Foods to Avoid While Pregnant

Almost every woman knows the basic of what they should and should not do during pregnancy. They know that caffeine should be cut back; they should not smoke, drink alcohol or spend time in any hot tubs. However more and more studies are being done to see if pregnant women should avoid certain foods for the duration of their pregnancy.

It is essential that pregnant women eat a well balanced meal at all times to provide their growing baby with the vitamins, nutrients and minerals that the baby needs to grow. There are some foods though that needs to be avoided due to the risk they pose to not just to the mother, but also to the growing baby.

For starters, raw meat needs to be avoided due to the risk of toxoplasmosis and salmonella. This means no more rare steaks, or rare burgers. Pregnant women should take caution and make sure that all of the meat they eat is cooked well done. Cold deli meat should also be avoided because of the risk of listeria. Listeria can cross the placenta and can cause an infection or blood poisoning to the baby. Keep in mind though that deli meat can be reheated until it is steaming and this will help reduce the risk.

Speaking of listeria there are other foods that can contain this bacteria. Some soft cheeses such as brie, feta, and gorgonzola. These cheeses are commonly made with unpasterized milk. Unpasterized milk often contains listeria, so pregnant women need to make sure that any soft cheeses they are going to eat are made with pasteurized milk.

Fish has always been a subject of debate for pregnant women. While some forms of fish contain essential nutrients that are needed by the baby, others contain a high level of mercury. Any fish with a high level of mercury such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish and fish used in sushi should be avoided through out pregnancy. Studies have linked mercury to developmental delays and in some cases brain damage. Tuna also contains a lot of mercury but canned, chunk light tuna has a lower amount of mercury and can be eaten in moderation. Raw shellfish also should be avoided through out pregnancy.

Raw eggs or anything containing raw eggs is a no no during pregnancy. There is a potential exposure to salmonella. This means no raw cookie dough, no brownie mix, and some homemade sauces such as hollandaise, Caesar dressing and blue cheese dressing. When dining in a restaurant, it would be wise to ask any sauces or dressings contain any raw eggs. Most restaurants should be using pasteurized eggs in any raw egg recipe but one should still double check.

There has never been a more important time to be careful what a woman eats then when she is pregnant. Some of the above foods have been linked to miscarriages and other birth defects. If you are pregnant and you have already indulged in a few of the foods you should not have, do not panic. Chances are, you and your baby are fine but take extra care to avoid these foods in the future.

Eye problems and injuries in Adolescents

Every year more than one million people get eye injuries, out of which ninety percent are preventable if safety eyewear is used. One hundred and twenty five thousand eye injury cases are caused by household products.

It is a good habit to wash hands regularly, especially after handling household chemicals. When using detergents and hazardous solvents, the handler must wear chemical safety goggles. Also, no children must be around while handling chemicals. While spraying, the nozzle must be turned away from the face. Fertilizers, pesticides and paints must be stored away from reach. While doing household activities proper protective gears such as goggles, gloves, boots and helmet should be worn, if required. The house must be illuminated adequately to avoid accidents in the dark. Stairs should also be illuminated and the rails must also be installed. The instructions for opening the tops of bottles must be read carefully to avoid them from popping and injuring other people. Children and adolescents should read instructions before handling operating equipment before playing games. All power equipment must be installed with guards. While playing outside, the eyes must be protected by UV protective goggles and it is a bad idea to look at the sun directly.

Precautions should not only be taken indoors, but outdoors too. This is because; more than forty thousand people get eye injuries outdoors. Ninety nine percent of the injuries are caused while playing sports. So it is necessary for the youngsters to wear protective eyewear while playing sports or when involved in outdoor recreational activities. A special helmet is designed with wire shield or polycarbonate face mask which is not only safe, but comfortable, too. Protective eyewear should also be worn while performing experiments in science lab. Fireworks must only be handled by adults.

Because of increasing use of computers, more and more youngsters are getting eye strains. The symptoms of eye strain caused by computer are red & watery eyes, focusing problems, aching & tired eyelids, eye muscle spasm, backache and headache. In such an environment, eye exercise must be done regularly. The eyes must be made to focus on distant objects and should be rotated from side to side. It is extremely important to give ample rest to the eyes. Glasses with UV shield must be worn when looking at the computer screen. Eye strain can be avoided by increasing the distance from the monitor.

Eye hazards are also caused when cosmetics are used improperly by contact lens wearers. Some of the adverse reactions are injury, eye irritation, allergy, dryness, infection, and lens deposition. That is the reason why adolescents must be made aware of the risk they will face when opting for contact lens. Girls should understand that they should buy hypoallergenic cosmetics and especially the non-scented variety, manufactured by big brand names. Cosmetics should not be shared with anything else. The applicator brushes must be washed regularly and old mascara must be disposed and not refilled. Eye shadows which are glittery, pearlized, frosted or iridescent contain ground tinsel or oyster shell, which should be always avoided. Eyeliner should not be applied in the inner lid edge. Loose powder should be avoided. Cream should not be applied near the eyes. The wearer should wash hands while handling contact lens. No crying, washing of face or bathing should be done with the contact lens on.


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Examining Your Contact Lenses

As we all know, contact lenses are the preferred means of vision correction. They are far superior to glasses, in more ways than one. Over the years contact lenses have established themselves, and are now used by more than a million people throughout the United States. Although contact lenses are great to wear if you need vision corrections, there are some things you should know.

Before you put your contact lenses in your eyes, you should always inspect them for tears or defects. Sometimes, contact lenses can get tears in their material, resulting in serious problems if you put them in your eyes. You should also inspect your lens for debris or smudges as well, and clean them thoroughly if you find anything wrong. If the lens is torn, you should immediately discard it and replace it with a fresh contact lens.

No matter type of contact lenses you use, you should always inspect them. Depending on how you handle them, you may sometimes scratch the material. Scratches on the contact can be very serious, especially if you arent aware of it and put the contact in your eye. It can cause you serious trouble, such as an infection or even scratch your cornea. The easiest way to prevent this is to examine your contacts before you wear them.

Before you put your contacts in your eyes, simply let them rest on your index finger and look them over. Once you have inspected that side, simply put the in the palm of your hand and give them a thorough inspection. You should always do this one contact lens at a time, before you plan on wearing them. If you wear contacts, you should always make inspecting them a part of your daily routine.

Along with inspecting your contact lenses youll need to keep them clean. You can clean your contacts after you have inspected them, by putting a few drops of your solution in the palm of your hand and gently rubbing your contact around. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that you find on the contact, and keep them clean. If you dont clean your contacts on a regular basis, you may end up getting an eye infection.

Contact lenses are a great investment for anyone who needs vision correction, although youll need to take care of them. Whether you wear soft or hard contacts, youll need to clean them on a regular basis and examine them for defects, dirt, or tears. Contacts can get torn or damaged rather easily, and the only way to tell is to examine them. If you catch the defect before you put the contact in your eye – you should be able to replace it with a clean lens before it can do any damage.

Contact Lenses Without A Prescription

Even though you can get non prescription contacts, they arent meant to correct your vision. Known as plano, the most common type of non prescription contact lenses are the opaque color contact lenses. Even though they dont require a prescription, those who want them need to consult with an optometrist first to ensure they get the right fit.

Locally or on the Internet, you can find many different varieties of non prescription contact lenses available. You can find lenses that enhance the natural color of your eyes, lenses that enhance your look, and many others. There are also Halloween contact lenses as well, which are great for Halloween or other times when you want to look different.

With non prescription contact lenses, youll have the choice of daily wear and disposable lenses. If you are looking to change colors on a frequent basis, disposable lenses may be your best choice. The best thing about disposable lenses is the fact that you dont need to clean them at all, simply wear them during the day then take them out and discard them at night.

If you are going to use the same color or the same pair of contacts for a while, you may want to go with daily wear lenses. Daily wear contact lenses will last you a lot longer than the disposable lenses, although they will need to be disinfected and cleaned on a regular basis. As long as you clean and disinfect them on a regular basis, they will last you for quite a while.

Without the supervision of a doctor, may doctors dont advise the use of non prescription contact lenses. Doctors will tell you that when they dont monitor the fitting, usage of the contacts, and the overall effects, they may cause you serious problems and possibly even blindness. While a lot of people use non prescription contacts, few of them experience serious problems.

When an individual buys non prescription contacts without going to see an optician, they tend to forget the fact that contacts arent for everyone. The amount of tears, shape of the eye, and need for correction varies from person to person. To get the right fit, you must consult an optician, as he will need to carefully examine you.

Even though they may work great for some, non prescription lenses arent for everyone. Anytime you use them, you should be very carefully and take the necessary care for your lenses. If you are a diabetic, youll need to be very carefully, for the simple fact that eye infections will take a long time to heal. Even though you may not get an infection, there is always a small chance that it could happen. Therefore, you should always be carefully anytime you use these types of contacts.