Methods of Using Essential Oils

You can have all kinds of recipes for mixtures of essential oils. You may know just what these blends are meant to do for you. Yet, if you don’t know the methods for using them, they won’t do you much good.

Possibly the most popular method of using essential oils in the US today is inhalation. This method is favored in parts of Europe, and is called the German method. You can breathe in the aroma of the oils by putting a few drops of them on a tissue and inhaling. Or, you could just hold the bottle under your nose for awhile.

Breathing in the vapors of essential oils is very effective in most cases. It stimulates the olfactory system which has a great affect on the brain. This can help in cases of mood disturbances, for example. It can help with any ailment that is primarily associated with the brain.

Another method used in the US is massage. The essential oils are dropped into a carrier oil and massaged onto various parts of the body. This is called the English method. It is especially helpful for muscle pain, but can be useful for other ailments as well.

The French method of using essential oils is to ingest them. This should only be done with the purest, therapeutic grade essential oils that have been approved to be taken orally. A tiny amount of certain oils can be used to treat ailments like indigestion, for instance.

Sometimes, essential oils can be applied directly to the affected area. This is often the case with skin disorders. Usually a single drop of an essential oil will do the trick. If you use essential oils this way on children, be very careful. Make sure essential oils are well diluted with oil or water before applying to the skin.

You can do a patch test to determine if you are allergic to a particular essential oil. Mix a drop of the oil with a drop of carrier oil such as vegetable oil. Put it on an inconspicuous area, like under the arm. Cover it with a bandage for twenty four hours. If you have no reaction, you should be safe to use the essential oil on your skin.

Countless different problems can be aided by using essential oils in a bath water solution. Just add a few drops to your bath and soak for at least fifteen minutes. This will allow the essential oils to enter through your olfactory sense. It will also absorb into your skin, and finally into your bloodstream.

One way to use essential oils is to make a compress to put on an affected area. Put up to three drops of the essential oils on the affected area. Once the essential oils are in place, cover them with a hot, moist towel and then a dry towel. This increases the intensity of the vapors.

No matter how you use essential oils, you will find that they are very helpful for a variety of complaints. Of course, you still need to know exactly which oils to use. Once you know that, you can use the many methods of applying essential oils.

Health Risks of Essential Oils

Like anything, too much of a good thing becomes bad. There are risks associated with the overexposure of essential oils, but the proper use of them proves to be medically enhancing to our lives. It is always best to use the oils under the guidance of an aromatherapy practitioner. It is also prudent to seek medical attention should you experience any signs or symptoms of overexposure.

Most essential oils were not meant to be ingested. While the oils do have medicinal benefits, they are also concentrated. Keep in mind that there are exceptions to this rule of thumb and knowing what you are putting into your body is critical. For example, chamomile can be used in a tea to ease an upset stomach. It’s also important to note that what ever flows into your body gets processed in the liver and kidneys. Too much exposure to chemicals (even the natural ones) can be harmful to their functioning.

Many essential oils travel into the body by inhalation. The oil vaporizes into the air in the form of an aroma. We inhale those aromas and they then enter into our blood stream to affect our brain and nervous system. Prolonged effects may change the chemical make up of our tissues. Chemicals are still chemicals no matter if we can see them or not. What are the side effects of this inhalation? We may feel dizzy or light headed. We may even experience headaches or nausea. If we have experienced any symptoms like these, step out side to get some fresh air and let our body readjust. Remove the essential oil element and discard. Everyone’s body reacts differently to different things. If you’re also taking medication, using essential oils could impact that treatment.

Essential oils that are topically applied (meaning applied directly to your skin) may also create rash like symptoms or redness. These symptoms are temporary effects, but exposure to a large enough area could be darn irritating to deal with. Safely test to see if your skin can handle the oil application by applying a drop of oil mixed with a tablespoon of vegetable oil to your skin. If the skin turns red or if there is burning or itching, cease the use of the oil immediately and flush the area with water. Consult with your doctor and aromatherapy practitioner. Essential oils that are applied topically can heal many skin conditions like acne, eczema and athlete’s foot.

It is especially important that if you have a medical condition or are pregnant or nursing, that you consult with a medical professional before using essential oils. In addition, it is recommended that you read all the safety information before using the product.

While there are risks involved, the use of essential oils to promote health and wellness has been a growing market as people seek to find natural methods for cures. We find that risks vary from person to person and that moderation is best practice. Remember to be under the guidance of a doctor and / or aromatherapy practitioner while using the oils. Make the most of what nature provides and minimize risk by understand what is involved and how to correctly use the product.

Guideline for Determining Essential Oil Quality

How can I determine the quality of the essential oil I am purchasing? A quick search on Google for essential oils suppliers will show that costs for essential oils varies and they vary a lot! How can you decide which oil to purchase? Here are a few factors to help you determine the level of quality of the oil you intend to purchase.

Essential oils are derived from plants. They go through a process which could impact the quality of the oil being used. The plants can be grown on a farm or “wild crafting” conditions and factors such as soil condition and rainfall affect can impact the oil quality. Essential oil descriptions should also contain the country of origin since the quality of the oil can vary from country to country. The use of pesticides or other chemicals can also impact the essential oil obtained. It is important to note that pesticides may also adulterate the essential oil if it is not eliminated in the manufacturing process. Adulteration becomes important if you plan on using the essential oil for therapeutic purposes. Even if you plan on using the oils as an air freshener, the aroma contains particles that enter your blood stream via inhalation.

Essential oils in the market place can be found in various dilutions or even marketed as perfume oils or aromatherapy oils. There are wide variations and taking the time to read the labels, product descriptions and research your product will help to safely assess the quality of the oil. Perfume oils are not the same as essential oils and they do not share the therapeutic benefits that essential oils have. Aromatherapy oils may have already been blended with other oils or chemicals. Preservatives may have been added to protect and enhance the mixture.

There is nothing wrong with purchasing diluted, pre-mixed blends or perfume oils but just beware of what you are purchasing at what price. As you price shop at various stores online, you will find that many stores claim to sell essential oils, but in actuality, they are only selling a diluted version of the oil or the perfume oil. These oils are excellent for making soaps, creams, bath salts and other beauty body products.

While there are no set standards for the shelf life of essential oils, most can be used within 1 – 2 years after opening. The oils should be stored in a dark bottle (amber glass or blue cobalt works nicely) and tightly sealed. Bottles with rubber stoppers should not be used to store the essential oil since the potency of the oil degrades the rubber and turns it into a gummy substance. The rubber can then fall into the oil thus contaminating the purity of the oil. Also, excessive exposure of the oil to sun’s ultra violet rays, heat, or air will degrade the oil. The oils should also be stored in a cool, dark place once you have them. A wooden craft box works nicely.

Be the informed buyer. Take the time to learn about what you are purchasing and then check if that fulfills your intended use. You will find that the quality of the essential oils can vary greatly and understanding what information is being provided to you will impact your purchasing decision.