Type I Diabetes Diet

According to the American Diabetes association and the American Dietetic Association, there are very specific guidelines regarding your diet if you have Diabetes and the following article will outline those guidelines for your Type I diabetes diet.

Diet is important when you have diabetes because the insulin you take helps control your blood sugar levels but cannot do it all by itself. You must follow a balanced Type I diabetes diet to be able to maintain consistent blood sugar levels throughout your day.

If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes and need to give yourself insulin shots everyday, or several times a day, then you should do yourself a favor and make sure that you start eating your meals at the same times every day. This will help you stabilize your blood sugar levels quicker and decrease any signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia (too much sugar in the blood stream), or hypoglycemia (too little sugar in the blood stream).

Keeping everything balanced is your best bet to making sure that your blood sugars remain stable. This is key to your continuing good health. Limit your carbohydrate intake and get some regular exercise, even if it is just a walk through the neighborhood everyday. These two things along with your regular monitoring of your blood sugar and taking the insulin as directed by your doctor will make managing your diabetes a lot easier.

Carbohydrates are also known as simple sugars. This means that when you eat them they are immediately converted to sugar for energy in your blood stream. When your pancreas is not working right, it cannot release insulin to combat the increase of sugar in your blood. This is why you need to give yourself insulin when you eat.

Planning your meals does not have to be a chore. To make it easier, sit down once a week and make up a menu for that week. Balance every meal with protein, carbs and a little fat. Once you have it all written down then making your grocery list is easy. Make sure you throw in some healthy snacks, too, and never, ever skip meals.

Your doctor will most likely refer you to a dietitian. They can help you figure out how to change your eating habits so you are getting all the nutrients you need and customize a meal plan to help control your blood sugar levels. If you follow all of their recommendations you really should be able to manage your diabetes quite well.

If, at any time, you have a question about something you want to eat and are unsure if you can, or should, call your doctor or dietitian to make sure that what you want to eat fits into your Type I diabetes diet. Keeping a close eye on everything you put into your mouth, getting some regular exercise, and working with your doctor to get to the right insulin dosage can keep you from having an unstable range of blood sugars and an increased risk of experiencing complications from diabetes.

Adult Onset Diabetes Diet

A good adult onset diabetes diet consists of a low carb, low-fat eating plan loaded with foods that have a low glycemic index. As a diabetic you need to eat healthy foods that will not cause your blood sugar to go up too high. If this does happens you will hear it referred to as a blood sugar spike and if it happens too often you may need to have your doctor adjust your insulin or your oral medication dosages.

Keeping your blood sugar on an even keel really is not that hard. Eating the right amount of food, with the right kinds of carbs balanced with protein and fats and eating each meal at as close to the same times everyday that you can is what is most important. The more consistent you are the more consistent your blood sugars will be.

If you are an overweight diabetic then using a low-glycemic index diet may even help you shed some extra pounds as well. Who knows, if you are a type II diabetic your diabetes may improve or even disappear altogether if you slim down. Give an adult onset diabetes diet a shot, what have you got to lose?

Carbs with a low-glycemic index are those made from whole grain. You can find whole grain in cereals, breads, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice. Try to stay away from refined carbs like white sugar and rice, they really have no significant nutritional value unless they are fortified which only means someone put back a portion of what they took out during processing in the first place.

Eat all natural foods and the fresher the better. Fruits and vegetables are a great way to get good carbs into your diet. Fruit has natural sugar in it and can bring your blood sugar up quite rapidly so always eat your fruit with some protein like peanut butter or yogurt to keep your blood sugar within range.

If you ever have an occasion when your blood sugar goes too low, called hypoglycemia, you need to get something in your system as quickly as you can. Most people drink some orange juice and, depending on how low their blood sugar is, mix in a little sugar.

I will go you one better though. If you can manage it at the time, eat a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Wash it down with some orange juice to give yourself an extra little boost but know that the honey will raise your blood sugar level quickly and then the peanut butter will help stabilize it so it does not act like a yo-yo.

Every one is different and while some people can still function quite well even when their blood sugar falls to 40 mg/dL others will have major symptoms when their blood sugar reaches 70 mg/dL.

Following an adult onset diabetes diet is the best way for you to keep your blood sugars from spiking and/or going too low. Be good to yourself and eat healthy to stay healthy.

Treatment For Hypoglycemia

The best treatment for hypoglycemia is very simple, eat food. Eat good food. Food that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates is best. The carbs won’t trigger more insulin to be released and the protein will hold your blood sugar steady.

Hypoglycemia can be a life threatening situation if left untreated. Seizures, unconsciousness, coma and death can occur if your blood sugar goes too low. The normal range for blood sugars is between 70 and 110mg/dl. If you fall below the 70 mark you can be in some serious trouble. Any lower and you may not be able to function enough to call for help and you also may not be able to help yourself. This is dangerous.

Do not hesitate to get something to eat if you start to feel symptoms. You may start with some blurred vision, or get a little shaky if you need to eat. These early symptoms are telling you to eat something, that your blood sugar needs to come up. If you fail to heed the early symptoms then you could be in some serious trouble in very short order. It does not take too long for things to go from bad to worse when it comes to your blood sugar. You can be fine one minute and then in the blink of an eye you could be on the floor unconscious.

Here is what you need to do as your personal treatment for hypoglycemia.

Change the way you eat. Replace those high carb, over processed foods that are so easy to make with some high protein, low carbs meal that you prepare yourself. Can’t cook? Learn, it’s easy!

Start reading the labels of the things you usually buy. I decided long ago that I would not eat any processed food that had more than 10 grams of carbs in it. There is not much out there that matches that criteria. Unless you make it yourself, that is.

Cooking for yourself is really no big deal. Go buy yourself a cookbook and just start to follow the recipes. Start with some simple meals and when you get proficient at them then try to branch out to more difficult meals. It just takes some practice, that’s all. The more you cook the less intimidated you will feel.

Fresh foods are best and there is so much variety out there you will never get bored with the same old things. Get creative. Try new things, look for new recipes online and even get good enough to create your own. You may find things you never knew you liked.

Believe it or not, stress can play a significant role in how your body metabolizes sugar. When you feel stress, your body releases hormones that affect the absorption of sugar into your blood cells. If the sugar doesn’t get absorbed into your blood cells the way it should to be used for energy then the insulin will help your body store the sugar as fat. The the excess insulin will cause you to have to find treatment for hypoglycemia.

Low Blood Sugar Diet

If you have frequent low blood sugar episodes then you should consider starting on a low blood sugar diet. You need to get you blood sugars under control otherwise you may find yourself in some serious trouble at some point. Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, can be a serious condition if not brought under control. Figuring out how to eat better is the best way for you to control your low blood sugar. Here’s what you do.

Plan out what you are going to eat throughout your day. This will make things easier for you so you don’t get so hungry and then have n o idea what to eat. Your best bet is to plan out several small meals that are easy to get to during the day. If you work then you may need to start carrying an insulated lunch box to keep the food you prepared close at hand. Buy a thermos to keep hot things,like soup, hot.

A high protein, low carbohydrate low blood sugar diet is best for you to learn to adjust and then maintain your low blood sugar. Stay away from things that are highly processed they are full of bad carbs. Also stay away from anything made with white sugar or white flour for the same reason.
If you do not consider yourself much of a cook, then learn. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. Learning to cook with fresh ingredients will help you keep your blood sugars under control.

Decreased carbs is great but how do you get and feel full? The easy answer is, fat. Be careful here though and make sure that you are using the right kinds of fat. Olive oil and canola oil are best. Anything that says ‘hydrogenated’ is bad. Fats will help you feel fuller, longer and slows the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. The slower the absorption the more stable the blood sugar.

A great way to see what foods are foods you react to when you have a low blood sugar episode, is to keep a food diary. Maybe you have done this in the past and already know what foods are your triggers, great! Then all you have to do is to learn to eat right to keep things under control. Avoid any of the foods that you react badly to, or, if you can’t stay away from them then just have them in moderation and make sure that you eat them with something that will help maintain your blood sugar level.

The reason that carbs are bad for you if you have low blood sugar, is because carbs immediately convert to sugar in your body during the digestion process. This sudden increase in blood sugar makes your pancreas pump insulin into your blood stream to try to control it. The problem arises when the blood sugar has been taken care of then there is still an overabundance of insulin in your blood stream and then here is where the trouble starts. With too much insulin and not enough sugar you have an insulin reaction, or, a low blood sugar episode. This can be prevented if you learn to live on a low blood sugar diet.