Arthritis Drugs – Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?

Arthritis Drugs – Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?
Wendy Owen

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen

Research is always ongoing into new and better medications for
arthritis which is a very good thing. But where is all this
leading us?

Of course we need effective pain medication for arthritis to
enable sufferers to live normal lives. But are all these
expensive medications controlling the disease or simply masking
the symptoms?

Here’s a “quick and dirty” lowdown on what’s currently available
both “over the counter” (OTC) and on prescription only.

For mild cases of arthritis –

Some milder cases of arthritis never make it into the doctor’s
surgery. Indeed the sufferer might not even be aware that they
are suffering from arthritis at all. They may be feeling a few
“aches and pains” which they put down to old age or even the
cold damp weather.

That may be all well and good, but even OTC medications can be
dangerous if taken over a long period of time. The concept of
“more is better” can also happen if the pain gradually becomes
worse. This can lead to serious side effects.

OTC medications include aspirin and ibuprofen. These medications
can cause intestinal bleeding and kidney damage in large doses.
Aspirin also destroys vitamin C in the body leading to lower

For More Advanced Arthritis-

By this stage most people have consulted their doctor.
Prescription medication at this stage normally consists of the
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS. These do target
the pain and inflammation of arthritis symptoms but have a range
of side effects including stomach upset, abdominal pain, and

People with high blood pressure, those with kidney problems and
especially people who have heart problems are especially at risk
with NSAIDS.

Enter the COX-2 inhibitors. These have been designed for people
whose stomach problems cannot tolerate the above. Unfortunately
the risks remain for chest pain, heart attack and stroke victims.

For Advanced Arthritis-

For those suffering extreme pain and swelling the medical
profession brings out the heavy artillery – Corticosteroids.
These drugs contain man made cortisone and can be injected
directly into the affected joints or taken orally.

Long term use of these can produce sleep problems, weight gain,
osteoporosis and loss of immunity. Also available to those for
whom nothing else seems to work are Biologic Response Modifiers
(Biologics). Biologics are derived from live sources, plants and
animals and are not manufactured chemically. They are mainly
used for sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis and are given
intravenously or by injection. They can’t be taken in tablet

Biologics suppress the immune system which leaves people prone
to infections. They are also very expensive and can’t be stored
without freezing.

Also available mainly to Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers are
Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) These work by
stopping the immune system from attacking the joints. DMARDS may
take up to three months to reduce symptoms but they do help to
stop joint damage even though they can’t repair any previous

Although these drugs are a boon to many, they work mainly at
masking the symptoms of arthritis and can’t reverse the damage
already caused. Most people thinks this is impossible, it isn’t!

Natural treatments for arthritis do exist and can significantly
stop some cases of arthritis, relieve pain and inflammation and
in some cases, reverse joint damage.

Definitely worth a try!

About the author:
Find out about the healthy way to treat osteoarthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis, gout and fibromylagia. Visit: and sign up for our
6 part course. Wendy Owen is a health researcher and author.

An overview of natural arthritis treatment

An overview of natural arthritis treatment
Robert Kokoska

Feeling a little itchy, inflamed and stiff in the joints? If you
feel that your condition adheres to the aforementioned
characteristics, then it is possible that you may be suffering
from arthritis. You are just one of the millions of people
around the world who are infected with this condition.

Arthritis involves pain, swelling, and inflammation of joints
which results from infections, metabolic disturbances or other
causes. Fluctuating pain and stiffness follow and can get worse
during occasional flare-ups. Many people who are affected by
this condition regularly complain of flu- like symptoms such as
tiredness and depression. Therefore it is essential to treat
this condition before it gets onto the next stage and halt it in
its tracks.

This article aims to provide an insight into several methods
that can be used to treat arthritis naturally, causing minimal
side effects.

The technique of acupuncture has been used for centuries by the
Chinese. It is based on the theory that inserting hair-fine
needles along certain energy lines can help stimulate energy
flow. It is believed by scientists that the insertion causes the
nervous system to release endogenous, which acts as
pain-relieving chemicals. This can therefore help in reducing

Alexander technique involves analyzing whole body patterns,
rather then a certain part of the body which contains the
symptom. It is a way of teaching improved stance to help people
stand and move more efficiently. It is designed to help us
maneuver in a better way and eliminate tension which is
responsible for many ailments in the body which rambles on to
give a greater effect during old age.

Aromatherapy is a technique similar to that of massage. It
involves the use of extracted oil from flowers, plants and
trees, and using it in combination with massage, baths and steam
inhalation. The right mixture of essential oils can provide a
number of benefits. It helps in relaxation, pain relief and
decreasing tiredness.

Chiropractic has long been used to give relief from symptoms of
arthritis. This technique aims to increase the mobility and
relieve the body of tension and stress by adjusting the joints
of the spins and the limbs, which demonstrates constrained

Homeopathy has its roots in history. Developed in the 18
century, it’s a system of remedies based on the belief that
taking tiny amount of natural substances to stimulate body own
defenses against arthritis. It basically involves taking the
whole body into account rather then a specific region.

Osteopathy is a method to treat arthritis which includes the
manipulation of the body to restore normal action and decrease
pain. This methods cant reverse profound damage done to the
joints but can help in improving mobility. However this
treatment is not recommended for those suffering from
osteoporosis or inflamed joints.

Reflexology has been an ancient technique used by the early
Egyptians and Chinese. It involves massage to the feet and the
palm of the hand to help improve the state of the rest of the
body. When massage will be applied to the feet or palm of the
hand, it will generate a warm and comforting sensation. This is
an ideal method for stress management and overall health
maintenance; factors that cause arthritis.

The practice of yoga has been used for a variety of conditions.
It involves a combination of breathing exercises and relaxation
to cope with daily stress and help in circulation and movement
of joints.

The aforementioned techniques have been the most common natural
arthritis treatments. However before any of theses techniques
are implemented, it is essential to see your nearest doctor to
analyze your state and then use these techniques. This is
because each arthritis patient will have requirements that need
to be addressed individually.

About the author:
If you’re serious about eliminating your arthritis, visit this
website: Natural
Arthritis Cure.

If you would like a copy of the free ebook: “Natural Arthritis
Relief” and more arthritis resources, visit this website:
Natural Arthritis

Aromatherapy MassageIts Impact on the Health

The term aromatherapy massage is nowadays one common item among all and sundry. The term itself connotes a popular method of relaxation and healing following a set of effective techniques. Several practitioners are engaged in its promulgation all over the world. Tracing back time, the ancient inhabitants made use of different types of natural oils as extracted from the plants and herbs since they believed in their power to assist in healing. They have experienced their therapeutic effect on the various types of health conditions. As it is well known today, this method promotes both the mental, physical, and emotional relief to several individuals.

Looking into its relevance to the contemporary times, aromatherapy never fails to impose the same healing effect. The secret to it is due to the aroma of the different essential oils which are able to activate the nerve endings in the nose and which in turn deliver the impulses towards the brain area that stimulates memory and emotions. Undoubtedly, the aroma has a soothing and calming effect which leads to relaxation.

A Look into its Top Benefits

Of course, such method will not be recognized if there are no benefits that come around. Everyone is perfectly conscious about the benefits that aromatherapy brings about. It is known to improve the general health of a person. In England and the United States, it is regarded as the alternative to modern medicine. There may be some detractors but there is no doubt that its effects are wonderfully healing.

For further discussion, the following are its top benefits.

It aids in the medical arena. This method is warmly accepted in France. The doctors prescribe the use of the essential oils to eliminate the harmful organisms that thrive in the body. The prevention of infections is done by means of these oils. In the United States, the aroma of the essential oils is used to improve the body condition to fight off the symptoms of the illnesses.

It relieves stress. It is definitely given to people who experience loads of stress due to their hectic lifestyle. It likewise tones down the attack of depression.

It improves the person’s behavior. The massage clears the mind of all negative things so the behavior likewise improves.

It promotes sound sleeping. After the massage, the person feels like he is lulled into sleep. People who have sleeping disorders are advised to undergo the massage sessions.

It helps pregnant women. There is what is called the pregnancy massage which lessens the discomfort among the expecting women.

It fights off colds. The aroma of the essential oil as used during the massage session cures the colds.
It heightens the male’s sexual response. With the use of the appropriate oil, the erotic senses of the males are awaken. The massage is even credited to improve the blood circulation within the maleness area which can possibly cure impotence.

It contributes to a person’s alertness. The massage can boost the energy that enables a person to stay active.

It alleviates pain. Body pains are best cured using the massage technique with the aid of essential oils.

It treats wounds. Wounds heal safer and faster when applied with a right amount of pressure from the massage.

The aromatherapy massage is best performed by an aromatherapist. It is best to consult a certified practitioner and honestly tell him of your problems so that you will be given the due solution.

Sinus Infection Prevention

You dont always have to wait for sinus infection to strike before you take action. In fact, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening and here are a few.

1. Moisten the air in your home. You can do this by buying a humidifier or an air conditioning unit as this regulates the temperature during hot and cold weather.

2. Aside from humidifiers or air conditioning equipment, you can also install electrostatic filters which are designed to remove allergens in the air.

3. If you live in an area that is polluted, move somewhere else. You have to remember that sinus infections area also caused by strong fumes and chemicals that may irritate your sinus linings.

4. Drinking too much alcohol may also trigger a sinus infection because it swells the nasal and sinus membranes which leave them exposed to irritation. This simply means that you should drink moderately.

5. Smoking also causes sinus infections because it irritates the sinus lining which causes bad drainage of the mucus and the sinus to congest. So, you should quit smoking and stay away from people who smoke.

6. If you travel often, you should cut down the number of times you have to fly from one destination to the next. This is because a bubble of air within the body expands as the air pressure in the plane reduces. When this happens, this could result in the blockage of the Eustachian tubes causing your nose to clog during the planes ascent or descent. If you have to fly, be sure to bring with you a decongestant nose drop or inhaler and use this before the flight.

7. When you have a sinus infection, the best way to fight it is to stay hydrated. The same thing goes to prevent it by drinking lots of water, juice or any other liquid to replenish what was lost from the body.

8. You should also practice good hygiene since most sinus infections are caused by bacterial and viral infections. This means taking a shower twice a day and washing your hands with soap and water each time you go to the bathroom. You should also do this every time you sneeze because when you cover your mouth, the germs go to your hands.

9. For years, we have said that consuming dairy products will keep our bones strong. But studies have shown that too much can thicken your mucus and cause nasal passages to narrow down which results to headache and pain.

10. You should also get a flu shot every year.

11. Drinking liquids should also be followed with eating good food especially fruits and vegetables. After all, these are rich in antioxidants that will boost your immune system and help your body resist infection.

12. Lastly, stress makes us prone to sinusitis and many other infections. So we should get sufficient rest like 8 hours at least every night.

13. You should also take some multivitamins and supplements to add to your daily supplement.

You can prevent sinus infections from happening so that you dont have to call in sick and miss a day at work or school. It takes a little effort to take these safety measures which happen to be much cheaper than going to your doctor and buying over the counter medication.