What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure?

Are you concerned about what might increase your blood pressure? There are quite a few things that can factor in to raising your blood pressure. Luckily you can fix many of these with a few lifestyle changes.

If you do not watch your blood pressure frequently, you might not even be aware that you have it. It can creep up on you or just increase over the years. It all depends on many different factors.

If you are overweight you are at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure. You might already know this and you might not. If this is the case for you, consult your doctor and see what he might recommend for you. Losing at least ten pounds can significantly lower your blood pressure.

An unhealthy diet or lack of physical activity or exercise can also put you at risk for high blood pressure. Try to exercise at least thirty minutes a day even if you have to space the time out. Eating less salt and more vegetables and fruits can help lower your blood pressure as well. Try to incorporate this into your present diet and you will see the results rather quickly.

Stress plays a huge factor in high blood pressure and unfortunately everyone is stressed at some point in their lives. If you deal with a high amount of stress, consider relaxation techniques. Do whatever you can that you know will calm you down and help relieve stress.

Using tobacco and alcohol raise your blood pressure. If you use either of these consider quitting. If you are unable to quit right away, limit your consumption of alcohol and use of tobacco. There are many over the counter and prescription products to help rid your self of these habits. Talk with your doctor of any concerns you might have.

Medical conditions also factor into high blood pressure along with your lifestyle. Kidney disease can result in high blood pressure as well as cause it. Sleeping disorders that interrupt your breathing during sleep will also raise your blood pressure. Talking with your doctor about your condition could benefit your disorder along with your blood pressure.

Certain medications and drugs can also raise your blood pressure. Certain types of anti-depressants will do this as well as certain cold medicines. Be aware of oral contraceptives, nasal decongestants, anorexia drugs and steroids. These can possibly raise your blood pressure as well so talk with your doctor before taking any of them if you are concerned.

While you can control most of the factors that raise your blood pressure there are some you cannot. For instance your race; African Americans are more prone to high blood pressure, people over fifty-five are at a higher risk, and your family history can play a role in your blood pressure as well. While you cannot control these factors you can easily try to help decrease your risk. Watch your diet, exercise, lifestyle habits, etc. Over time this may be very beneficial to you.

High blood pressure can cause strokes and even heart and kidney diseases. Leading a healthier life style can help you live longer and enjoy your time in a healthy state. Talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns you may have concerning your blood pressure. It is never too late to take control.

Tips to Consider when you are Working to Improve the

Tips to Consider when you are Working to Improve the Way you Think

Changing the way that you think isnt always an easy process. You may have been following the same through process for years or for decades. That isnt necessarily a bad thing but it just means that you need to give the changes plenty of time to occur. Should you fall back into old habits, try to remind yourself why you are working to improve the way that you think. Then get back into that structure as soon as you can. The more you work at it the faster you will complete that transformation process.

You may become frustrated due to the fact that it hasnt been an easy road to follow. View that as part of the challenge. In fact, it is supposed to be hard and that part of all of it is going to help you to create a mind that is stronger than it was before. The fact that your brain can learn new things at all stages of life gives you the upper hand. Try to break your overall goal down into steps that are easier to manage. Keep that list in a place where you can see it often. Then you can identify how far you have already come to reaching your final goal. When they going gets tough that type of motivation is going to keep you strong.

The steps you take should increase in difficulty as you move along. This is important to remember. If you put the hardest things to accomplish out there at first you will most likely fail. However, when you have the harder things to accomplish further down the road you will have more of a vested interest in seeing it through to the end. Your early accomplishments will serve as a solid foundation that you get to build on as you move each step forward.

Make sure that you incorporate a good variety of methods to improve the way that you think. The progress you make will be more obvious when you have more than one tool that you are using. Have fun with these tools as well including reading or games. Dont pursue activities that you get no enjoyment out of. This is because improving the way you think is a positive thing and you dont want the road to getting there littered with negativity.

It is a good idea to set a time frame for accomplishing your goals to improve the way that you think. Saying that you will do it simply isnt good enough. Have a detailed plan of how you are going to do it. This way you can motivate yourself to follow that plan and those guidelines. Periodically evaluate how that plan is working. If you need to modify it then do so.

Your attitude towards changing the way you think is also something you need to keep in perspective. Being patient is a virtue that too many of us simply dont have. When you are able to take a deep breath, relax, and stay on track things will fall into place for you. Dont rush the transformation or assume it wont happen because it is taking a while. Remember that it did take you a long time to think the way you do right now. Therefore it is reasonable to expect it to take time for that to all change as well.

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Stimulate your Brain each Morning before you get out of

Stimulate your Brain each Morning before you get out of Bed

We often take for granted that our brains are able to function in amazing ways. We also tend to forget that this is a very important part of our bodies to really take good care of. One way you can treat your brain well is to stimulate it each day before you get out of bed. It doesnt take long to accomplish, and it is going to help you face each new day in a positive light.

Set your alarm for ten minutes earlier than you have to be out of bed. This way you can relish the time to stimulate your brain and not worry about being late for work. Stretch each part of your body and really focus on it when you are doing so. Wiggle your fingers and your toes too. Pay attention to how it feels as you freely move each one of them. You may feel silly doing these activities but they are very good for you.

As you are stimulating your brain in the morning before you get out of bed, you are going to stimulate the nerve endings to your brain. You are going to become alert and look forward to your day. If you often end up sluggish in the morning then this could be a great way to wake you up and get your day off to a better start.

When you stimulate your brain each morning before you get out of bed you will be safer too. Research shows that this can help you to stay focused and to be well balanced. This can help reduce the risk of injuries due to falls. Many individuals find that they are more alert on their commute to work as well as throughout the day when they start it by stimulating their brain.

When we are children we tend to be very visual by nature. We have creative fantasies and stories that we role play all day long. However, as adults we dont allow ourselves to have those types of pleasures. You can turn back the hands of time though and incorporate them into your morning routine. Imagine yourself as a princess or a rock star before you get out of bed in the morning. Stimulate your brain by focusing on the vivid images of what would unfold in your life.

Try to incorporate all of our senses into those images as well. What did it feel like? What did it smell like? What were you saying and what was being said back to you? How did food taste? The more of these senses that you can pull into your imaginative stories the more stimulated your brain will become. These stories should put a nice smile on your face to begin the day with as well.

Have some classical music by your bed that you can easily turn on without getting up in the morning. Focus on listening to the sound of it for about 10 minutes. Doing so is going to open up your mind to many things. Identify the flow of the music as well as what will come next. As you become more familiar with the music it is going to be easier to end up thinking about something else as you listen to it. Dont let that happen though make a conscious effort to focus all of your attention on only the music for that span of time.

Some people would prefer to engage in such a process before bed to help them unwind. While that can be helpful and it can help you to get a good night of sleep, too many people rush through the process in order to get it done at night. Others fall asleep before they are able to complete it. So the best rule of thumb if you want to really stimulate your brain is to take part in such activities first thing in the morning.