Surviving and understanding the Jekyll and Hyde male menopause syndrome

Surviving and understanding the Jekyll and Hyde male menopause syndrome

Some if not all men fear this certain stage in mans life called male menopause. For many, this crisis is the start of half dying and half living nature.

But what about male menopause is really scary?

When a man reaches the age of 40, he starts to become irritable, easily stressed and starts to lose his passion and purpose in life. This turning point of the way to andropause haunted men in one way or another – Male menopause syndrome.

There are three causes linked to male menopause syndrome. First is the fluctuation of male hormones. This is a normal occurrence as we age. But also, this can be manifested due to lack of nutrients and exercise. The next factor is the change in the brains biochemistry. The decrease in the supply of neurotransmitters increases hostility, anger and impatience. The third and the resolvable cause is the increase of stress level. It could be due to too much consumption of alcohol or due to psychological stresses. How you handle circumstances can be a big factor in this area. It could be avoided if only you would try. These factors became part of the mid-life struggles which challenge men to overcome.

Many wives had their stories to tell about their partners with altering characters, husbands who turn from being Jekyll to Hyde, from being compassionate to mean. The male menopause syndrome patterned to the book of Robert Louis Stevenson entitled Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde had so much in common.

The story is about Dr. Jekyll who had this pursuit of separating the good and the bad nature of man. In his quest, he encountered rejections from colleagues and superiors. For that he had to work alone for his project. Then, Dr. Jekyll had to do the experiment with himself. That separated his evil nature who turned out to be Mr. Hyde. In contrary to the good persona of Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde had been murdering the board of governors who turned down the cause of Dr Jekyll. All through the story, Dr Jekyll had been pursuing in vain to control his evil half.

The same pursuit happens to men who are suffering from the male menopause syndrome. From being the responsible and loving Jekyll, they had the tendency to turn to being the irritable Hyde. Men at this age seemed to change overnight.

But these tendencies are often triggered by loss of a friend or relative. The death of a close person seemed to trigger thoughts of them being the next in line. And the realization of their being mortal is so striking that he has convoluted thoughts.

The confusion that he feels is often accounted to his responsibilities and to the people surrounding him. Then he describes this feeling as being trapped and subsequently loses his sense of being.

At this crisis, men need to be understood. It is a crucial period when a man would want to be free and to destroy the order of the old ways. It is the period when they need to feel needed, and that they are important. There could be a lot of remedies in store trying to relieve the symptoms of male menopause. They can cause side effects, however. The best cure is to give them enough support and guidance to overcome this crisis.

Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll Syndrome vs. Male Menopause

Adams descendant, the male species is unpopularly known to be afflicted with a critical illnesse Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome or the Male Menopause.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome

In 1886, Robert Stevenson wrote a book about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde wherein he discussed the quest of Dr. Jekyll to divide the two characters of human so that he can separately define good from evil. No individual during his time supported Dr. Jekylls experiment hence he performed the test upon himself, which gave birth to Mr. Hyde, the evil side of Dr. Jekyll.

Mr. Hyde started his revenge to all the people who disheartened Dr. Jekyll. The madness, misery and vengeance were all over. Mr. Hyde is uncontrollable. His wickedness is unstoppable. Dr. Jekyll had so many struggles controlling his evil part, Mr. Hyde.
Male Menopause

Male menopause or sometimes referred to as andropause is a condition where a man goes through an unavoidable change in social, interpersonal, psycho-logical and even the spiritual aspect.

Similarity of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome with Male Menopause

Both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome and Male Menopause are considered transitional stages of men.

Dr. Jekyll had longings to separate the good identity from the evil one. This may be explained to mans desire to be completely good or entirely bad which most of the time are dictated by events in humans life. Men are faced in an intersection where they have to decide the path they need to take the good or the bad one.

Male menopause, on the other hand, is a shift from first adulthood to second adulthood. It is commonly described as the maturation of men wherein they focused more on the inner self, compared to the previous stage of his life where he is much focused with the outer being.

Differences between Male Menopause and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome differs with male menopause in terms of the following:

?Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome can happen to men anytime. It knows no age. On the other hand, male menopause usually takes place when a man is about to reach second adulthood, it can emerge as early as thirty-five years old or as late as sixty-five.

?Male menopause is highly associated as a hormonal or chemical change, which may have a positive or negative effect towards the whole being of a man. While Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome is more of a psychological change. Additionally, the triggering factor is primarily environmentally related such as overexposure to vices, influences of friends or misfortunes in life.

Most of the time, the syndrome portrays negative effect unless the evil part has been defeated.

The abovementioned conditions can make or break a man. If Mr. Hyde rules, a mans life then peace and love will not have a room in his heart. Not only will a man suffer but also his family will significantly be affected. If Dr. Jekylls personality will govern then negative emotions may not be felt or even expressed which then can affect both the individual and his significant others. There should be a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the life of a man, so that there will be balance.

Male menopause can break a man if he perceive and acts negatively on the said condition. The condition can help him achieve the man he ought to be if the male species will have a positive attitude towards andropause.