More Symptoms Associated With the Male Menopause Condition

Everyone knows that menopause is associated with women who reach a certain age. However, not many people are aware that menopause will also be experienced by the male population when they also reach a certain age. The male menopause condition or also known as andropause is very real and as a male, you have to be informed about it in order to cope with it.

Male menopause occurs when you reach the age of about 50 to early 60’s. The signs and symptoms of male menopause are quite similar to what women experience when they are going through the menopause.

However, unlike the female menopause where the production of hormones stops instantly, the male menopause will only decline in the production of male hormones called testosterone. This decline will result in the different signs and symptoms that you will experience when you go through male menopause.

Male menopause will have symptoms similar to menopause that women experience, such as fatigue, infertility, hot flashes, and mood swings. However, there are more symptoms that men should be aware of when they experience male menopause.

You have to consider that you will also experience erectile dysfunction, loss of interest in sex, depression, and anxiety. There are also other symptoms linked to male menopause. Some men reported that they became more motherly. It is a fact that males are more focused on money, power, and career. When they experience male menopause, they somewhat reported that they became more focused on family, and friends, which is the primary concerns of women. Sometimes they say that they regretted their former attitude.

Males will also experience loss of hair in the armpits and axilla, decreased sex drive, shrinking of testicles, impotence, constant feeling of tiredness, decreased muscle strength, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone density, and low sperm count. All these symptoms points to male menopause.

This is all due to the loss of androgens in the male’s body. This is why there is testosterone replacement therapy as a treatment for men who are going through male menopause. It has been found that testosterone replacement can significantly improve your condition and decrease the signs and symptoms of male menopause.

There are also other treatments that are not as complicated as testosterone replacement therapy that you can do in order to improve your condition. However, it is recommended that you should mix these activities with testosterone replacement therapy. It is recommended that men should relax and rest well, exercise, eat the right kinds of food, and abstain from drinking and smoking.

Together with testosterone replacement therapy, you will see that it will significantly improve your condition. You will see that it will increase your sex drive or your libido, increase your muscle mass and strength, increase bone density, and it will also prevent depression.

Before you jump up and get yourself treated with testosterone replacement therapy, it is very important that you should consult your doctor first. The doctor will be able to determine if you have a low testosterone level by conducting a series of tests. The doctor will also be the one to recommend you to a qualified professional to do the testosterone replacement therapy.

Always remember that testosterone replacement therapy will not cure male menopause. It can only relieve the symptoms you experience associated with male menopause and can help you cope up with this condition. Just remember the signs and symptoms of male menopause and you can easily determine if you need to visit your doctor.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescents

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and are highly infectious diseases. Unprotected sexual contact risks the lives of the young by afflicting with sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV infection and even unwanted pregnancy. Every year, nearly nineteen million cases of sexually transmitted diseases are reported in the United States alone and out of these, half of the cases involve people from the age group of fifteen years to twenty four years.

The best way to make sure the adolescent doesnt contract sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain from all types of sexual activities. In spite of this, if the adolescent becomes sexually active, he/she must be advised by the parents to take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease. The best precautionary measure is to use a condom every time the adolescent has sexual intercourse. Only when other sexually transmitted diseases are prevented and controlled, HIV infections can be prevented.

It is best when the adolescent delays and abstains from sexual relationships, because the younger the person, the more susceptible he/she is to get a sexually transmitted disease. Having sexual contact during menstruation is also risky. It is good to avoid anal intercourse and if it is performed condom is a must, even when having oral sex. Every person should get STD checkups as frequently as possible, irrespective of being sexually active or not, after they turn into adolescents. Precaution must also be taken when getting injected by an intravenous drug, that the needle used to inject must be sterile. The adolescent must be educated about the symptoms and risks of sexually transmitted diseases.

Adolescents must be thoroughly informed even if they say they know it all. They must be asked to indulge in only safe sex, if doing so. Parents should talk honestly and calmly about safe sex and must answer all their childs queries. Topics such as STDs, birth control methods, having sex because of peer pressure, and date rape must be discussed in detail. Most people think that kissing is safe, but it can spread the sexually transmitted disease, herpes and many other diseases. Condoms do not provide hundred percent protections for genital warts, AIDs and genital warts. Females shouldnt douche as it can make the infection go deeper into the reproductive tract and can also wash off spermicidal protection. At a time, sexual intercourse must be provided with only one partner, who isnt involved with any other sexual partner.

The sexually transmitted diseases are Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS, Human Papillomaviruses or HPVs, chlamydial infections, pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, syphilis, and genital warts. The symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases take time to surface. Some of them are also symptom less and even these diseases can be contagious. Especially in the case of female, the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases. But females get severe symptoms and get it more frequently. Sexually transmitted diseases can harm the fallopian tubes and uterus. It can even lead to inflammatory disease, which in turn can cause ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Cervical cancer, in females, can be associated to sexually transmitted diseases. If a female gets a sexually transmitted disease during her pregnancy, the disease can pass onto her child. Sometimes the newborns infections can be treated successfully, but at other times, the child can be disabled for life or die.

If an adolescent is diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases, his or her treatment must start immediately. The early the sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat them successfully. The other sexual partner must be informed so that they can get themselves diagnosed and can undergo treatment. The adolescent must be instructed to stay away from sexual activity while the treatment is going on. The checkup must be followed after the treatment. Tests such as pelvic examination, Pap test, and test for STDs should be taken periodically.

Sexually transmitted diseases can affect people of all economic levels and backgrounds. Half of the cases of sexually transmitted diseases involve young people below the age of twenty five. The more sexually active the person is the more risk he/she is. And multiple sex partners at a given time are very dangerous too and must be strictly abstained from.


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Acupuncture and Women’s Problems

Many of us know about how acupuncture can relieve stress, deaden pain, and be used for other emotional or mental purposes. It is also very useful for a number of problems that women face, from menstrual problems up to the problem of infertility. We will look at a couple of examples to show that acupuncture can be an asset in each case. Of course, you will want to consult your individual acupuncture professional to determine the specific treatment for an individual case.

The first case is a lady with painful and irregular menstrual periods. She gets depressed and irritable, and when she gets angry the pain increases. The first thing to notice about this case is the connection between the cause, menstruation, and the symptoms, which are both physical (pain), mental (irritability), and emotional (anger). The acupuncture practitioner is interested in all of these, and symptoms of whatever kind should be reported. Notice also the connection that she sees between increased pain when she is angry, which is also important. A simple analysis of this pinpoints anger and irritability as a log jam of energy in some location in the body. The irregular occasion of the periods suggests the liver. A series of acupuncture visits cleared up the pain and emotional connections to her periods.

A second case is a lady who is going through “the change”, and having a hard time with hot flashes and lower back pain. Her acupuncture practitioner talked about the energy around the kidney organ, and that, as we age, there is less kidney energy, and menstruation ceases. The kidney energy has two aspects, Yin and Yang, and hot flashes indicate too much Yang, and the pain in her lower back confirms the Kidney, as that is where it is located. Another common symptom of this, though not in this case, is the symptom of “ringing in the ears”. An acupuncture regime for the kidney is prescribed to rebalance the energy and eliminate the symptoms.

The next case is a thirty-six year old woman who cannot conceive. She has already gone through standard western testing, and all hormone levels are acceptable, but nothing has occurred. She normally has somewhat irregular periods, and she is somewhat given to depression. This sounds somewhat similar to the first case because of the irregular periods, and indeed, the liver is included as part of this treatment. Also, from the second case, the kidney energy regulates menstruation, so this organ too is involved in the acupuncture treatment. A second implication of energy problems with the liver is the tendency toward depression.

So, acupuncture has well established treatments for a number of common female problems, and if you suffer from any of these, please ask your acupuncture practitioner. Some of these are treated with more consistent success, for example, the third case illustrated has not yet seen a resolution of her problem. Also notice from the third case, that often western medicine and acupuncture can go hand in hand, as this lady’s regular physician had no problem with her seeking a series of acupuncture treatments as a possible solution. One thing that should be emphasized is that the acupuncture treatment is only a manipulation with needles, and involves no medicines whatsoever in these cases. For those of you with menopause or menstruation problems, this has many advantages. Call your acupuncture practitioner.


Fertility Test: One Effective Way to Ensure Pregnancy

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Fertility Test: One Effective Way to Ensure Pregnancy

reproductive system,trauma,physical condition, age,stress.

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From the early generations up to the contemporary times, infertility is a problem that continuously presses on individuals of all times. Infertility is a medical and social concern that dawn on almost everybody regardless of the economic and social statuses, age, religion, color, and race. As far as medical science is concerned, infertility is a disease that affects the reproductive system. Infertility on either of the parties can cause a severe trauma to both the psychological and emotional well-beings of both the male and the female partner.

Couples feel all the happier when the news of pregnancy hits them. They feel almost complete by the mere thought that their beloved child is on the way. The husbands somewhat become more careful and more loving to their wives. On the other hand, the expectant mothers are more health-conscious as they do want to secure that their baby will be healthy. The moment of truth now lies in the couples capacity to conceive. Both partners may seem normal and health-wise. But there are still millions of cases when fertility seems to be far within reach of plenty of married individuals.

Some women are blessed with the gift of getting pregnant hassle-free while there are those who face traumas and a lot other difficulties to conceive. Women who dont easily get pregnant must face the fact that there are a lot of factors which may bring about a difficulty in their fertility. Among the many reasons are ones physical condition, age, and stress.

Are you experiencing various difficulties in getting pregnant? Have you tried all methods but still your efforts are for nothing? It may have been several years since youve tried conceiving but then there is no positive result that greets both of you. Now you should come to terms with understanding the truth that women are all different. But to make things easy for you, the medical society makes available the necessary tools for you to take the fertility test.

Types of Fertility Test

The fertility test allows you to know the very reason as to why you find it hard to get pregnant. You may consult your most trusted fertility specialist for this matter.

The Hormone Testing. Various blood tests taken in diverse times are required for the hormone testing. The test is chiefly for the detection of the normal production of hormone. The test hence evaluates the quantity of progesterone you possess and if you will be able to sustain a pregnancy. One of the blood tests done is to verify your prolactin level. It is the hormone that produces the breast milk. Another test is to examine how your thyroid functions.

The Ovulation Test. For this process, your gynecologist will be looking into the regularity of your menstrual cycle. The tool to be used is called the ovulation prediction kit.

The Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Cultures. This test is performed in order to detect the possible presence of these viruses which are possible causes of infertility. They can be prevented but then its detection is difficult.

The Sperm Analysis. The test is conducted to your partner to see the quality and count of the sperm.

The fertility test is one way which helps your doctor detect where the problem lies. Getting pregnant may be possible when the mistake in your body system is corrected.