How to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

How to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is the term used for over 100 rheumatoid and joint related diseases, with the most common being Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The word arthritis refers to “joint inflammation” and rheumatoid arthritis is actually an attack on the immune system where the system turns on itself and attacks the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint pain and swelling, redness, warmth and can affect other organs of the body like skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, nerves or kidneys. Rheumatoid arthritis affects approximately 1% of the population, in which 75% of those diagnosed are women. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, but scientists attribute this disease to a combination of genetic, environmental and hormonal factors. With rheumatoid arthritis, something seems to trigger the immune system to attack itself. This could happen after a sudden trauma or a surgery, and the severity is not the same in all people. Some theories suggest that a virus or bacteria alter the immune system. Therefore, since the root cause of rheumatoid arthritis is so different from osteoarthritis, of course the treatment and remedies are different also.
Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed by a positive Rh factor, (a blood test), and x-rays that show rheumatoid deterioration in the joints. There are many different ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis, which include medication, rest, exercise and surgery. The medications fall into two specific categories, NSAIDs and DMARDs, and attempt to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation. Humira, one of the latest discoveries, attempts to isolate the diseased cells so they cannot reproduce and cause more harm.
In the past 10 years, alternative medicine has also taken a predominant place in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Some of these non-prescription methods include:
* ibuprofen
* herbs such as cat’s claw and white willow to reduce pain
* glucosamine and chondriton are used to promote new cartilage growth
* warm baths in Epsom Salts
* application of menthol ointment to the affected joints
Rheumatoid arthritis is not to be taken lightly or ignored, so investigate the treatments and choose the best for yourself.
About the Author
Learn more about arthritis and what you can do to treat it: go to Arthritis Relief and Prevention

Concerned about Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Concerned about Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Mike Herman

Arthritis is the term used for over 100 rheumatoid and joint related diseases, with the most common being Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The word arthritis refers to “joint inflammation” and rheumatoid arthritis is actually an attack on the immune system where the system turns on itself and attacks the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint pain and swelling, redness, warmth and can affect other organs of the body like skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, nerves or kidneys.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects approximately 1% of the population, in which 75% of those diagnosed are women. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, but scientists attribute this disease to a combination of genetic, environmental and hormonal factors.
With rheumatoid arthritis, something seems to trigger the immune system to attack itself. This could happen after a sudden trauma or a surgery, and the severity is not the same in all people. Some theories suggest that a virus or bacteria alter the immune system. Therefore, since the root cause of rheumatoid arthritis is so different from osteoarthritis, of course the treatment and remedies are different also.
Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed by a positive Rh factor, (a blood test), and x-rays that show rheumatoid deterioration in the joints. There are many different ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis, which include medication, rest, exercise and surgery. The medications fall into two specific categories, NSAIDs and DMARDs, and attempt to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation. Humira, one of the latest discoveries, attempts to isolate the diseased cells so they cannot reproduce and cause more harm.
In the past 10 years, alternative medicine has also taken a predominant place in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Some of these non-prescription methods include:
* ibuprofen
* herbs such as cat’s claw and white willow to reduce pain
* glucosamine and chondriton are used to promote new cartilage growth
* warm baths in Epsom Salts
* application of menthol ointment to the affected joints
Rheumatoid arthritis is not to be taken lightly or ignored, so investigate the treatments and choose the best for yourself. About the Author
Are You Concerned About Rheumatoid Arthritis or a Type of Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Early Treatment

When diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, many patients instinctively prepare for a life filled with pain. Yes, this may be true in some cases. But, a growing number of rheumatologists now believe that this form of arthritis can literally be stopped in its tracks. According to the popular Arthritis Today magazine, this is a growing theory. So, what does it mean for you?

If you suspect you are suffering from arthritis, it is important to seek immediate medical care. Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, sleep troubles, and decreased mobility. Treatment options do vary, but a proper diagnosis is key. There are over one hundred different types of arthritis. Although the treatments are similar, a diagnosis is important. Start with your primary care physician. He or she may later suggest you visit an arthritis specialist, also commonly known as a rheumatologist.

Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis typically include over-the-counter pain medication. This is to lessen the severity of the pain. Unfortunately, this relief is short lived. That is why many prescribe medication. When taken overtime, these medications work to combat arthritis. As for the importance of early treatment, the Arthritis Today magazine highlighted a study performed on the drug Humira. It showed that those diagnosed early were more likely to enter into remission in as little as two years!

Another important aspect of treatment is exercise. Excessive use of the troublesome joints can trigger pain. For that reason, patients need to start slow. For example, a patient suffering from arthritis of the fingers should move and stretch their fingers daily. Pain is likely at first, but the more a joint is safely and slowly worked, the more improvements patients are likely to see. Low impact exercises relieve joint stiffness and lessen the likelihood of deformities.

In addition to exercise, healthy eating is important. Combined, the two should result in weight loss. Not all arthritis sufferers are overweight, but some are. This increases pain, as the extra body weight applies more pressure to joints. With some patients, the pain is trigged by certain foods. Most see success by eliminating or reducing meat and dairy intake. In terms of natural remedies, nothing is scientifically proven, but many patients report relief after consuming pineapples, cayenne pepper, raw cabbage, and coldwater fish.

As for why early treatment is important, it slows the progression of the disease. Juveniles are the only individuals likely to outgrow rheumatoid arthritis. For adults, the disease will only progress and get worse, especially without treatment. The health complications are far too great to not give treatment a chance. These health complications may include disability, severe limitations in mobility, and deformities.

Although a growing number of arthritis experts do agree that early treatment can stop or slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, many have cause for concern. For example, an average window of opportunity is two years. Many believe that once those two years have passed patients will mistakenly believe they are past the point of no return and that treatment is useless. It is not. Treatment will reduce or temporarily eliminate many of the symptoms of arthritis. So, many will push for treatment regardless.

While there is little scientific proof that early treatment can stop rheumatoid arthritis in its tracks, it is worth the chance. As previously stated, all patients should undergo treatment. Whether that treatment comprises of over-the-counter products, prescribed medications, herbal supplements, or exercise, treatment can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. If you are able to stop the disease in its tracks, just consider that the icing on the cake.


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Wouldn’t You Like To Know The Latest News on Arthritis

Wouldn’t You Like To Know The Latest News on Arthritis
Mike Herman

Arthritis is a serious problem for millions of Americans, but
the latest news on arthritis offers some new hope to those who
suffer from this disease. Arthritis means joint inflammation and
there are about 100 different forms of arthritis.

Scientists are not sure even today how many of the types of
arthritis originate, besides the wear and tear on the joints
that comes with age.

Juvenile arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two types of
rheumatoid arthritis that begin with the immune system attacking
itself. NSAIDs and DMARDs are the two categories of medications
that are used to treat most types of arthritis, but the latest
news in prescriptions is with the rheumatoid arthritis.

The medication is known as Humira, and it works by isolating the
diseased cells and blocking them from reproducing, therefore
pain is reduced.

Humira is self-injected with a disposable needle similar to
those used for diabetes, and is taken every 2 weeks.

There are many homeopathic remedies that can be found in the
latest news on arthritis.

No prescription is needed for these treatments and can be found
in your local health food or nutrition store.

The benefits include no possibility of overdosing, virtually no
side effects, and you are able to combine whichever treatments
work the best for your individual system.

In short, you have control over the disease and your recovery.

The latest news on arthritis is glucosamine, chondriton, MSM and
shark cartilage.

Research shows that they are beneficial in promoting the
cellular structure of the joint, specifically the tendons and

Allow 2-3 weeks for them to be absorbed into your system, and
then you can combine to get the desired results.

The latest news on arthritis shows that 10’s of 1000’s of
arthritis suffers are getting relief while supporting growth in
their joints.

In addition, studies show that by adding omega-3’s & 6’s and
antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, the effects are increased
even more.

Natural treatments are being used more and more in relieving the
pain that arthritis sufferer’s share.

Multitudes of information on the latest news on arthritis can be
found by surfing the web for the latest research.

About the author:
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