Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Do suffer from arthritis? If so, the relief of symptoms is vital. Your ability to function day-to-day depends on your ability to prevent joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, as well as treat it. The good news is that most can do this right from the comfort of their own home! Home remedies do vary. Not everyone sees relief from their arthritis symptoms, but you usually have nothing to lose by trying. So, which home remedies for arthritis relief should you try?

Epsom salt baths. Epsom salts main component is magnesium. It has long been used as a way to seek pain relief. To seek that relief, prepare a warm bath and add in epsom salt. Use the package to determine the appropriate mixture. The magnesium in the salt will help to reduce inflammation, resulting in pain relief and decreased swelling. The warm water calms the body and improves circulation. Pain relief is likely. Continued epsom salt baths not only relieve pain, but help to prevent it too.

Epson salt sprays. As previously stated, epsom salt baths can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, those with disabilities or the inability to fully move may have difficulty settling into a bathtub. In these instances, epsom salt sprays are an ideal and convenient alternative. Take a spray bottle and fill with water. Use the salt package to determine how much salt should be added. Spray onto your unclothed body and rub. This mixture can be applied anytime of the day, but it is best to do after a warm shower.

Apple cider vinegar drink mixtures. For many arthritis patients, apple cider vinegar not only results in pain relief, but increased mobility. Mix up to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a large cup of water. You can also add honey for extra sweetness. Drink once or twice a day. Apple cider vinegar is acidy and it has a sour taste; always mix with water.

Apple cider vinegar soaking mixtures. In addition to drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, you can also create a soaking mixture. This is ideal if you want to target a specific area of your body and get immediate pain relief. Mix cup of apple cider vinegar, with around one or two liters of water. Warm and soak. For large areas, soak a washcloth or towel in the mixture and apply to your achy joints.

Low-impact exercises. With arthritis, there is always the risk of complications. The risk of severe joint stiffness and deformities can be reduced with low-impact exercises. For many arthritis patients, stretching is enough of a workout. If you are overweight, lose weight. It lessens the pressure placed on joints. Low impact exercises include dancing around the house or walking around the block.

Foods with anti-inflammatory benefits. Did you know that some foods can reduce the pain and swelling associated with arthritis? Some can. These foods include fresh pineapples, fresh cherries, cayenne pepper, and sesame seeds. Although there is little to no proof to backup these claims, many arthritis patients have been eating these foods for years and recommend them.

The above mentioned home remedies are just a few of your many options. Your best bet is to purchase a home remedy book, available for sale online or in most bookstores. Look for any remedies that treat pain, discomfort, depression, difficulty sleeping, and inflammation.


Word Count 563

Free Ways to Seek Arthritis Relief

Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, pain relief is important. Without it, you may be unable to function from day-to-day. Unfortunately, many home remedies and over-the-counter medications require money. Although you can purchase a bottle of pain medication for less than $5, that may be $5 that you just dont have. So, what should you do? Do you have to live with the pain? No. There are many ways to seek arthritis pain relief and many are free!

Exercise. Right about now you may be thinking exercise isnt possible. After all, your joints are in pain. Yes, this is true. Exercise does help and all individuals should incorporate it into their daily routine, not just those suffering from arthritis. In terms of arthritis, exercise does wonders for the body. It assists with weight loss and promotes healthy movement. That movement strengthens the muscles surrounding the joints. It provides extra protection and reinforcement.

Exercise is necessary to seek arthritis relief, but it isnt always free. If on a budget, wisely plan your workouts. Instead of opting for a gym membership to gain treadmill access, walk around your neighborhood or inside a shopping center. Instead of signing up for an aerobics class, turn on some music in your home and move around. Something as simple as stretching your fingers daily can provide long-term pain relief.

Diet. As previously stated, exercise is recommended for arthritis relief. Although this exercise may be painful at first, it will get easier overtime. Movement will reduce joint stiffness. This should not only provide pain relief, but it lessens the risk of additional complications. For example, those with arthritis who seek little or no treatment later find themselves dealing with severe stiffness, the inability to move, and deformities. Combine diet and exercise to lose weight.

Right about now, you may be thinking dieting isnt free either. In reality it is. You already buy food and drinks. You need these to survive. Carefully choose your foods. Eliminate those with high fats and calories. Weight loss is an easy way to lessen the pain associated with arthritis. The less weight you have pressing on the joints, the less pain you will experience. If you dont have any weight to lose, good. Still know the importance and many health benefits of healthy eating.

Avoid applying too much pressure to the painful joints. Those suffering from severe arthritis will experience pain no matter what the activity. Others will only experience pain when trigged. For example, those who have pain in their elbows want to limit use. If you need to lift heavy boxes, lift them properly. Yes, it is easier to reach down and grab, but this strains the elbows. Instead, properly squat down and lift with your entire body. Avoiding joint pressure will not eliminate arthritis pain, but it will lessen the severity.

Ask for help. As previously stated, some arthritis sufferers trigger severe pain by trying to complete a task they shouldnt. If you have severe arthritis in your hands, dont spend hours trying to open a jar. Not only will you get frustrated with your inability to open the jar, you increase the risk of severe pain. Instead, ask for help.

In conclusion, you do not need to be rich to seek relief from your arthritis caused joint pain. Dont suffer any longer. Exercise, health healthy, limit strenuous activity, and ask for help. Doing so will lessen the pain you experience, without costing you a penny.


Word Count 578

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy
Mike Herman

Arthritis is a disease that affects millions of individuals all
over the world.

Especially in this country, the number of arthritis sufferers is
staggering; especially considering that to this date, there is
no cure for the debilitating disease.

Scientists have been working towards finding a cure in addition
to finding reliable treatment programs that will allow patients
to live life free from joint pain and aggravation.

However, many sufferers are choosing to take the time to
research arthritis and a home remedy on their own, turning to
treatments used in generations past.

For those suffering from arthritis and pain, a home remedy may
be just the ticket to combat this disease.

A popular method of treating arthritis and a great home remedy
is supplements.

By simply including the necessary vitamins and minerals, along
with a quality diet, you can easily control your arthritis
problems. Much like any problem concerning the body, nutrition
is incredibly important.

Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat” and choose foods
that will benefit your body and condition.

For example, alfalfa contains a necessary ingredient in forming
bones and ensuring bone strength.

Another popular remedy is the aquatic herb Bogbean. Since the
herb works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking
the herb in a supplement form can dramatically aid you in
combating arthritis.

Other types of popular remedies include nutrition rich plants
like ginger, known universally for its properties in fighting
joint pain and stiffness.

Whether you add ingredient into your diet or take supplements
containing the root, your joints are sure to the difference.

For individuals who are unable or unwilling to take typical over
the counter anti-inflammatory medications–including aspirin or
Advil–due to the harmful effects on the stomach, should
consider using Boswellia.

In addition to improving circulation and reducing inflammation,
Boswellia will not cause any gastrointestinal pain or bleeding.

About the author:
Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis that Will
Help You With the Fatigue and Joint Pain Associated with

How to Choose a Chiropractor

If you suffer from pain, discomfort, and difficulty moving, you can head to your primary care physician or your medicine cabinet. These approaches do work, but only temporarily. You want to do more than just treat the symptoms of pain. You want to find its cause and fix it. This is where chiropractic care can and should come in.

What is chiropractic care? It is a natural form of medical care. Patients can seek relief from a wide range of aliments, including arthritis, sleep difficulties, allergies, headaches, joint pain, joint stiffness, and so forth. As for how it differs from traditional forms of medical care, chiropractors believe in an all-natural approach. Relief is sought though manual therapy, which involves use of the hands. Common treatments include realignments and adjustments. Chiropractors use precision and force to thrust a joint into its proper position.

Since chiropractic care has many benefits, you may want to seek treatment. When that time comes, you need to find chiropractors in your area. First, examine your options. You can do so by looking in the yellow pages of your local phone book, performing a standard internet search online, or using an online business directory. You now have the contact information for local chiropractors, but who will you choose? You need to do more than just find a chiropractor; you need to choose once. What should you consider?

Insurance coverage. If you have health insurance and if that coverage includes chiropractic care, contact your health insurance company. See who you can visit. Some insurance providers work with a network of physicians. You may receive extra discounts and other moneysaving benefits by opting for an in-network chiropractor. If you have the freedom to choose, opt for a one that accepts your insurance.

Costs. Whether you are insured or not, costs should be considered when choosing a chiropractor. It is important to seek natural pain relief, but you must be able to afford it. When uninsured, find a quality chiropractor who has flexible payment options. This may include monthly payment plans or credit card payments.

Recommendations from those you know. As previously stated it is easy to use the internet or a phone book to find a local chiropractor. Unfortunately, these options usually just provide you with a phone number and an address. All chiropractors ease your pain, but they have varying people skills, rates, and overall attitudes. You need a chiropractor you feel comfort with. This may involve trial and error and meeting with a number of professionals, or you can ask those that you know for recommendations and detailed feedback.

Read reviews online. Although it is best to ask those that you personally know for feedback on a local chiropractor, you may not know anyone. Chiropractic care has many benefits, but most wait until they are in pain or suffer an injury before seeking treatment. If you do not know someone who has undergone this natural medical care, turn to the internet. Many online business directories, such as the one operated by Yahoo, enable consumers to rate and review businesses, including chiropractors. Enter in the chiropractic care, your address and see what results popup. Reviews are shown as stars.

As mentioned above, you may need to rely on trial and error. If you are unable to find reviews online and do not know someone who as received chiropractic care, use your best judgment. Schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor. In most cases, the first appointment is similar to a consultation appointment. Make mental notes. Is he or she listening to you? Are they offering helpful suggestions for at home too? Do you feel comfortable with your chiropractor? If so, you made a good choice. If not, move on to the next. You can switch care providers at anytime and for any reason.

In short, you need to do more than just pick a chiropractor out a phone book. It is important to receive quality care, but start with costs. Ending your pain and discomfort is important, but make sure you can afford treatment.


Word Count 676