Allergys Favorite Symptoms

If allergies had a top ten list of their favorite
symptoms what would be on it? Would they prefer life
threatening or just really annoying?

The most common symptoms, that may or may not be on
their favorites list:

Breathing problems.

This one should be fun for an allergy. It really gets
the persons attention. Nothing like the lack of oxygen
to center a persons attention on the allergy.

Burning, watery or itchy eyes.

This symptom falls into the really annoying category.
It could cause additional problems if you cant see
where youre going.

Red, swollen eyes, also called Conjunctivitis.

Certainly annoying, but most people can deal with this


This one gets old real quick. And a constant cough
quickly becomes painful.


This one might start out in the annoying category, but
left unchecked could switch to the life threatening
section very quickly.


Depending on the severity of the headache, this one
might be tolerable.


This symptom is not only annoying and uncomfortable
(possibly painful) it draws the attention of strangers
on the street.

Itchy nose, mouth, throat or skin.

Another in the category of really annoying. An itch
that cant be soothed is one of the most annoying
things there is.

Runny nose.

Yeah, this one could cause problems with other people.
No one likes to hear someone constantly sniffing or
blowing their nose. Makes people wonder what germs
youre spreading around.

Skin rashes.

Possibly ugly to look at, but tolerable

How Do You Become Deaf

How do you become deaf? That is a silly question to ask but there are some people who are born with it while others develop it later on in life. Here are some of the causes why some people have deafness problems.

In the case of people in the music industry, studies have shown that deafness problems are caused by loud music. Rock stars like Eric Clapton and Peter Townshend believe that playing in concerts with the speakers at high volumes causes this especially when these are close to you on stage. Permanent damage can only happen if repeated and this business, if you are on tour, this is bound to happen.

If you were an actor or actress, you could develop deafness problems as a result of an accident. William Shatner and former President Ronald Reagan developed this from a loud explosion and gun shot that was fired too close to where they were. The ringing sound did permanent damage to their ears which is why the former president had to wear hearing aid later on in his political career.

A sickness is another cause of deafness problems. Some athletes and celebrities developed a disease at a young age and never recovered fully from it. Two good examples are Miss America 1995 Heather Whitestone and athlete Jeff Float. Although this presented a handicap, this did not stop these two individuals reaching for the stars.

There are also those who are born deaf and in most cases, this is genetic. This is caused by illnesses such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis and herpes. Medicines that are used to treat these problems may also cause damage to the hearing system especially ototoxic drugs.

If the infant is born prematurely, he or she is also at risk of being deaf or becoming deaf in the future. This is because they may be born with severe jaundice or experience a lack of oxygen.

It is also possible that the child may lose their sense of hearing as a result of an accident.

Another possibility why you may soon suffer from deafness problems is aging. Studies have shown that as we age, a combination of loud noise, stress, certain illnesses and medicine may make this happen.

You can also suffer from deafness problems if you work in a construction site or airport especially if you do not have any protection.

Can deafness be prevented? In some cases yes while in others no. Since we have no control as to what happens when the female is pregnant, it is hard to prevent that from happening but once the baby is out, there are steps we can take.

First, as parents we should not bring our kids to places that have loud sounds. Since they are young, their ears have not yet fully developed and are very sensitive.

As they grow older, you should teach them about proper safety techniques like wearing ear protectors especially if they have to some home improvement work or when they decide to pursue this later on as a profession.

We should also watch their health because they could suffer from a disease that could give them this problem. If the doctor is about to prescribe a medicine, make sure that one of its side effects is not deafness.