The Cost of Laser Hair Removal

The cost of laser hair removal depends on several factors including the area to be treated, the amount of hair growth on the area, the number of treatments needed, the type of laser used, the individual physician or practitioner, and your geographic location. Laser hair removal can be quite expensive, but many people feel that the results are well worth the expense. This is because results of the treatment have a long-lasting effect. It also produces a reduced hair growth.

Because every individual is different and is going to require laser hair removal treatments specifically geared to their unique hair patterns, the price ranges included in this article are average costs. If you are considering laser hair removal, it is important to set up an appointment with your physician to discuss all of the aspects of the procedure, including the costs.

Because laser hair removal is usually considered a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered by insurance. Each laser treatment is separate and usually incurs a separate charge, unless a specified treatment package has been purchased.

Generally the most expensive areas to treat with laser hair removal is the complete face and neck, back, and legs. The average cost of one treatment for complete face and neck or back hair removal ranges from $600 and $900. Laser hair removal for upper and lower legs each cost from $600 to $850 for each treatment.

Laser hair removal for chest hair costs between $350 and $600 per treatment. This is also the approximate price range for each treatment of the arms. Treatments for the bikini area can range from $350 to $550. The cost of underarm hair removal generally is between $250 and $350 per treatment. Treatments for smaller areas, such as the chin or upper lip, cost between $100 and $175 per treatment.

The national average for the cost of a laser hair removal treatment is $429. Each region of the country has a different average cost per treatment. In the Eastern part of the United States, the cost per session is $425, compared to the Midwest, where it is $450. In the Western region of the country, the average cost per treatment is $420, slightly above that of the South, which is $400.

Fees vary even within each individual region. One of the factors that causes this to occur is the location of the physician’s, or practitioner’s office. The fees that are charged for an office in an urban area are going to be different from those charged for offices located in rural or suburban areas. Another determining factor for the variance in fees within the same region is whether or not the doctor owns or rents the laser equipment.

Another determining factor is the choice of place to have the laser hair removal treatments. A luxury spa will obviously charge a higher fee then a clinic. A doctor who does the procedure himself may charge more then a laser practitioner, or a physician that oversees the laser hair removal treatments provided by a qualified technician.

Popular Teeth Whitening Treatments

A lot of people desire to have a brilliant smile with shiny and sparkling bright teeth. To achieve it, they consume lots of money on teeth whitening products. Teeth bleaching is just one of the few teeth whitening treatments.

Bleaching is an excellent teeth whitening treatment. It is the most widely known treatment for whitening teeth because it is cheaper compared to laser treatment. The treatment is done without taking away any of the tooth surface.

Each of us has distinct tooth color. Naturally, a lot of smokers have stained teeth.. But others are blessed with pearly white teeth.

Typically teeth bleaching is suited for those who have discolored teeth like smokers and those who are eating but fail to brush properly. It is recommended that you seek an advice to a dentist before applying these teeth whitening product.

Dentist will tell you if it’s appropriate for you to undergo a teeth whitening treatment and will recommend it if you are. First the dentist will apply a gel or rubber shield on gums so that the soft tissue will not be damaged. Then they will apply the bleaching product to the teeth by means of a tray which will fit the shape of your mouth. After this the dentist would just give you some instructions and you’ll continue the treatment at home.

The active ingredients of bleaching products such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide makes the teeth white. When the active ingredient starts to break, the oxygen goes inside the enamel of the teeth and then the tooth color made lighter. Treatments like this are usually done in three to four weeks.

There are new products that can be applied for eight hours at a time. You can perform the treatment when it is time for you to sleep. The result can be achieved for at least one week only.

You still have another option for whitening your teeth which is laser teeth whitening. In laser teeth whitening a rubber dam will be placed over the teeth so as to shield the gums from being damaged, and then a whitening product is applied to your teeth. A laser is used to trigger the chemical applied to the teeth. It boosts the chemical effect of the bleaching product so that the change of color can be achieved quickly.

The dentist needs to check your teeth to ensure that you’re suitable to undergo the treatment. It is the fastest procedure that may only take for about an hour.

The effects of bleaching teeth can last up to three years and may differ from one person to another. Of course if you keep on smoking and drink or eat products that can stain your teeth the effect is less likely to last long. During or after the treatment you’ll fell your teeth become sensitive to cold. But these symptoms are usually disappears within a few days after the treatment is done.

There are lots of whitening teeth products that are made available. These are effective in removing stain and enhance the entire appearance of your teeth but it would not affect the natural color of your teeth. Once your teeth undergo a whitening treatment, a whitening paste can be helpful to make the effect last longer.

There are many ways to keep your teeth white. Try cutting down the amount of food that you eat or drink that causes a stain or discoloration of your teeth. Also stop smoking and make a habit to brush your teeth three times a day to prevent staining or discoloring of your teeth.

Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is considered a medical treatment, and just like all other medical treatments, it carries the risk of possible side effects. The chance of developing one or more of the existing side effects partially depend on your skin characteristics. The side effects of laser hair removal can be temporary or permanent.

The possibility of developing a temporary side effect is much higher than developing a permanent one after laser hair removal. A temporary side effect can last anywhere from a day to several months before it goes away completely. The temporary side effects that can be experienced after laser hair removals include pain, blistering, swelling, redness, irritation, and hyperpigmentation.

Some people describe the discomfort they feel during and after their laser hair removal treatment as a feeling of pain. This feeling exists, both during the procedure, and after it is finished. During the treatment process, the feeling of discomfort can be lessened by the use of a local anesthetic. For the days following the procedure, the pain can be alleviated through the use of over-the-counter or prescribed pain medication.

Swelling typically occurs at, or near, the area that was treated for hair removal. Topical treatments, such as creams or ointments, generally relieve the swelling. This side effect may or may not be particularly bothersome, depending upon the area that was treated with laser hair removal.

If redness develops as a side effect of laser hair removal, it can be treated with a topical cream or ointment. This side effect usually resembles a mild sunburn.

Blistering can be a very painful, embarrassing, and noticeable side effect of laser treatment. Some people do not feel comfortable being seen if they have blisters. If you are one of these people, it is best to schedule your laser hair removal treatments at a time when it will minimize your exposure to other people.

A temporary darkening of the skin of the treated area is called hyperpigmentation. Generally, this temporary side affect of laser hair removal will disappear on its own. Often, the area affected by hyperpigmentation can be covered with makeup.

In addition to the temporary side effects, there is also the possibility of permanent or long-term skin damage. If you’ve made the decision to have laser hair removal, you must be prepared to accept these risks. Permanent side effects include skin discoloration, scarring, and burns.

If skin discoloration does occur, it is generally a permanent lightning of the skin in the area that was treated. The wavelengths of the laser beam are made to attack the dark pigmentation in the hair follicle. Sometimes dark colored skin can also be affected. This side effect can be emotionally damaging, although it is not painful.

Scarring, mostly occurs by experiencing accidental over treatment or by being treated by someone with minimal training. It is very important to make sure that your laser hair removal treatments are being done by a qualified, experienced professional technician.

Burns are a very rare occurrence, and they usually are caused by an inexperienced, less qualified technician.

The risks and side effects associated with laser hair removal can be minimized by making sure that the treatments are done by a qualified professional. It is also important to tell your practitioner of any hormonal or family conditions that may affect your treatment. Tanning and unprotected exposure to the sun should be avoided for several weeks before treatment.

Modern Ways to Achieve the Perfect Smile

Everyone desires to have a great smile. For a killer smile, one should have sparkling, bright, and shiny teeth.

Today, a lot of people are spending more money just to have their teeth whiter. They make use of the best teeth whitening treatments and undergo procedures to achieve the brilliant white teeth.

Teeth whitening had been an effective procedure to lighten the color of the teeth, without taking away any of the tooth surface. It will not completely whiten the whole set of teeth; it will just lighten the existing color of the teeth.

Only a few are blessed with pearly white teeth, and our teeth normally become discolored as we grow up.

Our teeth can also be stained on the outer part because of the food and drink. Coffee, tea, blackcurrant and red wine have effect on the discoloration of our teeth. Smoking is another cause of teeth discoloration. Most people may encounter staining beneath the surface which is caused by tiny cracks in the teeth or certain antibiotics that absorb the stains.

But what are these teeth whitening treatments and procedures? And are these done?

Bleaching. This is most common form of teeth whitening procedure. Your dentist will advice you if this is the best teeth whitening treatment suitable for you.

Bleaching is done by placing a gel or rubber to shield the soft tissue of your gums. Then, the whitening product will be applied on your teeth by using a special tray which shapes into your mouth like a gum shell.

The teeth whitening product usually contains carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the ‘active ingredients’. When these ingredients break down, the oxygen enters the enamel of your teeth thus, making the color lighter. The entire treatment can be completed in three to four weeks time.

For those who wish to undergo to this treatment, you will need at least three visits to the dentist. On your first visit, the dentist will create a mouth-guard and take a caricature or impressions of it. Once the treatment has started, it is recommended that you continue it at home. You have to regularly apply the teeth whitening product over four weeks, for at least 30 minutes at a time.

Most of the known and best teeth whitening products can be applied for up to several hours at a time. The treatment can be done even while you’re sleeping. Ideally, a good result can be attained in as little as one week.

Laser Whitening. This is also called the “power whitening”. Though expensive, a lot of people especially artists consider it as the best teeth whitening method.

During this process, a rubber dam is placed over your teeth to shield the gums, and the whitening product is then painted on your teeth. A laser will be used to stimulate the chemical. The light will help boost the chemical reaction of the bleaching product, thus the color change can be attained more rapidly.

Dentists believe that the result of laser whitening treatment is good. It can make your teeth up to six shades lighter.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get a chance to undergo laser treatment. The dentist will have to check your teeth and ensure that you are fit for the treatment. The total procedure is usually done in an hour.

The effects of this power whitening is said to last up to three years depending on the person. The dentist still advice not to smoke, eat and drink products that may cause a stain in your teeth. Others may find their teeth vulnerable to cold after the treatment. But these symptoms usually vanish within a few days.

These are just two of the famous and best teeth whitening methods available. Despite the fact that they may cost a lot, the effect is still worth it. Through these methods, you’ll surely flash everyone a perfect smile.