Parents: Is Your Child Suffering from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Parents: Is Your Child Suffering from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

All parents want the best for their children. No parent wants to see a child suffer. Unfortunately, some children are suffering. They are suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, arthritis does hurt more than the elderly. For many parents, arthritis is easy to spot. For others little to no signs are shown. If your child is experiencing pain and discomfort, how do you know the cause?

The most common symptom of arthritis is pain. This pain is felt in the joints. Any joint is susceptible to pain. With that said, parents should be on the lookout for pain in the fingers, toes, elbows, knees, and hips. Children suffer from three types of rheumatoid arthritis. They are Pauciarticular, Polyarticular, and Systemic. Pauciarticular is the most common, and thankfully, the mildest. Polyarticular and Systemic arthritis can lead to severe, if not unbearable pain.

Pain is the most noticeable sign that something is wrong. Children are unable to manage pain as well as adults. For parents, this means many signs. Older children will highlight their pain and even point you in the right direction. Young children may experience a change in temperament. For some, it is the only way to express their pain and frustration.

Additional symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis include joint swelling and stiffness, difficulty walking, and troubled sleep. In terms of walking, parents must watch and listen to their children. Older children still do not fully understand the importance of seeking medical care. For example, a 6th grader may fear discussing their joint pain, as it may cause them to miss their next basketball game. In this instance, parents need to look for signs. If your child not only has pain, but difficulty completing normal tasks, rheumatoid arthritis may be the cause.

If you are a parent who suspects your child may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, the next step is important. That step is seeking medical care. Many parents fear the unneeded medications their child will be required to take. Cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, it is important to get a proper diagnosis. The physician will ask why arthritis is suspected and perform their own tests. They will also determine which type of arthritis the child is suffering from.

If a child is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, pain medication is typically administered right away. This will not only assist with the pain, but the swelling too. Depending on the severity of your childs symptoms, pain medication may become a daily occurrence. As a parent, this may cause you some concern. Now is the time you can examine natural and home remedies. When doing so, you will find many options. For example, most recommend mixing one teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice, warm water, and drinking twice a day.

Parents are encouraged to proceed with caution with home remedies for arthritis. Most remedies are designed for adults. Do not dispense anything to your child that will result in an allergic reaction. Also, make the suggestion to their primary care provider. Most doctors are expanding their horizons, no longer writing off natural remedies as rubbish.

Pain medication and some natural remedies will assist with the pain. Although pain diminishes, the disease is still present. To reduce long-term complications, exercise is required. Most children undergo physical therapy. Parents are encouraged to attend to learn the moves for home practice. Parents with overweight children are encouraged to combine healthy eating with exercise. Weight loss, can lessen the pressure placed on joints.

As you can see, it is not the end of the world when a child is diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, no parent wants to see his or her child in pain, but with treatment that pain does not have to last. In fact, most children outgrow the disease. So, if you suspect your child is suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, seek medical treatment. Work with their primary care physician to develop the best treatment plan.


Word Count 662

How to Seek Arthritis Relief When Shopping

Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, just functioning from day-to-day may seem difficult. Walking to your car, let alone climbing inside and driving, may seem out of the question. Not only is it too hard, but it may be very painful. So, what should you do? It may be easier to sit on the couch at home, but dont let arthritis control you or your life. We all need to shop, especially for groceries. So, what can you do to ease the pain and discomfort?

Create a grocery list by aisle. Those with arthritis of the toes, knees, and hips, find it difficult and painful to walk. To prevent wasted steps, create a grocery list based on aisles. This prevents you from retracing your steps and walking more. Some grocery stores have guides available for shoppers. Or, the next time you are there, record the aisle numbers and sample of items in the aisle. Use as your guide.

Always use a shopping cart. Regardless of which joints are affected by arthritis, opt for a shopping cart. Baskets are convenient for when you only need to buy a few items, but they can be difficult and painful to grip. If you suffer from arthritis of the toes, knees, and hips, a shopping cart provides you with walking support. Also, dont be afraid to use the motorized shopping carts. Many stores have them available free of charge.

Use a reacher or ask for help. You will experience the most problems at the grocery store. Items are scattered on shelves both high and low. If you find it difficult to bend or reach, ask for help or purchase an extended reacher. They are available for sale at most drug stores and medical stores. These reachers can also help those with difficulty gripping items. If you need help, ask a store associated or a passerby.

Take a break when you need to. It is no secret that both grocery stores and supermarkets are large. Walking from the car to the store may seem like a long journey, but just wait into you get inside. It is not a race to finish quickly; take a break whenever you start to experience pain or difficulty moving. In the grocery store, visit the caf or move your cart to the side of an aisle and lean on it for support. Shopping malls have benches scattered throughout; take a seat and rest.

Opt for paper or reusable bags at the grocery store. Those suffering from arthritis of the fingers, experience pain when gripping and carrying plastic shopping bags. Many dread trips to the grocery store. Instead, opt for paper or reusable bags. Most reusable bags have long handlings; you can sling them over your shoulder. To carry paper bags, use both arms, not just your fingers and hands. Also, do not be afraid to ask a store associate to load your bags into the car or ask a neighbor for help.

As a last resort, hire someone to shop for you. In fact, you may not even need to pay. See if a close friend or family member will pickup a few items for you at the grocery store. Many stores now enable you to shop right from your home. With these stores, you browse or search through their product list, add items to your virtual shopping card, make payment, and wait. A store employee will deliver your goods to your home! You may be charged a small delivery fee, but it may be well worth the added cost.

Although it may be easier to use a grocery store delivery service or have someone else stop for you, try. By implementing a few of the above mentioned steps, shopping for gifts, groceries, and clothes does not have to be difficult. Just remember to take it slow, rely on available tools, and dont be afraid to ask for help.


Word Count 651

How to Prevent and Manage Arthritis Pain

If you suffer from arthritis, pain becomes a part of your life. Even those who have dealt with arthritis for years, still suffer. With arthritis, the pain is more than physical. It is emotional too. Help must be sought.

If you suffer from arthritis, you want pain relief. In fact, you may want it now. Yes, it is important to seek pain relief, but first look at the cause. When seeking relief, you want more than temporary relief. The best approach is to stop pain before it starts. How? Luckily, you have many options.

Exercise. Exercise is vital to create a strong and healthy body. Not only that, it can relieve and prevent the pain associated with arthritis. Those suffering from severe pain, often left their symptoms go untreated. Their joints are so stiff that it literally hurts to move. If you have reached this point, it will take time. If not, start the process now. Exercise results in joint movement, lessening the stiffness and the pain overtime. It also builds muscle strength. This strength provides the joints with protection, lessening the pressure and pain.

Wise use of joints. Those who suffer from severe forms of arthritis suffer every minute of the day. They wake up and feel pain. In fact, a full nights sleep may be near impossible. Prevent joint pain by wisely using your joints and muscles. Do you suffer from arthritis in your elbows or hips? If so, lessen the strenuous activity that requires these joints. Instead of lifting heavy boxes with your arms, lift with the entire body. Instead of turning only the upper part of the body at the hips, reposition the entire body to get a good look.

Sleep. As previously stated, sleep can be difficult for those suffering from severe pain. A good nights sleep is vital to preventing pain. The energy the body receives from sleep can ward off pain or lessen its severity. If your nights are restless, sleep whenever possible. This may involve afternoon naps, but the payoff is worth it. A well-rested and well-energized body is able to ward off pain and manage it better.

Do not load up on pain medication. Unfortunately, those who suffer from pain, whether it be arthritis or not, rely on pain relievers. Some reach the point where they take medication before pain even sets it. It will arrive eventually, so why wait. Do not take this approach, unless advised by a medical professional. The body grows dependant on the medication we ingest. It is easy to become addicted to over-the-counter pain medication. To prevent pain, exercise, eat healthy, and get a good night sleep. Wait until the pain arrives before turning to over-the-counter medication.

Speaking of when the pain arrives, you now know how to prevent arthritis pain, but what if you still feel it? The above mentioned steps prevent some from experiencing severe pain, but there are no guarantees. Our bodies are all different. If your attempts prove unsuccessful, the next step is management. You need to learn to manage your pain. Pain management will allow you to function from day-to-day.

Reduce stress and relax. There is no doubt that arthritis sufferers deal with pain. This is a proven fact. However, our bodies play a huge role in the impact it has on our lives. A positive outlook on life will help. The less you focus on your pain, the less you will feel. Relaxation is key too. Does a warm bath relax your body and sooth your joint pain? If so, fill up the bathtub, add scented bubbles, and turn on your favorite music.

Get a massage. Most patients are surprised to hear their physicians recommend massages. Most assume they will be loaded with pain relievers and sent homes. Yes, over-the-counter relievers do assist with pain, but so does a good old massage. It relaxes the body and mind. Massages also warm the body and promote movement. In some cases, regular massages can help to prevent pain.

As you can see, there are many ways to avoid and manage the pain associated with arthritis. In fact, these are just a few of your options. No matter what type of arthritis you suffer from or how severe the symptoms, know you are not alone and that relief is available.


Word Count 717