Sinus Infection Prevention

You dont always have to wait for sinus infection to strike before you take action. In fact, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening and here are a few.

1. Moisten the air in your home. You can do this by buying a humidifier or an air conditioning unit as this regulates the temperature during hot and cold weather.

2. Aside from humidifiers or air conditioning equipment, you can also install electrostatic filters which are designed to remove allergens in the air.

3. If you live in an area that is polluted, move somewhere else. You have to remember that sinus infections area also caused by strong fumes and chemicals that may irritate your sinus linings.

4. Drinking too much alcohol may also trigger a sinus infection because it swells the nasal and sinus membranes which leave them exposed to irritation. This simply means that you should drink moderately.

5. Smoking also causes sinus infections because it irritates the sinus lining which causes bad drainage of the mucus and the sinus to congest. So, you should quit smoking and stay away from people who smoke.

6. If you travel often, you should cut down the number of times you have to fly from one destination to the next. This is because a bubble of air within the body expands as the air pressure in the plane reduces. When this happens, this could result in the blockage of the Eustachian tubes causing your nose to clog during the planes ascent or descent. If you have to fly, be sure to bring with you a decongestant nose drop or inhaler and use this before the flight.

7. When you have a sinus infection, the best way to fight it is to stay hydrated. The same thing goes to prevent it by drinking lots of water, juice or any other liquid to replenish what was lost from the body.

8. You should also practice good hygiene since most sinus infections are caused by bacterial and viral infections. This means taking a shower twice a day and washing your hands with soap and water each time you go to the bathroom. You should also do this every time you sneeze because when you cover your mouth, the germs go to your hands.

9. For years, we have said that consuming dairy products will keep our bones strong. But studies have shown that too much can thicken your mucus and cause nasal passages to narrow down which results to headache and pain.

10. You should also get a flu shot every year.

11. Drinking liquids should also be followed with eating good food especially fruits and vegetables. After all, these are rich in antioxidants that will boost your immune system and help your body resist infection.

12. Lastly, stress makes us prone to sinusitis and many other infections. So we should get sufficient rest like 8 hours at least every night.

13. You should also take some multivitamins and supplements to add to your daily supplement.

You can prevent sinus infections from happening so that you dont have to call in sick and miss a day at work or school. It takes a little effort to take these safety measures which happen to be much cheaper than going to your doctor and buying over the counter medication.

Natural Cures For Sinus Infections

Youre not the only one suffering from sinus infections. Did you know that about 15% of the American population is suffering from sinus infections as well? Even if sinus infections are not deadly, it can still affect an individuals performance in school and in the work environment. You see, when youre suffering from the infection, you tend to feel a lot of pain; because of the pain, you will become irritable and you will feel uncomfortable most of the time. If you dont want your everyday life to be affected by sinusitis, consult a qualified physician right away.

The sinuses are responsible for keeping the air moisturized as it enters the system or body. Every time you breathe, there is an exchange of mucus and air. When your sinuses are plugged, the mucus is trapped thereby encouraging the growth of certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi. If you have the common cold, youre also at risk of developing sinusitis.

How can you tell if you have a sinus infection? Most individuals will experience tiredness, weakness, fever, nasal congestion, and runny nose. Coughing often becomes worse during the night. There are also those who experience greenish nasal discharge, bad breathe, and pressure around the eye area.

Since sinusitis is an aggravating infection, you need to treat it immediately. There are natural alternative treatments that you can turn to which is safe and cheap. Using antibiotics can be very expensive especially if the sinusitis occurs several times in a year. If you want, you can ask your doctor about these alternative treatments or you can do a research online.

Here are some of the ways to treat your sinus infection:

1.Inhale steam. This is an effective way to unclog the sinuses. For fast relief, try to add eucalyptus oil or lavender in the water before boiling. This will release trapped mucus so that you breathe with ease.

2.Facial pains can be relieved by massaging certain spots.

3.If you want to remove the mucus, you can try eating spicy foods.

Lots of sinusitis remedies can be found online. Make use of the online info resources so that you can better address your current situation. Since medical costs are soaring higher and higher, perhaps you might want to try natural cures for sinusitis.

You can consult a naturopath in your area. They specialize in non-invasive treatments and according to some findings, the natural treatments are very much effective especially when used properly. Find a licensed naturopath in your area now. After that, your ailment will be diagnosed first and you will be given a custom-made treatment which is appropriate for your condition.

You have to boost the immune systems health because it is one way of fighting the sinus infections. Any disorder can be fought if you have a healthy body. Make sure that youre eating a healthy diet and you also need to get enough exercise. Make it a point to clean your house everyday to keep away possible allergens like dust and dirt. This is surefire way of keeping the bacteria, fungi, and viruses at bay.

Sinus infections are treatable and you can use natural cures for it. If you cant withstand the pain and discomfort brought about by sinusitis, look for the best natural treatment that works for you. A visit to the naturopath or perhaps a bit of online research will do you good.

Facts About Sinus Infections

Even if you have a personal doctor who attends to all your medical needs, its not a guarantee that he or she can cure your sinus infections. The fact is, many doctors dont know the newest treatments for sinus infections. If youre having a very hard time in dealing with your health problem, you will learn a lot in just a few minutes so keep reading.

Acupuncture, acupressure, antibiotics, ENT doctors, and chiropractors wont be able to help you with your sinus infections. Not many individuals are open to acupuncture, especially those who are afraid of needles. If you dont want to end up as a pin cushion, this is not an excellent choice but it can help in other health problems like back pains, but not sinus infections.

Acupressure is also good but it cant help you but if you have hiccups, it may help a lot. In short term treatments, antibiotics can deal with your sinus infections but most of the time, the symptoms return within a week. ENT doctors may seem like a good choice but oftentimes, they would give the same antibiotics which only work for a short period.

Dont even think of consulting a chiropractor if you want to relieve the pressure and pain of your sinus infections because it wont help. These individuals can help you with other health concerns but not sinus infections.

If you want to stop the discomfort and pain brought about by your sinus infection, these things can help you effectively:

1.You should be aware that sinus infections are primarily caused by fungus. Most individuals suffering from this health problem is carrying a yeast or fungal infection. You will not be able to get rid of the infection if the fungus is still there. Antibiotics cant remove the fungus but it can encourage the growth of the fungal infection.

2.Get yourself a personal Neti pot. You need to use this whenever youre rinsing out the sinuses. Some online stores sell this little strange pot, so look for it online.

3.Apple cider vinegar if you feel like a sinus infection is about to burst up, you can put 1 tsp of the vinegar on your Neti pot. The taste is a bit nasty and you will feel a burning sensation but it only means that it is working.

4.Sea salts make a saline solution in your Neti pot by putting the right amount of sea salts in it.

5.Take garlic capsule because it can change the bodys chemistry and help fight the sinus infections.

You dont have to rely entirely on your doctor if you want to fight your sinus infection. But this doesnt mean that you can disregard your doctor from now on. You can even share the information with your doctor if you like. Keep in mind that antibiotics wont help in getting rid of the fungus and it will only make your condition worse.

Try the five things mentioned earlier especially if youre having a very hard time in dealing with your sinus infections. You dont have to spend lots of money for the antibiotics that dont work. Start shopping for your very own Neti pot online now. You will be using it more often every time you need to prepare a solution for the infection of your sinus.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes For Sinus Infections

Your diet plays a significant role in your everyday life. It can also serve as a basis for determining the health of an individual. If youre used to eating unhealthy choices of foods, then your body tends to be weak and cant resist viral and bacterial attacks. Sinus infections can be caused by bacteria, virus, and fungi. There are lots of treatments for this condition but prevention is still the best way to fight this infection. Having a healthy body and strong immune system will help you a lot in fighting infections, including that of the sinus.

Living a healthy life entails a lot of work. You need to be conscious about the foods youre eating and the mental activities that youre engaging. You must also ensure that youre getting enough exercise.

Making certian changes in your lifestyle may sound very difficult at first but if youre determined to prevent future health conditions, you will do everything in your power to incorporate these changes in your life.

For the prevention of sinus infections, here are some changes that you should do:

1.Drink enough water everyday; 8-10 glasses of water everyday can help you attain a healthier body

2.Fresh fruit juices are also good for your health; drink plenty of it as well

3.Eat your vegetables, just like your mother told you when youre still a kid; but you need to lessen your consumption of zucchini, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

4.Take lots of bitter tasting or pungent items; warm foods are also good for fighting sinus infections

5.Eat more of pear, apples, and other lighter fruits but reduce on sour fruits like oranges, pineapples, bananas, dates, figs, coconuts, avocados, and melons.

6.Eat cottage cheese and yogurt but eat less of dairy foods

7.Lessen your consumption of oily, heavy, and cold foods; as well as sour, salty, and sweet tasting foods

8.Consume less of millet and barley, rice or wheat

9.To relieve congestion, sinus pressure, and increase mucus flow, drink hot liquids

10.Take honey but avoid sugary products; you can also take boiled milk but only the low-fat ones

11.Include garlic in your diet

12.Avoid strongly scented perfumes, body and hair oils

13.Avoid taking frequent naps; if the weather is damp or cold, keep yourself warm all the time

14.Steam inhalation is very good for getting rid of the clogged mucus; add some eucalyptus oil to the water for better results

15.Early to bed and early to rise; and dont forget to do some yoga practices like fish, sun salutation, locust; you can also do some meditation and pranayama

16.Sesame oil massage is great but take a soothing warm shower first

17.Dont get too attached to emotional upsets; learn to let go

According to yoga and ayurveda specialists, sinus infections are caused by imbalanced doshas. In order to address your sinusitis, you have to be compassionate to yourself so that you can balance the doshas once more.

Yoga and other alternative treatments are quite effective but it will depend on your willingness to undertake some drastic changes in your life. True enough, you cant change overnight and so you need to introduce the changes gradually. If you start now, you will thank yourself in the near future. You will soon cure your sinus infections and other health conditions.