The Lowdown on The 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak

The 2009 outbreak of swine flu or H1N1 virus is recently hugging the limelight due to the potential harm or effects it can have on a patient or on a community. Unfortunately, the source of the virus still cannot be traced.

Before the first case in the United States was discovered, the illness was believed to have started in Mexico which eventually spread to other countries. Recently, the first case of swine flu was reported in
Costa Rica. Alarmed that it could grow into a worldwide flu epidemic, the World Health Organization of the United Nations and the Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) in the United States raised its pandemic alert level to Phase 5, which signifies that a “pandemic is imminent.”
While experts believed that the recent outbreak is not as fatal as previous epidemics, such as the SARS virus, health officials believe that the number of cases could go up as the new flu is expected to make its way throughout the United States.

The new swine influenza strain is apparently a new variant of four strains of influenza A virus subtype H1N1. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one of the strain is endemic in humans and birds and a couple are endemic in pigs.

However, according to scientists the 2009 H1N1 outbreak is of swine origin which is associated with the virus isolated in North America in 1998. To hasten understanding of the current outbreak as well as in coming up with a vaccine, scientists from Canada have completed the full genetic sequencing of the H1N1 virus.

The new strain of H1N1 has become widespread in Mexico and the United States with confirmed cases in 18 countries and suspected cases in 42 others. Travelers have been warned not to travel to affected countries such as Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, to name a few.

In addition, warnings have also been issued warnings to visitors of countries affected by the outbreak. It is advisable for visitors to see the doctor right away if they experience flu-like symptoms.
In Mexico, schools, universities, and all public events were suspended from April 24 to May 6, 2009. In the United States, over 400 schools were closed as of May 3, 2009, which included schools in Texas and about 250,000 confirmed or probable cases.

Dr. Keiji Fukuda, who is the Assistant Director-General for Health Securiy and Environment of the World Health Organization confirmed that efforts to control the outbreak is already too late and should now focus on lessening the effects of the virus. He also clarified that closing borders or limiting travel to infected areas will do little in stopping the spread of the H1N1 virus.

On April 28, 2009, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that as much as possible, people should avoid non-important travel to Mexico.

According to Dr. Ira Longini, who is an expert in the mathematics and statistics of epidemics, staying at home, seeking medical care, closing public venues, and making anti-flu medicines accessible can help reduce the sickness by almost two-thirds.

Finally, according to Dr. Longini, the focus of efforts is to slow transmission until there is a vaccine that can be developed and made available for controlling swine flu outbreaks.

Swine Flu: Overview, Treatment, and Prevention

Swine flu is an illness that is affecting hundreds of individuals in the United States as well as worldwide. According to the CDC, the illness may take some more time. Since one is likely to become infected with the condition, they need to understand swine flu symptoms in order for them to obtain proper treatment or medicaion.

The Symptoms

The symptoms of H1N1 infection is similar to that of seasonal flu. Among the symptoms include cough, sore throat, running or stuffy nose, chills and fatigue, to name just a few. Several people infected with the virus have complained of diarrhea and vomiting. The high risk groups prone to H1N1 is not yet known at the moment but it is likely that they are similar to those suffering from seasonal influenza.

People at greater risk of serious side effects from seasonal flu include people more than 65 years old, children below 5 years old, pregnant women, and people with chronic medical consitions as well as those who are taking immunosuppressive medications or with HIV infection.

Avoid Social Contact

If you are feeling sick, your condition may last for more than a week. You should remain at home and refrain from making social contact. As much as possible, you should not communicate with other people to avoid the spread of the virus.

At the moment, the CDC believes that H1N1 has similar properties on the aspect of transmission with seasonal flu virus. If you go out of the house to consult your doctor, wear a mask or use a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

According to recent studies, people suffering from seasonal flu are at risk to transmit the disease a day prior to development of symptoms for up to seven days after getting sick.

Children are more likely to be at risk for a longer period of time so it is best to consult a healthcare provider.

Emergency Warning Signs

If you suddenly become sick and experience any of the following warning signs, this is your cue to seek emergency medical assistance.

In the case of children becoming ill due to H1N1infection, the following warning signs may require immediate medical attention:

* Fast or difficulty in breathing
* Bluish or gray colored skin
* Insufficient amount of liquids
* Severe or continuous vomiting
* Lack of sleep or interaction
* Irritability
* Recovery from flu-like symptoms but the symptoms come back with fever and worse coughing

Among adults, the following emergency warning signs demand immediate medical attention:

* Trouble with breathing or shortness of breath
* Abdominal pains or pressure in the chest
* The individual suddenly becomes dizzy
* The patient is confused
* Severe or continuous vomiting
* Recovery from flu-like symptoms but the symptoms come back with fever and worse coughing

Prevention Is The Best Treatment

You can do your part in preventing the spread of the H1N1 virus. Here are some tips on how you can take part in efforts for preventing the spread of infection.

* Be aware. Obtain information about H1N1 by visiting the website of the CDC.

* Use a tissue in covering your mouth and nose when sneezing. Afterwards, throw the tissue in the trash.

* With soap and water, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. If possible, use alcohol-based sanitizers.

* Refrain from touching your nose or mouth as this could lead to easy transmission of germs.

By being aware of swine flu symptoms, the spread of the H1N1 virus would easily be prevented.

Swine Flu Vaccine Close To Reality According to Experts

Officials of the Federal government believe that the swine flu vaccine that would protect all Americans from future H1N1 outbreaks would be available by January or late November at the earliest.

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wever, countries outside the United States and other nations that manufacture vaccines would take several years to generate sufficient vaccines to meet global demands.

Although manufacturing of the vaccine is faster than it was a few years back, it may still not be enough to prevent death and illness if the dreaded virus begins to spread and becomes virulent, experts predict.

In the United States, the main obstacle despite long years of effort remains to be the 50-year old technology they use in manufacturing flu vaccines. The Federal government had invested time and billions of dollars shifting to a quicker and more reliable method.

One such procedure involves cultivating the vaccine viruses in vats of cells instead of hen’s eggs. There are several small companies that are developing new methods that would pave the way for the creation of large volumes of vaccines in a span of weeks.

Dr. Greg Poland, who is the head of the vaccine research program at the Mayo Clinic, admits that the cell-based cultivation technology is not yet available while the never technologies have not yet been proven to satisfy most experts.

In addition, government officials have also not yet decided on whether or not H1N1 is a potential risk that demands production of vaccine. However, they are implementing the initial steps. Andrin Oswald, Chief Executive of the Vaccine Division of Novartis, revealed that one possible problem would be the manufacture of vaccines for swine influenza could hamper the production of seasonal flu vaccines for the coming winter. The most likely thing to do is to compromise, according to Oswald.

However, Robin Robinson, who manages the Emergency Preparation Research Program of the Department of Health and Human Services, believes that majority of manufacturing efforts of vaccine makers would have been completed by June.

According to Dr. Robinson, if the manufacture of the H1N1 vaccine would commence after that, the first 50 million to 80 million would be ready by September.

Dr. Robinson continued by saying that the entire 600 million doses, which are sufficient to give the required two shots for every American would be available by January. Adding the immune stimulant adjuvant to the vaccine could greatly reduce the required dosage, paving the way for the availability of the doses by the latter part of November.

The vaccine industry in the country is now very much capable of responding to the outbreak than it was five years back, when there were only two vaccine manufacturers and encountered a severe shortage. At present, there are five manufacturers supplying vaccines to the domestic market. The vaccine industry, which is used to be the backwater of the pharmaceutical industry, is generating new investments, as a result of government subsidies and higher cost for vaccines.

Despite of this, a World Health Organization and International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations revealed that it would still require four more years of manufacturing to meet global demands for a vaccine that would provide protection against bird flu strain that has been the major concern of health officials over the last few years.

Finally, the Federal government is encouraging manufacturers to shift their production in the United States, since all except Sanofi Aventis is now importing swine flu vaccines.

Detox by Bruce Fife to Detoxify Body, Stop Disease, Reverse

Detox by Bruce Fife to Detoxify Body, Stop Disease, Reverse Aging, and Improve Health

All the wealth in the world is useless if you’re unhealthy. You can’t enjoy your life if your body is weak and unable to function properly. You can miss all the wonderful things offered by our world today. Too exaggerated? Well, not likely. As much as you want to enjoy your life to the fullest, your body is constantly bombarded with harmful chemicals.

Where do these chemicals come from you might ask. In you dont know it yet, your body is loaded with harmful chemicals that came from the food you ate, the beverages that you’ve drank, the things you use to put up with your daily hygiene, the smoke from cars and cigarettes, and many more. Every day you are exposed to these harmful chemicals found all around you.

Although the body has a natural way of healing itself, and freeing itself from these harmful chemicals, sometimes it can’t handle the process alone. Most especially if the body already has acid build ups. If you lived an unhealthy lifestyle for many years now, you can expect that you have developed acid build ups, whether you like it or not.

It’s high time that you detoxify your body, and the time to act is now. Dont postpone it for later, otherwise you’ll find yourself experiencing many symptoms of diseases and other illnesses.

If you dont want to develop further any dreadful disease or illness, why not purchase a book by Bruce Fife. The second edition of his book on body detox costs no more than $20. If you want to start detoxifying your body, buy now, and you’ll get help from the expert.

Fife’s book has gained high ratings in many consumer reviews. The book is able to impart what detox does to your body. Regimens are usually followed to help you get rid of harmful and toxic substances from your body. As you know by now, toxins can be inhaled from the air that you breathe, and from the foods that you ingest. Some toxins are also produced inside the body, and if the body is not properly functioning, these toxins can’t be ousted which later on can cause certain body problems.

The book contains complete information as to how you are to go about your home detox program. The body’s system for natural detoxification needs some sort of support in order to function properly, and this home detox program can greatly help in restoring the body’s health, stop certain diseases that you now have, and reverse the signs of aging that you’ve been experiencing all this time. The body is rejuvenated, and you’ll be alive and kicking once again.

A diet which consists of all-natural foods is also featured in the book, including fasting among its chapters. The book teaches you how to go about fasting and other natural way of body detox.

There are however certain drawbacks on the book, like the author being a vegetarian. Some of the issues regarding eating only toxin-free foods which most people think as impossible and being a vegetarian himself were reflected in some of his biased discussions in some chapters of the book.

If you want to try complete home body detox, purchase the book. You’ll get a lot of help and important information.