Professional Treatments for Genital Warts

The best way to treat genital warts, caused by the human papilomavirus, is to seek help from a physician. A doctor can evaluate what kind of treatment needs to be done to your genital warts, or if any needs to be done at all. A professional can also make sure that you don’t have a more serious condition.

Doctors will often adopt a wait and see attitude at first. This is because genital warts often go away spontaneously. Depending on the extent of the problem, the waiting period may be short or longer. Once it is past, if the genital warts are still there, treatment will begin.

There are several creams that are used for genital warts. A doctor may prescribe Podofilox for use at home. The doctor will explain how to use the cream. Another cream that might be prescribed is Aldara. This medication aids the immune system in fighting off the virus. It has a very high success rate with low recurrence.

Fluorouracil is a medication in a cream. This medication prevents HPV and this stops warts from multiplying. It can also get rid of existing warts. The doctor can tell you how to use it. You will need to protect the healthy skin with petroleum jelly.

Fluorouracil is very good for treating all the sensitive areas of the genitals. However, pregnant women can’t use this treatment. Also, people often have to stop treatment after having a severe reaction to the cream.

Podophyllum resin can only be applied by a doctor. The doctor oversees treatment once a week for at least six weeks. A different version of the same substance, podofilox lotion, can be used by the patient at home with a few instructions from the doctor.

Health care professionals are also responsible for the application of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or bichloroacetic acid (BCA). This medication works by destroying proteins in cells. Thus, it is important to only treat the genital warts and not the surrounding tissue.

Interferon is a product that has been used to treat immunity problems of all kinds. It attacks HPV and boosts the immune system. The methods of delivery are cream, lotion, or injection at the base of the genital warts. It has some side effects, especially for pregnant women.

Surgery may be required for some genital warts. Simple excision, or cutting off, of warts is done in some cases. It is especially effective on genital warts of the vagina, the penis, and around the anus. The area should be healed in three weeks at most, if all goes well.

Sometimes doctors use an electric probe to burn off genital warts. This is called electrocautery and is most useful for genital warts around the anus, on the penis and on the vulva. Local or general anesthesia is used, depending on the severity of the problem. The healing should be finished in a month or less.

Laser surgery can also be effective when all else fails, or if the patient is pregnant and needs warts removed. The genital warts are burned off with the laser. They heal within a month.

Protect Yourself From The Flesh Eating Disease

I know that all the rage these days is talk about an impending zombie apocalypse and that is what you may first think of when you hear about flesh eating disease but since there really is no such thing as zombies let’s talk about how you can protect yourself from the flesh eating disease called Necrotizing Fasciitis.

The best way to protect yourself from the flesh eating disease is to keep your hands clean. Wash them in warm water and soap for at least 15-20 seconds when they are visibly soiled and use hand sanitizer to kill the germs you can’t see for other times.

If you cut yourself or get a burn while you are in the kitchen, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem at the time, always clean the area very well and keep it covered. Feel free to use a triple antibiotic ointment and change the bandage frequently or at least daily.

The bandage you use should also be kept dry so go buy yourself some vinyl or latex gloves at your local drug store to use to cover the affected area, if it is on your hands, that is.

Bacteria thrives in warm, moist places so if the bandage gets wet change it immediately.

If you are a relatively healthy individual you have a lower risk of acquiring this possibly deadly infection. Higher risk individuals are those with chronic conditions that deplete the immune system like diabetes, cancer, and lupus.

Alcoholics and drug abusers also have a higher risk of developing this type of infection.

These people should take special precautions from even getting injured because with an immune system that is not functioning like it should sores and burns will not heal quickly in the best of times.

If, a day or two after an injury, you start to notice any of the following symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

If you notice:

1. Increased redness, swelling and the area of injury is hot to the touch

2. Green drainage from the would

3. Increased or new, severe pain to the area

4. An area near the center of the original injury has turned black. This indicates that tissue death has begun.

Diagnosis is made by your doctor ordering a number of tests such as:

1. Lab culture of the wound

2. CT scan or MRI

3. Blood tests

4. Biopsy of the surrounding skin

Immediate treatment is essential to limiting the damage the toxins released by the bacteria can cause. If left untreated for even just a little while, sometimes only a few hours, extensive damage can occur and complications such as amputation or organ death can quickly follow.

Statistics show that if you do not learn how to protect yourself from the flesh eating disease and you do acquire this deadly infection 1 in 4 will die from it.

All it takes is keeping your hands and any injury you get clean, covered and dry.

Brush Your Skin and Keep Acne Away

The skin is the largest of the elimination channels. Through the skin toxins are eliminated which are brought to the skin surface from the blood. When the regular elimination channels are sluggish or partial plugged up such as your colon being constipated, not all toxins move out through your feces.

Toxins that accumulate in the colon tend to move into the blood, when colon walls have been weaken through constant constipation or abused through eating excessive junk food. Once in the blood they move into the liver for detoxification.

If you are frequently constipated, than your liver will be overworked and unable to detoxify all of the colon toxins. The liver will store a lot of these toxins in its own tissue and else where in your bodys tissues, joints, organs, cells and skin.

When you have excessive toxins and your immune system is not able to detoxify them, these toxins will moved to the skin surface through the blood where they are enter the hair pores follicles and try to move to the skin surface. When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne.

Body odor is also a result of toxins coming out through the skin that should be moving out through the other elimination channels.

If your body skin is clean and its pores are open and unclogged, toxins will move out through the pores without creating pimples or eruptions. The skin normally moves 1-2 pounds of toxins out of your skin daily.

You can tell when your pores are open. You sweat freely during exercise. If you do not sweat much during hot weather or during exercise, then your skin pores are probably plugged.

To keep your skin active and serving as a good channel of elimination you need to brush your skin daily before you shower or during your shower.

When you brush your skin, brush in one direction, starting from your feet towards your heart.

In her book, Detox For Life, Loree Taylor Jordan, C.C.H., I.D. says:

One of greatest gifts of health that you can give yourself is the gift of skin brushing. Dry skin brushing in one of the finest of all baths. No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old. You make new skin on the body every 24 hours. The skin will only be as clean as the bloodstream. Dry skin brushing removes the top layer. This helps to eliminate uric acid crystals catarrh, and various other acids in the body. The skin should eliminate 2 pounds of waste acids daily.

Understanding how your skin lives will help you keep it clean. Brush your skin daily and bring toxins to the skin surface where you can get rid of them during your shower.

The Types of Neurological Conditions and Physiotherapy Used

Neurological conditions may be very severe. They can be life-threatening at times, and they can certainly affect the quality of the patient’s life. There are many neurological conditions and physiotherapy can help many of them.

Alzheimer’s disease takes away the declining years of many older people. It is surprising to note that it can occur in people 40 years old or younger. ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease is a disease that robs the brain and spinal cord of the ability to move. Both of these are neurological diseases that can be helped by physiotherapy.

MS, another of the neurological conditions that affects the brain and spinal cord, can lead to a long, slow decline. Parkinson’s disease is another of the neurological conditions of the brain. This one can cause shaking and loss of coordination, and problems moving and walking. Physiotherapy offers some relief to these patients.

Guillain Barre Syndrome is one of the types of neurological conditions that affect the brain and spinal cord too. It is a case of the person’s own immune system attacking outside these areas. It can be severe enough to require emergency hospitalization. Physiotherapy offers help with regaining strength and adapting to life with the disease.

Neurological conditions that are autoimmune diseases are difficult to treat. Myasthenia Gravis is one such illness. It causes muscular weakness because of a lack of communication between nerves and muscles. Like other neurological conditions, it can be very debilitating.

A great amount of physiotherapy is needed to help Myasthenia Gravis patients to live with their neurological conditions. This includes strength training, training in the use of supportive devices, and help with common tasks. One problem physiotherapists face when working with MG patients is that too much exercise will make their condition worse and not better.

Many of the patients with neurological conditions cannot carry on daily functions such as caring for themselves and their homes. It is not uncommon for these people to be unable to work. They may even have trouble walking or getting up and down stairs at all.

Difficulty swallowing or breathing; dizziness, poor balance and falls, and a total lack of endurance plague many of these patients who have neurological conditions. Medications or surgeries can help with some of their problems, but many problems are ones they will have to abide. Physiotherapy can offer solutions that other branches of medicine cannot.

Exercises, as in most physiotherapy, include strengthening and stretching exercises. In whatever way is possible, patients with neurological conditions need to get aerobic exercise. Physiotherapists may be able to make a plan so that this is possible.

Part of this plan for patients with neurological conditions would include balance training and coordination training. With these two skills in place, the patient will have a more advanced ability to do aerobic and other exercises. Aquatic exercise is also used.

Patients with neurological conditions must live with many problems of lack of movement and function. Physiotherapy can help them to overcome some of these problems. It can make their lives easier and more pleasant, besides.