Mio Heart Rate Monitor Story

Aiming to have the best heart rate monitor that would give the best, most practical, and most comfortable, the founder of Mio surpasses what the present technology in her time provides.

Mio, from the Italian word which means mine was founded by Liz Dickinson in 1999. The foundation was prompted by the necessity to have a heart rate monitor that would give her the best result in maintaining her normal weight after giving birth. She realized that the best way to have her weight back was to be conscious about the food she eats and the level of exercise she would take. Actually, Liz realized this after she gave birth to her third child. While she aimed to achieve this, the market had yet to have the suitable product that would answer this.

Since, there was no time to read product level on eat food she buys, there was a great need to what she thought a device that would lessen the worry and reduce the time wasted on check what food to buy and what s not. Not only that. Thought that the regular strap heart rate monitor was too uncomfortable to wear and an alternative must eliminate the strap.

The result was the creation of Mios first strapless heart rate monitor. This was also the worlds first strapless heart rate monitor to be produced and marketed. But that did not stop there. Mio also created the calorie management system that provides the straightforward approach in managing the diet with the use of calorie intake monitoring. The result was pretty much expected. Liz was able to discard those unnecessary pounds and had gained the advantages of improved health and fitness condition. This gave her less stress, more vitality, and more energy.

The Mio heart rate monitor is able to provide an accurate on-demand heart beat reading. Since it is strapless Mio heart rate monitor is more comfortable and easy to wear without the need to have a belt strap around the users chest. The Mio heart rate monitor also removes the probable risk of taking inaccurate reading since improper wearing of the belt can give user wrong heart rate reading.

Mio heart rate monitor also has several features that are surely functional. Some of which include the readings on the maximum, minimum and average heart rate. It includes the length of the whole exercise with summary of heart progress and activity.

Mio continuous to innovate, improve and release unique heart rate monitors in the market.

Importance Of Stress Management In Your Life

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you’ll find that the subject of stress is certainly no exception.

Why would you invest so exceptionally time and effort on effective stress management? If you haven’t realized the importance of battling stress just yet, here are some reasons that would convince you to prompt started on it now.

Improved Health

Stress can affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. This is why it is important to reduce or eliminate stress in your life such that you can promote better overall health. Stress has been scientifically proven to result to poor health condition and a wide range of minor to serious health conditions.

During the initial stage of stress, you might notice that you develop various minor conditions such as headaches or digestive disorders. As your body is continually subjected to stress, you could eventually suffer from more serious conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. You must therefore take the time to learn about stress related illnesses to purely understand the importance of improving stress management regimen.

Better Looks and Appearance

If you want to look better, then maybe you should start to think about how you can overcome stress in your life. Undoubtedly, you heard it right overcoming stress can make you even more finest. Your health and your physical appearance are directly proportional. Hence, if you are magenta, you can also look better.

You must therefore take practical measures to shorten stress and look better. Some of the things you need to do to ensure such results is to get enough sleep, eat right, get regular exercise, and manage your emotions. All of these factors combine for you to live healthier, have a more beautiful complexion, and help to keep your body fit.

Increasing Productivity

Too much stress can take away your focus. So, when you are free from stress, you further improve your ability to focus and increase productivity in whatever you do. When you increase your productivity, you are less coming up to suffer from the effects of stress due to backlogs or lack of time to complete your tasks.

There are several practical stress management habits you need to develop and overcome lack of productivity. Taking power naps during work is a great way to rejuvenate both mind and body, especially if you are starting to lose focus. You can further adapt proper time management techniques to ensure that all of your tasks are completed in a timely manner.


The more you can combat stress, the more happiness you can enjoy! Stress will unquestionably take the fun away from your life, so it is important to acquire effective stress relievers. There are several practical stress management techniques that experts recommend so you can have more fun and eliminate stress:

Enjoying some music;
Sharing laughter with friends;
Maintaining a productive circle of friends;
Caring for pets;
Having sex!

Keeping Your Stress In line in Check

The ability to live life free of stress is the biggest motivator to adapting an effective stress management regimen. If you can effectively address stress in your life, you can have more energy, increase productivity, and enjoy life in general!
That’s the latest from the stress authorities. Once you’re familiar with these ideas, you’ll be ready to move to the next level.