The Alexander Technique of Physiotherapy

The Alexander Technique was invented by a man named F.M. Alexander. He lived from 1869-1955. He was an actor, touring Tasmania and Australia with a Shakespearean troupe. He began to have problems with his voice, and the rest is history.

When Alexander’s throat became extremely hoarse, he made the rounds of all the doctors where he was at any given time. None of them could help him. They could not find any physical reason for the problem. The Alexander Technique came about because the man would not take no for an answer.

Since there was no one to come to his aid, Alexander began watching his every move. He spent much time looking into mirrors, trying to determine what he might be doing wrong. Over a period of nine years, he came up with a solution: the Alexander Technique.

The system Alexander designed did the trick of restoring his voice. This was nothing short of a miracle for him. His voice was of utmost importance to him as an actor. He did not name the system the Alexander Technique, though. He named it primary control.

The hypothesis of the Alexander Technique is that the head, neck, and torso are the primary factors in determining function, movement, and posture. In other words, these body parts control these features of the human anatomy.

Through his observations, he learned that by compressing these body parts, the body did not work in accordance with its design. In his case, this led to poor posture, which resulted in the hoarseness of his voice. For others, he saw that there were other problems that the Alexander Technique, or primary control, could help.

Primary control, as Alexander used it was the correct positioning of the head, neck, and torso so that the body worked normally. Now, the Alexander Technique is being used in clinics around the country. It is taught to people who are young and people who are old. It is taught to anyone comes to be taught.

Alexander Technique practitioners usually work with people on an individual basis. Groups can sometimes be taught the Alexander Technique, but this is not standard practice. The key is for the practitioner to employ physiotherapy techniques and education to help the person to use their body better and function better overall.

The idea of the Alexander Technique is to provide a physiotherapy that will allow muscles to become relaxed. This is said to give people back the posture they should have had all along. The body is worked with the human form as a whole, and so doing the Alexander Technique is said to have effects for all parts of the body.

The Alexander Technique is a highly specialized area of physiotherapy. This technique addresses issues that are related to posture only, albeit there are many problems that are. It is generally not used for people with major disabilities or illnesses. Other forms of physiotherapy are better for those patients. However, for people with minor problems, the Alexander Technique has been known to work wonders.

How kidney stones are diagnosed

To avoid the pain brought by the development of kidney stones and its risks to your health, it is a must that you undergo immediate diagnosis once you suspect that there’s something wrong. The following are some of the steps to help you get diagnosis for kidney stones:

1. Go to a specialist. If you think that you are suffering from it, the first thing that you need to know is to consult a kidney specialist. He or she should administer diagnosis for kidney stones. Usually, the doctor will make a diagnosis of kidney stones using an assessment of the person’s clinical history. Here, he or she will ask a couple of questions that involve the person’s lifestyle, diet, fluid intake, past experience with kidney stones, and if there is possible family history of kidney stones.

This is very effective in the initial assessment of kidney stones in a person because it provides the doctor with information on what caused the stone formation. From here, the specialist can make a hypothesis or and “educated guess” and will refer you to undergo the needed medical procedures.

2. Undergo a thorough physical examination exam. Another effective means of diagnosing kidney stones is a thorough physical examination. Here, the specialist will run a series of physical tests that can help him or her determines conditions, which can put an individual at higher risk for kidney stone formation. Through a thorough physical examination, the doctor can discovers risks such as specific diseases and medical conditions, certain injuries, recent immobilization, and abdominal scars that might be effects of any previous medical procedure or surgery.

3. Opt for a laboratory study of your blood and urine. This is also another effective means of diagnosing kidney stones. During a laboratory evaluation, the person’s blood and urine samples will undergo thorough observation and studies. Collecting a sample of urine to be analyzed is called “urinalysis”. Urinalysis is one of the simplest tests to detect the presence of blood and bacteria present in the urine.

This is also done by the specialist or the attending assistant to accurately measure the levels and amount calciumwhich is the primary component of common kidney stoneselectrolytes, and uric acid as well as the other components in the samples. Aside from the acidity of the person’s urine, other components in the blood is also paid attention to ensure that there will be not further complications.

Other significant laboratory tests include blood tests for “creatinine” which evaluates the proper function of the kidney, the “BUN” and “electrolytes” which is used to detect levels of dehydration, “calcium” which is done to detect hyperparathyroidism, and a complete “blood count” which is primarily done to detect any infection in the person’s system. During the laboratory evaluation, the kidney stone sample is also collected to analyze and determine what type of is it stone. Knowing the type of kidney stone is important so the physician can plot the appropriate treatment for it as soon as possible.

4. Follow up the diagnosis with X-ray. Kidney stones can also be diagnosed through a possible follow-up with an X-ray evaluation. Here, the specialist or the assistant will use x-rays to identify the location of the kidney stone. Through x-ray, the size of stones and its number can be seen.

It may also help the doctor to identify which type of kidney stones is present in the person’s kidney.