Areas That Can Be Treated with Laser Hair Removal

Just about any area of the body that is covered by hair, either facial or body, can be treated with laser hair removal. These areas include the face, chin, upper lip, neck, arms, underarms, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders, legs, pubic area, and buttocks. Laser hair removal is an effective treatment for both men and women.

Facial hair in women is one of the most common areas treated by laser hair removal. The two areas that are treated most often are the upper lip and chin. This is because most women find facial hair to be very troublesome and unsightly. Women who choose laser hair removal for facial hair like the ease and speed of treatment, as well as, and the long-lasting results. Hair removal in these areas usually takes anywhere from one to 10 minutes.

In women facial hair tends to grow thicker as the woman grows older. The entire face is covered with tiny hairs called vellus hairs, which are almost invisible. As the skin ages, more thicker terminal hairs grow on the woman’s face. This is actually the same thing that happens to men’s ears. Laser treatment for this type of hair usually takes between ten and fifteen minutes.

Many women also choose laser hair removal for eyebrow shaping. This treatment is an excellent way to remove stray and unwanted hairs, especially between the eyebrows. Eyebrow treatment usually takes about fifteen minutes and can result in a slight irritation of the skin around the delicate brow. This irritation generally disappears within a few days and is very similar to a mild sunburn.

Often men with very hairy backs choose to have laser hair removal treatments. Many are self-conscious of their back hair when going to the gym or beach. A full back treatment can take anywhere from thirty minutes to one hour depending upon the extensiveness of the hair in that area.

Many women choose laser hair removal treatments for the pubic, or bikini area. They are often concerned with shaving bumps, a rash, or a stray pubic hair showing when they wear their bathing suits. It generally takes from four to thirty minutes to complete laser hair removal in this area. The amount of hair that is removed depends on the client’s wishes. Some people choose a full Brazilian bikini procedure, which is the removal of all hair in the pubic area.

Laser hair removal from the underarm area generally takes about 30 minutes and usually results in permanent hair removal.

Some women spend as much an hour a week removing their leg hair by shaving. This method is not only time-consuming, but often results in nicked, bleeding legs. Most often razor stubble can be seen within a few days as the hair regrows. Laser hair removal for legs can consist of the entire leg, half of the leg. It usually takes between 45 and 60 minutes for both legs to receive a full leg treatment.

Laser hair removal treatments are safe and effective ways for removing unwanted hair on any part of your body. Although several treatments may be needed, most people that choose this method are very happy with the results.

The Lowdown on Laser Acne Treatment

Acne is a very common skin problem, especially among your people. As a proof that it is indeed very common, we see a lot of commercially available treatments for this skin disorder. And acne treatments come in many sizes and forms. There are anti-acne creams, ointments, facial washes, lotions, etc.

Apart from anti-acne products there are also treatments to acne. These treatments are commonly performed by dermatologists. These treatments cost more money than commercially available solutions to acne but their effect is more lasting and the results are quickly seen.

One anti-acne treatment that has been around for several years already is laser treatment. Over the last few years, laser acne treatment has quickly replaced other more traditional methods of treating acne. The reason why more and more people are using this form of treatment is the fact that it provides faster and longer-lasting results.

So how is laser acne treatment performed?

In laser acne treatment a laser pen is used by a dermatologist. The doctor holds this pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue. The laser pen emits concentrated beams of light. What dermatologists do is move the laser pen back and forth over the acne or scar to vaporize the unwanted tissues.

This back and forth motion also stimulates the growth of new skin cells. It is actually prove n that new collagen, the protein in the skins connective tissue that gives skin its texture, is formed after laser acne treatment.

Is laser acne treatment safe and painless?

Two of the best things about laser acne treatment is that is safe and painless. The only side-effect that the patient will experience is some swelling and bruising. This is normal and would only last for about seven or ten days. After the bruising and swelling are gone, the patient can already wear make-up.

Is laser acne treatment for you?

If you have light colored skin, then laser acne treatment is definitely for you. This treatment can greatly improve the quality of your skin. But if you dark colored or toned skin, you might want to think twice before undergoing laser acne treatment.

This is because laser acne treatment can alter the color and texture of the skin dramatically. It also sometimes produces unpredictable results. There are some doctors though who believe that laser acne treatment is perfect for dark-colored women who want to lighten up their skin.

How much does laser acne treatment cost?

A full face laser acne treatments cost between $2,000 to $3,000. This price is definitely very expensive compared to other types of anti-acne treatments but as said earlier, the results with laser acne treatment is seen much more quickly and it is more lasting.

Where should you go for a good laser acne treatment?

To be sure that you will get proper a laser acne treatment, consult only with a license dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Never ever go to a fly-by-night practitioner even if he or she offers the laser acne treatment at a lot less.

You could be saving a lot of money from these practitioners but you could end up with a much worse condition than the one you had when your first came in. This is why it is very important to first ask the practitioner before letting yourself be treated. Remember that you face is a very precious thing so entrust it only to experts.

IPL Acne Scars-Laser Treatments Are Popular

Laser treatments for acne have become more popular in recent years, but many people are not able to take advantage of them for any number of reasons. The good news is that there is another possible treatment. With IPL acne scars can be reduced or completely eliminated. IPL is short for Intense Pulse Light and while not an actual laser treatment, both methods rely on beams of light to eradicate acne scars.

When it comes to acne scars, IPL is often more affordable than laser treatments. One of the big reasons for this is that the IPL machine is less expensive than a laser machine. Of course the dermatologist or aesthetician can still charge you as much as they want, but all other things being equal, IPL acne scars treatment could save you quite a bit of money.

The cost of the treatment may not matter to some people, but some of us prefer methods that will save us money. This becomes even more of a factor because health insurance rarely covers IPL or laser treatments for acne. It is normally considered a cosmetic procedure, but be sure to check your insurance policy to see if the treatment is covered in certain circumstances.

Notice that either a dermatologist or an aesthetician can use an IPL device (in most jurisdictions, be sure to check where you live). Therefore, you may not have to go to a doctor’s office to get the treatment done. However, you do have a chance, no matter how small, that an office visit would be covered by your insurance, but a visit to an aesthetician won’t be.

Whether you go to a dermatologist or an aesthetician, what you really need to watch out for is how experienced they are with giving IPL acne scars treatments. As long as the person operating the machine is knowledgeable in its use, then you should see the results you are looking for. While IPL devices are relatively simple, it can be reassuring to know that you are being treated with skilled hands.

It doesn’t matter who’s using the device if the device itself doesn’t work; so does IPL work for reducing the scars caused by acne. At least one medical journal published a report that showed a noticeable improvement on inflamed and raised scars, though it was deemed to be more effective on smaller scars. Some studies have led researchers to believe that IPL acne treatments increase collagen production which makes the skin look smoother and helps to reduce scarring. However, IPL treatments can be applied to scars of just about any size, though you should discuss any concerns you have with the person doing your treatment.

While there may be a few minor drawbacks with IPL acne scars treatments, it appears as though the potential benefits are far greater. What it comes down to is this: you do not have to live with acne scars any longer, and IPL treatments are one of the viable options that you can use.

The Latest In Skin Care Treatments

With people all worried about their appearances, the skin care treatment industry has become a worldwide moneymaker, earning billions of dollars each year from people across all demographics.


This is one of the most popular surgical and laser treatment in the country. It improves the skin tone of the body and brings back its luster. Microdermabrasion also helps in getting rid of superficial scars from acne.

For some, a total of six peelings are needed to achieve the best results. Others can get away with less depending on the condition of the skin. Often the procedure is done every one to two weeks. It makes use of aluminum crystals that create a micro-dermabrasion effect that helps peel the skin.

Although the skin is the most common area treated by the procedure, it is also done on the neck, chest, arms, hands or any area that are damaged by the sun. It is also used for skins with irregular pigmentation such as sun spots and melasma; those with irregular and rough skin; and even those with some wrinkles and stretch marks.

Effects of the procedure is said to better than those seen in glycolic acid peels. Another advantage is the longer healing and recovery time compared to other procedures. There is also a shorter treatment time as well very minimal discomfort. It is also said to be very safe for all skin types as well as all races.

Although it is less expensive, it can be expensive on the long run as it requires multiple treatments. So, before having yourself treated, make sure that you have already determined the total cost.


This is another skin treatment in the country. Through the use of laser or broadband light, mild acne scarring can be improved by causing a new layer of collagen to form on the skin. Often, this procedure will require five to six treatments that are performed every three to four weeks.

Scar Revision

This is a surgical procedure conducted to remove acne scars, especially the ice pick and box cars, which are pretty deep. An excision is made during the procedure through a punch. This hole is then closed with sutures that are often about seven days later.

Another technique used in this procedure is the subcision, which uses a sharp instrument to undercut the scar being treated.

Laser Treatments

Other forms of skin treatments are the Laser resurfacing (CO2 laser, Erbium Yag laser);
Pulsed dye laser and Laser skin resurfacing.