You are the Responsible One When You Live with an

You are the Responsible One When You Live with an Alcoholic

When you live with an alcoholic, you not only feel alone, but most of the time you really are when it comes to chores and the kids. You are the only adult in the home it feels like most of the time. You will not be able to rest until all the work around the house is done and if you want to go somewhere, you will take the kids with you because the other parent will not be able to care for them while he or she is drinking. You might even have to have a job on top of everything lese.

You will have to make sure the bills are paid on time. You will also need to make sure that the family has enough money for everything after the alcohol is bought out of the family budget. You may have to get a job just to survive and pay the bills. This could be the hardest thing you have to do in your life, especially if you thought that your spouse or partner was going to take care of the work and you wee going to take care of the house and the family. Things change when the alcohol consumes one of the partners.

You will usually have to clean and take out the garbage. This is just because it will at least get done the right way. He or she may want to do dishes, but when you try to do something when you are drunk, it usually backfires. Dirty dishes in the cupboards that are said to be clean can be disturbing. Taking out the garbage can also be a challenge and if you want everything to be taken out, then you will probably have to do it yourself. You can plan on doing almost everything around the house including cleaning up messes that he or she may make.

The person may not want supper when you do, so you will have to make sure that there is enough food leftover for them. This is something that can cause arguments. If dinner is not just right, it can trigger an argument. You will never win, so you always do what is asked of you, even if it means making something new. This can get old fast and make you wish that you were the one drinking. Just do not ever give up hope.

You will have to secretly keep a hold on the money and know where it is going. An alcoholic in you life means that money is going to be tight because they will always have money for alcohol, but may not have enough for anything else. If you want to keep your home and have things for the family including food, you need to take control of the money. Even if they say no, you must find a way to do it.

The kids will be your responsibility and you will need to keep them in line by yourself. You can pretty much figure that anything that requires the attention of a parent is going to be your responsibility. In some cases, you will even hear that you were the one that had kids. It can be hard on the kids just as much as it is on you. Kids need both parents for support and most of the time, they do not have this when one parent is an alcoholic. Living with an alcoholic can be challenging and devastating to kids and to you.


Word Count 594

How to Help the Alcoholic Join AA

If you live with an alcoholic, chances are good that you want him or her to quit drinking. This is not something that you can just mention in casual conversation when you are talking to someone that thinks that they do not have a problem. If you do, it could cause an argument because most alcoholics do not think that they have a problem. They usually retaliate that you are the one with the problem. You want the person to get help, but it is not easy to do. Most alcoholics do not receive any help until something bad happens. You can do a few things to try to help the person join AA.

Never be forceful or the person is not going to do it. Telling the person that they have to attend AA is not the answer. Even most judges that order a criminal to attend the group are just fooling themselves if they think the person is really trying to quit drinking. A person has to want to help him or herself. You can try to force the person, but this is going to cause more problems than you have already. You may mention it is casual conversation, but if the person does not see what they are doing, chances are, they will resist any conversation.

Offer your support when they need it. If you offer to give the person support and be there when they need you, they will see that you want to help. Often, this does not work as well as you want. Never support their drinking, but support them in the job and if they have any other good points. You have to compliment their good points to get the trust that you need to help them. This can be very hard to especially if you are fed up with the drinking.

Join a group such as Al-Anon so that he or she knows that you are there for them. Tell them that you joined the group because you need help understanding. There is nothing wrong with joining a group and letting them know that you are serious and worried about your life together. Living with an alcoholic is not all rosy, as some would think. The alcoholic does not just drink and pass out. They can be abusive without even knowing what they are doing. This is the saddest part of living with the alcoholic.

Introduce the alcoholic to a member of AA that they might get along with and talk. This one-step can work. If the person gets involved with someone that does not drink and they find something they both like to do, this could curb the drinking. It is not going to stop it, but as you see the difference, you can mention that is so nice to see him or her having fun or enjoying something. This is the first step to maybe getting the person to join AA and meet other people that also have drinking problems and want help.

Threats will not work. If you threaten to leave or take the kids and divorce the alcoholic, you are going to lose. Most alcoholics do not care what you do as long as they have the money to drink and a place to sleep. Then again, threatening to kick the person out will not work either. There is always someone that will allow him to drink. You will lose the battle if you use threats that the person does not care about anyways. Calling the authorities only works for so long as well. After a while the alcoholic will get more upset or leave and never return.

Volunteer to accompany them to the first meeting. If you are lucky enough to get a little cooperation, you can accompany him or her to a meeting. This will show that you do care and want the person to at least give it a try. You can be nonchalant about it because making a big deal will backfire. You have to be careful how you talk and what you sat when you live with an alcoholic. The mood can change in a second and you may never know why.


Word Count 706

Finances: How to Pay Off Your Old College Debt ASAP

Finances: How to Pay Off Your Old College Debt ASAP

Are you a woman who has recently finished college? If you have, your focus may be placed on entering the workforce, unless you are already employed. While it is important to focus on work and improving your work performance, it is also important that you place a focus on the repaying of your college loans. Unfortunately, many women who attend college later end up in debt due to the cost of it. That why you are urged to start paying off your college loans as soon as possible.

When it comes to paying off student loans, many individuals wonder why they should get started with doing so right away. Whether you just graduated one month ago or three years ago, there is a good chance that you have already received a bill requesting you to make a payment on your loan. For many college lenders, this is common practice. It seems as if you are expected to repay your college loan as soon as you graduate. Unfortunately, many women, possibly just like you, are financially unable to do so.

While a large college loan bill may seem like an issue that cant be solved at the moment, it is important that you do not just push it aside. It is important to remember that loans, including college loans, have an impact on your credit. Even if you are unable to make your full college loan payments as expected, you are advised to at least put a little bit towards your loan repayment each month. In fact, even if you have yet to receive a bill requesting payment, it may be a good idea to start making payments anyways. You can easily do this by contacting your loan lender for additional information.

One of the many reasons why so many recent college graduates have a difficult time making their college loan payments is because their life changes. Many female college graduates need to not only find a job, but get their own apartment, condo, or home. This is an expense that is costly all on its own, not to mention the added costs of furnishings, food, and utilities. If this is a change that you recently had to make, you may want to sit down and make a budget for yourself. The starting point of your budget should include all of the bills that you need to pay, like your rent or mortgage, auto insurance, food, utility bills, and gasoline to and from work. These are expenses that you simply cannot avoid paying.

Once you have an idea of how much money you must spend each month, you can then calculate your monthly income by adding your weekly paychecks. What you will then want to do is determine the difference. If you have any additional money left over, it is advised that you put as much of that money as possible towards the repayment of your college loan. Despite what you may believe, you dont necessarily have to pay your monthly loan payment all at once. There are many financial lenders that will accept twenty dollars from you one week and fifty dollars from you another. Often times, you will find that lenders just want their money, no matter how it arrives to them.

Although it is advised that you start making payments on your college loan as soon as possible, that time may have already come and gone. If you have been out of college for at least five years, it may be time to consider alternative approaches. If your loan lender is requesting payment in full, a payment that you cannot make, it may be an idea to consider applying for a debt consolidation loan. Although the last thing that you want to do is get another loan, your loan payments will be smaller to pay and this should be much easier for you.

If you are a female who has college debt that you need to repay, it is advised that you work towards doing so at every step in your life. You should always think about the impact of dining out, when you have a debt to repay. By letting your college loans go unpaid, they can reach the point where they are an issue that you can no longer run from.


Word Count 715

Beauty: Workplace Fashions: The Importance of Not Overdoing

Beauty: Workplace Fashions: The Importance of Not Overdoing It

Are you a female who is employed? If you are, do you work in an office setting? Although office related jobs are one of the best to have, as they allow you to work in a comfortable environment and they often pay well, there is much drama that is associated with office workplace settings. For that reason, you need to proceed with caution, especially concerning the clothes that you wear.

One of the many reasons why you should be careful with what you wear to work is because something simple, like your clothing, can be turned into a much larger issue. It may become a large issue that may cause you problems at work or an issue that may cause you to quit or lose your job. Since there is a good chance that you dont want that to happen, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many ways that you can avoid issues or complications at work is by carefully reviewing your workplace dress code. Reviewing the dress code of your workplace is extremely important, especially if you are a new employee. There are many companies that are a little bit vague on their dress code expectations and restrictions, but not all are. It is common to find restrictions such as no dresses or skirts with hems above the knees or no tank-tops. If you are still unsure as to what you can and cannot wear at work, you may want to speak with your supervisor. In this instance, it is better safe than sorry.

Another one of the many ways that you can avoid issues or complications at work is by placing yourself in the shoes of your customers. This is particularly important if you interact with your companys clients and customers. Since your actions, as well as your appearance will not only reflect highly on you, yourself, but your employer as well, it is important that you take your clothing into consideration. For instance, if you worked as a loan officer, how do you think that your clients would feel if you showed up for work to deal with them in shorts and a tank-top? If you wouldnt business with someone looking like that, there is a good chance that others wouldnt as well.

In addition to placing yourself in the shoes of your companys clients and customers, it is also advised that you place yourself in the shoes of your coworkers. There is a good chance that you are at least somewhat familiar with your coworkers. This means that you may already know what they talk or gossip about. If one of your coworker were to show up at work wearing a short sundress, what you would you think about them? In all honesty, there is a good chance that your thoughts wouldnt necessarily be pleasant. You need to remember that others likely think the same way as well. That is why you need to, personally, be careful with what you wear to work, unless you want to be the center of gossip.

One of the many ways that you can find appropriate clothing to wear to work is by using the internet to your advantage. What you may want to do is visit the online websites of upscale clothing stores. Upscale clothing stores, especially those with a focus on career-oriented women, are less likely to have skimpy, clothing available for sale. While you dont have to make your purchases from the retailers that you examine online, you can still get some great clothing ideas. It is also important to mention that many upscale clothing stores also place a focus on the latest fashions. This means that you can dress appropriately for work, while still looking fashionable at the same time.

The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, especially when getting dressed for work first thing in the morning. By taking a few extra minutes to think about your appearance for work, you may completely eliminate or reduce the chances of you being involved in shady workplace related issues, like gossip.


Word Count 686