Recommended Skin Care Products For Men

With the birth of the metrosexuals, men are increasingly made aware of their appearances. In fact, some women even complain that their boyfriends now spend more time at the mirror than they do.

One of the booming industries brought on by the metrosexual phenomena is the skin care industry especially those that focus on men. The industry has become so big that cosmetic and skin care lines that only catered to women have started to also develop skin care products for men.

There are now astringents and lotions for men. Some companies have even developed facial wash for men, a skin care staple that men would not have bought a decade ago.

Below are some of the products that have captured the interest and fancy of the male population.

Mask it!

Who would have thought that women will see the day when men will go to sleep with clay or mud all over their face? This however is prevalent in these times, as men have finally realized the advantages of deep cleaning his pores to prevent pimples and acne from settling in. The Anthony Logistics Deep Pore Cleansing Clay, is one of the best in the line. It combines the properties of flowers with vitamins and purified clay to help the skin absorb excess oils, remove impurities and toxins as well as tighten the pores.

Moisturize it

Men also use moisturizers. As far-fetched as it seems, men also need moisturizers to help keep their skin supple and soft. Moisturizers, as women know, can prevent visible signs of aging by keeping the skins natural oils.

This is especially true with men who have dry skins. One of the products in the market that comes highly recommended is the Clinique Maximum Hydrator for Men. It can be pretty expensive but it sure does the job.

Scrub it

To take care of the skin, one needs to get rid of dead skin cells, which may clog the pores or combine with dirt and grime. One of the essentials of exfoliating, is the T-Pur Face Purifying Scrub for Men, which is manufactured by Biotherm. The scrub helps cleanse the skin.

Be careful though and make sure that the scrub is not so abrasive on your skin. Too much scrubbing can irritate the skin and worsen the problem.

Asthma Attacks

To healthy individuals, asthma may be a simple health problem but for the sufferers, its really a different thing especially when the attack is slowly setting in.

Asthma attacks happen when the air passages constrict. This may be due to allergens, air impurities, food, exercise or strenuous activities, and many others. Severe attacks are often characterized by wheezing or whistling sounds, dry cough, and breath-shortness. In an asthma attack, the air passage of the individual is clogged by mucus, the air tubes lining is swelling or inflamed. Gasping for breathe is a dreaded situation for asthmatics and so you should try to prevent the attacks as much as possible.

There are several layers in the air tube. A muscle located outside relaxes or tightens and it is responsible for controlling the air tubes opening. It is guided by the nervous system, particularly the portion for the reflexes. The muscle works like that of involuntary blinking.

You cant control how the muscles work. The outside muscle of the air tube reacts to irritants like perfume, dust, allergens, pollution, pollen, or cigarette smoke by tightening or relaxing. In the case of asthma patients, the outside muscle overreacts to the irritants, thereby causing an attack.

Aside from reacting with irritants and allergens, the muscle also reacts to other factors like exercise, cold air, pressure changes, and viral infections. When the muscle tightens, the airway narrows.

Asthma attacks are not only limited to the tightening of the muscles of the air tube but it can be caused by the inflammation of the airways lining as well. Have you ever experienced scraping your knee? If youre observant, you will notice that the knee area swells and a fluid oozes out. This fluid is made up of cells which fight the infection but it also contributes to swelling. The same thing happens in the airways. When the airways are inflamed, the lining oozes out fluid which contributes to swelling and at the same time, it obstructs the air passage.

Mucus found in the airways in not all that bad. It normally aids in the smooth flow of air into the lungs but during an asthma attack, the mucus increases and it clogs the air passage. The mucus becomes sticky making it more difficult to breathe. As long as the mucus clogs the air passage, the asthma attack will persist. You need to consult a doctor right away so that you can receive appropriate medical attention.

Keep in mind that if you leave the mucus clogs untreated, it can lead to infections. Only the doctor can give you the proper antibiotic that suits your situation. Attacks can last for a couple of minutes but for severe attacks, it can last for many hours or even days. There are intervals wherein the asthma patient will not feel any of the symptoms but it will soon return if no proper medication is given.

Doctors often conduct a breathing test to determine if the person has asthma and it is called spitometry. During the evaluation, several tests will be conducted to identify what caused the asthma attack. Once the trigger or triggers are identified, you need to stay away from them as much as possible. You have to work closely with your doctor if you want to prevent future asthma attacks. The attacks can be deadly, so dont disregard them.

Asthma And Air Purifiers

Asthma is caused by different triggering factors. The most common triggers are pollution, dust, pollen, and air irritants. If you breathe-in these triggers, you will have an asthma attack soon. Breathing is already part of the bodys natural functions. Many people take breathing for granted but asthma patients already know its true value. Even if they can inhale with ease, they will have a difficulty in exhaling. Have you ever experienced gasping for breathe when youre in the water? Thats exactly how asthmatics are feeling during an attack. If you want to breathe-in fresh air, why not use air purifiers?

The air passages and lungs are the main sites for the asthma attack and because of this, asthmatics usually have severe problems in their respiratory tracts. To lessen the symptoms and attacks, you can use air purifiers at home or even in the office.

The air contains a lot of allergens and impurities like chemicals, dust, pollen, etc. Its quite hard to avoid these impurities especially in todays times but with the aid of the purifier, the allergens and impurities are filtered out. You can breathe in comfortably at home and in the office; you can also avoid the attacks and so you can live with ease.

When purchasing air purifiers, you need to consider some things. The first one is to identify the kind of air purifier you need and the other one is the capacity of the purifier. Some air purifiers are suitable for small rooms but there are also purifiers designed for bigger rooms. There are lots of air purifiers to choose from and once youve identified your needs, you will not have any difficulty in looking for one. You can either shop online or you can also shop in local stores. If budget is a great consideration on your part, you can choose an affordable air purifier but keep in mind that quality is still very important. There are quality air purifiers which are sold at very affordable price; you simply need to shop around a bit.

Asthma can be tackled effectively at home if you have an air purifier. Asthmatics suffering from frequent attacks should have the purifier at home because this is the best way to address allergen-induced asthma symptoms.

When the air passages constrict or become inflamed, asthma attacks occur. During the attack, the air passage is already narrowing and the muscles tend to squeeze the airways further. Once the airways are swelled up, the patient is going to suffer mild, moderate, or even severe asthma symptoms.

The asthma attack can take place anywhere and at any time. Once youre exposed to the allergens and impurities, the attack will come very soon. This can be easily handled especially if youre already aware of your triggers. You must remember that you cant remove air impurities entirely and you cant just stay inside the home all the time; you have to go out somehow. The air purifier works in a limited space and so you cant use it outside where theres too mush open space.

Know your needs and your current budget for the home purifier. Shop around and check if the product is of good quality. If you have an air purifier at home and in the office, you can work comfortably and once you get home, you can spend bonding moments with your loved ones.

Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pools, and Cleaning Products and

Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pools, and Cleaning Products and the Benefit of Using Filters

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with chlorine.

Everyone is very much concerned with their health. In the past years, extreme glory were given to the importance of health because more and more diseases are inflicting mankind. Perhaps youre in process aware about the dangers of chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products. The news about the possible dangers of chlorine is everywhere from TV news to the radio, the newspapers, magazines, etc. The growing concern about chlorine – use has brought the attention of the public to the benefits of using filters.

Efficient are various elements out there that can cause people danger like chemical substances and pollution factors. Everyone should join comfort in hand in avoiding these possible dangers.

At immediate, every household is relying on domestic douse for their water supply. They use this water for hygienic purposes and even due to drinking. The water is treated with high chlorine degrees to eliminate impurities. It is already a proven fact that chlorine burden act for absorbed by the skin when showering. So when youre taking a shower, youre already inhaling the chlorine steams. The same way happens when youre using chlorine cleaning products or when youre swimming in the pool. The chlorine steams can be very revolting and so you should consider using filters.

There are right now good quality filters that you can use to filter the water so that it can filter out some negative elements which cause riches problems and allergies. Qualified are a lot of benefits in using the filter. One is that the chlorine is removed from the water. This will prevent the occurrence of skin rashes and irritations. It prevents hair dryness and soap scum is reduced. The primary function of the water filter is to balance the ph and remove synthetic chemicals.

The latter can damage hair quality, skin, and health. Protective oils on the skin are removed thereby stripping the skins natural glow. You will suddenly notice that youre suffering from premature aging. Recent studies again fini that chlorine can produce certain cancer types and asthma.

Domestic water contains high levels of chlorine and what you dont know is that chloroform gas might be spreading in your entire household until it finally reaches your blood system and lungs.

If youve been swimming lately in public or private pools, you consign immediately notice that your eyes are stinging. Your hair and funds dries delicate because of the chlorine. According to dermatologists, these things burden stand for avoided if the pool owner is using a water filter. You trust buy the water filters in local shops or if you want, you can do your shopping online. The latter is the boss option because you can get a good quality water filter at a much reasonable price.

Using chlorine cleaning products is another issue. If the cleanser is mixed with other cleaning agents, there is a high chance that live can become a hazardous gas which can even cause fire. If you clean the house with the cleanser with bare hands, your skin will also absorb the chlorine. Make sure that you wash your hands carefully before you touch any food item.

Filters are gaining popularity these days because it is an effective way to rid water with chlorine. Log on to the internet and search for the best quality filter. You can check reviews and customer testimonials; use them as a guide when shopping. that way, you can protect your family from the danegrs of chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products.
I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning process should be ongoing–the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with others.