Necessary Care after Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal, although a simple process, does require proper care of the skin in the area that was treated. Generally there is little recovery time needed regarding laser hair removal procedures. People can usually return to normal activities immediately after treatment. However, it is important to take the time to follow the recommended guidelines for aftercare in order to protect against any chance of a complication and to reduce any discomfort that may be experienced.

Following laser hair removal treatment, it is not uncommon for the skin to be slightly swollen and red in the treated area. Some people describe it as feeling like a mild sunburn, with slight puffiness and irritation. Placing a cooling preparation such as a cold compress, cold pack, or aloe vera, on the affected area will ease the temporary mild burning sensation. Some people experience this burning sensation for only a few hours, while others may feel it for a day or two. This is the time it takes for the skin to return completely to its normal state.

It is important to apply a total sunblock to the area that was treated with laser hair removal if it is going to be exposed to sunlight. A sunblock with an SFP of 30 or higher should be applied. Irritation and a burning sensation of the treated areas can result from even the slightest exposure to the sun. Sunlight should be avoided for three weeks following laser hair removal. This will prevent hyperpigmentation from occurring.

Moisturizing creams can also have a beneficial effect on the treated areas and help to prevent tissue crusting or scabbing. These creams can be bought over the counter or be prescribed by your practitioner. It usually is not necessary to use antibacterial cream. In fact, antibacterial creams might cause drying of the skin in the area that was treated with laser hair removal. Healthy skin is important for successful laser treatments and moisturizing every day will help to keep your skin that way.

As long as the skin is not broken, it is safe to apply makeup to the areas of the skin that have undergone laser hair removal treatments. The makeup used should be new and applied with clean fingers or a new clean sponge. Make of also helps to act as an additional sunblock.

Following a laser hair removal treatment, it is best to take warm, quick showers. It is best to use a gentle cleanser and avoid harsh soaps that may dry the skin. If any area of the body other than the face as has been treated, hot baths should be avoided for a couple of days.
The area of treatment should not be shaved for four or five days. After that time, it is okay to begin shaving again. Tweezing, waxing, plucking, and bleaching should not be done at all during, or in between, laser hair removal treatments.

If any blistering occurs, immediately apply a topical antibiotic cream or ointment and cover it with a non-adhering dressing. Immediately notify the laser technician or your physician.

After a few days, you will usually notice the hair that was treated by laser hair removal begins to shed. This should be expected and is a normal part of the treatment and recovery.

Getting Comfort With Your Contact Lenses

If you dont take care of your contact lenses, they can do you more harm than good. Contact lenses are a very popular alternative to corrective vision, and they can really help your eyes if you take care of them. There are ways that you can get the most from your contacts, and ensure that they remain comfortable for as long as you wear them. Below, you will find some tips on how to get the best from your contacts.

To ensure that your contacts remain healthy, you should always replace them as required by the manufacturer or type of contacts you are using. Most types of contacts need to be replaced every 2 weeks, and replaced with a fresh pair. If you are using daily disposable lenses, you should always throw them away before you go to sleep, then wake up to a fresh new pair in the morning.

Another common mistake people make, that can easily damage or affect contacts, is swapping them with other people. You should never swap your contacts, even with a family member or friend. No matter how well you know the person, you should never switch contacts with them. Swapping contacts can damage your eyes, in the terms of protein and contact shape/power.

Anytime your eyes start to bother you, you should take your contacts out and allow your eyes time to rest. Normally, if your contacts are causing irritation, allowing your eyes ample time to rest will correct the problem. If it happens to be more than just tired eyes or irritation, you should leave your contacts out until you can schedule an appointment with your optician and get them checked.

Before you handle your contacts, or put them in your eyes, you should always wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly. If you handle your contacts with dirty hands, you could easily get dirt or debris on your lenses and transfer that dirt that you put on the lens into your eye – which could result in an eye infection. If your hands arent clean, you can also scratch or tear your contact lens, which can do damage to your eyes, possibly even scratch the cornea.

When you handle your solution, you should avoid letting the tip of the bottle touch any surface. You should also make sure that you read the label on the solution bottles, as there are some types of saline solution that are intended to be used with certain contacts. Some types of solution arent meant to be put in your eyes, while others can be used as eye drops. To be on the safe side, you should always read the label and know what you can and cant do with your solution.

When you put your contacts in, you should try and put them in using the same order each and every time. This way, youll know which contact goes in first and you wont get them mixed up. Before you put them in, you should always inspect them each and every time to make sure they arent torn or damaged. If you notice a tear or anything wrong with your lenses, you should immediately discard them and switch to a fresh pair.

To get the most from your contacts and ensure that they remain comfortable, you should always take care of them and use a bit of common sense. If you experience any problems with your contacts, you should take them out and let your eyes rest for a while. Contacts are great to have, although youll need to rest your eyes every so often. This way, your eyes will get the rest and oxygen they need, and you can go back to wearing your contacts after a few hours.

Irritating Bad Habits

Some bad habits can irritate the people around you. These habits can grate on peoples’ nerves until they feel like physically stopping you themselves. Some of them are nervous habits and others are thoughtless behaviors.

Some bad habits have to do with shopping. You can really irritate someone if you have the bad habit of following their car to a parking space and waiting with your car close behind. This makes them feel rushed, and it may make it hard for them to get out. By the time the leave they will be very irritated.

You might display bad habits when you get in line to check out at the store. If you cut in line, everyone behind you will be annoyed with you. You make them later, and you give the impression that you are more important than they are.

Sometimes people have bad habits when it comes to what line they choose. They may get in the express line where you are only supposed to have 15 items. They may get in that line with 30. Some people will get in the express line with a whole cartful. It irritates people who want to use the express line for just one or two items and have to wait for you.

There are many nervous bad habits that irritate. Some people crack their knuckles. This sound can in turn get on other peoples’ nerves. It is worse for the one listening because they do not know when the next crack of the knuckles will happen.

Rhythmic behaviors are also bad habits to get into if they are not related to the arts. These are behaviors such as tapping a pencil, tapping your feet, or drumming your fingers on a desk. These behaviors often occur when a person is in a stressful situation.

They can be detrimental to you or others. If you tap your pencil when taking a test, it can distract others and keep them from doing well on the exam. If you drum your fingers on your boss’s desk, it will make you look bad. You might lose yourself a promotion.

People can irritate with other noise-producing bad habits. Grinding your teeth can irritate others. Clicking your teeth can do it also. Smacking your lips can annoy. Any extraneous noise that you make repetitively with your body can be an irritating bad habit.

Other sound-related bad habits annoy, too. Popping your chewing gum can drive other people to nearly mad with exasperation. If you regularly leave your faucets dripping it is an irritation that they must take care of themselves if you will not. They may find themselves following you around, shutting off faucets. They will not be happy.

Another bad habit is letting your dogs bark at the top of their lungs all night long every night. Sometimes there is a reason and it cannot be helped. However, there is usually a solution to this problem that will be better for the dogs. At the same time, it will make the neighbors’ nights more restful.

It is usually hard to break irritating habits. Often, people are not even quite aware that they are doing these behaviors. Yet, if they try, they can make themselves alert to their irritating bad habits. They can do wonders for the nerves of those around them if they can stop.

Eye problems and injuries in Adolescents

Every year more than one million people get eye injuries, out of which ninety percent are preventable if safety eyewear is used. One hundred and twenty five thousand eye injury cases are caused by household products.

It is a good habit to wash hands regularly, especially after handling household chemicals. When using detergents and hazardous solvents, the handler must wear chemical safety goggles. Also, no children must be around while handling chemicals. While spraying, the nozzle must be turned away from the face. Fertilizers, pesticides and paints must be stored away from reach. While doing household activities proper protective gears such as goggles, gloves, boots and helmet should be worn, if required. The house must be illuminated adequately to avoid accidents in the dark. Stairs should also be illuminated and the rails must also be installed. The instructions for opening the tops of bottles must be read carefully to avoid them from popping and injuring other people. Children and adolescents should read instructions before handling operating equipment before playing games. All power equipment must be installed with guards. While playing outside, the eyes must be protected by UV protective goggles and it is a bad idea to look at the sun directly.

Precautions should not only be taken indoors, but outdoors too. This is because; more than forty thousand people get eye injuries outdoors. Ninety nine percent of the injuries are caused while playing sports. So it is necessary for the youngsters to wear protective eyewear while playing sports or when involved in outdoor recreational activities. A special helmet is designed with wire shield or polycarbonate face mask which is not only safe, but comfortable, too. Protective eyewear should also be worn while performing experiments in science lab. Fireworks must only be handled by adults.

Because of increasing use of computers, more and more youngsters are getting eye strains. The symptoms of eye strain caused by computer are red & watery eyes, focusing problems, aching & tired eyelids, eye muscle spasm, backache and headache. In such an environment, eye exercise must be done regularly. The eyes must be made to focus on distant objects and should be rotated from side to side. It is extremely important to give ample rest to the eyes. Glasses with UV shield must be worn when looking at the computer screen. Eye strain can be avoided by increasing the distance from the monitor.

Eye hazards are also caused when cosmetics are used improperly by contact lens wearers. Some of the adverse reactions are injury, eye irritation, allergy, dryness, infection, and lens deposition. That is the reason why adolescents must be made aware of the risk they will face when opting for contact lens. Girls should understand that they should buy hypoallergenic cosmetics and especially the non-scented variety, manufactured by big brand names. Cosmetics should not be shared with anything else. The applicator brushes must be washed regularly and old mascara must be disposed and not refilled. Eye shadows which are glittery, pearlized, frosted or iridescent contain ground tinsel or oyster shell, which should be always avoided. Eyeliner should not be applied in the inner lid edge. Loose powder should be avoided. Cream should not be applied near the eyes. The wearer should wash hands while handling contact lens. No crying, washing of face or bathing should be done with the contact lens on.


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