Should I have Lasik or ICL?

A number of people who are considering the Lasik procedure to correct their nearsightedness or farsightedness have of some potential problems of Lasik, and are wondering if there are other options. Though more than 95 percent of the Lasik patients have a very successful procedure without any major side effects, there are choices for people who wish to improve their vision. Let’s compare two, and discuss these choices with a reputable ophthalmologist.

Traditional Lasik surgery uses a scalpel to create a small flap in the eye, and then a laser reshapes the eye in order to focus accurately. There are two more recent forms of Lasik, one that entirely uses a laser and does away with the scalpel. Another variation uses a three dimension waveform for people with unusual eye shapes, and both of these are worth discussing with your ophthalmologist.

Those people with very thin corneas or other issues that make Lasik not a good candidate for their particular case can consider implantable contact lens surgery. This is known as ICL in the eye surgeon’s lingo, and is a good alternative to Lasik to permanently correct vision. These lenses function in exactly the same way as removable lenses, except that they remain permanently in the eye. Like Lasik, they reshape the eye in order for it to focus accurately. The patient will not feel the lens once the operation has been performed.

Lasik and ICL are similar in several ways. Lasik can improve vision affected by nearsightedness and astigmatism, and ICL can improve these vision deficiencies also. Both Lasik and ICL also have some of the same risks, one of these being that the correction is not accurate after the first operation is done. Lasik is a much more frequently performed procedure, and less than 3 percent (according to the FDA) of these patients need to undergo additional surgery to further correct vision after the first Lasik procedure is done.

Like any operation, there is a chance of infection in either a Lasik procedure or an ICL operation. Good post-operative care by the patient will minimize this and regular checkups at the Lasik or eye care center will nearly always clear this up without further complication. In a small percentage of the cases, either Lasik or ICL patients may not achieve perfect vision and may need to continue to wear corrective eyewear, though usually not at the same strength as the original eyewear.

One advantage of ICL over Lasik is that ICL is a reversible procedure, where the implanted lens can be removed later if that becomes necessary. Lasik involves the reshaping of the cornea to bring objects accurately into focus, and is permanent. However, for a typical, healthy patient either Lasik or ICL will generally bring about the desired improvement in vision.

Lasik is generally a less invasive procedure, and this is reflected in the current cost of the operation. The current price for a Lasik procedure is between $500 and $2500 per eye, depending on the type of procedure and the presiding physician. A typical price for ICL is between $1500 and $3000 per eye. Do some investigation into the options offered, and select the eye procedure that is best for your personal case.

New Advanced Treatment For Fibroids

Uterine artery emobilization (UAE) is a minimal invasive procedure aimed at shrinking fibroids in women diagnosed with having fibroids. Rather than removing them surgically, the procedure shrinks the fibroids avoiding hysterectomy or myomectomy (removal of the fibroids alone) to eliminate symptoms such as pelvic pain and/or heavy bleeding.

Although an attractive alternative to a hysterectomy to treat fibroids, AEU prevents the need to go through the pains following a hysterectomy. because a hysterectomy is the cure to fibroids. The fibroids will definitely not come back as there will no longer be a place for the fibroids to grow. Specially trained doctors use imaging techniques to see inside the uterus while guiding a narrow tube through blood vessels. The UAE procedure then shrinks the fibroid eliminating all of its blood supply. Plastic particles are then injected into the arteries to plug them perfectly blocking the blood supply. However, this procedure is not full proof as the possibility of the fibroids growing back or in other places is not diminished making more surgery necessary if they return. AEU effectively spares the uterus and cuts down on hospital time, and recovery is fairly fast.

Other options to remove fibroids include Hysteroscopy resection, which use electric currents shaving the fibroid from the uterus breaking them into pieces which can then be removed through the vagina. There is some concern in this procedure that particles from the pieces may enter other organs and affect them in a negative manner. But for women the procedure that does not require surgery is most sought after for fibroid removal and avoidance of hysterectomy. AEU is very effective and rarely is there any complications and usually results in a lighter menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure that causes pain. The only reportable side effects following surgery is nausea, committing, and some mild cramping for a limited amount of time making this the most cost and time effective procedure available today.

If you think that this procedure might be an attractive choice for you, then you should consult your doctor and ask about options with local surgeons. Most hospitals now offer this treatment because of its effectiveness, but some seem to be stuck in the past. You also need to find out whether or not your particular fibroids are operable using this method, since some cases make it too complicated or difficult to do.

Many women have for several years debated the idea that hysterectomy is the only option for women with fibroid problems prompting doctors to look to alternative measures. It is important to know that there are other options available and each one should be examined carefully before a decision is made to have a hysterectomy. The location, size, number of fibroids and activity of the fibroids should me one of the determining factors in the decision to treat fibroids. Estrogen feeds the fibroids and it is well known that fatty tissue produces large amounts of estrogen, so if you are overweight additional factors may need attention in order to make an educated decision. Whatever the decision is that you make concerning the treatment of fibroids take into consideration all of your options before you take the word of someone, doctor, or others who try to tell you that Hysterectomy is the only option.

Advantages of a Detox Patch Foot Patch

Today, there are many different toxins and pollutants that can enter your body via various avenues. Providing an outlet to these materials can be a wonderful way of cleansing your body. Detoxifying your body using a detox foot patch is one of the great methods of achieving a cleaner body both in and out.

Take note, waste products which originated in your body are caused by various environmental factors. It includes toxins that are present in the air and foods being ingested. Well, the way to remove these unwanted materials is by using a detox foot patch.

A detox foot patch is an adhesive patch, square in shape attached by individuals underneath their foot keeping it in place overnight. The purpose behind using a detox foot patch as a means of body detoxification is to provide a waste product outlet that may hang around on the individuals body.

A detox foot patch contains natural ingredients which works in such a way that it detoxifies the body from pulling out different toxins that are causing stress, fatigue and other related health problems. In fact, this kind of foot patch is frequently used in various regions all over Asia. It even influences other continents because of the fantastic results shown. The success of using body detox foot patch for body detoxification is seen on its increased number of usage rate in Asia.

There are several advantages offered by a detox foot patch.

-It provides an effective way producing a body detoxification method on treating different symptoms of several ailments. Individuals who are using patches like this one attained a more relaxed, restful feeling and even help in curing minor health problems due to the elimination of large quantity of toxins that are present in their bodies.

-Most individuals who have used a detox foot patch find it comfortable. It also gives them relief. However, their prime reason is that it cleanses their entire body. Remember, overall cleansing of the body help individuals to achieve less stress, great overall health, and restfulness.

-A detox foot patch is convenient to use. Individuals can obtain the detoxification that they need while sleeping or working. Well, there is nothing to worry about even though you are doing other activities.

-A detox foot patch provides a non-messy method of achieving a totally cleansed body, free from toxins. It has no ointments or liquids to apply. You just simply stick it underneath your foot while working or sleeping. It is considered as an inventive and new treatment regimen and it also does not involve invasive procedure to clean the body. So, generally it attracts consumers in various countries although it has already been popular in Asia for so many years now.

-Using a detox foot patch to detoxify your body is very affordable. Reasonable prices can be obtained by purchasing the item. Most often, you can procure the treatment method at around 30 dollars to 40 dollars per box.

In summation, using a detox foot patch method for body detoxification can be a wonderful body cleansing experience. The advantages that it provides the users are great. The results can bring out the best in them. However, the decision lies in you. If you find the method appealing and effective, then it can really be worth trying.