No Health Benefits for Estrogen Pill

In the year 2003, the National Institute of Health was encouraged to stop their estrogen study because of the increase on the number of patients affected by strokes. This part of the anti estrogen news explains that there are really no health benefits in taking estrogen pills and that the health threats undoubtedly frustrate any menopause benefit of estrogen.

There were two top newspapers, which presented articles about this study. The articles were based on an incomplete report given by the NIH. The report was in a preface that it did not presented concrete information about the estrogen study. The report suggested that there is a great stroke risk in taking estrogen-only pills.

On the other hand, a complete report was served which included the results of the conducted study which talked about the drawbacks of estrogen on the proper performance of the mind. For that matter, clinical practitioners were alarmed and advised their patients who use estrogen pills to protect their health. The users were even recommended to use a natural, bio-identical estrogen.

A large number of women stopped taking estrogen pills after they have heard the initial report of the National Institute of Health that showed the serious danger of the estrogen pills. However, there are still some women, which are continuously using the pill. Why is it?

Most women still use estrogen pills perhaps:

Have not heard anything about the life-threatening danger it could give.

These women have no idea of what is happening around them. Perhaps, she did not even know that such report exists.

Simply do not care at all.

This may be the same as the first situation. Otherwise, a woman already knows about the health risk of the estrogen but is still not bothered about it. What they want is to get rid of the menopause symptoms immediately even if it will give her in return unbearable diseases.

Do not know that there are also effective but safe ways to remove hot flashes and other menopause symptoms without the need to use the estrogen pills.

This is a common situation. As mentioned on the second, women always wanted to have an immediate relief of what they feel may it give hundred of benefits or thousand of drawbacks.

Most women are concerned about the released studies of the NIH. Some may have stopped using the pill, but are expected to experience the return of the menopause symptoms. While others, continue using it because they do not know how to adjust from using an estrogen pill to the natural therapy or simply do not know about other safe treatments.

Other Side of the Coin: Disadvantages of Hypnosis for children

Other Side of the Coin: Disadvantages of Hypnosis for children

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with hypnosis? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about hypnosis.

Hypnosis for children to resolve or address some issues or problems swivel behaviour or health is called hypnotherapy. In hypnotherapy, children use their daydreams to pin money their behaviours, sensations and other symptoms. Not everybody contract be a hypnotherapist. A trained health and psychiatric mindset is needed to put children, also adults, into hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy or using hypnosis for treatments used to be unthinkable. Most people and patients alike, tend to credit that hypnotherapists would require their patient to walk, cluck like chickens when hypnotized. One major disadvantage of this treatment, is the lack of support it has endured as an alternative treatment.

But currently, things are starting to shape up for hypnotic treatment. There are medical groups who are rudimentary to recognize the potential of hypnotherapy in treating illnesses and dealing dissemble disorders.

In 1958, the American Medical Association, already recognized hypnosis as a form of treatment. The American Psychological Association has acknowledged hypnosis as treatment oldness ago. The National Institute of Health expressed it support for hypnotherapy as a method of relieving pain for cancer patients in 1995.

But still regardless of the medical endorsements, there is still a prevailing outlook that hypnosis as a treatment is negative and images of funny people on hypnotic state conjures up to our mind.

Another disadvantage of hypnotherapy is that there are children or people who cannot be hypnotized at all. Children who show psychotic symptoms are not compatible hush up hypnotic treatment. While children or teen – agers using drugs or alcohol also prove to be poor hypnotic patients.

Hypnotherapy is best recommended for children ages 5 and above. Children, unlike adults, are deeper in touch with their imaginative side. This could be either constructive or detrimental in the hypnosis process. That is why different approaches should be used based on different age and characteristics.

Hypnotherapy can also be done by parents to their children. Experts say that children with ages seven to eight are in the hypnotic state most of the time even when there is no hypnotist around. On these ages, children take in suggestion bare seriously. Parents who boost not to be too susceptible with what they say to their children may say some remarks which can be both hurtful and have some effect on their self – esteem.

This is why children who are undergoing hypnotherapy tends to be sensitive to what is around them remember that hypnotherapy and its positive effects can be turned into rubble when negative energy surrounds the child. Parents should be sensitive with what they say and motivate to their children.

Sometimes a hypnotherapist may forget to remove the suggestions of the hypnotic sessions. If a child is undergoing therapy for pain management, this could pose a problem. When under these kind of treatment, children may run into accidents or serious holy mess which may engender serious injury and not get any proper treatment. It is important for parents to take note of these when sessions for hypnosis of children is done.

It is material to remember that these disadvantages of using hypnosis for children is more of a social prejudice. There are some people who regard hypnosis as control or manipulation of ones reasoning and body which is completely untrue. Hypnotherapy when properly done could render positive and burly results. Most of our fear about hypnotherapy is rooted on how it was viewed in the past, which is mostly myths.

That’s the latest from the hypnosis authorities. Once you’re familiar with these ideas, you’ll be ready to move to the next level.