The Two Types of Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins are not nice to look at regardless of where they may be in the body. It can happen on the face but this usually appears on the legs. Fortunately, this can be remedied and people have to choose from two types of spider vein treatment.

The first is called sclerotherapy also known as spider vein injection. Here, the doctor will inject a scleroic agent into you the affected vein which is designed to make them contract and collapse.

This is done when the patient has medium to large spider veins. It is a painless procedure which is why anesthesia is not given. It is over within 15 to 45 minutes and you will have to go back for two or six more sessions to see its full effect.

Sclerotherapy was first used in Europe and then now being used by doctors in the US. This should only be done by a certified doctor to avoid complications.

The second type of spider vein treatment is laser. Here, the doctor will aim the beam over the spider veins so this will coagulate and shrink. This is very effective when the patient has small and medium sized spider veins.

Patients who decide to use laser surgery should know that you will feel a little pain when the procedure is being performed. Despite that, you dont need to be given any local anesthetic, pain medication or sedative.

In both types, you should expect the spider veins in the skin to get darker and become more visible. Within 2 weeks to a month and a half, this should already start to fade so it is slowly improving.

Some patients who have small, medium and large spider veins have to use combination therapy which consist of sclerotherapy and laser which will greatly reduce the cost for laser treatment.

The cost of sclerotherapy and laser treatment are not that far apart. A session of sclerotherapy may cost between $100 and $400 per session while laser treatment could cost $300-450 per session. But you have to remember that this could go higher depending on the number of veins that have to be treated, the doctor who is performing the procedure and where you are having this done. Doctors who have their own clinic can do it right there instead of having this done in the hospital.

The two types of spider vein treatment have similarities and differences. One cannot be substituted with the other because one type is designed to help patients who have small to medium spider veins while the other is to help treat those who have medium to large spider veins.

Which one will be performed on you will depend on the assessment of your doctor. To help with the cost of this procedure, you should see if your insurance provider will be able to cover it. You should know right now that many insurance companies do not shoulder this expense because their argument is that this is a cosmetic procedure.

While this is true, you can with the help of your doctor argue that you need one of the two types of spider vein treatment for medical reasons. Just remember that this should be backed up by pictures and documents so there is a big chance that your request for this procedure is approved.

Spider Vein Treatments

Spider veins are more common to women than men and since they are more concerned about how their legs look, it is important to know what spider vein treatments are available.

The most popular one is scelotherapy. Here, the doctor will inject a solution to the veins which is designed to make the spider vein disappear within a few weeks or months. You have to go back for two to six sessions to make them go away and this is usually done in an outpatient setting. The best part about this treatment is that it is painless.

You also have radiofrequency occlusion. This is where a small catheter is inserted into the vein. Once inside, it delivers radiofrequency energy to the vein wall, causing it to heat, collapse, and seal shut. This is over in a matter of minutes which is why like sclerotherapy, it is done in an outpatient setting. You have the option to be given local anesthesia to offset the pain.

If the veins are too big and things are worse than before, your doctor will have to perform surgery. You will come in and then the doctor will remove the vein. This may be done with general, local or spinal anesthesia and if it is done in the morning, you can go home in the afternoon.

Laser treatment is another option. Here, the doctor will use heat energy to destroy abnormal veins. You just have to stay still so the target is destroyed without causing any collateral damage to the nearby tissues. You should expect your skins color to change or have blister formation.

But are these spider vein treatments really necessary? The answer is no because it is not life threatening. If you feel embarrassed about showing your legs in public, then you have to do it as long as you are able to pay for the cost.

How much you will be paying varies. It depends on the procedure, how many veins will be worked on, the professional fee of the doctor and where it is done. You can expect the cost of any of these treatments to be more expensive in a city like Los Angeles or New York compared to other places that also offer it.

When you are looking for a doctor make sure he or she is certified and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

To help pay for it, you can check with your insurance provider if they will be able to shoulder it but a lot of companies will disagree. You have to remember that this is merely a cosmetic problem and it is only when your doctor thinks that this is necessary that your request will be approved.

Before you can undergo any form of treatment, you will first be given a physical exam to see if there will be any complications. Women who are nursing or are pregnant are not allowed to do so and the same goes for those who have circulatory problems, suffering from diabetes or any heart condition.

Spider vein treatments are a god send especially for those who want to look good whenever they have to show some skin. If money is not an issue, you can try one of the options mentioned as long as you do not have any medical problems which you hinder the healing process.

At Home Wart Removal

Each year, millions of Americans develop a skin condition. Often times that skin condition is only minor. One of the most common minor skin conditions in America is known as warts. Warts are non-cancerous growths that appear on the skin. In fact, warts can appear just about anywhere on the body. If you are like many of the Americans who do have warts on their body, you may wish to do something about it. To remove your warts, you will need to choose a wart removal option.

Perhaps, the best wart removal option is seeking assistance from a professional. When visiting a professional, often a primary care physician or a dermatologist, you will have your warts professionally removed. Despite being removed by a professional, you will find that many of the removal methods are the same, when compared to at home wart removal methods or procedures. Therefore, a large number of individuals, especially those without health insurance, make the decision to save money and remove their own warts.

If you are interested in doing your own at home wart removal, you will find that you have a couple of different options. One of those options can be considered the old fashion way. For as long as most people can remember, home remedies have been used to treat a number of conditions, including skin conditions. If you are looking for an easy and relatively low-cost way to remove your own warts, you may want to start examining home remedies for wart removal.

When examining home remedies for wart removal, you will want to use the internet to your advantage. Online, you should be able to find a number of different websites or resource guides that are devoted solely to home remedies; home remedies which may be used to remove warts. What is nice about home remedies is that most people have everything that they need already. This means that you may not even have to spend a dime. In addition to researching wart removal home remedies online, you may also want to think about purchasing a home remedy book. While this book will cost money, it may be useful for years to come.

Although a large number of home remedies are effective at removing warts, there are some individuals who are just uncomfortable with trying them. If you are one of those individuals, you can rest assure, you are not out of luck. In addition to using home remedies, you should also be able to find and easily purchase a number of over-the-counter wart removal products. Over-the-counter wart removal products are often available for less than thirty dollars. These products can be found online, in most department stores, grocery stores, or drug stores.

In a way, over-the-counter wart removal products are considered safer than most home remedies. This is because products being sold in retail stores are required to meet numerous standards; therefore, you are almost guaranteed to be purchasing a safe product. Despite the fact that most over-the-counter wart removal products are considered safe, you will still want to display caution when using them. Before beginning an over-the-counter wart removal procedure, you are advised to thoroughly read all of the directions. In addition to reading the directions, you need to make sure that you follow them. Reading and following the directions should only take a few minutes of your time; therefore, there is no reason why you should skip ahead without first knowing what you should or shouldnt do.

As with just about anything in life, there are some risks associated with removing your own warts. That is why it is important that you know exactly what you are doing or how you are doing it. The improper removal of a wart may not only result in the re-growth or a failed removal attempt, but it may also result in complications. It is not uncommon for infections to be connected with wart removals, especially at home removals. That is why it is important that you always display caution, whether you are using a home remedy or an over-the-counter wart removal product.


Word Count 681

Wart Removal with Duct Tape: Does It Really Work?

Warts are skin growths that appear on the skin. In fact, they can appear just about anywhere on the body. Although most warts are harmless, almost all are non-cancerous; you may be interested in having your warts removed. In fact, there is even a good chance that you already started researching your wart removal options online. If so, did you come across a method that suggested using duct tape?

The duct tape wart removal treatment is, in a way, considered a home remedy. Home remedies are used to describe treatments that are given right at home. They are also used to describe ingredients that most individuals already have inside their home. Since you would likely already have duct tape in your possession and use it at home, duct tape can easily be considered a home remedy.

In addition to being considered a home remedy, the duct tape method is also considered a free or low-cost wart removal option. If you do not have duct tape in your possession, you can purchase it from most dollar stores. When compared to other wart removal methods, which include professional removals, as well as the use of over-the-counter wart removers, the duct tape method is money saving. Depending on the type of health insurance you have, if you even have any at all, it can be too expensive for you to have your warts professionally removed. While most over-the-counter wart removers are considered relatively inexpensive, they can retail for around five to thirty dollars, why pay more money than you have to?

While it is important to understand the benefits of using duct tape as a wart remover, it is also important to examine how you use it. To remove your warts, you are advised to place duct tape over them. You will want to keep the area covered for around six to seven days. After the six or seven days are up, you will then remove the tape. At this time, you will want to soak the area in water. When in the water, it is advised that you use a pumice stone, or any other items that are similar to the stone. You will want to use the pumice stone to scrape the area. Now, for some individuals the wart disappears right away, but for others it takes longer. If your wart is still present, after following the above mentioned directions, you are advised to redo the process again. After a couple more weeks, your warts should no longer be an issue.

Although the process seems relatively easy, there are many individuals, maybe even yourself included, who wonder if this method really works. Of course, it is important to remember that different individuals react differently to different things, including certain wart removal methods. With this in mind, using duct tape for wart removal is effective. In fact, it is so effective, that a number of healthcare professionals have even started advising their clients to use duct tape as a wart remover. Their reason for doing this is that duct tape is not only cheap, but it is also pain free, unlike many other wart removal methods.

If you were looking for more scientific proof, it has been noted that warts will often disappear on their own, overtime. This happens when the bodys immune system beings to find and fight them and their bacteria. It has been said, in numerous scientific studies, that duct tape seems to help hurry up the process. In a way, when duct tape covers up a wart the immune system seems to start working faster. That is the reason why warts tend to disappear within a couple of weeks or months after using the above mentioned duct tape method.

Despite the proof that duct tape works as a way to remove unwanted warts, there are still many individuals who are uncomfortable with the thought of trying this treatment. If you are one of those individuals, there is no need to worry. There are a number of other effective wart removal methods that you can use; however, it is important to remember that they may not be as low-cost or as effective as duct tape.


Word Count 697