Options to Fighting Acne

Although much is already known about how pimples and acne occur and develop, there are still a lot of people who find fighting the condition a life long trial.

There is actually little that people can do to stop its occurrence. There are people who are just blessed with great skin, meaning that their body hormones do not wreak havoc on their pores. Scientific studies have shown that acne is very closely linked to the amount of oil that the body produces.

Excess oils that are produced in the pores of the skin get trapped inside by either the dirt and the dust that the skin absorbs from the environment or by the abnormal structure of the pores. When these oils remain inside the pores for a long time and get to interact with the dirt, dead skin cells and the bacteria, propionibacterium acnes, found in the pore lining, skin eruptions occur in the form of acne.

With so many considerations to think of, it is not surprising that fighting acne does not only involve just one step but a multistep regimen that one must get right. Dermatologists agree that in order to fight acne, one must first reduce the oil production in the skin as this is the environment that the bacteria propionibacterium acnes oh so love. The second step is to exfoliate the skins surface so that the pore shape and the function improve. The third step is to disinfect the skin and kill of the bacteria causing the inflammations.

Within these three steps are a host of alternatives that can make anyone head spin. And the worst thing is, you can never really know what alternative is the right one for your skin as some people may be allergic to certain types of chemicals and may even exacerbate the condition rather than improve them. As much as it hurts the skin, one must do some trial and error experiments to find out the best combination of treatments for your skin.

Among the steps in fighting acne, the hardest to do is perhaps the elimination of unwanted oils in the skin. Oil production is already innate in the body and the amount that it produces is really dependent on our hormones. This is also the explanation why teeners are more prone to acne than adults. Still, there are products like clay masks that absorb oil a lot. Another good product is Philips Mils of Magnesia, a liquid magnesium hydroxide facial mask that absorbs the oil in the skin.

To exfoliate the skin, products that contain beta hydroxyl acid and alpha hydroxyl acid is used. There are a lot of these kinds of products available in the market. As a general rule, BHA is often preferred over AHA because the former is much better in penetrating through the oils on the pores. There are however some people who just cant use BHA, so AHA is the next best thing.

For fighting bacteria, there is nothing like benzoyl peroxide. Numerous studies have already shown how effective this can be in fighting acne by disinfecting the skin. One reason for the effectiveness of bezoyl peroxide is the fact that it can penetrate through the hair follicles and go deep into the pores and kill all the bacteria. Alcohol may sometimes be effective but it can also irritate the skin.


With the baby boomers aging and with the help of higher technology and greater innovations in medicine and geriatric science, life is not merely being prolonged but more and more senior citizens today have the opportunity to take advantage of more quality life than ever before. This translates into a generation of more senior citizens of more advanced ages living among us, and that is, in my opinion a very good thing. National demographic studies tell us that nearly 40 million Americans are currently 65 years of age or older and over 2,000 more reach age 65 every single day. To accommodate the ever grown demand for massage therapy among senior citizens, many massage therapists are choosing to expand their expertise by studying the art of age-specific massage therapy which is often referred to as seniors massage or geriatric massage.

For the most part, massage therapy for senior citizens is extremely beneficial and of utmost importance to relieve the aches, the pains, the stiffness and the great number of health condition which are so often associated with aging; such as inflammations in the joints; arthritis; skin discoloration and other dermatological conditions; deteriorating muscles and bones; fading eyesight and loss of hearing, reduced appetite and therefore weight loss, poor blood circulation; sleep disorders; weakened mental capacity, tendonitis; bursitis; asthma; emphysema; high blood pressures; diminished functions of the internal vital organs such as the heart, the liver, the brain, the thyroid, the stomach and the intestines; and so much more. Most importantly, however, lonely and isolated, depressed, anxious and fearful senior citizens derive pricelessly valuable benefits from the simple pleasure of the caressing human touch and the intimate companionship afforded them during massage therapy sessions.

The Weavers Tale Retreat Center in the State of Oregon recently conducted a two-year study examining the effects of massage therapy for senior citizens and they found that at least 50 percent of the elderly who were tested showed a reduction in their rates of breathing, an increase in their range of motion, an improvement of their postures, development of more body awareness, their skin took on healthier colors and their muscle tones were enhanced. The same study also showed that 100 percent of the senior citizen who were tested showed a dramatic improvement in their moods and their attitudes toward life in general.

Massage therapy for senior citizens does not differ in technique but it does differ, and it differs greatly in the application of that technique, whichever that technique may be. In other words, just about any of the different massage techniques can be used on senior citizen but they must be modified enough to accommodate the facts that, very often, the skin of senior citizens have become thinner while growing much less pliable and much more easily broken, their bones are thinner and more brittle, their joints are more stiff with reduced range of mobility, their blood vessels are more prominent and closer to the surface of the skin and their overall health, vigor and vitality have been downgraded through the years. Taking all that into consideration, extra care musts be taken when positioning them on the massage tables, they should never be expected to perform the same movements as younger adults, and wheelchair-bound or bedridden seniors should get their massage treatments while remaining seated in their chairs or reclining in their beds.

Most massages for senior citizens are limited to anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes because the elderly seem to respond better to shortened sessions with greater frequency. Furthermore, greater time is usually spent on massaging their hands and feet than any other part of their bodies. That is especially true for those seniors who have lost the use of their hands and feet as massaging them will enhance their body awareness as well as increase sensations and blood circulation throughout.

We all need plenty of TLC (tender love and care) but senior citizens need and deserve quite a bit more of it.


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Pain Relief for Your Aching Muscles

Soft tissues are vulnerable to injuries, both chronic and acute. The best way to repair injured soft tissues is through hands-on approach. Consult a chiropractic doctor or an osteopath because they know how to manipulate the soft tissues and how to mobilize them. Aside from that, you can also try physical therapy and massage.

Individuals who havent tried Massage Therapy are hesitant to try such approach and they get really nervous. Well, youre not the only person whos anxious of getting a massage. Oftentimes, patients tend to ask question like if they need to take off their clothes, if they should talk to the massager, or what they would do just in case they get uncomfortable. These are common questions that require immediate answers.

Firstly, you need to look for a massage therapist in your area. You can ask for referrals or you can check out the different massage parlors in your locality. Once you find a massage parlor, its now time to talk with the therapist. You will be asked to provide some vital information about your health and your current health concerns. You see, the therapist needs to analyze your condition so that he or she can determine what techniques to use and what not to use. This is important to ensure your safety.

Aside from the personal questions, the therapist will also ask you about your preference when it comes to the actual therapy. The therapist will try to meet all your preferences to ensure comfort. The most commonly used oils are lavender, cajeput, and tea tree oil but you will still be asked to choose scented oils. The reason why therapists prefer these oils is because they soothe inflammations and irritations. The oils also desensitize and penetrate nerve endings, thereby giving pain relief. However, if the therapist doesnt ask you, you can bring up your concerns and preferences.

The question of getting undressed is another consideration. Therapists prefer to work with a patient who doesnt have clothes on because they can easily work on the different areas of the body. However, if youre uncomfortable in such setting, you can talk to your therapist about it. Besides, you will not be asked to expose your whole body because you will use a drape. If you still want to wear clothes, make sure that you wear loose clothes so that the therapist can still work well on the affected areas of your body.

You will simply lie down on the massage table. Some tables have bolsters for more comfort. There are also times when you will be asked to move so that the therapist can better access the area being massaged. If the position makes you uncomfortable, tell the therapist at once.

During the therapy, you can talk to the therapist or you can remain silent. When changing positions, then there is a need to talk but after that, there is no need to converse with the therapist. It is up to you to tell the therapist if you like a conversation during the therapy or if you prefer to be silent.

Dont worry if your body is oily after the massage. The therapist will help you in removing them so that the oils will not stain your clothes.

Massage is an effective pain relief tool. Why dont you try it now?