Meet a Lasik Pioneer!

One of the first publicized physicians that perform the Lasik eye corrective operation was Dr. Boothe, of Dallas Texas. He has performed the Lasik operation for a number of different clients, including members of the NFL Dallas Cowboys football team. There are countless testimonials of how satisfied his Lasik clients were with the surgery, even a number of years later.

One of the important considerations for any doctor is kindness, and Dr Boothe’s Lasik patients comment on this trait after their procedures. They all agree that Dr. Boothe made them feel very relaxed about the procedure, and took time to answer any and all questions that they might have. This is especially important with the Lasik process, as eye health is crucially important, and confidence in the doctor makes considering the Lasik option much more feasible.

Dr. Boothe became a specialist of the eye, and especially the cornea, in 1987.

He has performed more than 80,000 Lasik laser vision corrections in that time. He has also contributed to the field of expanding Lasik practice, with the new VISX three dimensional wavefront procedures. These procedures are especially useful for those people with unusual configurations of their eyes.

One of the other newer Lasik procedures uses only the laser, instead of the usual Lasik operation using both scalpel and laser. He is the leader in the performance of this field, and has done more than 45,000 of these operations. This type of Lasik procedure holds new promise for the field, and should be investigated by anyone considering any type of Lasik procedure.

Looking at some of Dr. Boothe’s background will help prospective Lasik clients to look for a physician of similar quality in their area. Dr. Boothe’s center itself is located in the Dallas metropolitan area, but there are many fine doctors that practice Lasik procedures in all parts of the country. He has taught a number of other surgeons in the technique, and so one question that should be asked is where the physician received his training in the Lasik procedure, and which doctors taught the technique.

A most critical part of traditional Lasik surgery is using the microkeratome to make and lift a flap in the eye. Dr. Boothe’s love of medicine and absorption in furthering the techniques used in Lasik make him a pioneer in the field of ophthalmology. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, and emphasizes that any patient should check the board certification for any physician they are considering for performing the Lasik procedure in addition to standard medical certifications, such as the American Medical Association.

One reason that Dr. Boothe entered the field of Lasik surgery was because a good eye surgeon can dramatically improve the quality of life for his patients, as is attested by his many thousands of satisfied patients. The doctor that a patient selects for the Lasik procedure should have high standards for safety, accuracy, and precision. This should be reflected in the results and opinions of the patients that the doctor has. Lasik can be a life improving procedure, and careful selection of a physician in the same mold as Dr. Boothe can make it much more certain.

Good Post-Op Lasik Care

One of the most marvelous advancements using modern technology is the Lasik vision correction procedure, where in the space of fifteen minutes many people can reduce or eliminate their reliance on glasses or contact lenses. There is very little preparation for the surgery on the Lasik patient’s side, and the Lasik procedure itself takes less than twenty minutes.

With current technology and an excellent Lasik physician, there is a very high success rate for nearly all Lasik surgeries. Though not all patients get or keep exactly 20/20 vision, there is a vast improvement in the Lasik client’s vision and dependence on corrective eyewear. The two most important factors under the patient’s control is the choice of the physician and good post-operative care.

After visiting a few physicians or clinics that perform Lasik procedures, the client should have a very good idea of how they will be treated as a patient of that doctor. It is important to find a Lasik physician whose staff is responsive to questions and worries, and who are willing to see a post-operative Lasik client who is having a problem with their care.

This is one of the more common complaints of those folks that undergo a Lasik procedure: insufficient information about post-operative Lasik side effects, or a staff that simply says “Lots of people experience that, no problem,” when the patient actually should be seen by a member of the staff. A visit where the prospective Lasik patient talks with both the physician and one or two members of the staff will get an idea of how well a patient is welcomed once the Lasik procedure is completed.

During this initial investigative visit, the client should ask the Lasik staff for a list of common, temporary side effects that can be experienced after a Lasik procedure. The staff member should describe any cases where the patient should make a point of contacting the Lasik center, rather than just enduring the side effect. Cases of pain, intense itching, or seriously blurred vision may indicate an infection or other serious problem, and should be seen promptly. It is truly very rare that any of these complications exist after a Lasik procedure, but make sure that the center is willing to see the patient if they think something is more than mildly wrong.

One of the more common side effects after a Lasik operation is some form of dry eye, which often occurs during the nighttime while asleep. Not only is this uncomfortable, but if the eyelid sticks even slightly to the eye itself, it may dislodge the surgical flap done in the Lasik procedure, and delay healing of the eye. If this occurs, the Lasik center has several different viscosities, or thicknesses, of eye drops to alleviate this problem. The staff should be promptly notified so this problem can be addressed immediately.

A good, responsive staff surrounding an excellent Lasik physician is the most important component in how to select a doctor. Interviewing the physician and staff about all aspects of the Lasik procedure, both the procedure itself and post-operative care, is the best way to make an excellent choice.

Eye Care After a Lasik Procedure

A person that is considering a Lasik procedure to improve their vision has two major responsibilities: selecting the best surgeon possible for their budget, and understanding and keeping up with eye care after the Lasik operation is done. Most Lasik procedures go very smoothly, and more than 90% of the patients are happy with their improved vision and have no permanent side effects. Part of this success is due to good care at home once the Lasik procedure is complete.

The first step in having the best care after a Lasik procedure is to understand exactly what is directed by the Lasik physician. The prospective Lasik patient should be given a good understanding of the entire process when they first visit a Lasik center to interview the physician and the staff. On the day of the procedure, a member of the staff should very carefully go over exactly what steps should be done to encourage optimal eye health and healing after the Lasik operation.

One thing that the patient should ask is what side effects are to be expected directly after the Lasik procedure, how long they should last, and which symptoms should be promptly told to the Lasik physician or member of the staff. A number of symptoms, such as fluctuating vision or halos around lights, are to be expected and are not a cause of worry. Ask the staff about any postoperative symptoms that are unclear, to make sure that they are thoroughly understood.

Each Lasik physician has their own recommended procedures for their patients, but here is a list of typical suggestions that most Lasik centers recommend. First, get some sleep as soon as possible after the Lasik procedure is done. This gives a great boost to the healing process. Second, avoid any contact, bumping, or rubbing of the eyes for at least five days after the Lasik procedure. Most Lasik centers have some kind of eye guards to wear at night to prevent patients from rubbing their eyes in their sleep.

Third, try to avoid eyestrain for some days after the Lasik procedure. It is tempting to try to read all of the signs and words that were previously blurry, but avoid this temptation at least for the large part. If any light sensitivity or glare is noticed, wear dark sunglasses for several days until this problem resolves itself. Some common Lasik side effects are temporary halos around lights, especially when viewed at night, but this is not a problem to be concerned with.

It is very important to keep the eyes well lubricated in the days following a Lasik operation. Every Lasik physician will give eye drops to help this, and patient should be especially aware of this before going to sleep. A Lasik procedure may increase eye dryness temporarily, and during sleep this may make the eyelid stick slightly to the eye. When the patient wakes up, opening the eyelid is equivalent to rubbing the eye. The physician should be notified if this happens, for there are other varieties of eye drops that will solve this problem.

Taking these simple steps will give nearly all Lasik patients an easy postoperative experience without any problems.

Even a Chicken Can Get Lasik Surgery

If you take the time to read any of the message boards or chat rooms on the Internet about Lasik surgery, you will wonder how anyone could get the courage to schedule a Lasik procedure, and why on earth they would want it. The various Lasik clinics sound anywhere from impersonal to something similar to Dr. Frankenstein’s lab, and the Lasik procedure itself sounds, well, surreal. It seems like the only people that would get Lasik are those with such bad vision that they cannot get out of bed without their glasses on.

Well, let me give you my story of how I chose Lasik. First of all, my vision is not good, but not terrible either. I can actually go to movies and see well enough to enjoy the film without glasses, but I need glasses to drive in order to read the street signs far enough away to act on the information. So for me, Lasik was not necessary, but I figured would simplify my life. I am outdoors very frequently, backpacking, climbing hills, and mountain biking. Glasses do not last long with me, and I am frequently grinding into the dirt which is not the best situation for contact lenses. For these reasons, Lasik looked very appealing.

The paragraph above might make you think I am a “manly guy” (hope so, think so!), so why on earth would I be afraid of a little Lasik scalpel? OK, technically Lasik does NOT use a scalpel but rather a “microkeratome blade”, but it is still a sharp object approaching my eye as part of the Lasik procedure. Nowadays Lasik physicians can get a laser to cut the flap in the eye, which is more than a little better than a sharp blade. But anyway, I had too many spills in my life to think any sharp object nearing my eye was a good idea, even under the skilled hands of a Lasik physician.

After talking with three (yes, three!) independent Lasik physicians, they each assured me that a 28 year old guy in nearly perfect health (OK, I exaggerate a bit) with moderate nearsightedness was one of the very best candidates for a successful Lasik procedure. I decided to schedule my Lasik procedure with the one that had the best track record, and coincidentally took the most time to explain everything about Lasik to me.

The Lasik surgery was not painful, though I accepted nearly everything they offered to give me comfort, including a sedative and a teddy bear. (I even went back to take a picture of me and the Lasik comforting teddy bear.) The only strange thing I remember about the Lasik procedure itself was a smell, something vaguely like hair burning. I suppose that was my eye. I am kind of glad they didn’t tell me to expect that before the Lasik procedure, I am not sure I would have gone in.

After a few years, I guess I was a nearly perfect Lasik client, as my eyes now have 20/20 vision and have remained stable long after the Lasik operation. I say that if you are a good candidate for a Lasik vision correction procedure, grab that teddy bear and go on in.