Discover The Truth About Lower Left Back Pain

Many people immediately associate lower left back pain with any muscle strains or injuries to the area. With how common muscle injuries are to the lower back, it’s no wonder that that’s everyone first assumption. The problem is, not all lower back pain is caused by muscle sprains or strains. It can be dangerous and even downright deadly to immediately assume that’s the cause and not seek treatment right away.

Most lower back pain associated in the center of a person’s lower back is probably caused by some sort of strain or inflammation in the area. If you’re having lower left back pain, or even lower right back pain, you seriously need to sit up and take notice. Don’t dismiss it as having slept oddly the night before or being a little stiff after sitting at your desk at work all day.

Back pain that’s located more on one side over the other could signal a potentially life threatening situation known as a kidney infection. Chances are, by the time someone is feeling lower left back pain from a kidney infection, the kidney infection has been going on for awhile. Kidney infections can cause permanent damage to a person’s kidney. In a worst case scenario, a kidney infection can cause a person’s kidney to stop functioning entirely. That can result in the need for dialysis and a potential kidney transplant later than life. Often times, kidney infections are accompanied by a fever. Sometimes, the fever can spike extremely high, very quickly.

Kidney infections can be caused by bladder or urinary tract infections. If you’re prone to them, you really need to immediately seek treatment if you have lower left back pain. Bladder infections can be asymptomatic. That means, you can have one and never know it because you don’t feel it. Bladder infections can cause kidney infections by allowing bacteria to go into the kidneys. That’s why any lower left back pain really should be evaluated by a doctor to see if it’s the beginning stages of a kidney infection.

Another potential cause of lower left back pain could be a pinched nerve. Many nerves branch out over our entire body from the spinal cord. They run through muscle, around blood vessels, even through spaces between our bones and joints. If a muscle becomes inflamed, it can cause nerves to rub up against the bone, effectively causing the nerves to become pinched between the muscle and bone. If bones become misaligned, it can cause nerves to pinch between the bones. Any sharp, stabbing pain in your lower left back needs to be treated by a doctor. There are different treatments for pinched nerves than muscle strains so it’s important you are getting the proper treatment for your lower left back pain if you want to avoid injuries in the future.

As you can see, there are many different causes and treatments for lower left back pain. The important thing is to get proper treatment for your particular injury.

Discover the Truth about Lower Back Pain Causes

When most people think of lower back pain causes, they immediately think of injuries caused by lifting items improperly or sitting at a desk for an extended period of time. Those things certainly cause the majority of the lower back pain that doctors treat every day. However, they aren’t the only causes of lower back pain.

One of the lower back pain causes that is often overlooked is a kidney infection. Obviously, not all lower back pain will be caused by a kidney infection but it should definitely be kept in mind, especially if a person doesn’t recall injuring their back in any way, shape, or form recently. Kidney infections are often accompanied by a fever. Most often, the fever can spike rather high. Kidney infections are a serious emergency and need to be treated right away. If left untreated, permanent kidney damage can result.

Another potential lower back pain cause is having a spine that isn’t aligned properly. Proper alignment of the spine is crucial not for just lower back health but body health in general. Pinched nerves and reduced blood flow can result if a person’s spine is even the tiniest bit out of alignment. Thankfully, a misaligned spine is easy to fix.

A trip to the chiropractor’s is usually all that’s needed to get everything straight again. If the problem is particularly bad or been left untreated for a long time, multiple trips might be needed to get everything perfectly in alignment again. Fortunately, most chiropractor appointments are inexpensive. Even if you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t cover a chiropractor, you should still be able to afford the appointments you’ll need.

A pinched nerve is also one of the lower back pain causes. Pinched nerves can be extremely painful, depending on where the nerve is pinched at. You can get a shooting pain from a pinched nerve when you move certain ways. Occasionally, the pain can even feel like a constant stabbing pain. Either way, a pinched nerve will need to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Obviously, the most common lower back pain causes are muscle injuries of one sort or another. Muscle injuries tend to be throbbing in nature while nerve injuries feel like stabbing, shooting pains. Since muscle injuries to the lower back are fairly common, it’s easy to find products you can purchase over the counter to help ease the aches and pains you may be feeling. Medications, heat wraps, and ice are commonly prescribed. Exercise and stretching can help heal an injured lower back quickly and prevent injuries from happening in the future.

Lower back pain doesn’t need to be a part of life. It can be avoided all together in most instances. All you need to do is listen to what your body is telling you, learn proper lifting techniques, and become familiar with the various lower back pain causes. Being educated about them will help prevent injuries in the future.

Tips About The Causes Of Lower Back Pain

There can be a wide variety of causes for lower back pain. For instance, repetitive injuries at work, improper lifting techniques, and poor posture are but a few of the more common ones. There are also other things that can be causes of lower back pain such as various illnesses and diseases.
Kidney infections are one of the prime causes of lower back pain that often go undiagnosed, ultimately resulting in disastrous consequences. An undiagnosed kidney infection can cause severe damage to a persons kidneys. Once a kidney is scarred or otherwise damaged, its impossible to heal. If too much damage is done, it can cause a kidney to stop functioning entirely. If a kidney stops functioning, a person will be on dialysis for the rest of their life or will need a kidney transplant. Anytime you have lower back pain thats accompanied by a fever, you must see a doctor immediately in order to rule out a kidney infection as the culprit.
Pinched nerves are also one of the causes of lower back pain. When discussing nerves, its important to note that nerve pain and muscle pain feel different. Nerve pain is typically a sharp, stabbing, or shooting pain. Muscle pains are more aching, throbbing, or tearing pains. Knowing the differences in the two kinds of pains should help you determine exactly what is causing the pain to begin with. If its a pinched nerve, you will need to seek treatment at a doctors office. Various tests can be done to determine which nerve is pinched and what is causing it to become pinched. From there, a treatment plan can be discussed. A pinched nerve can become permanently damaged so its important to get treatment for it right away to prevent that from happening.
Perhaps the most obvious causes of lower back pain are muscle related injuries. They can happen in a wide variety of ways. Muscle strains and sprains are perhaps the most common. Active sports, using improper techniques when lifting or exercising, pretty much anything you do that requires use of a muscle in the your back can cause lower back injuries and pain. Its important to be aware at all times of what youre doing and how youre doing it if you wish to avoid injuring your back. If you have any questions about a particular exercise or lifting technique or need any help whatsoever with lifting an item or exercising, dont hesitate to ask. It just may mean the difference between a healthy back and a serious injury.
While there are certainly many different causes of lower back pain, they can be easily treated with the proper mix of rest, exercise, and occasionally medication. If at all possible, its best to avoid an injury to your lower back entirely to begin with, however thats not always possible. At the very least, now that you know more about the causes of lower back pain, you know how to handle it better.