Wart Removal with Duct Tape: Does It Really Work?

Warts are skin growths that appear on the skin. In fact, they can appear just about anywhere on the body. Although most warts are harmless, almost all are non-cancerous; you may be interested in having your warts removed. In fact, there is even a good chance that you already started researching your wart removal options online. If so, did you come across a method that suggested using duct tape?

The duct tape wart removal treatment is, in a way, considered a home remedy. Home remedies are used to describe treatments that are given right at home. They are also used to describe ingredients that most individuals already have inside their home. Since you would likely already have duct tape in your possession and use it at home, duct tape can easily be considered a home remedy.

In addition to being considered a home remedy, the duct tape method is also considered a free or low-cost wart removal option. If you do not have duct tape in your possession, you can purchase it from most dollar stores. When compared to other wart removal methods, which include professional removals, as well as the use of over-the-counter wart removers, the duct tape method is money saving. Depending on the type of health insurance you have, if you even have any at all, it can be too expensive for you to have your warts professionally removed. While most over-the-counter wart removers are considered relatively inexpensive, they can retail for around five to thirty dollars, why pay more money than you have to?

While it is important to understand the benefits of using duct tape as a wart remover, it is also important to examine how you use it. To remove your warts, you are advised to place duct tape over them. You will want to keep the area covered for around six to seven days. After the six or seven days are up, you will then remove the tape. At this time, you will want to soak the area in water. When in the water, it is advised that you use a pumice stone, or any other items that are similar to the stone. You will want to use the pumice stone to scrape the area. Now, for some individuals the wart disappears right away, but for others it takes longer. If your wart is still present, after following the above mentioned directions, you are advised to redo the process again. After a couple more weeks, your warts should no longer be an issue.

Although the process seems relatively easy, there are many individuals, maybe even yourself included, who wonder if this method really works. Of course, it is important to remember that different individuals react differently to different things, including certain wart removal methods. With this in mind, using duct tape for wart removal is effective. In fact, it is so effective, that a number of healthcare professionals have even started advising their clients to use duct tape as a wart remover. Their reason for doing this is that duct tape is not only cheap, but it is also pain free, unlike many other wart removal methods.

If you were looking for more scientific proof, it has been noted that warts will often disappear on their own, overtime. This happens when the bodys immune system beings to find and fight them and their bacteria. It has been said, in numerous scientific studies, that duct tape seems to help hurry up the process. In a way, when duct tape covers up a wart the immune system seems to start working faster. That is the reason why warts tend to disappear within a couple of weeks or months after using the above mentioned duct tape method.

Despite the proof that duct tape works as a way to remove unwanted warts, there are still many individuals who are uncomfortable with the thought of trying this treatment. If you are one of those individuals, there is no need to worry. There are a number of other effective wart removal methods that you can use; however, it is important to remember that they may not be as low-cost or as effective as duct tape.


Word Count 697

Finances: The Importance of Creating a Budget for Yourself

Finances: The Importance of Creating a Budget for Yourself

Are you a debt-ridden woman? Even if debt may not be an issue for you now, there is a good chance that it will become one in the future. Whether you are in debt now or if you are looking to prevent yourself from falling victim to it, you may want to examine budgets. Creating a budget for yourself is a simple process, but it is one that can help to keep you out of debt or even get you out of debt.

Before examining how you can go about creating a budget for yourself, it is important to understand the importance of budgets. As previously stated, budgets are a tool that can be used to make sure that debt isnt any longer an issue for you. By creating yourself a budget you are able to track your spending, as well as ensure that all needed expenses, like your car instance or your mortgage, get paid. This also gives you the opportunity to examine how much extra money you have each month, money that you could put towards repaying your debt or put in a savings account, if you arent in debt right now.

When it comes to creating a budget for yourself, you should be able to find a number of budget templates online for you to use. While these free resources are nice, you may only want to use them as starting points. You can get great ideas from them, but you may want to create your own budget. This is important because not all individuals lead the same lives or have the same expenses to take care of. For instance, a budget template for those in New York City may not necessarily call for car payments or auto insurance, but if you had a vehicle, you will need these sections displayed on your budget.

It is also advised that you take the time to create a budget for each month of the year. As previously stated, a budget allows you to account for your spend in advance. If you have a birthday party in July that you need to attend, you may need to account for buying a gift. However, this is something that will likely not occur each month. Creating individual budgets for each month of the year may seem like a complicated process, but it doesnt have to be. It may take a few extra minutes, but those few minutes are more than worth it.

To get you started with saving your money, to help relieve the stress and other issues often associated with debt, you will want to start by outlining all expenses that you must pay for on a monthly basis. These expenses are ones in which you cannot go without paying, like rent, mortgage, renters insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, auto loan payments, groceries, and your utility bills. These are the expenses that must be paid, no matter what.

Once you have a detailed list of important expenses, like those that you are unable to go with out, you can focus on the next level of importance. These are items such as internet access or cable television. If you are just looking to save money, possibly to put into a savings account, you should be able to continue paying these expenses without any problems. On the other hand, if you are looking to dig yourself out of all of the unpaid debt that you have accumulated, it may be a good idea to go without internet access or cable television, if at all possible, even if it is just for a short period of time.

You can also use your budget to determine how much extra money you will have each month. You can do this if you regularly work the same hours or if your pay is salary based. Once you have totaled up all of the aforementioned expenses, you can subtract that from the amount of the money that you bring home from work each week. Any extra is money that you may want to consider putting towards your debt or saving, just in case.


Word Count 685

What is the American Medical Association?

The AMA is an association of doctors that strives to further medical education and promote advancement of medical care for all persons. Ever since its foundation in 1847 at the University of Pennsylvania, the American Medical Association has had its hand in many of the major issues pertaining to medicine and medical research.

Perhaps the most widely known of the American Medical Association’s accomplishments is the publication of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association. Published forty eight of the fifty two weeks in a year, this peer reviewed scientific journal is the most widely circulated journal publication in the world. Here medical professionals can find information on all health related fields, including public health and advancement in underprivileged countries. They maintain a high level of excellence, rejecting ninety two percent of the articles submitted to them annually. This journal is made available at no cost to physicians in underdeveloped areas and is an invaluable source of continuing education for clinicians in any field.

The AMA has established a website, www.ama-assn.org which is a valuable tool to clinicians and patients alike. Here members of the AMA can follow current activities of the association, such as its actions in Washington with regards to the current Medicare controversy. The association has throughout history taken pride in its role in supporting or opposing legislation with regards to the medical community coming out of Washington.

A listing of continuing education opportunities has been listed, a vital tool as all health care professionals are required to complete a minimum number of continuing education credits per year. Information concerning HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) can also be found here. This act dictates how physicians’ offices should submit claims to third party payors such as insurance companies so as to best protect their patients’ privacy and prevent personal medical information from becoming public knowledge, a delicate juggling act for many.

The association plays a major role in helping many students to enroll in and complete medical school. At www.ama-assn.org students are given access to a wide listing of possible careers in the medical field, as well as assistance in choosing a medical school and, following completion of their course of study, how to become licensed in their state of residency. Here students will also be able to obtain information on financial aid, perusing grants and scholarships made available through the AMA as well as advice on how to pay for college using funding not available through the association.

For non physicians the AMA also provides a DoctorFinder on their website, a process by which patients can search listings of hundreds of doctors which are registered with the AMA to select the family physician, pediatrician or specialist that best fits their needs. The name, address and phone number is listed; some doctors may choose to place more information concerning themselves and their practice under their listing. All physicians registered with the AMA are required to be appropriately qualified to practice medicine in their chosen community, and must comply with the standards for ethics established by the association, making the AMA DoctorFinder an invaluable tool when a patient must search for a physician in an area with which they are unfamiliar.

How To Ease Arthritis Pain with Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplements

How To Ease Arthritis Pain with Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplements
Daniel Lesser

If you are suffering from arthritis pain, you’ve probably heard
of a relatively new over-the-counter remedy called Glucosamine.
But what is Glucosamine, and how does it work to relieve
arthritis? In this article, I’ll introduce you to this new
treatment and provide you with the pros and cons of its use. By
the time you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll be able to
make an informed decision on whether or not Glucosamine is right
for you.

What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine, together with a related
ingredient called Chondroitin, are substances which exist
naturally in your body. It is believed that glucosamine helps to
build and repair cartilage (the soft, spongy material between
your joints), while chondroitin lends to the elasticity and
flexibility of joints. A deficiency of either one can lead to
increased wear and tear on the joint, and cause redness,
swelling and stiffness as a result. When used together,
glucosamine and chondroitin act as a tag-team of arthritis
fighters, improving flexibility, soothing inflammation and
reducing swelling caused by achy joints.

Where Can I Buy Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplements? You can
find these products in virtually any pharmacy or health goods
store. The downside to this is, like other herbal and
alternative medicines, supplements are not regulated by any
governing body. That’s why you’ll need to do a little bit of
research to find the best, most potent brand for your needs.
Here’s what you need to know when comparison shopping for a
glucosamine supplement:

You should expect to pay anywhere from $1-3 per pill when
taking glucosamine daily. Since insurance companies rarely cover
supplements of any kind, you’ll most likely be paying for them
out of pocket.

Read the ingredients label on the bottle to determine the
dosage. Approximately 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200mg of
chondroitin have been safely used in clinical trials. Depending
on your individual medication tolerances and the severity of
your arthritis, you should consult your physician or
rheumatologist to find the right dose for your individual needs.

Select supplements manufactured by a well-known, reputable
company. Recommended brands include: Osteo Bi-Flex, WholeHealth,
Flex-A-Min, MoveFree and individual pharmacy brands.

Are There Any Side Effects I Should Know About? As with any
medication or supplements, there are a few warnings you should

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use
glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, as no long-term studies
have been done to gage what materials (if any) are passed on to
the baby either internally or through breast milk.

If you are diabetic, chondroitin (a form of sugar) may cause
your blood sugar to rise.

Chondroitin also acts as a mild blood thinner. Therefore, if
you are taking any heart medication or are taking an aspirin
regimen, have your blood clotting time checked more frequently
by your doctor.

Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements should not be taken by
children since no studies have been done to determine their
effect (if any) on the child’s development.

(Please note: The information contained within this article is
not intended to replace or substitute for that of an experienced
physician. Remember to check with your doctor or rheumatologist
before starting daily glucosamine/chondroitin supplements, and
don’t stop or cut down on any of your current medications
(whether they’re for arthritis or not) without talking with your
doctor first).

About the author:
Daniel J Lesser is the creator of HotArthritisSecrets.com. Find
out how you got it and how to live with it at www.hotarthritissecrets