anything you talk about either.

If you dont have such a calendar available, use a dictionary. Just flip it open to any page and pick out a word to learn about. You can also start at the beginning of the dictionary and work your way through it. Devise a method that works well for you and then stick to it. When you get into the habit of doing this each day you will start to look forward to it. You will find that your vocabulary is quickly expanding as well.

In fact there are some specific types of words that you can choose to learn about. Some of them can be specific to a career or other type of environment. Many people enjoy these types of word learning exercises because they know that they will be able to actively use them in their daily life. It can be harder to find such materials locally though but you will have no problems finding them online.

What many people find as they start to learn a new word each day is that they are limited in their vocabulary. Sure, you may have thousands of words that you use but the fact is that you use them over and over again. If you do lots of writing for your job you want to through in some new words to stir things up. Those that read it will notice that they arent getting the same old stuff that they see from everyone else. Therefore exercising your brain in this way can really help you to rise in the ranks with your employer as well.

Parents can help children to exercise their brains in this way too. For example the entire family can have a routine of learning a new word per day. Then everyone can use that word in a conversation that night at dinner. If they were able to work it into conversations throughout the day as well then that should be shared. This is a great way for the entire family to do their best to have brains that are exercised and in great shape.

There are also plenty of fun word games that you can play online too. This is a good variation of learning a new word every day. You can play them whenever you get the chance. Most of them have many levels too from beginners to advanced so start where your level is now and then work your way up from there.


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