Arthritis Pain: Daily Tips to Gain Control

If you suffer from arthritis, you may not only experience joint pain and swelling, but difficulty functioning from day-to-day. Arthritis is not a walk in the park. Whether you are prone to spurts of pain or experience it all the time, going about a normal day may seem like an impossible task, but it doesnt have to be. What can you do?

Make it easy to get around your home. If you suffer from arthritis of the toes, feet, hips, or knees, it is difficult to move. Walking from one room in your home to the next, may trigger pain. Make it as easy as possible to move around. Is your home an obstacle course with furniture in the way? Enlist the help of a trusted friend, family member, or neighbor. Rearrange your furniture to create a straight path. The less turns and steps you have to make, the better.

Make sure all needed items are within easy reach. Regardless of what joints hurt, it can be difficult to reach for and grip. So, dont. Do you find it too difficult to reach to the high shelf in your kitchen cupboard? If so, dont use it. Place all foods and dishes on lower shelves or utilize your countertop. Do you find it too difficult to grasp dresser drawer handles? Instead, use your closet to hang clothes. With one simple tug, many fall right off the hanger. Learning to prevent and manage the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis includes making your life at home easier.

Keep pain relievers handy. All arthritis patients suffer from pain. Depending on the type of arthritis, this pain may be constant or it may come and go. Either way, pain relievers are a lifesaver. They typically provide relief in as little as 15 minutes. Some over-the-counter arthritis creams provide pain relief as soon as contact is made with the skin. Since they do work, keep them on hand. Keep some pills and creams in your home, car, and purse. There are many ways to reduce the risk of arthritis pain, but there are no guarantees. Anything can trigger pain, so always be prepared.

Rely on walking aids. If you suffer from arthritis of the toes, feet, hips, or knees, walking can be difficult and painful. With each step you take, pressure is applied to your already painful joints. What can you do is lessen the pressure with walking aids. These may include knee braces, crutches, or canes. Remember, the less pressure you apply to your joints, the less pain you should feel.

Ask for help. Arthritis patients experience times when they feel helpless. This is often when they cannot open a jar of spaghetti sauce, walk to the mailbox without experiencing pain, or lift a heavy box. It is very frustrating to be unable to handle daily tasks without pain. Yes, you are encouraged to try, but not it if will bring on pain. Although it can be hard, dont be afraid to ask for help. Ask your neighbor to deliver your mail to your home and save a heavy box until a family member can help you.

Keep a journal. One of the many problems arthritis patients face is difficulty managing their pain. Talking about the difficulties you face can help. For most, the worst thing to do is to keep these emotions bottled up in side. Are you mad that you are suffering from arthritis, get that anger out of you. Deal with ease issues or complication as they arise, dont keep things bottled up inside. When they do come out, it will be huge. It is best to talk to someone at home or join an arthritis support group. If you opt not to, keep a journal instead. Write down all feelings, including the good and the bad.

In short, there are many ways to treat and manage arthritis pain. Over-the-counter products are a lifesaver for many arthritis patients, but they are not you only option. The first step should be focusing on day-to-day tasks. When these seem easier and less painful, the rest will simply just fall into place.


Word Count 688

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Early Treatment

When diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, many patients instinctively prepare for a life filled with pain. Yes, this may be true in some cases. But, a growing number of rheumatologists now believe that this form of arthritis can literally be stopped in its tracks. According to the popular Arthritis Today magazine, this is a growing theory. So, what does it mean for you?

If you suspect you are suffering from arthritis, it is important to seek immediate medical care. Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, sleep troubles, and decreased mobility. Treatment options do vary, but a proper diagnosis is key. There are over one hundred different types of arthritis. Although the treatments are similar, a diagnosis is important. Start with your primary care physician. He or she may later suggest you visit an arthritis specialist, also commonly known as a rheumatologist.

Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis typically include over-the-counter pain medication. This is to lessen the severity of the pain. Unfortunately, this relief is short lived. That is why many prescribe medication. When taken overtime, these medications work to combat arthritis. As for the importance of early treatment, the Arthritis Today magazine highlighted a study performed on the drug Humira. It showed that those diagnosed early were more likely to enter into remission in as little as two years!

Another important aspect of treatment is exercise. Excessive use of the troublesome joints can trigger pain. For that reason, patients need to start slow. For example, a patient suffering from arthritis of the fingers should move and stretch their fingers daily. Pain is likely at first, but the more a joint is safely and slowly worked, the more improvements patients are likely to see. Low impact exercises relieve joint stiffness and lessen the likelihood of deformities.

In addition to exercise, healthy eating is important. Combined, the two should result in weight loss. Not all arthritis sufferers are overweight, but some are. This increases pain, as the extra body weight applies more pressure to joints. With some patients, the pain is trigged by certain foods. Most see success by eliminating or reducing meat and dairy intake. In terms of natural remedies, nothing is scientifically proven, but many patients report relief after consuming pineapples, cayenne pepper, raw cabbage, and coldwater fish.

As for why early treatment is important, it slows the progression of the disease. Juveniles are the only individuals likely to outgrow rheumatoid arthritis. For adults, the disease will only progress and get worse, especially without treatment. The health complications are far too great to not give treatment a chance. These health complications may include disability, severe limitations in mobility, and deformities.

Although a growing number of arthritis experts do agree that early treatment can stop or slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, many have cause for concern. For example, an average window of opportunity is two years. Many believe that once those two years have passed patients will mistakenly believe they are past the point of no return and that treatment is useless. It is not. Treatment will reduce or temporarily eliminate many of the symptoms of arthritis. So, many will push for treatment regardless.

While there is little scientific proof that early treatment can stop rheumatoid arthritis in its tracks, it is worth the chance. As previously stated, all patients should undergo treatment. Whether that treatment comprises of over-the-counter products, prescribed medications, herbal supplements, or exercise, treatment can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. If you are able to stop the disease in its tracks, just consider that the icing on the cake.


Word Count 595

Over-the-Counter Products for Arthritis Relief

If you suffer from arthritis, your physician has likely already suggested over-the-counter products to relieve the pain, stiffness, and swelling. You should heed his or her advice. However, if you are looking to switch brands, examine other products, or lower the cost, it is important to know what your options are. In terms of over-the-counter arthritis relief, you have many options. What are they?

Pain relievers. Good old pain reliever can reduce or temporarily eliminate the joint pain that comes will all types of arthritis. Well-known brands include Tylenol, Bayer, Advil, and Aleve. In addition to standard pain relievers, many well-known brands have developed formulas just for arthritis. For example, Tylenol Arthritis capsules have two pain fighting layers. The first dissolves quickly for immediate relief and the second dissolves slower, resulting in long lasting relief.

Over-the-counter pain pills all accomplish the same goal, but that goal is reached different ways and with different formulas. For that reason, never assume you need to take a pill every 4 to 6 hours. Read the directions and follow them.

Topical pain relief cream. Topical pain relief cream comes in a small tube. You rub the cream onto your body once or twice a day. Pain relief is felt almost immediately and it will last for hours. Most creams are deep penetrating and odor free. You can seek relief without smelling like a walking medicine cabinet.

As with over-the-counter pain medications, it is important to read and follow all directions. Most recommend applying no more than two times a day, but all topical creams are different. Although not ingested, it is still medicine and caution is advised.

When looking closely at the ingredients for these topical creams, you will find that most have capsaicin as their active ingredient. This is also found in red cayenne pepper. For maximum relief, incorporate the spice into your meals.

Heat patches. It has long been said that warmth lessens the severity of arthritis pain. It also relieves stiffness and swelling. If these are symptoms of yours, heated patches can provide you with relief. These patches are similar to heating pads, but they are ideal for when you are on the go. They automatically warm with skin contact.

ThermaCare is a well-known brand for heating patches. Their patches provide relief for all types of aches and pains, including menstrual cramping. They dedicated a special line of pads for arthritis. The heat is long lasting, for around 12 hours or more. Patches are available for the wrist, elbow, knee, neck, and shoulder.

As with a heating pad you warm in the microwave, there are risks associated with these on the go heated patches. The most common is burning. As we age, it is easier for the skin to burn. Those 55 should proceed with caution. Test the patch during the day before sleeping with it on.

Heating pads. The above mentioned heating patches do provide warm relief from arthritis pain and joint stiffness, but they are one-time use. Their costs can easily add up. Use these patches for when you need to move. If you have the ability to relax at home, a heating pad is best.

Heating pads come in a number of different formats and sizes. There are those you warm in the microwave and those you plug in. For nighttime, use the microwaveable pouches. They cool overtime, so there is less risk of burns when you are fast asleep.

As you can see, a number of over-the-counter products can allow you to seek relief from the joint pain, stiffness, and swelling associated with arthritis. These products are available for sale in most retail stores, including drug, grocery, health, and department stores. Before opting for pain relieving pills or arthritis cream, speak to a medical professional. Make sure they do not interact with the medications you are already taking. As for heating patches and pads, they are safe to use, as long as used as directed.


Word Count 658

Parents: Is Your Child Suffering from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Parents: Is Your Child Suffering from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

All parents want the best for their children. No parent wants to see a child suffer. Unfortunately, some children are suffering. They are suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, arthritis does hurt more than the elderly. For many parents, arthritis is easy to spot. For others little to no signs are shown. If your child is experiencing pain and discomfort, how do you know the cause?

The most common symptom of arthritis is pain. This pain is felt in the joints. Any joint is susceptible to pain. With that said, parents should be on the lookout for pain in the fingers, toes, elbows, knees, and hips. Children suffer from three types of rheumatoid arthritis. They are Pauciarticular, Polyarticular, and Systemic. Pauciarticular is the most common, and thankfully, the mildest. Polyarticular and Systemic arthritis can lead to severe, if not unbearable pain.

Pain is the most noticeable sign that something is wrong. Children are unable to manage pain as well as adults. For parents, this means many signs. Older children will highlight their pain and even point you in the right direction. Young children may experience a change in temperament. For some, it is the only way to express their pain and frustration.

Additional symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis include joint swelling and stiffness, difficulty walking, and troubled sleep. In terms of walking, parents must watch and listen to their children. Older children still do not fully understand the importance of seeking medical care. For example, a 6th grader may fear discussing their joint pain, as it may cause them to miss their next basketball game. In this instance, parents need to look for signs. If your child not only has pain, but difficulty completing normal tasks, rheumatoid arthritis may be the cause.

If you are a parent who suspects your child may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, the next step is important. That step is seeking medical care. Many parents fear the unneeded medications their child will be required to take. Cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, it is important to get a proper diagnosis. The physician will ask why arthritis is suspected and perform their own tests. They will also determine which type of arthritis the child is suffering from.

If a child is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, pain medication is typically administered right away. This will not only assist with the pain, but the swelling too. Depending on the severity of your childs symptoms, pain medication may become a daily occurrence. As a parent, this may cause you some concern. Now is the time you can examine natural and home remedies. When doing so, you will find many options. For example, most recommend mixing one teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice, warm water, and drinking twice a day.

Parents are encouraged to proceed with caution with home remedies for arthritis. Most remedies are designed for adults. Do not dispense anything to your child that will result in an allergic reaction. Also, make the suggestion to their primary care provider. Most doctors are expanding their horizons, no longer writing off natural remedies as rubbish.

Pain medication and some natural remedies will assist with the pain. Although pain diminishes, the disease is still present. To reduce long-term complications, exercise is required. Most children undergo physical therapy. Parents are encouraged to attend to learn the moves for home practice. Parents with overweight children are encouraged to combine healthy eating with exercise. Weight loss, can lessen the pressure placed on joints.

As you can see, it is not the end of the world when a child is diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Yes, no parent wants to see his or her child in pain, but with treatment that pain does not have to last. In fact, most children outgrow the disease. So, if you suspect your child is suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, seek medical treatment. Work with their primary care physician to develop the best treatment plan.


Word Count 662