Fatigue And Joint Pain: Common Arthritis Symptoms

Fatigue And Joint Pain: Common Arthritis Symptoms
Mike Herman

The symptoms of fatigue and joint pain, are associated with a
great deal of illnesses and diseases, ranging from the common
flu to serious autoimmune diseases like lupus or thyroid


The symptoms that are most associated with arthritis are those
of fatigue and joint pain.

So if you are experiencing any problems that you think to be
arthritis, consult your primary health care provider before
making any attempts at self medication.

Although a diagnosis of arthritis may be troubling, know that
although there is no cure known today for the disease, there are
a great many treatment options available to deal with the
fatigue and joint pain so that you can reclaim your life.

Generally speaking, arthritis is a condition of inflammation
around the joints in a sufferer’s body.

Any joint is open to being affected by arthritis, but the
usually affected areas include the hands, knees, shoulders, and

When the area becomes inflamed, the joints swell, causing a
great deal of pain and often an overall feeling of stiffness.

Usually, arthritis causes an individual to lose a certain amount
of mobility, whether it is an inability to grasp items or
complete a given task due to a restricted range of motion.

Quite often, individuals who suffer from fatigue and joint pain
are forced to give up favorite activities simply because their
bodies are unable to perform tasks they once enjoyed.

This can include hobbies that require fine motor work, such as
needlework, gardening, or painting.

Instead of letting arthritis rule your life, take a stance and
fight back. There are many over the counter and prescription
medications that can reduce inflammation and restore lost

Consult your primary health care provider to ensure any
medications–including those that are advertised as all
natural–will not interact with any current medications or
medical issues that you may be experiencing.

Another way to ward off the affects of arthritis is to ensure
your body is in proper health.

Work to maintain a healthy, well balanced diet that includes all
necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Exercise at least twice a week and consider taking ancient forms
of exercise like yoga or Tai Chi.

About the author:
Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis that Will
Help You With the Fatigue and Joint Pain Associated with

Effective dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers

Effective dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers
Dhiraj Bhikoo

The most popular dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers are chondroitin, fish oil and glucosamine. Chondroitin can draw fluid into the cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability and weight control, as more weight equals more joint pressure. Fish oils help with controlling inflammation in the body. And recent studies have shown that the cartilage-building substance called glucosamine is effective for the long-term relief of osteoarthritis pain. In some people, glucosamine appears to even slow the deterioration of joints over time and reinforce joint cartilage. Whether or not it can actually reverse the disease is still unclear. In some instances, glucosamine can be used in conjunction with MSM, a substance that appears to slow down the degeneration but is not yet proven and approved.
In a nutshell:
Chondroitin – Helps draw fluid into cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability.
Ginger – Ginger is an antioxidant that acts as an inflammatory with no major side effects.
Glucosamine sulfate – This builds cartilage with very few side effects.
Magnets – Although magnets that are worn as jewelry or placed on bed linens have been reported by some to be effective pain relievers, results are still preliminary; doctors claim that these magnets are not strong enough.
MSM – This organic sulfur is used in the reduction of inflammation.
Nettle leaf – Nettles can reduce a patient’s need for NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) by up to 70 percent.
Vitamin E – This antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis.
Vitamin B is also an effective pain reliever. It works best on the knee and can help stop degeneration that is caused by free-radical molecules, not only in the joints but in other areas of the body as well
These are merely a few examples of what an arthritis sufferer can use when seeking pain relief from natural remedies. However, due to the lack of scientific study and testing on many of these alternate treatments, there is no proof of their effectiveness.
Nothing can cure osteoarthritis, but nutritional supplements, the application of heat or cold to affected joints, exercise, and weight loss can improve the function and flexibility of your joints, and perhaps even slow the progress of the disease. Conventional over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can be very helpful in decreasing joint pain, but they do produce side effects and can cause problems in long-term users.
Unfortunately, there is no way to cure arthritis. However, you can delay the onset by maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy and avoid repetitious movements that cause you pain.
About the Author
Dhiraj Bhikoo is an arthritis pain relief and treatment researcher .He offers advice and tips and a broad range of alternative solutions for arthritis and pain related issues.

Do You Have Arthritis?

Do You Have Arthritis?
Lambert Klein

Do you have arthritis? If so you are not alone. 66,000,000 people do almost 1 in 3 adults.
Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability. Besides limiting daily activities arthritis can cause many lifestyle problems. You may assume there’s nothing you can do that will help. Don’t believe that. There are steps including supplements and lifestyle changes you can make to significantly improve your life.
Your doctor may ask a few of these questions:
Where is your pain
When does it hurt
How long have you had it
Any swelling or redness
Family history of arthritis
He may wish to perform a movement test and have some x-rays taken.
Inflammation from your arthritis is a significant source of pain. Your physician may recommend OTC medicines or a prescription.
You should be aware of alternatives such as natural supplements and physical exercise.
Nettle Leaf Extract This supplement appears to suppress TNF-alpha and IL-1-beta. Nettle leaf may inhibit inflammatory cascade in rheumatoid arthritis. Also joint protection is assisted with nettle leaf.
MSM: Msm contain Sulfur and anti-inflammatory properties
Glucosamine Sulfate/Chondroitin: Reduces joint pain and may substantially rebuild cartilage. This may take a while to see results.
Fish Oil: DHA, EPA and Omega 3 found in quality fish oil. Reduces painful inflammation and may promote joint lubrication. Look for a high quality, low mercury supplements like Carlson’s fish oils. Flax seed is another practical choice.
Try high quality multivitamins such as Purity’s Perfect Multi Super Greens.
Vitamin E: Use a natural product like Vitamin E-8 daily.
Cherries: Recent research has shown that tart cherries contain powerful antioxidants that may help relieve the pain of arthritis and gout and also protect the body against cardiovascular disease and inhibit cancer tumors.
There is also a cherry capsule that is very good named Fruit Advantage.
Exercise: Exercise is important not only for arthritis but your overall health.
Weight Control: Even modest weight loss will bring healthy results. Start slow if you need to, and then try to reach your target weight.
Stress: Ah Stress. This one unnecessarily causes us so many health concerns. It practically seems to be the source of most health problems.
There are many options to help deal with excess stress. Exercise is one of these. Even if you begin by walking to the corner and back, then around the block pretty soon you will be walking a mile or more.
Other things you may consider are Yoga, Meditation, Music and a new hobby.
There is a rather unique procedure I came across a while back called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short. This works on the principles of Acupressure and Acupuncture.
Wait! Don’t let that intimidate you. Even though EFT is a remarkable tool it is actually easy to grasp. I personally have seen significant results. You won’t have to poke yourself at all. It just basically requires limited number of words and some tapping on certain key points.
So don’t give up. There are many options for you to vastly improve your health.
Copyright 2005 Lambert Klein

About The Author

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy supplements and products.
Arthritis supplements can be found at Think Healthy.

Concerned about Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Concerned about Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Mike Herman

Arthritis is the term used for over 100 rheumatoid and joint related diseases, with the most common being Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The word arthritis refers to “joint inflammation” and rheumatoid arthritis is actually an attack on the immune system where the system turns on itself and attacks the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint pain and swelling, redness, warmth and can affect other organs of the body like skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, nerves or kidneys.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects approximately 1% of the population, in which 75% of those diagnosed are women. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, but scientists attribute this disease to a combination of genetic, environmental and hormonal factors.
With rheumatoid arthritis, something seems to trigger the immune system to attack itself. This could happen after a sudden trauma or a surgery, and the severity is not the same in all people. Some theories suggest that a virus or bacteria alter the immune system. Therefore, since the root cause of rheumatoid arthritis is so different from osteoarthritis, of course the treatment and remedies are different also.
Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed by a positive Rh factor, (a blood test), and x-rays that show rheumatoid deterioration in the joints. There are many different ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis, which include medication, rest, exercise and surgery. The medications fall into two specific categories, NSAIDs and DMARDs, and attempt to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation. Humira, one of the latest discoveries, attempts to isolate the diseased cells so they cannot reproduce and cause more harm.
In the past 10 years, alternative medicine has also taken a predominant place in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Some of these non-prescription methods include:
* ibuprofen
* herbs such as cat’s claw and white willow to reduce pain
* glucosamine and chondriton are used to promote new cartilage growth
* warm baths in Epsom Salts
* application of menthol ointment to the affected joints
Rheumatoid arthritis is not to be taken lightly or ignored, so investigate the treatments and choose the best for yourself. About the Author
Are You Concerned About Rheumatoid Arthritis or a Type of Arthritis?