Essential Oils Used in Healing

If you are ill, you should generally turn to a physician for help. However, in many countries, essential oils are used in the mainstream medical community. So, if you still need help after seeing your doctor, you can use essential oils to help you heal. The first thing to remember when using essential oils for healing is that you need to buy only the certified therapeutic grade oils. These oils are purer and more concentrated. They will cost more, but if you buy the cheaper oils they will have little healing effect.

Essential oils strengthen your immune system. They can help with viruses and cold sores, for example. Clove, lemon, cinnamon, rosemary, and neroli are just some of the essential oils that will help in this area.

There are also essential oils that are powerful antifungal agents. Some of these are tea tree, lemon grass, and rosemary oils. Fungi can cause many problems in the body. Many people are allergic to mold. Allergies of all types can be treated with tansy, spikenard, cajeput, and chamomile, to name a few. Tansy, along with eucalyptus and marjoram are essential oils used to help with asthma. Bronchitis can be eased with eucalyptus, rosemary, and thyme oils.

Digestive tract ailments can be remedied with different essential oils. Peppermint, ginger, and tarragon oils are useful for people who suffer from indigestion. Ulcers can be helped by frankincense, chamomile, and myrrh oils.

There are problems in the lower part of the digestive tract that can be helped with essential oils as well. Constipation responds well to dill, marjoram, and especially to ginger. Use myrtle, coriander, and orange essential oils, instead, for diarrhea.

Many of the troubles people face in modern times can only be recognized by doing a blood test. For instance, once your doctor tells you that you have high cholesterol, he/she will give you a course of action to take. If you want to speed that along you can use rosemary, chamomile, or lemon essential oils, too. Clary sage and cedarwood are helpful for high cholesterol as well. Many essential oils have been used in the treatment of high blood pressure, another silent disorder. Ylang ylang, Melissa, and yarrow are among the remedies available.

Women have used essential oils for their hormonal problems for centuries. Jasmine, cypress, and coriander are used to alleviate difficult menstrual cycles. For menopause, clary sage and fennel have proven to be effective.

Different kinds of pain are soothed by the use of essential oils. Clove, peppermint, wintergreen, and lavender are a few used for general feelings of pain. The lavender and peppermint are probably the best for headaches. Biting on a whole clove will release its essential oils to relieve a toothache.

There are also essential oils remedies for even more serious conditions. These include tumors, heart problems, macular degeneration, and food poisoning. There is a way to use essential oils to treat almost every ailment known to man. Remember that, whenever possible, contact your doctor for evaluation of any health problem before relying on essential oils to heal it. In other countries, the doctor might prescribe essential oils. In the US, you can try them on your own, especially if your doctor agrees.

Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a dysfunction in the digestive system that largely affects the large intestine or the colon. This is the part of the system that takes care of the bowel movements in the body including the storage and the excretion of solid waste materials. In irritable bowel syndrome, the large intestine becomes too sensitive. As to whats the reason behind the sensitiveness of the large intestine, scientists and medical experts still cannot determine why. Researches are still being made up until now to ascertain the true cause of irritable bowel syndrome.

Because of the sensitiveness of the large intestine, specifically the lining, minor changes in the body system which is often brought on by stress and changes in the chemical make-up that enter the chambers result in reactions that affect the bodys bowel movements.

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome may either suffer from diarrhea, characterized by a loose and watery stool or from constipation characterized by hard stool and infrequent defecation. This is a problem that is often mistaken as ordinary food poisoning or even indigestion. Unfortunately, since there is no single known cause of irritable bowel syndrome, there is also no diagnostic test that can confirm the disorder. The most that doctors do is to conduct tests that would eliminate other possibilities before continuing with the diagnosis.

One thing thought that separates irritable bowel syndrome from other diseases is the presence of abdominal pain that can last for a period of 12 months. Of course, the pain would not be there every day but a period of a year with abdominal pain is one of the main criteria for a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

Because it is a syndrome, diagnosis will not depend on just one symptom. There are criteria that must be met before a conclusive diagnosis can be reached. The Rome II Diagnostic Criteria System is often used to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. This system is also used in other gastrointestinal problems in the body and has already been established in the medical field as solid and sound criteria for diagnosis.

There is actually no cure for irritable bowel syndrome. The only thing that your doctor can do is to help relieve the pain. Treatment often involves the taking in of medications that will help ease constipation and regulate the bowel system, change in the diet plans and sometimes stress relief through psychotherapy.

Patients are also asked to avoid certain foods that are associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Food items that should be avoided include foods that are rich in oil and fats such as French fries, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, milk and milk products such as ice cream and cheese and even coffee.