What Really Causes a Yeast Infection?

Yeast: A Necessary Fungus

Yes, you read that correctly. Yeast is necessary for our bodies, and is always present in a small concentration. However, too much of this fungus will lead to an infection. It is important to understand what causes a yeast infection in order to avoid this painful condition in the future.

Shut Down Yeasts Habitat

Yeast lives in warm, damp areas of the body. If you want to really slice your chances of getting a yeast infection, you should make sure you always wear clean, dry underwear. Tight panties made of synthetic materials are the absolute worst choice if you want to avoid yeast infections. Instead, wear cotton; it breathes much better. You should wear clean panties each day.

Women who do not control their diabetes well enough are more likely to get this condition. This is directly related to the sugar in the urine. Even if you do not have diabetes, it is a good idea to cut back on your sugar intake.

Scented toilet paper, tampons, and feminine deodorant sprays can also cause yeast infections. After exercising or swimming, it is a good idea to change out of the wet or sweaty clothing.

Dont Kill the Yeast-Fighters

This is the tricky part. If you take antibiotics for another kind of infection, you will kill not only the offending bacteria, but the bacteria that would ordinarily get rid of much of the yeast. If you use some types of soap, such as the antibacterial kind, you may be killing these good germs in your quest to deodorize. Do not use soap on your vaginal area; the dyes and perfumes can really mess up your pH balance and harm the sensitive tissues. Clothing detergents can cause the same kind of problem, so choose your detergent with care. Do not use douches, as they get rid of the good bacteria. Every time you use antibiotics or antibacterial deodorants, you are clearing the way for yeast to take over and cause an infection.

Other Causes

HIV can also allow yeast infections to occur because it weakens the immune system. If a womans vagina is injured, a yeast infection may follow. Taking steroids can also heighten your risk of getting this irritating condition.

A woman who has taken chemotherapy can also get a yeast infection. Immunosuppressive drugs are sometimes useful, but they will contribute to your chances of getting a yeast infection. Drugs that belong to the cortisone family will also put you at a greater risk of getting a yeast infection.

Women who are pregnant or on their period are also more likely to get a yeast infection than they are at other times. Whether you wear pads or tampons during your period, you should change them frequently. Stress and sickness can also have a marked impact on your chances of getting this infection.

While some of the factors that can cause a yeast infection cannot be prevented, many of them can be eradicated or reduced.

In Dire Need of Swine Flu Vaccine

According to the World Health Organization, efforts for developing a swine flu vaccine has been ongoing since the first human case of the virus has been confirmed. Estimates place the initial doses of the vaccine will be administered in 5 to 6 months time.

While people diagnosed with H1N1 virus seems to be headed for recovery, there have been deaths recorded. Aside from that, receiving vaccines for this virus is important particularly the elderly and individuals with a weak immune system, since they are prone to complications such as pneumonia.

Likewise, the vaccine will serve as protection in case the condition persists particularly during the winter months which is the time when influenza is at its peak.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), although they are still incomplete, current evidence shows that seasonal influenza vaccines will provide minimal or no protection against swine flu. Every year, a new batch of flu vaccine is developed and matched with strains that the WHO determines will most probably circulate in the winter months, which happens to be the peak season for influenza outbreaks.

Influenza virus comes in various strains which contains different proteins on their surfaces. The body’s immune system can only fight and destroy a virus if they are able to recognize these proteins. It is worth noting that antibodies that recognize one strain may not detect other strains.
Existing vaccines may only offer some protection against swine influenza if the proteins on its surface are identical to strains used to develop previous vaccines. According to the NIBSC, they are trying to determine if the swine flu virus, which is an H1N1 strain of type A influenza, as well as previous H1N1 vaccines match current vaccines.

The preparation of a vaccine commences after a virus develops as they provide the starting point for the production of the vaccine. As such, there is always a time delay while a vaccine is being developed. Preparation of a vaccine involves several steps so it would take several months before a vaccine becomes available.

According to WHO estimates, the virus needed for producing the vaccine will be accessible to vaccine manufacturers by the middle of May while the initial dose for a new vaccine would be ready within 5 to 6 months after that. Waiting time would be much longer if the growth of the vaccine proceeds rapidly.

Vaccination plays a crucial role in the prevention and reduction of the effects of serious conditions. Unfortunately, they are not entirely effective and could lose its effectiveness if the virus mutates.
Existing flu vaccines are valid for about one year and are 70% – 80% effective against transmission with strains of influenza virus that are identical to strains used in the production of vaccines.

The WHO believes that it is too early to tell how the A(H1N1) virus would change. It is closely monitoring any changes in the virus and this would help countries quickly react to any important changes that the virus may show.

Vaccines help the body combat certain diseases in case an individual becomes afflicted with the illness in the future. On the other hand, an antiviral drug is used on people who is already infected with a virus. Although they work in various ways, they generally work to prevent the virus from spreading to different cells in the body.

Swine flu vaccines are administered prior to exposure to a virus so they would be protected from that agent. Antivirals only work if administered within a certain period of time before or after they are exposed to the virus.

Swine Flu: What You Need To Know

With the new strain of influenza running around, I think everyone should know a few things. The thing is with any disease, even the swine flu, is it’s not the disease that really kills you. It’s ignorance that does it. You have to know enough to take care of yourself.

One of the things you have to remember is that influenza is spread via germs, and germs are spread via contact with contaminated items then contact with either your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs can’t get through the pores of your skin and need a convenient opening to get into. Don’t give them that opening. There’s a simple and easy way to do it: just wash your hands regularly, especially before eating anything or touching anything that you want to eat – like that tasty sandwich you’re about to have for a snack

It may seem rather simplistic but the regular act of rinsing and disinfecting your hands can help make sure that you never get infected with the swine flu. Another way to avoid infection is to avoid close contact with sick people. Remember germs can also be transmitted by air though microscopic droplets that are released when a person coughs or sneezes. Standing around sick people increases the chance of infection so try to avoid doing that, mostly because you can’t avoid touching stuff that they’ve sneezed on and those germs can go directly into your nose and mouth when you inhale.

So what if you suddenly get the sniffles? Is it time to hie off to the doctor for a consult? The smart thing to do is to just stay at home first and monitor your condition. The problem with identifying the swine flu is that it shares many of the same symptoms as the normal run-of-the-mill human flu: coughs, colds, fevers and the whole nine yards. Take the usual medicine at first and see if you settle down after that.

The over-the-counter antiviral drugs aren’t as effective on swine flu as human flu but they can make you feel a whole lot better and rev up you immune system to deal with your infection. You should also try your best to limit the infection to yourself. Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing so as to prevent the spread of germs in your environment.

If your symptoms are taking too long to cure, you might be infected. Note that swine flu is like the normal flu in that it manages to weaken your immune system for other respiratory diseases like pneumonia and bronchitis to spread. It can also worsen any conditions that you might currently have, like asthma. If you start vomiting or start suffering from diarrhea, it’s time to have the doctor drop by immediately.

Although it has caused a few deaths, the swine flu is nothing to worry about. As long as it has been caught early, there is treatment available in the form of antiviral inhibitors that help stop the virus from reproducing, which should help make you feel a whole lot better.

The current situation may all seem a bit frightening, but the swine flu is just a disease. All you need to protect yourself from it is to act smart and be prepared. Hopefully, this information can help a bit and act as theat ounce of prevention so you won’t have to use that pound of cure.

What You Need to Know about Arthritis

What You Need to Know about Arthritis
Rudy Silva

Arthritis signals people in a variety of ways. Joints might crack when you suddenly stand up or move. Other joints may be stiff and creak. Maybe pain occurs, when you’re trying to open a jar, or type on your keyboard.
Arthritis means “joint inflammation” and has over 100 related conditions or types of disease. Untreated, it can advance, resulting in joint damage that is difficult to undo or reverse. So early detection and treatment are important.
The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although both have similar symptoms, both happen for different reasons. When joints are overused and misused, this results in OA. What happens is the cushioning cartilage that protects the joints breaks down, resulting in bones rubbing together. This generally happens in the knees, but can be found in the hips, spine and hands.

In RA the body’s immune system attacks joint tissue. Still not fully understood by doctors, this condition often starts in a person’s hands, wrists and feet. Then it advances to shoulders, elbows and hips.
Similar symptoms include pain, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, slight fever and inflamed tissue lumps under the skin. And both OA and RA generally develop symmetrically, i.e. affecting the same joints on both the left and right sides of the body.
A difference in OA and RA is in the way you swell. With RA, people report “soft and squishy” swelling. While with OA, people report “hard and bony” swelling.
Another difference is you are likely to develop RA if a sibling or parent had it. If you have a history of joint damage, either an injury or chronic strain, you run a higher risk for developing OA.
There is no specific age for arthritis sufferers. While it can affect every age group, it seems to occur more frequently on those over 45 years.
And while neither gender is immune, a reported 74 percent of OA cases and a slightly lower percentage of RA cases occur with women.
People with excess weight tend to develop OA, especially in the knees when reaching over 45 years. However, losing weight can turn the odds around almost by half. Regular activity combined with exercise also reduces risk of OA
Although there are no cure-alls for arthritis, there are a variety of pain relief treatment strategies. Aside from medications, remedies, replacement alternatives and other helpful treatment options and alternatives, the five main arthritis relief aids are gentle exercise, good nutrition, special herbal and other nutrients, a positive attitude and rest.
Today, only a small percentage of those afflicted with arthritis become crippled. And most never need canes, wheelchairs, or other ambulatory devices.
If you suspect you may have arthritis, it is advisable to seek medical advice from your doctor or alternative practitioner. Look to reduce pain and inflammation using natural remedies before you decide on using doctor prescribed drugs. About the Author
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He writes a newsletter call “Natural Remedies Thatwork.” For more information and remedies on arthritis and essential fatty acids, visit his web site at http://www.arthritis-remedies.for–you.info http://www.fatty-acid-remedies.for–you.info